Chapter 1

Be Somebody's Fool {BTS - Yoonmin}

It’s a Thursday night when Jimin heads back to his apartment after a late night study session with his best friend Taehyung. By the time he leaves it’s past midnight and the campus is eerily silent as he shuffles his feet across the glistening pavement. It had just rained, the resulting sky black and intimidating, and Jimin can’t help but feel uneasy as he walks back with justified haste. He slows down occasionally, checking behind him and feeling like he's being watched. Maybe it was his time with Taehyung, or the stories he’s been told about attacks on campus, but he feels like he should’ve just stayed at Taehyung's place regardless. They had studied for maybe an hour or so and then proceeded to spend the rest of their time together playing Call of Duty, and Jimin is feeling jittery with the video game induced adrenaline still running through his system. 


He begins walking with a renewed feeling of dread when he hears a noise from the opening to a nondescript alley behind him. 


He thinks absently that he never should have let Taehyung convince him to come to this city. If he gets killed, he decides to blame his obnoxious best friend. ‘It’ll be fun,’ Taehyung had said, ‘it’s totally safe, Jiminie.’ In hindsight, he really should have never trusted Taehyung’s word on the subject, but he guesses that’s what he gets for trusting someone who thinks it would be fun to be held at gunpoint. 


He continues to walk, clutching the straps of his backpack tightly. He’s walking past another alley when he notices quiet approaching footsteps behind him. He feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as a cold feeling of dread settles in his stomach. He wants to look behind him and see who is there, but that would mean he would have slow down. He really just wants to get back home, so he decides to keep walking, praying that he's not going to end up getting mugged in the street at midnight.


He walks for a few more minutes before the footsteps get louder and quicker, coming closer behind him. He panics and begins to quicken his pace, breaking out into a quick run when he hears the footsteps getting even closer. He doesn't realize that he's walking into a dead end until he is suddenly met with a tall brick wall, and finds himself closed off having missed his turn a few streets back. He begins to slow his steps as he gets to the wall, all while feeling utterly petrified and clutching the straps of his backpack, as if that would protect him from the person behind him. 


He stops, facing the wall, and hears the footsteps stop as well. His body feels frozen as he tries to will himself to turn around and face the person who followed him. Craning his neck slowly, he swallows nervously, but does gets a glimpse of the person standing behind him. It’s a man, maybe slightly older than him from his height and build, wearing a hoodie and holding something in his right hand. 


Jimin turns around fully, his heart feeling like it’s beating out of his chest. He can’t see the man’s face as he just stands there unmoving with his head titled down, his face covered by a hood. When Jimin is fully facing him, the man tilts his head up slightly and Jimin can see him smirking just under the hood of his large sweatshirt. Jimin’s blood turns to ice and the man lifts his right hand, the object he holds glinting silver in the light of the streetlight. Jimin panics as the man lifts his arm up and points a gun right at Jimin’s forehead. 


Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thinks it’s sort of poetic; he’s going to die living out one of Taehyung’s ing es.


Jimin stands there petrified, his hands no longer clutching his backpack but down by his side. The man doesn't move, just keeps the gun pointed at Jimin’s frozen form.


The man eventually speaks, his voice low and rough. 


‘You really shouldn't be out in these parts at night, kid.’


Jimin can’t help himself when he replies; maybe he's been around Taehyung for too long. ‘I’m not a kid, ,’ he responds as steadily as he can, though some shakiness seeps into his voice.


He realizes his mistake only after. The man doesn't reply, but he can see the man’s lips morph into a confused snarl. Jimin just stands there, still feeling scared, and figuring he's going to die by a gunshot to his cranium in the middle of the night.


‘You’re playing with fire, ,’ he snarls, stepping forward and pressing the gun, which Jimin now notices has a silencer on it, harder against Jimin’s forehead.


Jimin bites out a low noise against the feel of the cold metal pressing down on his forehead, feeling angry as well as scared, but not acting, and just waiting for it to be over.


The man pauses, his mouth curling back into a smirk, and he grips Jimin’s throat with his left hand and pushes his back against the wall. ‘Fight back!’ the man yells suddenly, his mouth back to a snarl. Jimin chokes and feels like he has whiplash, both from the impact of his spine against the bricks and the man’s shifting expressions and actions. 


Jimin just blinks at him, tears forming in his eyes as he feels his breath become shorter as breathing becomes harder. It’s then he notices a dark shape come into view, just under the streetlamp a few meters in front of him behind his attacker. Another man it seems, his head of blond hair shining in the light as he holds a cigarette up to his lips.


‘I told you not to come to this area, they’re just college students’ blonde-man speaks up, a slight slur to his accented words as he leans against the far wall of the alley.


