Hoseok's Predicament

BTS text messages

Jin- Hey we need to meet up soon

Jin- Is everyone done with whatever they was doing at the beach?

J-Hope- About that.....

J-Hope- I have gotten myself in a predicament

J-Hope- I kinda need help

Jungkook- Oh no

Jimin- Maybe it's not that bad

V- What could you have possible done in two hours?

Jungkook- That makes me worry more

Rap Monster- Just tell us what you did

J-Hope- Okay so you know how I went swimming in the ocean

Jimin- Yeah....

Jin- You didn't drown someone did you?

Rap Monster- You didn't anger any wildlife right??

Suga- Please tell me if you did something stupid that someone caught it on camera

J-Hope- No

J-Hope- I lost my swimming shorts

J-Hope- Guys it's been 5 minutes why are you not responding

J-Hope- I'm getting wrinkly like a raisin here

Suga- That's the best thing I've heard in a long time

Rap Monster- How do you even get yourself in that situation, Hobi

J-Hope- I don't know

J-Hope- I big wave came and suddenly I'm

Jimin- I thought that only happens in the movies

Jin- Yoongi you're in the hotel

Suga- And?

Jin- Bring him a pair of shorts so we don't have to sneak a Hoseok in

Suga- Fine

Suga- I'll be taking photos for blackmail purposes first

Suga- Be there in 20

J-Hope- What am I supposed to do before then

V- Swim

Jungkook- No hyung he was just gonna lay out and tan

V- Well I mean he wouldn't get no tan lines this way

Jimin- And I'm sure he'd attract more fans with his body

J-Hope- I'm not going for fame

Jimin- Disappointing

Jungkook- Smh

J-Hope- No it's not!!!

Jungkook- Hope a fish doesn't bite you on the before Yoongi hyung gets to you

J-Hope- Eek!!!!!!!!!

Jin- Stop scaring him you three

Rap Monster- How do have your phone anyway?

J-Hope- It was in my bag

J-Hope- I'm hiding near the coast behind some rocks

Jin- And you didn't think to bring extra clothes

Rap Monster- Forget extra what did you arrive in

J-Hope- I watched a dog pee on my bag...

J-Hope- Today's not my day

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vippandaarmy #1
Chapter 8: hahahah jungkook saying how right he was at the end xD
Chapter 5: Awwww i thought jin will be the pink one , chim the blue , suga maybe right about monie being the citizen xD
vippandaarmy #3
Chapter 4: HAHAHAHAHAH yoongi
vippandaarmy #4
Chapter 2: BAHA hyungs and jungkook i love that
Chapter 3: its alphabetized xD