Chapter 3

Be Somebody's Fool {BTS - Yoonmin}

When Jimin wakes up, he somehow feels even more tired than he did when he went to sleep. It takes him a few moments to gather his bearings, but when he finally does, he lets out an suffering sigh.


‘What the ’ he quietly says to himself, sitting up and staring at the blank wall opposite his head, still mulling over his thoughts. 


He soon gets tired of thinking and gets up out off bed, grabbing his phone out of the pocket of his jeans along the way. His phone screen blinds him slightly as he checks the time. It’s 7:00 and he has an hour to get to his morning class. He sighs again.


He heaves himself off of his bed, and cringes as his feet hit the cold floor, but gets up anyway. He lets out a yawn, lethargically slumping over to his closet to get dressed, going to toss his phone on his bed when it chirps, telling him that he has a new text. He pulls up the screen, squinting, and doesn't bother checking who it is. Caller ID be dammed, it’s probably Taehyung.


im here and i demand sustenance mother


Scratch that, it’s definitely Taehyung


Jimin lets out another groan, but not before actually putting some pants on and a clean shirt, before then stumbling through his partially closed door and out into the living room. He casts a brief glance at the couch, the couch where Yoongi had sat the night before, waving around his lock picks.


He decides he probably shouldn’t mention anything that happened the evening before to Taehyung, lest he does something about it. Jimin loves Taehyung, but he sometimes doesn't understand limits and Jimin doesn't really want anyone to get hurt again. 


He’s almost to the door when he hears an insistent and familiar knock on his door and he quickly pads the rest of the way across his apartment, going to open the door, knowing Taehyung is not the patient type. Opening the door, he is greeted by an ever familiar Kukamon hat, hiding an undoubtedly wild head of hair, connected to the rest of Taehyung who is clad in an oversized white sweatshirt and black jeans. 


Taehyung pats Jimin on the cheek gently and pushes inside past him, undoubtedly making a beeline for his fridge. Jimin can’t really bring himself to mind. 


He finally closes the door, turning around and slumping over to his tiny kitchen, complete with a high quality toaster oven, one which Taehyung is unceremoniously shoving a toaster pastry into. 


Jimin just leans against the wall by the entrance to the kitchen and watches Taehyung, raising an eyebrow when their eyes eventually meet. Taehyung just shrugs and pulls out his pastry, almost dropping it. 


, why is it so hot?’ Taehyung whines, artfully wrapping numerous paper towels around the pastry in order to hold it. 


‘That toaster is a fire-hazard piece of ,’ Jimin sighs. It’s too early to engage.


‘Ah yeah, true’ Taehyung nods, turning around all the way to face Jimin, holding the pastry out to him. ‘Want some?’ he asks, tilting his head to the side and looking Jimin up and down with an oddly suspect look. 


Jimin ignores the look, leaning forward and carefully taking a large bite of the pastry. He hums to himself, nodding as he chews. It’s good and he hadn't eaten much last night. As he is slowly chewing and slowly waking up more and more, Taehyung suddenly steps closer to him.


So….’ he begins, regarding Jimin with a scrutinizing look, ‘Who’d you ?’ he asks matter of factly.


Jimin chokes, then coughs, sending bits of food flying as he tries to breathe and process what Taehyung just said. 


‘What”’Jimin splutters, trying to breathe, and almost shrieking in outrage at Taehyung’s stupid smirking face. ‘I didn’t anyone!’.


Taehyung’s smirk doesn’t leave his face. ‘Oh, really now? Your appearance says otherwise, Jimbles’.


‘What are you, a detective?’ Jimin sneers.


‘Uh, yeah, kind of, I’m a criminology major, dummy.’


Jimin pauses. ‘You’re an art major.’


‘Same difference.’


Jimin just sighs, running a hand over his face frustratedly and reminding himself over and over he should not engage or challenge. 


‘Seriously, who did you ? Like, I’m not judging, I’m just super curious. You're kind of a total Jesus so, I don't know, I’m just proud of you, you know?’ Taehyung rattles on, and Jimin pointedly ignores the fact that Taehyung called him a ‘Jesus ’.