The man in front of him turns around quickly, almost dropping the gun from his hands, his mouth opened in shock. Jimin gasps as the man’s hand falls from his neck, finally being able to breathe.


‘The are you doing here?’ The man shouts, swiftly pulling his hood off of his head, revealing dark hair and not in fact a man, but a teenager


Jimin stands there, his breathing labored and raspy, not really knowing what to do as he watches on, still terrified.


The blonde newcomer pushes off from the wall, and saunters closer to where the hooded boy is still stood in front of Jimin. Jimin can see his face better as he gets closer, and he accidentally makes eye contact with the man. His intense gaze bores into Jimin with an intensity that makes his blood freeze, the man’s dark eyes widening slightly, before he glances away with a thunderous frown, flicking his cigarette and stepping on it with his foot. The action is familiar in some way, terrifying Jimin further. 


The boy still stands there, scowling, as he clicks a switch on his gun, pulling it down but still keeping it in his hand by his side.


‘You disobeyed,’ blonde-man says simply, tilting his head, a sharp sardonic smirk on his lips. The boy just scoffs, waving his gun around in a dismissing gesture which makes another stab of fear run through Jimin. 


,’ the boy bites out, letting out a heavy sigh. ‘What do I do with him then? Blow his ing brains out?’ he asks, scratching his head with his gun with a frustrated nonchalance that makes Jimin feels like he's in one of his nightmares, standing there while the boy who almost shot him decides what to do with him.


Jimin decides that this situation is just too much, and he really doesn’t have time. If they're not gonna try to rob him, he wants to get the away from these people.


Please,’ he gets out, ‘I’ll just leave, if that’s okay’ he says, quietly, so the trigger-happy boy doesn't get any ideas. He doesn't wait for a response and goes to take a tentative step away from the boy when a hand shoots out and shoves his shoulder back, hard, against the wall.


Jimin feels his heart rate speed up as the boy’s eyes glare into his own.


‘Oh, no, we’re not done here,’ the boy spits out, his hand hard and unforgiving on Jimin shoulder, keeping him in place against the wall. Jimin’s heartbeat stays elevated, uneasiness curling in his gut as he remembers getting almost chocked minutes before. He doesn't know what will happen, but regardless of how this boy looks, he certainly seems dangerous and intimidating close up. 


Jimin has never been good with being intimidated, especially not by teenagers. So, Jimin makes a decision, and a possibly life-threatening one at that. 


He swiftly pull his knee upwards, aiming right for the boy’s crotch. With the boy being slightly taller than Jimin, his knee hits its mark, and the boy buckles to the ground with a pained groan, his hand slipping off of Jimin’s shoulder. Jimin counts this as a victory, and sidesteps the crumpled form of the boy on the floor. He briefly glances at the boys face, his brow furrowed in pain and his eyes closed. 


He’s attractive, Jimin notices. What a shame, Jimin thinks as he makes quick work of stepping away from his armed mugger. His heartbeat is still pounding, but he feels like he has a chance of getting away. He goes to run when movement catches his eye.


The blonde man throws his head back and barks out a quick sharp laugh as he sees the boy go down, startling Jimin. He had forgotten about him standing there.


The man makes eye contact with Jimin, and he notices that this man is attractive too, with sharp eyes and pale shining skin. ‘You know, I’m tempted to just let you go’ the blonde man says pensively, a small smirk on his face, still staring into Jimin’s eyes with a look that makes Jimin’s throat go dry.


‘Please?’ Jimin asks, still looking at the blonde man, who crosses his arms, his gaze turning thunderous once again as he looks beyond Jimin at the crumpled form of the other boy. 


’Hm, well I can’t just do that without getting something in return’ the blonde man says, his eyes turning dark as he narrows his eyes over at Jimin. ‘Give me all the cash you have on you, and I’ll let you go’


. Jimin is dirt-ing-poor.


Well, I would love to, uh, but, I-I kinda don’t have any?’ Jimin manages, now fearing the worst from this man, who looks much more intimidating than the boy still crumpled on the floor, even though the blonde is of equal height to Jimin.


The man just looks at him, brow furrowing in confusion.


Jimin decides to elaborate.’I’m in college, I live day to day eating ing ramen, all the while going to a school that costs thousands. I have a few coins and a ing Froyo loyalty card that’s valid for a few yogurt. That’s the best I can do?’


The blonde man just looks at him blankly, and huffs out a disbelieving laugh.


‘I.. fine. Is it a loyalty card for that place by 23rd?’ The blonde man asks, rubbing his hand over his face and sighing, a crumpled look on his face, which strikes Jimin as oddly vulnerable. He eventually looks Jimin in the eyes.




‘Fine, hand it over and I’ll let you go,’ he says eventually, his face now blank, revealing nothing. Jimin does not know if he can trust him to keep his word, but he figures it’s his best chance.


