
Fixing Her Broken Heart [Two-Shot]
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Cassie’s hands were slippery as she grip on the steering wheel of her car.. She’s so nervous that her hands are getting sweaty.. This is not good.. she thought as she was still stuck into traffic.. It’s already 15 minutes pass the meeting time and she’s still in her car.. She peek on her phone in the passanger side and good thing her ‘date’ didn’t call or text her yet.. After a few more minutes, she finally arrive to the meeting place in Myungdong.. The café was not crowded so she immediately spotted her date.. “Uhm.. Namjoon?” she ask politely and the guy stood up “Yes, you must be Cassie..” he said and she nod “Nice to meet you..” he said extending a hand for a hand shake which she accept but then she remember that it was sweaty, she bite her lip in embarassment but Namjoon was either gentleman enough not to mention or too dense not to notice “Please take a seat..” he said politely motioning the seat opposite to his..

“I was stuck into traffic, you must be super bored..” she said and he smile “It’s okay.. I don’t mind at all..” he smiled at her and she actually find him really attractive.. “Shall we order?” he ask and she nod.. Cassie stare at him as he call the attention of the waiter.. Cassie can sense that he must be intellegent and a well mannered man.. “What would you like?” he ask and Cassie snap back to reality.. They spend the next hours talking about everything under the sun, Cassie admit that he’s really nice to talk to but that’s just it.. She don’t feel any special connection.. She do like him but not in any romantic way “Why are you staring at me like that?” he ask with a chuckle “I wanna be honest with you..” Cassie started and Namjoon lean on the table motioning for her to continue “You’re a great guy and I enjoy this..” she motion to the both of them and Namjoon was nodding with a smile “..but I don’t think that we’re compatible to be together in a romantic way..” she said and Namjoon’s smile was still there “That’s exactly what I was thinking..” he said “..But I get why Taehyung was close to you.. You’re really great..” he said with a thumbs up.. Cassie chuckle “That guy.. he’s so weird, he wanted to set me up with someone he knows so I can move on..” she said unconsciously “.. I don’t really need to but if that’s what he wants.. I’ll give it a try..” she said looking down on her drink then back up to Namjoon.. “What?” she ask with a chuckle when she saw him smirking at her “Nothing.. So, we can at least be friends right?” he ask “Of course!” she said hi fiving Namjoon who laughs a little.. They ended the night with a light goodbyes and Cassie went straight to her apartment.. She enjoyed the date but it was more of a friendly one than a romantic one..


“So.. I heard you’re an editor-in-chief..” Jimin said while staring at her.. Cassie clear her throath before she answer “Yea.. uhm.. I work for this fashion magazine and..” Cassie’s thoughts were interrupted with Jimin’s hand slowly crepting up to hers and she have to pull her hand off the table.. This guy is okay if only he’s not too touchy and flirty “You know what? How about we call it a night?” she smiled in a nice way then she called the waitress for the bill “What? But it’s too early to go.. We could go somewhere else if you don’t like it here..” he said trying to save the night “Well.. I have some things to do so I really can’t stay long..” she reason out as she finish paying the bills “I should be the one paying..” he said dumbfounded but she already stood up and pat his shoulders “You’re a good guy and we can be friends but.. yea.. Bye..” she said then she left the poor Jimin there..

Cassie sigh as she was already in her car.. She don’t want to do this anymore but Taehyung was too persistent and speaking of the devil, he’s calling at that moment.. Cassie plug in her ear piece and answer the call “WHAT HAPPENED?!” he shouted in hysterical which cause her to wince “Ya! I’m driving don’t shout!” Cassie scold him “What happened? Jimin called me, he said you bail on him!” he said still in hyterical mode.. Cassie wanted to laugh at him “We’re not compatible..” she simply said “That’s what you said the last time with Namjoon hyung as well..” he said almost like he’s scolding her “But that’s just that.. I don’t want to force something which is not there..” Cassie reason out.. “What so good about your ex?” he scoff in a small voice “Hey, I heard you..” Cassie said “..It’s not about Junho anymore..” she said “..It’s just.. I don’t feel any magic..” she said in daze then she snap back in reality “That’s cheesy anyway, I’ll talk to you later..” she hang up as she focus on driving..