‘I didn’t anyone, I just had a late night at work, and then I was tired and I feel asleep really late,’ Jimin lies, grumbling as he crosses his arms and stares at Taehyung, who’s Kukamon hat is just about falling from his head. 


‘Fine, fine’ Taehyung replies, appearing to drop it, and Jimin is glad.


The conversation drops there, but Jimin can feel Taehyung looking at him suspiciously from behind. Taehyung is ignored as Jimin gets ready to leave for class with Taehyung.  


After a few minutes, they're getting ready to leave, Taehyung in the living room and Jimin is getting his bag from his room. As he is looking for a few stray papers around his bed, he sees his sweats, the pair he had been wearing the night of his attack, sitting ominously on the chair near his desk. It kind of feels like a warning, like he maybe shouldn't try and see those responsible again, a gang, but he doesn’t think more on it, and quickly grabs his papers and his bag, making his way back to the living room.


Now they are not usually this organized, but given that the class is a requirement for graduation and a serious pain in their asses, Taehyung and Jimin make to leave quickly, not wanting to be late in fear of their angry professor.


They leave, and Jimin closes the door behind him, making sure to lock it tight, wondering what the day will bring. 






Jimin and Taehyung finish with their morning classes around eleven and decide unanimously that they will go and eat an early lunch together, and by unanimously, Jimin means that it was certainly only Taehyung's decision, his stomach a force to be reckoned with.


They eventually end up sitting under a tree in one of the fields by the art building, eating too much food for two people, and generally enjoying the weather. Jimin is thankful to spend some time with Taehyung, who, regardless of his odd habits, is still his best friend. He feels like this past week had been a little but too much to handle, so he enjoys the respite of a normal routine for the few hours they have. 


They sit there for a while in companionable silence, Taehyung completely relaxed and probably spaced out, and Jimin laying on his back just watching the leaves on the tree. It’s a few minutes later that he finally sits up, brushing grass from his hair and looking around the campus, seeing a few other people sitting around. A few beats later, he feels the strange sensation of being watched. He sits up a little bit straighter and looks around, seeing if there is anyone looking at him, but he sees nothing. He brushes it off, not really thinking much of it. 


Jimin, eventually, gets up and goes to get more food for Taehyung from the food cart nearby because of the ‘I’m hungry Jimin, feed me or I eat you’ from Taehyung. Taehyung is many things, but dishonest is not one of them, so Jimin knows he must be very hungry. He decides to humor Taehyung.


He’s just stepping on to the pavemented sidewalk, not really paying attention to where he’s walking as he looks at people in the distance, when he collides with someone in front of him, and is hit back down on to the grass. The wind is knocked out of him and he closes his eyes in pain following the collision of his head against hard ground, the person he hit letting out a shouted ‘’, and he lets out a decidedly pitiful groan in response at how much his hurts suddenly, ow


He opens his eyes as soon as the dizziness in his head goes away, and he sees Jungkook of all people staring down at him. He has a very pinched look on his face, cheeks are slightly red, as he puts out his hand out for Jimin to take. Jimin just pointedly glares at Jungkook’s hand, dismissing him with a wave of his own slightly hurt hand, instead getting up by himself as he tries not to wince.


He gets up eventually and meets Jungkook’s eyes, glaring. 


‘Watch were you’re going,’ Jimin bites out, finally standing completely up on only slightly shaky legs as he looks Jungkook in his guilty face. 


Jungkook makes an alarmed sound and quickly covers his groin with a hand, looking scared. He stays still for a moment, but when he realizes that Jimin is not actually going to kick him, he relaxes slightly and steps back a bit, still looking wary with a furrow in his brow.


‘Sorry?’ Jungkook mumbles incredulously, making whats supposed to be a legitimate apology sound like a simple question. Jimin grates his teeth and sighs.


‘That’s it? You’re sorry?’ Jimin demands, crossing his arms over his chest and trying to seem taller – his attempt at seeming serious – as Jungkook’s slightly taller stature is bothering him, and Jimin wants to knock him down a few notches.


‘What else you want me say?’ Jungkook grumbles, taking a hand and rubbing the back of his neck in an unsure gesture. ‘I’ll pay for any injuries?’. 