Jimin is not stupid, but rather smart when he wants to be, so he quickly takes out his wallet from his back pocket and rummages around for the loyalty card, sadly the most valuable thing he has on him right now. 


He finds it among a bunch of receipts and quickly pulls it out and hands it over to the blonde man, who quickly reaches out with a tattooed hand and goes to take it. Jimin glances at the tattoos quickly getting a glimpse at only one of them, a capital B next to a black silhouette of a gun, before the man pulls his hand away and pockets the card. 


‘Alright, go,’ blonde-man says, and running a hand through his hair, ‘Oh, and if you breathe a word to anyone about this, I will know,’ he says, the threat subtle, but received by Jimin.


Jimin just nods in understanding, putting his wallet back in his pocket and glancing back at the blonde man. He decides that he's had enough for one night, and makes to leave. He only walks a few feet when the man stops his with a firm grasp on his arm.


‘I’m being serious. Remember that,’ he says simply, tilting his head forward, his dark lined eyes gazing into Jimin’s with a startling intensity. Jimin swallows, his heart beating faster, and nods quickly. 


The man lets his arm go, and steps back. Jimin briefly glances back to where the dark haired boy was, and sees him standing there, hood off, looking at Jimin with his brow furrowed, looking almost confused. Jimin quickly looks away, and makes off out of the alley, thankfully, with his life.


He gets a few meters away when he hears taking, but he doesn’t look back, and instead keeps walking away. 








After walking away from his near-death experience, he finds himself not wanting to go home despite the late hour. If he goes back to his apartment, his attackers might follow him there, and he really doesn't want that.


He thinks of going back to Taehyung’s place, but is worried that they might follow him there as well. His fears are obsolete when he remembers that he can take a bus to Taehyung’s place, narrowing the chance of being followed. He decides to head to the nearest bus station and wait there. 


While he waits, he pulls out his phone from his pocket, the cracked screen glinting in the yellow streetlight, and texts Taehyung to tell him that he's coming back while he waits in the late night chill for the bus to arrive. 


hey, are u still up?? 


Jimin watches his breath make wispy white clouds in the air as he waits for Taehyung to reply.


chim, I'm nocturnal, of course

whats up?


Jimin sighs at his response, and sends him quick reply.


im coming back to ur place now, i almost died



Taehyung just sends a winking emoji, and Jimin puts his phone away as his bus arrives. It comes to a stop, the brakes screeching as the driver stops and opens the door, regarding Jimin with a side glance as he goes to step on. The driver seems like he may ignore him, but instead does a double take and furrows his brow. It’s then that Jimin remembers he doesn’t have money for the fare. 


The bus doors close behind him and he just stands on the steps, looking at the driver with a sheepish expression. The drivers is a young looking man, older looking than Jimin, but still maybe in his 20s. He looks at Jimin oddly, thick black framed glasses perched in his nose. 


‘I-I just kinda got mugged…sort of. I don’t have any money. Can you let me on?’ Jimin sighs, a slight pleading lilt to his voice that he can’t help.


The driver just looks him up and down, at his pajamas and disheveled state, and nods, gesturing for him to get on, and Jimin sends him a grateful look in return.


‘You’re the only one here kid, so you better be okay to talk. This ing job is boring as all hell’, the bus driver says, pushing his glasses back higher up on his nose, and looking back at Jimin with an intense expression as the bus starts to pull away from the stop.


Jimin smiles slightly ‘I don't know how interesting I am, so I can’t promise anything. But I do know I’m getting off at South stop next to the grocery store,’ he says as he takes a seat at the front row just behind driver. 


The driver nods ‘Well, alright, I can roll with that. But first I got a question; what're you doing around here this late? You go to the university or something?’ the drivers asks with that same indecipherable on his face, making eye contact with Jimin through the rear view mirror. Jimin wonders just how many strange people he can encounter in one night


Jimin eventually nods, and rubs a hand over his face. ‘Yeah, I do. I’m just going back to my apartment,’ he lies.  


The driver hums and nods, looking back at the road. 


‘Well, I’m Namjoon, it’s nice to meet you,’ the driver starts, ‘You mentioned you got sort of mugged?’ 


Jimin sighs again, leaning his head down into his hands and feeling very weary and like he wants to cry. ‘Yeah, uh, not really. But sort of? It’s just been a weird night,’ he mumbles.


The driver nods again. ‘Well, I’m not gonna pry kid. I’m gonna play some music, that alright?’ 


Jimin nods, hopefully getting some of the thankfulness he's feeling across. He feels like he can’t really think about much right now, as he finally relaxes a bit since he left Taehyung’s house. The driver, Namjoon, starts some quiet rap music and Jimin lets himself relax more as he waits for his stop.








