Part I.

Fixing Her Broken Heart [Two-Shot]
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Cassandra Lim also known as Cassie Lim was an editor-in-chief of a known fashion magazine.. She’s elegant, sophisticated, independent woman and a lot of the ladies who happen to know her saw her as their role model or mentor.. She was the kind of boss who try to lead her team than to pressure them to work.. That’s one of the many reason why she was loved in her office and also by her friends.. Everyone thinks that she got everything and right now that’s exactly how she feels.. “Good job, everyone.. I’m expecting more fantastic works from you guys..” she smiled as she dismiss their meeting.. Cassie sigh as everyone has finally exited the meeting room.. Just then her phone buzz, a message from her boyfriend, Junho..

Let’s meet after your work..

He simply said but it already bring a smile on her face.. They have been together for 5 years and she already see her future with him.. She’s already picturing a perfect family with this man who make her believe in the magic of love after she stop believing.. She’ve been single all her life until she found Junho when she was only 20 years old.. She was not buying his tactics at first but when she realize how serious the guy is to her, she gave him a chance.. And now, she’s just waiting for the time that he’ll propose to her and she’ll open a new chapter in her life.. She can’t wait to see him..

“That’ll be all for today.. Thank you for your hard work..” Cassie said to her assistant as they were done for the day.. She took a glance on her wrist watch, it was already 6:30pm and her date with Junho is 6pm.. She fixed her things in hurry and went to the powder room to fix her make up.. When she was satisfied with everything, she went to her car and drive to the café where she always meet up with him.. She saw him on their usual spot and she waved happily but he just gave a small smile.. “Have you wait long?” she ask giddily when she got to their table “No, I also just got here..” he said in a flat tone.. Cassie wanted to think that something’s wrong but she push that thought away “Today was so hectic, Mr. Lee wanted us to work for-” “Cassie, I have something to tell you..” he cut her off and she was taken aback.. “Okay..” she said still with a smile.. Junho seem to be anxious and can’t tell her directly “We.. Let’s break up..” he said and the smile on Cassie’s face slowly fade away.. Did she heard him wrong? “Huh? Wait, I think I heard you wrong..” Cassie was in denial “I said let’s break up..” he repeated and it strike yet again a painful bang in her heart.. They were silent for a few second.. “Is.. there somebody else?” she ask while fighting her tears.. She don’t want to seem weak in front of him so she fight it.. “N-No..” he said and Cassie nod.. Then he heard her sigh then she stand from her chair “Goodluck with your life..” she said offering a hand shake.. To be honest, Junho was shock to her reaction, he have never meet someone who was as strong as her.. He thought she’ll bawl in front of him but she was too calm and it’s scaring him but he accept the hand shake “..and thank you..” she said finally then she pull her hand as soon as they shook hands.. She gather her things then she left him..


Cassie put her towel and robe on one of the chair beside the big empty pool.. She was glad that no one was in the pool area in her apartment building.. Maybe becauase it was too late to swim but she needed this.. She wanted to be alone and she wanted her mind to be clear for at least tonight.. She jump on the water and swim from end to end of the pool.. She was too occupied with swimming that she didn’t notice a figure watching her from not too far.. After a few laps, she finally pull up and sit on the edge of the pool.. She was panting as droplets of water were flowing from her head to her thighs.. The stranger smile as he look at the woman until he heard her soft sobs.. She finally release the pain and tears that she hide since Junho break her heart and her world.. Everything just crumble in front of her when Junho said those words like it’s the most easy thing to do “Let’s break up..” she sob harder while bowing her head..

“Annyeong..” she snap her head to the right when someone suddenly talked.. She pretend to curl her hair out of the way but she was wiping away her tears.. “Who are you? What are you doing here?” she ask in a stern voice.. The stranger act like he’s hurt as he clench his left chest “Wow, sorry I didn’t know someone own this pool..” he said dramatically.. Cassie just rolled her eyes as she stand up and went to her towel and robe.. She wear her robe immediately ready to leave, she heard the splash of the water and she turn a little to see the stranger swimming.. She was thinking when did she saw the stranger but she can’t remember so she just left..