Jimin levels Jungkook with an almighty glare. 


‘I think a better thing to say would be why you're here’ Jimin enunciates the last part, leaning closer to Jungkook. ‘This is my college, and I really hope you’re not stalking me now. The threat on my life was enough,’ Jimin finishes lowly, keeping his gaze locked with Jungkook’s. 


Jungkook just lets out a cough, and looks around for second, seemingly thinking of what to say. Jimin takes a second to look at him, and realizes how weird it is to see him in normal clothes, a red shirt and dark jeans, and something that’s not all black and street. 


‘I–I go here too. And I’m not stalking you…Yoongi just told me to watch around for you,’ Jungkook says, and Jimin thinks the universe is out for him.


‘So you saw me, said “hey look at him”, and decide to collide with m–‘ Jimin looks around wildly and notices that there is a overturned longboard by Jungkook’s feet, and pauses, suddenly understanding why he had been going so fast. ‘Did you hit me on purpose!?’  


Jungkook’s flails his hands around wildly, shaking his head. ‘No! I was just going to leave, ‘cause I saw you sitting on the grass over there, but then you got up and started walking and I couldn't stop fast enough and –‘ he cuts himself off, looking pained. Jimin takes pity on him and just sighs again, not asking him to continue. 


‘Well maybe if you weren't being creepy, then this wouldn’t have happened and my wouldn’t be numb,’ Jimin says annoyedly, uncrossing his arms and frowning, making what is probably a strange looking expression.


Jimin doesn't feel like dealing with Jungkook more, especially not so soon after yesterday, and goes to step around Jungkook and leave, but only gets a few steps before he gets a hand on his arm, pulling him back to stop. Jimin tries to shrug it off, but Jungkook probably eats protein powder, so his grip doesn't let up at all. Jimin relents and turns back to look at him, and sees he has a pleading expression on his face. Jimin sighs, ignoring the complete change Jungkook’s personality has pulled, and turns to face him completely, shrugging off Jungkook’s hand and crossing his arms over his chest again. 


‘What?’ Jimin asks, staring at Jungkook.


‘Can we go somewhere and talk?’ Jungkook asks, his brow still locked in a permanent semi-frown.


‘Are we not talking now?’


‘Yeah, but maybe not in front of a food truck?’ Jungkook asks, looking pained again, this time as he gestures to the food truck that had originally been headed too.


‘Fine, let’s sit over there,’ Jimin gestures loosely to an empty picnic table across the grass, and Jungkook nods in agreement, making his way over to the table.


They sit down across from each other and just stare at each other for a few moments.


‘So, talking, let’s do that. Why do you want to talk?’ Jimin asks frankly with what he hopes is a bored tone, and stares at Jungkook. 


‘I–I just, well I wanted to say sorry? Officially? Yoongi told me it’s probably best to apologize after you point a gun at someone,’ Jungkook finally says, pensively.


‘Wow… that must have been hard’ Jimin says sarcastically ‘Well, okay,” Jimin announces, slapping his palms on the table going to stand up. “I'm gonna go now, if you’ve said your peace,’ Jimin finishes in a bored tone.


‘What? No, I’m serious here, and I have more to say, so stay.’ 


‘What is it?’ Jimin frowns.


‘Just..I know this is weird to you, but since we’ve told you who we are, we want to make sure you’re cool with it. I know Yoongi can be cold, so there are a few more of us and Hoseok thinks you should meet them,’ Jungkook says quickly, breathing out, and looking back up to Jimin.


‘Why are you being agreeable?’ Jimin asks, ignoring how the mention of Yoongi’s name makes his stomach turn, and slumps down on to the picnic table.


Jungkook makes a frustrated noise, ‘Are you being difficult on purpose?’


‘Yep’ Jimin enunciates, hoping the p ‘and don’t answer a question with another question’.


Jungkook’s face sobers and he tries to school his features into something more open and serious. Jimin just thinks he looks constipated.


‘I said I’m sorry, and I’m actually trying here. Cut me some slack?’ Jungkook says, resting his head in his hands on the table.


Jimin pauses and considers him for a second. He’s young and he was probably been put up to this by the others, so Jimin decides to listen, if anything to just understand what is happening with them.