He reaches the stop by Taehyung’s apartment soon, and says good-bye to Namjoon, who gives him a lazy wave and tells him to stay out of dark alleys, but Jimin really doesn’t need to be told twice. 


The bus drives away, and Jimin makes the short walk down the road to Taehyung’s block. He gets a there within a few minutes of quick walking. He go up to the door and clicks the buzzer with Taehyung’s name written on it in blocky letters. Taehyung’s voice comes through the speaker a few seconds later


‘Hello, you've reached the one and only Kim Taehyung. Is this Park Jiminie?’ Taehyung’s loud voice comes through the speaker, and Jimin feels relief at finally being back somewhere safe.


‘Yeah, let me in,’ Jimin says impatiently. The chill of the night has gotten worse and Jimin would like to be inside and safe.


‘Alright Chim, one second’ he chirps.


The door buzzes, and Jimin pushes it open quickly, relishing in the warmth of the building. He heads up the stairs quickly, and soon reaches Taehyung’s door, which is already open and letting yellow light spill into the hallway. Taehyung is standing in the doorway in black shorts and a tank top, a Kukamon hat on his head covering his brown hair.


He opens the door further when Jimin approaches, and gestures for him to walk inside, closing the door behind them.


Jimin immediately drops his backpack on Taehyung’s ugly couch, and face-plants down on it with a self-suffering groan. Taehyung snorts out a laugh and sits on the floor by the couch. Taehyung just rubs his back in sympathy.


‘Wanna tell me what happened Jiminie? Not that I’m not glad that you’re back here so soon, but you look kinda terrible,’ Taehyung says sweetly, leaning closer to Jimin’s head. Jimin grumbles something unintelligible, and he hears Taehyung lean even closer to hear him. Jimin pulls his head up grabs Taehyung’s face with both of his hands, an undoubtedly crazy look on his face.


‘I lived one of your ing es’ Jimin hisses out as he holdsTaehyung’s head. Taehyung’s eyes widen, and his mouth falls open. His expression morphs quickly to intense curiosity as he sits up fully, pulling Jimin’s hands into his own.


‘You were abducted by aliens? Holy ,’ Taehyung gasps, his eyes still wide, dropping Jimin’s hands and gripping him by the shoulders. Jimin puts his head in his hands and groans. He looks back up after a moment to see Taehyung’s anticipation clear on his face.


No, you , I was held at gunpoint’ Jimin says exasperatedly, rolling his eyes and leveling him with a glare even though he feels tears prick at his eyes.


‘Oh my god, how? What happened?’ Taehyung says quickly, grabbing Jimin’s shoulders harder from his place on the floor, his eyes intense.


Jimin just aims a confused look at Taehyung, his eyebrows hopefully speaking volumes about his confusion. ‘I don't really know, Tae, two guys just came out of nowhere and pointed a gun at me. Well, one of them did. I kneed that one in the crotch and they let me go. But I had to give them my in’ Froyo card? I don’t know,’ Jimin ends his explanation dejectedly, his shock making him feel somewhat numb and tired. 


Taehyung gasps, pulling Jimin up into a tight hug. Leave it to Taehyung to be shocked and appalled by the most minute part of the story. He wonders in the back of his mind if Taehyung acts like this to help him feel better. He thinks he might, so he doesn’t question it. 


‘I’m so sorry Jiminie, you worked really to get that card, I know how special that place is to you,’ Taehyung cries, overly dramatically as usual, pulling Jimin in closer to him and the back of his head. 


Jimin sighs. ‘I know. I really did work hard to get that thing. Seven times I went there, Tae. Seven times, Tae. For some reason I just really loved that place’ Jimin murmurs, pulling away from the hug and looking at his best friend sadly. 


Taehyung’s face suddenly shutters and turns more serious. ‘But really, are you okay, Jimin-ah?’ he asks hesitantly, his gaze uncharacteristically dark. This gives Jimin pause while he keeps his gaze locked with Taehyung’s.


He’s fine, he thinks. Shaken up maybe, but he didn't get shot, so he feels sickly fortunate.


He gives Taehyung a nod, who returns the nod with vigor, a hesitant smile on his face as his Kukamon hat bounces down and slides off his head, revealing his unruly brown hair underneath. He doesn't speak again, and instead darts up and away from the couch and into his small kitchen.


Taehyung’s head pops out from inside the kitchen a few moments later. ’Oh, I still have questions for you, but I will let you sleep, little prince’ he says sweetly with a boxy smile. 


He just hums an affirmative noise as Taehyung’s head disappears back into the kitchen, his Kukamon hat laying forgotten on the floor where it had fallen off. 


