I'm Your Superman

Once Jungkook got in, Jimin could not stop fidgeting. He keeps on tapping the wall that his holding on for balance.

Omg omg. Jimin internally panicked. Omg Why?!!

“Um, Excuse me?” Jungkook looked at him.

is he talking to me? Noooooo I’m not prepared for this. Cold sweat run down Jimin’s forehead. Just pretend you didn’t hear anything.

“Hey?” Jungkook came closer to him and waved his hand in front of Jimin. “Are you alright?” He asked while looking at him straight to his eyes.

“Ah-wow.” He said sounding like a moan. Jimin can’t help but admire Jungkook’s round soulful eyes.

 “Wow?” Jungkook smirked and asked amused.

Jimin nodded still staring back and Jungkook dreamingly. See Tae? I told you his stare can—wait.

“Taehyung!” Jimin exclaimed which made Jungkook flinch, a little.

“ahm?” He asked confused.

“This is his plan!” Jimin grabbed his phone from his pocket. “That little cupcake is going down.” He immediately dialed his number but Taehyung didn’t answer his phone.

“See?” He grabbed Jungkook’s arm who’s standing right beside him. “He’s not answering his phone!”

Jungkook chuckled. “Okay, but...” He looked at Jimin’s arms intertwined with his. “… don’t you think it’s too early for this?”

Jimin looked down as well. “I mean we just met.” Jungook chuckled. Jimin jumped back almost immediately sticking to the wall like a lizard. “You don’t have to go that far too.” Jungkook said amused. “You're Jimin right?”

“Y-yes. Wait what?” Jimin asked mortified. “You know me?”

“Of course I do. Everyone knows you.” Jungkook smiled. “I’m Jungkook by the way.” He offered his hands to Jimin but the other is lost in his own world again.

“W-wait why do you know me?” Jimin asked curiously. “How do you know me? Why didn’t I know that you know me?” In a blink of an eye he’s in front of Jungkook again.

“Okay, that’s too close.” Jungkook said wide eyed when Jimin’s face was 3 inches away from him.

“Answer. my. question.”

“ahm— because” Jungkook’s sentence was cut when the lights in the elevator died.

“That’s not good.” Jimin said. He tried pressing random buttons but none of it worked. “Ok, that’s really not good. I think we’re stuck.”

Moments later Jimin started to panic because it went quiet, way to quiet. “Hey, Jungkook?” He swung his hands around to try and find him. “ where are you?”

Then someone grabbed his ankle, “Hey.” Turn out he was sitting on the floor.

Jimin was more than relieved to hear his voice. “Are you okay?” he squat and grabbed Jungkook’s hand. “, are you hurt?”

“No. It’s just- Jimin promise me you won’t tell anyone!”

“Tell anyone what? What’s wrong?” He asked worried. Something in Jungkook’s voice doesn’t sound right. Yes, I know that even when this is the first time we talked.

“I’m not comfortable in the dark.” He said in a low, quiet voice.

“Oh.” Jimin stood up and grabbed a flash light from his bag. “Tada.” He said after turning it on.

“Wow.” Jungkook smiled at him. “You’re prepared.”

 “I’m Jungkook by the way.” He extended his hand to him and this time Jimin was more than willing to accept it. Omg, he’s holding my hand, and Jimin could swear there are butterflies in his stomach. No, not butterflies but dragons! And I’m telling you their blowing fire up to my esophagus.

“You know, it’s kind of weird that you’re scared of the dark.” Jimin tried to tease Jungkook.

“Well it’s weirder that you have a flashlight on your bag pack.” Jungkook teased back. “What’s that for?”

“Well, Taehyung said I should bring it.”

“He’s the guy you’re always with right?” Jungkook asked.

“Yea that’s him.” Jimin said. “Wait.” Jimin had a sudden realization. “How do you know Taehyung?”

“Well Hoseok hyung introduced me to him.” Jungkook smiled, amused at how Jimin’s expression change almost immediately.

“Uhh!” Jimin whined. “Why did you guys meet before us?!” he exclaimed.


“Hoseok knows me longer than he knows taehyung!” (A/n: Yes for about 5 minutes!) “Oh shut up!”

“I didn’t say anything.” Jungkook raised his hand to defend himself, because Jimin looks like he’s really about to bite someone.

“No. I was shouting at the author.” Jimin glared at me, “and I would never shout at you honey.” Jimin smiled to Jungkook then he continued to mumble.

He didn’t realize how Jungkook’s checks turned a slight shade of pink when he called him honey.