‘Fine’ Jimin sighs.


‘Thank you, you're really difficult, hyung.’ Jimin raises an eyebrow at the honorific, but doesn’t say anything else. Jungkook continues, ‘–so basically we wanted to invite you to a…thing we have going on tomorrow night. We think that it’ll be a good chance to…what is that expression? Mend gates?’ 


Jimin feels himself frown at Jungkook’s ambiguity, but concedes. ’It’s fences. You mend fences, not gates.’ Jungkook’s makes an affirmative sound and nods, and Jimin continues, ‘So what is this ‘thing’?’ 


‘Well Ji– ,I mean Princess, and RM are opening up a new club in central city, around the area we first… met. `We wanted to invite you to the opening night tomorrow,’ Jungkook says, leaning back slightly and trying to look casual. Jimin is starting to get slightly suspicious. 


‘Why do you want me to go?’ Jimin asks, wondering why someone people he barely knows, some of which were his attackers, want him to come to their new club. A club opening, with alcohol and eventual bad decisions.


‘We think it would be a good chance for you to meet everyone since you’re basically in with us’ Jungkook replies, and Jimin frowns, still confused as to why they are so eager to take him into their group, but at the same time thinking that maybe this would help him to understand who he’s now becoming involved with. 


Jimin pauses to think about it a bit more. ’Okay, fine, I guess I’ll come. But, I can’t promise I’ll be nice,’ Jimin says finally. After all, at least Hoseok, someone he trusts, is in this group. He thinks how bad could it really be?


Jungkook looks at least happy, his hands poised together in from to him, even if its a regretful-happy expression. ‘Okay, I’ll tell RM.’ He then s his hand out to Jimin, ‘Can I have your phone? I’ll add your number and text you the address.’


Jimin ignores his hand and reluctantly rattles off his phone number to Jungkook, ignoring his question of ‘who actually has their phone number memorized?’ Jungkook then quickly sends him a text with the address, the club thankfully looking like it’s somewhere in between Taehyung and Jimin’s apartments. 


‘Okay, come around seven thirty so you can talk to everyone before the official opening, alright?’ Jungkook says absently, still looking down at his phone. 


‘Alright,’ Jimin replies simply, and Jungkook looks back up. 


‘Well, uh–, I have to go now, I’ve got a class, so I–I’ll see you tomorrow?’ Jungkook says, slightly awkwardly as he goes to stand up from the picnic table. Jimin just nods in reply, and Jungkook goes to leave, taking his abused longboard with him.


Jimin watches him go from his slumped down position on the table and wonders what is going to happen. He got clipped by a teenager on a longboard, the very teenager who pointed a gun at him and demanded he give him his money a few nights ago, and has now just invited Jimin to a club. He thinks over it for a few moments, but decides that he can stand Jungkook, at least for Hoseok.


JImin gets up from the park bench, his back and his arm still slightly hurting from his fall, but the pain at least seems to be fading. Jimin thanks small mercies, and then remembers he was supposed to get food for Taehyung.


He looks around and heads back over the grass quickly, stepping on to the pavement cautiously while looking out for speeding long-boarders, and goes to the food truck to buy food. He buys the things he knows Taehyung will like, and turns around with a quick thanks to the cashier, and runs back over to where he sees Taehyung, faced towards him with an odd look on his face. The closer Jimin gets, the more he recognizes the look.


Jimin sits down and sets the food out in front of Taehyung, who completely ignores it in favor of giving Jimin the odd look.


‘What?’ Jimin grunts, opening a container of fries and shoving a few in his mouth unceremoniously. 


‘Who were you talking to Chim? Huh?’ Jimin feels dread curl in his gut, his fries forgotten. ‘You guys seemed awfully…close,’ Taehyung finishes, a smarmy grin making its way on to his face. Jimin just looks at him with what he hopes is a strong glare, and continues chewing his fries and doesn’t reply.


‘C’mon Chim, cough it up. Was that the guy you hooked up with?’ Taehyung questions, leaning forward and staring at Jimin with a strange look on his face. Jimin splutters a bit, almost choking on his food, and leans forward to swat Taehyung on his arm.


