BTS & Jisoo (2)

A Dancer's Crush

It all started with a slow, darker music. 

Although the guys had had "y" concepts, it was very rare and mild. You had never really taken notice because you felt that any dance you performed was just acting. You had a role to portray and that was it; feeling and expressions were just extras, what you really focused on was the technique and choreography. 

This was the first time you actually would watch one of their performances as an audience. Not as someone who's only job was to sift throughly for mistakes -mind you, of course you were keeping an eye out for sharp technique- but to enjoy the routine. 
So you watched Hoseok get into the role of J-Hope. J-Hope was his stage name, the role he was portraying.  

You watched his technique and sharp movements, only to realize for the first time how attractive he was. And although you never knew what "y" exactly meant, or had an example of it, you decided this was it. His lip biting and the way his body flowed didn't go unnoticed. 

Even though you were still examining for mistakes, unconsciously you were getting flustered. It was only when he was almost done did you realize how warm your cheeks were. 

The boys, on the other hand, were having a blast. The maknae line found it hilarious how you, the Olympian Jisoo, the girl who always kept her image perfect and pure, was blushing, and how your eyes followed Hoseok's every move. 

Panting hard, Hoseok looked to find your reaction. And just like the maknae line, he was elated to find you in your current state. He suddenly forgot about the rest of the boys and wanted to take advantage of the moment. 

"How was it?" He asked you with a smirk. 

"It was pretty good, the technique was pretty clean." And although you answered with such a calm voice and sweet smile, your cheeks gave it away. 

He pouted, and sat closer to you. "Only pretty good? I thought it was excellent," he whispered in your ear. He was teasing you; it was rare you were ever like this and he loved knowing he was the cause. The boys watched with excitement. 

But true to your persona, your response came out neutral, but kind. "Well, technique can always be improved! Do you want to go over it together?" You were smart; you knew the boys loved to tease you so your response was always to show it didn't phase you. You even did aegyo, trying to be cute- even though you thought it was quite ugly- and Hoseok adored it. The boys knew you were gorgeous but obviously your tough training taught you to be much more modest, not wanting to believe it.

But he wasn't going to let the opportunity go so easily. He hugged you and snuggled into your neck.

"Stop it!" you exclaimed. He smiled, when you talked like this it showed you were finally being playful, not the perfect polite image you always put up.

"Awe, so cute!" 
"Eww! That's enough!" 
"They're a perfect couple!"
The boys had seen enough and wanted to tease you guys. It was so cute, Jungkook was cringing.

"Oh Hoseok, I love you!" Jimin cried to Taehyung, supposedly imitating you.

"I love you more. Why don't you just kiss me already?" He replied in a deep voice as he pulled Jimin into his arms. 

The boys were doubling over in laughter, teasing you two was a lot of fun. Hoseok could feel his cheeks heating up as you sat watching their antics.


"Well hyung, if you have such a problem with it, just confess!" Jungkook teased. He was pushing it, but all the boys wanted Hoseok to be happy and get you together. And although Hoseok was going to strangle the maknae, you thought it was just a joke.

That is, until he actually did. 

"Fine." He turned to you. "I've liked you for a while." And before he could continue, Taehyung interrupted him with, "More than that! For like, forever!"

Hoseok glared at him, but continued. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

You looked at. Was he serious? There was no possible way, he was way out of your league. A guy like him couldn't possibly find a girl like you attractive. "You can't be serious."

"He is!" Jimin butted in. Hoseok shot him a nasty look.

Could it really be true? You decided to believe the fantasy for once and answer with what you really wished.

"I would love that."

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