BTS and Jisoo (1)

A Dancer's Crush

The boys stretched, getting ready to learn new choreography. Jisoo started to crack the vertebrae in her spine, preparing as well. The boys cringed.

"Jisoo-yah! Stop that! It's so gross," Yoongi complained. "Look, all you need to do is reach for your toes. All set!" he said as he stood up.

"Hyung, you're just old. I can hear your bones creaking," Jimin teased with a smirk, as he touched his toes with ease.

"Yah! It's only because of your short legs," he shot back. Jimin started to protest.

"Arraseo, oppa. I'll just start stretching," you said with a sweet smile, ignoring the pouty dongsaeng. You put your leg on the chair and began to stretch your oversplits. Although the boys had seen you stretching so many times prior, they couldn't help but cringe. Jungkook came over to sit by you.

"Look! I can do it too!" he joked, barely sitting from his split on the floor. 

You smiled and ruffled his hair, "Of course, Kookie." Only over by couple feet was Hoseok, who watched you two, and although he hated to admit it, feeling jealous.

"Awe, hyung, are you jealous?" Taehyung teased, making sure it was heard loud and clear. The other boys gathered around him, leaving only you and Hoseok close by. "It's okay, we're not going to steal your girl. 

"Yeah, what a cute couple!" Namjoon continued. Jin only chuckled. 

"We're not together," Hoseok said with a smile so he wouldn't seem like it was a big deal. But the boys all knew he wished it wasn't true. 

Hoseok had taken such a liking to you, and unlike the boys, didn't know the feeling was mutual. You never had had a boyfriend and your personality made it clear that boys weren't a priority of yours. Sure, you had had crushes before, but you never really planned on going further than that. And when boys flirted with you or shown any liking towards you, you were either oblivious or thought that were joking. Usually the latter.

"Alright if she's not yours than she's mine!" Jimin claimed, trapping you in a hug. And although you thought he was just teasing more, the boys knew it was to just fuel Hoseok's jealousy. 

And it did. He wanted you all for himself. But he didn't let it show. He rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright," he agreed. "Come on, let me run over the routine one more time, then we can start the new stuff." The younger boys nodded with smirks, knowing that their plan had worked.

Jungkook started the music. You shifted your position so you could watch. You never had the chance to see his solo routine, so you were interested. 

The boys saw you watching and couldn't help but smirk. It was rare that you got flustered but they knew that this routine had a great chance of doing just that. Recently, you had realized that your crush on Hoseok was growing and although you usually wouldn't care about such a thing, the boys could tell that it was different, and you were actually taking notice. 

Taehyung whispered to the crew, "Get your phone out. We need to record this."

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