‘No! Okay, first of all, I didn’t hook up with anyone, and second of all, he’s just some guy I ran into. Literally. Or did you not see that part?’ Jimin bites out, feeling the dread he felt before seep away a bit, but not completely. He doesn’t like lying to his best friend, but he thinks this is something Taehyung does not need to know right now.


‘Oh, I saw that part, but how you two talked, on that picnic table all romantic like, well…’ Taehyung trails off, smirking at Jimin.


‘I know that arguing with you is basically futile, because you are a stubborn , but he’s just some guy I know, and that was not romantic. I would rather actually die than be romantically involved with him,’ Jimin grinds out, feeling frustration replace the nerves he was feeling just before.


‘Fine, whatever you say Chim. But it did look like you guys were talking about something very important.’


‘He invited me somewhere, that’s it. He’s got a friend who’s opening up a new club, and he invited me to the opening night tomorrow,’ Jimin sighs, giving in.


‘Oh, can I come? If you're not going after that,’  he makes a strange gesture, probably talking about Jungkook, ‘then maybe I will,’ he laughs, smirking over at Jimin and leaning over to ruffle his hair.


Jimin just shrugs him off and throws him a glare, leaning back and trying to save his hair. ‘Yeah you can come, but just try not to scare anyone like last time, please,’ Jimin cringes internally as he remembers the last time he and Taehyung had gone to a club. Taehyung had decided it was a great idea to take out a horse mask – from only god knows where – right there on the dance floor. Jimin had screamed so loudly that people thought Taehyung had actually killed him. It was one visit to a police station that Jimin could have lived without ever making. 


Taehyung just claps gleefully and prattles off about what they’re going to wear and Jimin is only half listening as he thinks about what tomorrow night will bring. He can only hope seeing Yoongi won’t be as weird as the past two times, and also wonders if this ‘Princess’ character will be like the others. He is brought back to reality though when he hears Taehyung say something like ‘– those hugging ones bro, those would be sick’.


He shoots Taehyung a questioning look, figuring he probably wants to know. 


‘Those pants you have Jimin, you should wear those,’ oh thats what he’s talking about, Jimin thinks, remembering that he does in fact have a pair of, in Kim Taehyung’s layman terms, -hugging leather pants. 


They talk for a few more minutes about the next night, deciding to meet at Taehyung’s place at seven because it’s closer to the club then Jimin’s apartment. Taehyung seems excited, but Jimin himself is feeling nervous because of who he will be meeting. But Taehyung doesn’t know that. Jimin feels a slight amount of guilt at not telling him, but he figures he should save him for now. 


They eventually get up, their next classes having mandatory attendance, and they leave the tree, splitting up and going their separate ways. 





When Jimin arrives in his afternoon class, he has a few minutes before the class starts, so he pulls out his phone, deciding to text Jungkook to let him know that Taehyung is coming along. He sends a brief ‘my friend is coming with me tomorrow, btw’.


He gets a response a minute later.


: okay, is he chill?


: oh and what’s my name in your phone


Jimin rolls his eyes, replying back that ‘yes he is ’chill’’, followed by a ‘ur name is saved as ’.


: wow, rude


: ur name is saved as on mine


Jimin frowns and responds; ‘what, because you can’t get any in real life??


Jungkook just sends him an toy gun emoji in response and Jimin shudders, pushing down the bad taste in his mouth. 






The following night, Jimin meets Taehyung at his apartment a few minutes early. Taehyung is dressed in club wear, just like Jimin, and they are soon ready to go.


‘Hey, so, these guys we’re meeting, how do you know them?’ Taehyung asks distractedly as he looks at his reflection one final time, his dark lined eyes meeting Jimin’s in the mirror. 


Jimin freezes up momentarily and looks away, the nights of the last week coming back to his mind with a vengeance, but he pushes then away and relaxes. Looking back up to meet Taehyung’s curious gaze, he replies as steadily as he can.


‘I met them at work, they’re friends of Hoseok’s,’ Jimin answers, only half-lying, because was introduced to two of them in Hoseok’s shop that day.