Jimin finally just sits back down, relaxing completely into Taehyung’s monstrosity of a couch. He still feels a bit numb, but at the same time, he feels more than relieved. He got out with his life, which was more than he was expecting to get to with. Though he probably shouldn’t have antagonized the dark-haired boy, he got away. He wants to relax, but the feeling of unease lingers a bit longer. 


He eventually decides to let it slip from his mind as he feels his eyes droop shut, his body melting, comfortably, into the couch. He lets out a sigh and finally lets sleep claim him.







All he can see is red, red painting the glistening pavement, red dripping into his eyes. There is a body in from of him. Who is it? Wait. No. 


His head spins. 


It’s him. His dark hair catching the light, the red soaked through it glistens, just like the pavement. It makes him sick. He feels horror to his core, watching as someone approaches from his left. The glint of the far off streetlight on steel makes him panic. No.


He forgot how much it hurt. He watches as the red drips from his eyes. He’s crying? No, he can’t cry. He only bleeds. 


‘I love you’ he whispers at the figure on the pavement, his vision blurred, the pale skin of his love the only thing visible among the red. 


He hears someone yell. He wants to yell too, but he can’t. His ears ring.


Then, he sees black. 








‘Jimin’ a voice whispers next to his right ear.


A pause.




Another pause. 


‘Jimin!’ the voice says, loudly, making Jimin’s eye snap open, disoriented as he stares up into the boxy-smiled face of his best friend. His dream, barely there, floats in his mind. He feels sick, but the feeling fades fast. He’d had another nightmare. 


He lets out a pained groan, stretching his hands up over his head and feeling his bones creak in protest. He must have fallen asleep on the couch, he realizes. Taehyung’s face disappears from his field of view, and he hears him walking around the couch. He leaves the room briefly as Jimin sits up, rubbing his eyes, and feeling just a little bit like death, his head pounding.


Taehyung returns a few minutes later with a bundle of clothes in his hands.


‘You left these here one time, but they're probably clean? Just go shower. We’re going out for breakfast,’ Taehyung finishes with his signature smile, and Jimin perks up just a bit more. He gets up off the couch eventually, his limbs still feeling heavy, and takes the clothes from Taehyung, who just pats his head and disappears off to another part of the apartment. 


Jimin makes his way over to Taehyung’s small bathroom lethargically and finally takes a shower, fully waking up and trying not to think about the night before. 


After he's showered and dressed, he and Taehyung leave for their favorite place to eat. It’s a small diner at the corner by Taehyung’s apartment which has great homely food. It’s their favorite place to eat after tough times, and Jimin already feels better at the prospect of eating there.


They quickly cross the street and head into the place and out of the Friday morning chill. Jimin shivers, and pulls off his jacket as they go to sit down. They're almost to their regular booth when Jimin sees someone already sitting there, wrapped in a familiar pink scarf. He feels himself smile as he goes up to greet him.


‘Jin-hyung!’ he calls out, waving his hands excitedly at his friend. He can hear Taehyung laugh at him from the side. 


‘Jimin!’ Seokjin calls out in return, a smile on his handsome features as he gets up and goes to hug Jimin. Jimin returns the hug fully, excited to see his friend again. He had been on a trip across the country for a few weeks, and he must have finally returned. Jimin lets go, slapping him on the shoulder good-naturedly, which makes Seokjin smile in return. 


‘Ah, why didn't you tell me you were back?’ he asks with a whining lilt to his voice, though still smiling as they all sit down into their regular booth. Jimin sits on one side of the booth across from Taehyung and Seokjin.


‘I just got back this morning actually, and Tae here sent me a text just after asking to meet up if I was in town,’ Seokjin says simply, stifling a yawn and resting his head in his right hand. Jimin feels a bit bad, he must be very tired.


‘Ah, hyung, you didn’t have to come, I can see you're tired’ Jimin says, feeling slightly guilty. Before Seokjin can reply, Taehyung pipes in, leaning over the table.


‘Actually Jiminie, I told him about last night. It’s his loving concern that has him seated right here in front of you,’ Taehyung says, patting Jimin on his head.


Jimin shoots him a quick glare, and turns to Seokjin, who he can see has a pinched look in his face. Jimin wonders what Taehyung told the older man; he can only imagine he didn’t tell him the full story.


‘Are you okay Jimin? Taehyung just told me you had a run in with some guys…’ Seokjin trails off, concern coating his usually collected voice as he gives Jimin an equally concerned look. Jimin starts when he sees tears glistening in Seokjin’s eyes. 


Jimin just lets out a sigh. Taehyung is making Jimin break the news of being held at gunpoint to Seokjin, the same person who cries at sad animal movies, wears soft pink scarves, and loves his friends. He’s going to kill Taehyung.