“I swear this will be the last one!” Taehyung said pull her off the pole she’s holding in to.. Taehyung trick her saying he’ll buy her food but instead she’ll know that she’s going on yet again a blind date.. “Taehyung I don’t want to anymore!” she said keeping her grip on the pole tight almost hugging it.. The people passing by are giving them weird looks but they don’t care.. “Cassie!” Taehyung pull her which finally made her stumble back.. She almost trip but good thing Taehyung have a good hold around her waist.. She get to look at his face which is just a few inches away.. thump.. thump.. “You’ll just have to talk to him and get to know him..” Taehyung said pointing about things but Cassie can’t focus on his words.. It was all a blur “ can you please go inside already?” he ask looking down on her.. Now, they were nose to nose and Cassie get flusttered.. Taehyung slowly pull his arm off her waist and step back “G-Go!” he said and Cassie turn to go.. Aiishhh what was that?! Cassie scold herself as she walk inside the café..

“Hi.. Cassie?” Cassie’s attention went to the standing pretty boy who is shyly smiling at her.. “Oh..” she said dumbly “..Y-Yea.. I’m Cassie..” she finally said offering a hand shake which he accept but in a shy manner “Hi, I’m Jungkook..” he said.. They did the basics, sitting down, ordering drinks and food.. Cassie can’t help but took a glance outside the café to see if Taehyung was still there but he isn’t anymore which kind of made her disappointed.. She focus on her date instead of mopping around “Wait, have I seen you before?” she ask which made Jungkook rub the back of his head “Must be in Hongdae.. I’m a bartender in one of the famous club there..” he said and after a few minutes of thinking she finally remembers “Oh right! I was there when I was--” she cut herself off when she remember how embarassing she was that night.. Jungkook chuckle which seem like he do remember her as well.. The conversation with Jungkook was light but okay.. It seems like the boy was too shy.. “Is this your first time to go out with a girl?” she ask which made Jungkook flusterred “Did I bore you?” he ask and Cassie shook her head almost immediately “Definitely not.. It’s just.. you’re kind of shy..?” she ask trying not to make him feel more bad “Ohh..” he laugh “..yea, sorry.. You’re right, even though I’m a bartender, I’m not quite use to talking, moreover, go on a date with a girl..” he confess and I find him cute.. “How was that possible? I mean you’re a bartender and a good looking one..” he get shy once again “.. what happen when a drunk girl suddenly flirt with you?” she ask out of curiousity “I just politely turn them down..” he said and it made Cassie laugh “Wow..” Their conversation flow freely but in the end, it seems like Jungkook was more suitable to be her younger brother to which the latter agreed to.. “I can’t understand why Taehyung hyung have to fix you to somebody else when he can be the one to date you..” Jungkook said which made Cassie silent then Jungkook cup his mouth.. “Noona, I should go.. Thank you for today ^^” he said escaping the place..


Cassie enter her apartment and to her surprise Taehyung didn’t text or call her to ask how her dates go.. Cassie waited until late but nothing come on..


Cassie was on her couch watching random stuff when her phone buzz..

He is weird! – Rose

Cassie chuckle seeing what her friend said.. Today is Taehyung’s date with Rose and it seems like it didn’t end well with how Rose send that text to her.. Cassie went to her and Taehyung’s text feed, it has been quite long since they last text.. The last one was when she told him about the schedule of the dates to which he just reply with an ‘Okay..’

How was it?

Cassie think

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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: Junho you
Chapter 3: Happy new year author nim I will check the story ^^
Chapter 2: Awwwwwwwww this is the fluffiest tae fic ever! Eeeeeeee... Im just cringing of cuteness right now lol
__U1__ #4
Chapter 2: aaaah poor jiminie.. why did you make his role like that?
Chapter 2: Awww this story is cute
JongByung #6
Chapter 2: Wow! I love this... a lot! ^^
baymax88 #7
Chapter 2: Suddenly,i want boyfriend too
dxiong7 #8
Chapter 2: Amazing story