Taehyung just nods, fixing his jacket, eventually calling to Jimin to hurry up, since they’re expected to be there soon. Jimin comes to the door, opening it and stepping out, closing it behind him. He can’t help but feel slightly apprehensive as he follows Taehyung down the stairs and out on to the street, where the street lights are glowing orange and the cool evening air brushes Jimin’s face. Jimin swallows down his nerves and the strange feeing of apprehension and falls into step with Taehyung, walking along the sidewalk for a few blocks down to the club.


They arrive after about ten minutes, their walk fairly quiet with only some conversation between them when Taehyung asks more about Jimin’s new ‘friends’, which Jimin answers with only a small degree of vagueness.


When they reach the club, they can hear the faint pounding of bass from inside, making anticipatory nerves replace any of the apprehension he had felt before. The club seems medium-sized from the outside, but they get up to the small queue forming in front of the door, Jimin can see that the club is not actually all that medium at all, and actually seems quite big from what he can see from down the stairs to the main floor.


He and Taehyung approach the usher, Jimin going with his instincts and giving his name, saying that they're expected by Bangtan, to which Taehyung gives him a strange look. The usher just nods, gesturing them in without a problem. Jimin’s silent triumph is short lived as they descend the stairs and into the main floor thats being quickly filled up with more and more new patrons. 


Taehyung flashes him a giddy look, which Jimin returns, but he still can’t ignore that strange feeling in his stomach, like they shouldn’t be here. 


He’s looking around the club, at the neon lights flashing and the bar placed like a shrine in the middle of the club, when he hears his named shouted over the cacophony of the others patrons.  He swings around, seeing Namjoon, who he has thought was only a bus driver a few days ago, waving at him with a bright smile, then gesturing for them to come over. He motions for Taehyung to follow and they head over to where Namjoon is waiting, where he can see a few others standing. 


They approach and Namjoon puts his hand out, seemingly wanting to shake Jimin’s hand. Jimin clasps his hand, wondering exactly why they’re shaking hands given they have already met, but what Namjoon says after dispels all of Jimin’s confusion.


‘Welcome to the family, Jimin,he leans over and says in Jimin’s ear, pulling back and revealing a sly smile on his face. Jimin starts and just raises an eyebrow in reply, hesitantly giving Namjoon’s hand one last shake before putting his hand back down by his side. 


Really? So soon?’ he asks loudly over the music, looking at Namjoon with a critical look, to which Namjoon only nods, clapping Jimin on his shoulder and then introducing himself to Taehyung. Taehyung has a strange expression on his face as he shakes Namjoon’s hand, but it quickly goes away and he immediately compliments Namjoon on his hair, making Jimin think that Taehyung fits in already and looks way more comfortable than Jimin.


Namjoon leads them over to where he can now see Jungkook, Hoseok, and Yoongi standing, and when Jimin sees Yoongi in his blonde haired glory, he thinks he even looks beautiful than he remembered. Taehyung seems to notice that Jimin’s gaze is fixed on Yoongi, so he nudges Jimin with his elbow, raising his eyebrows suggestively when Jimin meets his eyes. Jimin just elbows him in the ribs for his effort, and pointedly focuses his attention on Jungkook, who seems to be swaying slightly in rhythm with the music. 


Jungkook meets his eyes when they reach them, and he puts his fist out, seemingly inviting Jimin in for a fist bump. Jimin just glares at his hand and bumps it slightly with his own, willing to try and be civil with Jungkook, but still feeling weary after their previous interactions. 


The music seems to get louder and changes to a low-beat rap song as Jimin makes eye contact with Yoongi, and his heart stutters slightly, making nervousness curl in his gut. He doesn’t understand why he suddenly has such a strong physical reaction to just the sight of Yoongi, given what happened, but it seems to have a visceral effect on him nonetheless. He can sort of understand why, with Yoongi having dark almost smoldering eyes and a sly coolness to him that makes Jimin kind of want to melt. What the Jimin, he asks himself. 


Yoongi notices him looking and walks up to greet him, his hand out just like Namjoon’s was. Jimin grasps his warm hand – his own hand tingling and his heart-rate picking up – and shaking it firmly, meeting his gaze and regretting it as soon as he does. Yoongi’s eyes are dark, his pink lips quirked up slightly at the sides, making his face seem like it’s inviting Jimin in, but for what, he does not know.