Seokjin just gives him a patient look, unshed tears in his eyes, obviously not letting up until Jimin tells him about what happened. Jimin lets out a sigh, and prepares himself for the lecture about to happen when he tells Seokjin.


‘-I was..uh, sort of held at gunpoint..’ he starts and Seokjin’s eyes widen and his mouth hangs open, a disbelieving expression on his face. Jimin quickly continues, ‘It wasn't bad!’ He shakes his head, trying to be convincing. ’They only took a loyalty card, and waved a gun around at me. It could have been worse?’ He finishes, wincing when he sees Seokjin’s eyes glistening more as the serious expression on his face morphs into acute shock.


‘Jimin, I’m so sorry. A-are you okay?’ he asks, reaching his hand over the table, taking Jimin’s smaller hands in his, his eyes sympathetic and concerned. Jimin feels his stomach drop at Seokjin’s reaction. He was expecting a lecture, not this. 


‘-Oh I’m fine, really, don't worry, Jin-hyung. It was just some kid who tried to rob me or something but I kicked him and got away? It was probably the strangest experience I've ever had.’ Jimin says quickly, hand on the back of his neck as he recalls the previous night.


‘Wait, so he just let you go?’ Seokjin asks, his face turning confused as he regards Jimin intensely, waiting for him to explain further.


‘Well, yeah. There was someone else there, a blonde guy, spoke with a kinda, I don't know, Daegu accent? He told me he would let me go if I gave him all the cash I had on me, but c’mon, I’m in college; I don't know what he expected. I just handed over my Froyo card, he seemed to know the place, and then he let me go. The other guy just stood there looking at me, but he didn't do anything either.’ Jimin explains, wanting to clear up his experience and tell it for how it was, though he decidedly left out just how scared he has been. ‘Oh and the blonde guy seemed to be, scolding the younger guy? I honestly don’t know.’


Taehyung barks out a laugh, and ruffles Jimin’s hair affectionately, before then putting an arm over Seokjin’s broad shoulders making them look like concerned parents. Seokjin himself hadn't said anything else yet, but Jimin notices that he looks like he's thinking hard.


After a brief pause, Seokjin speaks up.


‘Wait, so they were Korean?’ he pauses again ‘Did you say anything to them? Why the hell would that guy just let you go?’ Seokjin questions, brow furrowing even more ‘Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you're okay, god bless… but what the hell, Jimin-ah. ‘ Seokjin says finally, his eyes narrowing in thought, looking pensive, but not nearly as shocked as he had before.


‘I didn't say much, I guess, and yeah I think they were Korean? The first guy, well more like kid, he looked about 18 or 19, told me I was playing with fire’ Jimin does a mockery of the guys voice, all low and threatening. Taehyung snorts. ‘Then, I don't know, I just kept quiet,Jimin finishes, shrugging, feeling a little bit stupid.


Taehyung lets out a loud laugh, while Jimin just glares at him.


‘Tae, this is serious–’ Seokjin chastises ‘–Is that it? He didn’t do anything else?’ he asks, frowning and crossing his arms over his chest, his fluffy pink scarf puffing up and making him look very much like a pissed off child.


‘No, Jin-hyung.’ Jimin lies. He doesn’t want to tell Seokjin anything else, like what the boy called him, the boy’s snarled ‘ ringing unpleasantly in Jimin’s mind. ‘I’m still alive, hyung, you don’t have to worry’ Jimin adds weakly, hoping he’s convincing. 


‘That’s not what I’m worried about, and you know it,’ Seokjin chastises with a displeased furrow of his brow.


Jimin just nods. ‘Can we order now please?’ He asks sighing. 


‘Yes, but this isn't the end of this conversation. We’ll continue it when you're feeling better.’ Seokjin says finally, leveling both Taehyung and Jimin with a serious look, one that feels like it goes deeper than he is letting on. Jimin notices Seokjin’s likely hiding anger, but at what exactly, he is uncertain.


Jimin nods, letting it go, and reaches over for the menu by Seokjin’s arm. Seokjin just sighs and gestures for someone at the counter while Taehyung sits there looking at Jimin with a strange smirk on his face.


Jimin pointedly doesn’t look at him, and puts his attention to deciding what to order.








They finish their breakfast eventually at around noon. Thankfully, they had moved on from the topic of the almost-mugging, but Jimin knew that they really were not done talking about it. If Seokjin is one thing, it’s  good on his promises. Jimin fully expects that he will never hear the last of it.


Besides their initial conversation, their lunch was as good as usual, and Jimin was glad to catch up with Seokjin since it had been a few weeks since they had last seen each other face to face. By the time they had finished eating, Seokjin had to go home and sleep and Jimin really just needed to get back to his apartment.