“And I liked you for almost two years now but that cupcake actually met you before I could!” Jimin continued to mumble while he tried to text threats to Taehyung.


to: Taehyungie cutie

You met him before me and you didn’t tell me? I’ll now change your name to the name of the character with the most betrayal!

To: Prince Hans

That’s what you get!)


“WHAT?” Jungkook stood up. “You what?”

“I what?” Jimin asked absentmindedly, still trying to reach Taehyung.

“You said you liked me!” Jungkook pointed a finger at him, looking all shock and (A/n: a hint of flattery evident on his tone.)

“Oh shut up!” Jungkook glared at me.

“I didn’t say that!” Jimin panicked. “I said. I like potatoes!” WTf is that excuse?! Jimin scolded himself.


“You know because I’m hungry.” Jimin faked a “hmmm potatoes are delicious” while rubbing his stomach.

“No.” Jungkook said determined. “That’s not what you said! You said you liked me!” Jungkook was about to cry.


Between you and Jungkook, he actually liked Jimin since the first time he saw him dance. He once visited Hoseok on the dance club a little over one year ago. That’s when he saw Jimin.

He was dancing contemporary. Every time he moves Jungkook’s eyes followed. Every time he sways Jungkook’s heart sways too.

That’s when Jungkook knew he want to meet Jimin! He has to! Those moves are majestic. He wants Jimin to teach him. So he begged Hoseok to introduce him to Jimin the next day,

But Jimin hurried to leave. (that’s when he met Taehyung)

Since then every time he tried to get close enough to Jimin to introduce himself the other just walks away. Almost like his avoiding him.

So Jungkook settled on watching from a far, and from that his admiration might have escalated to something more.


“Admit it!” jungkook almost screamed.

“Jungkook!” Jimin stood up too. “I have a lot fantasies about how I would confess to you and how romantic that would be!” he brushed Jungkook’s accusing hands away.


That’s when the light of the elevator went back. That’s when the elevator started moving again. But none of them noticed.


“So pretend you didn’t hear anything and don’t ruin this for me!” Jimin is shouting now too.

“Why can’t you just admit it to me now?!” Jungkook’s voice was twice as loud now.

“I’m waiting for the right time so you just have to wait!”


The door to the elevator opened and Taehyung is now rushing with Hoseok towards them but they stopped when they heard Jimin shout.


“I swear my confession will be so romantic you will surely say yes!” Jimin crossed his arms.

“oh yeah?” Jungkook mocked. “Not if I confessed to you first!”

“We’ll see about that!”

They continued to bicker and all Taehyung could do is looked at Hoseok and say. “I don’t get it. Is this better?”

“You know what?” Hoseok smiled “I think they need more time alone.”

And with that the pressed a button causing the elevator door to close and the two to be trapped inside again.


It’s been 3 minutes and Taehyung and Hoseok is still quietly staring at the elevator.

“and I also know you own this building and this elevator is now actually fixed.” Taehyung smirked.

“Yep. But a little more time alone wouldn’t be bad.” Hoseok smiled again as he told the guard not to let anyone use the elevator.


The light went out again. That's when Jungkook realized it actually came back on the first place.


"Shhh." Jimin ruffled his hair. "I'm right here." He smiled his famous eye smile and Jungkook felt like jello.

"C-can't you just confess now so its actually legal to kiss you?" Jungkook begged with puppy eyes and pouty lips.

"JUNGKOOK!" Jimin whined. Control as strong as a thread.


(A/N: this is it. I'm sorry I took so long but i actually was stuck. I realized the Intro was too good (for my taste xD) and I had a really hard time finding a way how I could end this fic! and I'm not really 100% happy about how it ends but i decided to post it anyway. mainly because I was reading this fic and its taking too long to update too that I almost felt heartbroken. I didnt want you to feel that so I'm giving you closure haha. I'm sorry if this didnt live up to your expectations :'( but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Tell me what you think! byeee!)

(I also didn't plan for Jungkook to be this fluffy but no matter how i try this is the only way the plot would make sense. and i tried a lot!

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Chapter 1: I'm crying XD
XmoonlightsX #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha so funny it's sounds like tae was stalking hobi or something and awwww little baby chim chim.
emmyrose #3
Chapter 1: this is hilarious af...omg i love it..i'll be looking forward to this...good job <3
Pandaalem21 #4
Chapter 1: LOL! That's so funny epic failure!
SoshiFan313 #5
Woah, this is really creative. Can't wait