‘Glad you could come,’ Yoongi leans closer like Namjoon had earlier to speak over the loud music, but this time he feels his face grow hot, and he can’t help but swallow nervously. Jimin regathers himself, cursing mentally at himself for reacting so strongly to someone he barely knows.


He can see the others just to his left – Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook – talking to Taehyung, though Jungkook has a smile on his face that Jimin hadn't even thought was possible, and Jimin’s apprehension dissipates as quickly as it had come. Jimin just has to remind himself to make an effort to see these people not as horrible and bad, but as people he could be friends of, at least for Hoseok’s sake.


He returns his attention to Yoongi in front of him, who still has his hand clasped in his own. ‘I’m glad I did,’ Jimin responds with a slight smirk of his own, turning to group with the others, and Yoongi lets go of his hand, moving his hand to rest instead on Jimin’s shoulder and smirking back, guiding him over to the rest of the group.


‘Jimin!’ Hoseok exclaims as soon as he seems him, coming over and pulling Jimin into a tight hug, which Jimin returns happily. ‘I’m happy your here. I still feel kinda ty about what happened,’ Hoseok murmurs lowly in Jimin’s ear. 


‘It’s okay, no real harm was done, well, at least physically,’ Jimin muses, and Hoseok tenses and briefly looks extremely guilty, before he realizes Jimin is only joking and he relaxes slightly, putting a hand on his shoulder just as Yoongi had moments ago. 


Before he can speak anymore, Jimin hears Namjoon yell, his voice loud and clear over the thumping bass of the club. 


‘C’mon guys, drinks are on the house! Let’s go!’ vague cheers are heard from other patrons and even louder cheers from their group as they all follow Namjoon. Jimin looks over to the side as they make their way over to the bar, the flashing lights making it hard to see very clearly, but still meets Yoongi’s eyes, which had apparently already been on him. 


Jimin feels his cheeks warm slightly when Yoongi comes to walk next to him, his tight black clad form looking sultry in the dim lighting, his dark gaze feeling like a promise, but of what, Jimin still doesn’t quite know.


As they walk up to the bar, the music loud and the lights flashing over the dark modern interior of the club, Jimin wonders what the night will bring. 


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Hello readers! After only about 20 years, Be Somebody's Fool has finally been updated! I sincerely hope you enjoy this remastered version along with the shiny new 5th chapter <3


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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Omg you're back! Yasss O(≧∇≦)O finally! (´∀`) thank you for updating (●´∀`●) i thought you wont continue this story anymore ╥﹏╥ but im glad you're back ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)...
If i were chim I'd be scared af too, and would faint too, having a close friend who you've known for a long time and suddenly discovering that person isn't really who you thought that person is. (T▽T) ....(Top 10 anime betrayals. Lmao) ....oh and its nice that theyre not actually bad people, i didnt expect that, i thought they're like full on gangsters and scary people and on the top of the game lol.. Aaand also where and what happened to tae? (@◇@)
Chapter 4: Its already December but still no update,
o(╥﹏╥)o ill wait for you authornim, i hope your doing ok <3
Chapter 4: Author nimmmm when are u gonna update??! I love your story,~~~~ T.T ❤❤❤?
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 4: i don't know who's in trouble here....The mom, who kept a secret, or the new born, who is not supposed to be there in the club...
ThebombKat #5
Chapter 4: OMG YAS!
I was really waiting for an update and then suddendly boom its here! Thank you sooo much for this update!
Yoonmin though ;)
Jimins mom is here and now he's in trouble ;)
Chapter 4: wohoooo n.n nice update! that kissing scene was hot and oops mama SeokJin is in trouble for hiding something so important from Jimin
Aimz19 #7
Chapter 3: waaah
thank you authornim, i've been looking for mafia aus for ever!!!!!!!
AngelOfV #8
Chapter 3: Omg update pl
Chapter 2: wah this is super interesting!! Please update, author-nim!
Chapter 2: It's soooo interesting ❤. ❤ I love it !