He leaves with a warm hug and a muttered ‘be safe’ from Seokjin as well as a crushing hug from Taehyung. Jimin quickly crosses the street after saying goodbye, and heads to the nearest bus station. His apartment is not too far, and this time he at least had some cash that Seokjin had lent him to get home. 


He gets home after an uneventful bus ride, and proceeds to dump his backpack quickly before falling into bed with a self suffering groan and resolutely deciding he's going to nap for the rest of the day.









The weekend after the attack go by quickly, and Jimin finds it easy to fade back into the familiar routine of school. He goes to his classes, hangs out with Taehyung in and out of class, and talks with Jin when he has time. His routine is uninterrupted, and nothing interesting happens. On Monday, the first interesting thing happens. He goes to his part-time at a tattoo parlor.


He’s worked there for a few months, beginning in August just before junior year started, figuring he could use the extra cash on the side. He isn't an artist himself, but he helps about in various ways by answering phone calls and managing the appointment book. It’s basic work, but it keeps Jimin busy and puts extra cash in his pocket, and he also likes his boss. 


He actually really likes his job too. At first he was unsure, since the parlor’s clientele are at times  questionable, with few seedy customers here and there, but with time, and no small amount of charm, he became acquainted with regulars, and the environment of the parlor now feels like home. So, when he heads to work, he is in a decent mood. 


He walks up to the door, feeling very cold in his jeans and thin jacket, so he pushes the door open quickly, the chime above ringing. He quickly shuts the door behind him and walks further into the shop, looking around for his boss so he can change quickly and get started. The shop is a small shop with exposed brick walls and high ceilings, tucked right into an alley. Its decorated extensively, with a neon sign on the far wall and posters everywhere.  He doesn’t see his boss immediately and notices the shop is fairly quiet for the day. Good, he thinks to himself. He can relax and just do his job. He knows there will be some things for him to do in the books, so he just goes ahead to the back of the shop, already taking off his jacket as he gets used to the air of the shop, and placing his backpack on the counter.


He’s just finished changing into his employee shirt when he comes out from the back of the shop and suddenly hears a loud crash and the sound of falling boxes. 


Fearing the worst, Jimin calls out to the back of the shop.


‘Hoseok-hyung?’ He calls, hoping that the crash was his boss and not a thief, or worse, a customer. After a few moments of listening, Jimin hears a muffled shout, and he runs to the store room across the shop. 


When pushes aside the curtain, he is met with the sight of his boss, sitting dejectedly under a pile of small cardboard boxes. Jimin quickly starts to remove the ones near his head, feeling relieved when he realizes that the boxes are very light, meaning his boss is likely unharmed. 


Hoseok gasps when the boxes around his head are removed, his hands flying up to shove off all of the other boxes.


‘Oh, thank Jimin, I thought I was gonna bite it,’ Hoseok wheezes out, meeting Jimin’s eyes with a crooked smile that looks very grateful. Jimin just huffs out a laugh and continues to remove boxes from off of his near-incapacitated boss. When all the boxes are finally cleared, Jimin holds out a hand, which Hoseok quickly takes, and pulls him up. 


‘Well, we can’t have that now can we, boss?’ Jimin grins, fully helping Hoseok to his feet. Hoseok grins and pats Jimin on the shoulder. 


‘Absolutely not, dear Chim,’ he says, removing his hand and turning around, reaching out to start stacking the boxes in as orderly a manner as he can manage. When he finishes, he turns around and clasps his hands together. 


‘I am very glad you are here today Chim, I have some special customers coming, so I need you here to help me out,’ he says as he makes his way back into the shop, Jimin following closely. Hoseok reaches around his chair quickly and grabs a black beanie, placing it over his head as he turns back to face Jimin. 


‘Alright, I need you at the counter while I set some things up in the back, Just watch out for the special customers, okay? They’ll be here in like-‘ he trails off, pulling his left hand up and glancing at his watch. It’s then that Jimin notices a tattoo he has on his left hand; a tattoo that he hadn't noticed before, one that looks strangely familiar. It’s a small black silhouette of a gun facing a equally small ‘J-B’. He can’t quite remember why it seems familiar, but he makes a note in his head to ask Hoseok about it later. 


Hoseok must have noticed Jimin spacing out and staring, because Jimin suddenly brought back to the topic at hand when Hoseok calls his name.


‘Jimin?’ Hoseok asks ‘Are you listening?’


Jimin startles, looking back at Hoseok. ‘Oh yeah, sorry,’ he says quickly, blinking. 


Hoseok nods and continues, ‘They’ll be here in about 15 minutes, so just keep watch at the counter and ‘lemme know when they get here, alright?’ He asks, a calm smile on his face. Jimin nods, returning the smile. Hoseok nods and heads past Jimin to the back room, leaving him alone in the storefront. He shakes himself a bit, taking in a deep breath and heading over to the counter to wait. He reaches for his backpack on the counter and takes out his laptop, placing it on the counter and opening it up, looking for the online appointment book he has. 


