If Bangtan Were Power Rangers

BTS text messages

Jungkook- Hey

Jungkook- Guys

Jungkook- Hey guys

Jungkook- I have a question

V- You mean you're 19 years old and no one's given you the talk yet?

Suga- It's too late in the night for this

Suga- It's been a tiring week

Jimin-It's 4 in the afternoon, haunt

Jin- And it's Wednesday!

Suga- And it's been a long week

Rap Monster- Hobi you give him the talk

J-Hope- Alright

J-Hope- So this starts when a man and woman love each other very much

Jungkook- No!!!!!

Jungkook- Not that!!!!

Jungkook- And I already know that, hyungs

V- You used to be so cute and innocent

Jimin- I wonder what happened

Jungkook- I found the on Namjoon hyung's laptop

Jin- What?

Jin- You let him watch what???

Rap Monster- Hey We agreed that you wouldn't say anything

Rap Monster- And in my defense I didn't let him watch it he found it on his own

V- Okay so we have Namjoon hyungs to blame for Jungkook's loss of innocence

Rap Monster- Don't say it like that

V- Why not?

Rap Monster- He watched not lose his ity

Jimin- Anyway!

Jimin- We've established that Namjoon hyung is a ert a long time ago

Jin- So what is your question, Kookie?

Jungkook- Okay so last night I couldn't sleep so I was thinking if we was power rangers which one would each of us be

Rap Monster- Obviously I'm the red ranger

Jimin- Why?

Jungkook- But I wanna be the red ranger too

Rap Monster- The red ranger is always the leader

Rap Monster- I'm the leader here

Rap Monster- Therefore I would be the red ranger

Suga- You say that but we all know you'd actually be the civilian that always gets into trouble and needs saving

J-Hope- I call the yellow ranger!

J-Hope- Because it  matches my bright personality

J-Hope- Yoongi hyung is the black ranger

Suga- Matches my soul 

Jin- I'm not being the pink ranger

Jimin- But we need one

Jin- Then you can be it

V- I'm the green ranger

Jimin- Do you have a reason or...?

V- No

V- I just like the color green

Rap Monster- Okay so Tae is the green ranger

J-Hope- So there are 3 people left and only a blue and pink ranger

Jimin- I'm not being pink

Jungkook- Me either

V- So 3 blue rangers? 

Rap Monster- No that's silly

Jin- Let's just play rock paper scissors and decide who's the blue or pink ranger

J-Hope- Whoever is left can be our friend that's clueless to our identities

Jungkook- Fine

Jimin- Fine

J-Hope- So is Yoongi hyung still here?

Suga-It depends why

J-Hope-I was just wondering why you wasn't talking much

Suga- I was reading just not replying

V- So who won?

Jungkook- Me :)

Jungkook- I'm the blue ranger. Jimin hyung is the pink ranger. Jin hyung is the clueless friend 

Jimin- He's pouting now

V- Don't worry hyung we'd end up risking our lives to you and the world in the season finale

V- You should feel loved

Author's note: I have no idea where I was going with this but I need a nap.

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vippandaarmy #1
Chapter 8: hahahah jungkook saying how right he was at the end xD
Chapter 5: Awwww i thought jin will be the pink one , chim the blue , suga maybe right about monie being the citizen xD
vippandaarmy #3
Chapter 4: HAHAHAHAHAH yoongi
vippandaarmy #4
Chapter 2: BAHA hyungs and jungkook i love that
Chapter 3: its alphabetized xD