Her alarm went off and Cassie turn off the annoying noise.. She didn’t need the alarm cause she haven’t sleep a wink from thinking about what will happen now to her.. What will happen to her plans? She decided to get up and prepare for work.. She look in her mirror and she look like so she have to cover her face well enough with make up.. She tried her best to look formal enough and not like her broken self.. She skip breakfast as she don’t feel like eating at all.. Just when she walk out of her apartment, the door of the apartment next to hers open as well and the stranger she met last night went out from there.. “Oh, off to work?” he ask like they’ve known each other for long.. She look at him weirdly but she now remember where she saw him, she saw him last week when he was dropping his things to his apartment.. She ignore him and left as soon as she locked her apartment “Have a nice day at work..” the guy smiled a rectangle type of smile and waved at her..


It’s been a miserable week, even her officemates notice the sadness in her even though she did her best to hide it.. She was stressing out more now than before and it’s not good for her.. It was late afternoon and she’s finishing some papers when her phone buzz.. She look at it and it was from a group chat between her friends.. She was planning on ignoring it but it keeps on buzzing so she annoyedly open the chatbox..

Jisoo: guys look what I found.. *Insert a screenshot of a picture of Junho and a girl in his instagram*

Rose: Isn’t that Junho? Cassie’s boyfriend? Ya! Cassie, have you seen this?

Lisa: Cassie’s not online.. Maybe she haven’t seen it yet.. Delete it!

Jennie: Let her see it! She needs to know that her boyfriend is cheating!

That’s what she read and they started to talk more when they saw her went online and read their chat..

Lisa: She’s here!

Jennie: Ya! Cassie do you know this?!

Jisoo: Guys calm down..

Rose: What do you want us to do, Cassie?

Cassie sigh, she forgot to tell her friends that they’re not together anymore..

Cassie: Guys, we broke up..

It took a while before they respond one by one..

Rose: *Insert shock emoticon*

Lisa: Whooaaa~

Jennie: GOOD!

Jisoo: What? I thought you guys would stay forever :(

Chat from her worried friends keep on coming but in the end, Cassie decided to ignore it then she went to Instagram.. She’s not nosy but before they broke up, Cassie already have a feeling that something is wrong because she and Junho haven’t meet for a long time, almost a month to be exact so she decided to went to his social media accounts to know where he is but he rarely update a post.. She was feeling useless until she saw a tag in Instagram from a certain girl, they were having a dinner and Junho sure was enjoying his time.. That’s when she had a tiny suspecion that maybe, Junho was cheating on her but she set that aside cause she keep in mind that she should maintain the trust that she have for him..

Seeing Junho’s post now confirmed the suspecion that she have before because it was the same girl.. From what she remembered, that girl was an officemate of his.. A tear of betrayal escape from her eyes.. She should have known that he won’t do good on her.. She should have known that he won’t be any different to the other guys that she knew.. She should have known.. She stand up from her desk and get her things.. She didn’t think twice as she went out of the office.. “I’m going first.. Settle everything for me..” she said quickly to her assistant when she left her office.. She didn’t let them question her early out.. It was only 5pm but here she is in front of this club in Hongdae.. She’s not the type to be in this kind of establishment but she needed this at this moment.. She’ll let go about eveyrthing here.. She wants to forget..


It was getting late and the glasses and bottles of drinks that Cassie had was already countless.. “Give me one more bottle..” she said in a slur voice, the bartender shook his head in disbelief but he’s just doing his job.. He gave Cassie another bottle and the gir

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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: Junho you
Chapter 3: Happy new year author nim I will check the story ^^
Chapter 2: Awwwwwwwww this is the fluffiest tae fic ever! Eeeeeeee... Im just cringing of cuteness right now lol
__U1__ #4
Chapter 2: aaaah poor jiminie.. why did you make his role like that?
Chapter 2: Awww this story is cute
JongByung #6
Chapter 2: Wow! I love this... a lot! ^^
baymax88 #7
Chapter 2: Suddenly,i want boyfriend too
dxiong7 #8
Chapter 2: Amazing story