When he opens there document for the month of December, he notices that there are no other appointments for the day except one labelled ‘B-Meeting’. Jimin assumes this must be the special appointment Hoseok had talked about, and decides that he won’t ask questions. He closes his laptop then, and looks around the counter, arranging a few things. 


Around ten minutes later when Jimin is shuffling around some things at Hoseok’s chair station, he hears voices just outside the shop followed by the distinct ding of the doorbell. He hears an oddly familiar voice drift into the shop shortly following the ding of the bell. Jimin turns around to see who it is and feels his blood turn to ice.


It’s blonde-man and the boy.


Jimin feels his heart speed up as he looks at his attackers from a few days before, standing there together in the low light of the shop. He’s frozen as he watches the two saunter into the shop, still having not noticed Jimin standing there unmoving in shock.


Blonde-man walks further into the shop, taking off his jacket and revealing a simple black t-shirt that shows his collarbones and many tattoos, while the other boy takes off his hood and ruffles his hair with his hands. 


Blonde-man’s eyes suddenly snap up to Jimin’s, who's standing there in shock not daring move now that he's been seen. Blonde-man’s eyes widen, and he stops moving. They continue to look at each other for a few second, the blonde’s dark eyes intense and his handsome face unmoving, until he hears footsteps coming from the back the shop. Hoseok appears suddenly, looking at the newcomers.


‘Jimin, I only barely heard the bell, why didn't you call?’ he asks, confused, and looking between the blonde man and Jimin. Hoseok seems to notice the tension between them, and frowns slightly, and looks confused. Before Jimin can try to reply, the brown-haired boy just behind the blonde speaks up suddenly.


This is Jimin?’ he says quietly, disbelieving, as he looks between Hoseok and Jimin. Hoseok’s frown gets more pronounced, making the air in the room turn tense. 


‘Yes, Jungkook, this is Jimin…. why the surprise? I told you he was going to be working today’ Hoseok asks, crossing his arms and staring at the boy who is apparently called Jungkook


‘-I… didn’t not know he’s the Jimin–’ Jungkook says slowly ‘–no wonder you were so pissed,’ Jungkook finishes, turning to look at blonde-man with a horrified expression on his face. Hoseok then somehow looks even more confused as he looks at Jungkook oddly. 


Jimin begins to feel more than fear as they talk about him as if he's not even there, and feels a strong frown form on his face. He takes a few steps towards the two, feeling confused but now also angry


The blonde steps forward, hands up as he looks at Jimin, his expression still surprised, but not as shocked as before. Jimin feels all fear he once had of the two people in front of him completely disappear.


He marches past the blonde and up to Jungkook, looking him straight in his dark eyes.


And swiftly pulls his knee up right into his crotch. 


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Hello readers! After only about 20 years, Be Somebody's Fool has finally been updated! I sincerely hope you enjoy this remastered version along with the shiny new 5th chapter <3


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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Omg you're back! Yasss O(≧∇≦)O finally! (´∀`) thank you for updating (●´∀`●) i thought you wont continue this story anymore ╥﹏╥ but im glad you're back ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)...
If i were chim I'd be scared af too, and would faint too, having a close friend who you've known for a long time and suddenly discovering that person isn't really who you thought that person is. (T▽T) ....(Top 10 anime betrayals. Lmao) ....oh and its nice that theyre not actually bad people, i didnt expect that, i thought they're like full on gangsters and scary people and on the top of the game lol.. Aaand also where and what happened to tae? (@◇@)
Chapter 4: Its already December but still no update,
o(╥﹏╥)o ill wait for you authornim, i hope your doing ok <3
Chapter 4: Author nimmmm when are u gonna update??! I love your story,~~~~ T.T ❤❤❤?
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 4: i don't know who's in trouble here....The mom, who kept a secret, or the new born, who is not supposed to be there in the club...
ThebombKat #5
Chapter 4: OMG YAS!
I was really waiting for an update and then suddendly boom its here! Thank you sooo much for this update!
Yoonmin though ;)
Jimins mom is here and now he's in trouble ;)
Chapter 4: wohoooo n.n nice update! that kissing scene was hot and oops mama SeokJin is in trouble for hiding something so important from Jimin
Aimz19 #7
Chapter 3: waaah
thank you authornim, i've been looking for mafia aus for ever!!!!!!!
AngelOfV #8
Chapter 3: Omg update pl
Chapter 2: wah this is super interesting!! Please update, author-nim!
Chapter 2: It's soooo interesting ❤. ❤ I love it !