Can't Thank You Enough

Desired Tragedies

Sentences in italics are Jungkook's thoughts! Enjoy again~~^^



A few minutes went by as they stood there. Jungkook was so caught up in his own thoughts that he did not realize Jimin had been staring at him.

" Has the rain stopped yet, hyung? " Jungkook asked.

" Yea, it's dying down, " Jimin replied.

Good, because if it isn't, i'll be dying first. Urgh, this is so embarrassing!!

Soon after, the sound of the rain started to diminish. The tiny beads of water on Jungkook's face joined to wash over him in a delicate cascade of trickles. He raised his head and saw that the sky was already cleared up. He put his hand up and brought Jimin's , which was still above them carrying the jacket, down.

" Thanks hyung, " Jungkook stated sheepishly.

" Hey, no prob. We still got a little wet though, " Jimin replied while observing their clothes.

Jungkook's fringe was too wet to even stand. It made him look like he just ran many kilometers. Jungkook then took his phone out, which was miraculously not wet, to check his hair. He looked at it and sighed.

Oh my god, I look horrible. Not to mention there's so many things I still have to do today. What horrible timing..

Before he even got the chance to fix his own hair, hands were already on it.

" You should put your hair down more. It makes you look cute," Jimin said while fixing his fringe.

"Are you saying I didn't look cute before?" Jungkook replied jokingly.

Jungkook didn't know what had gotten him. Maybe it was the fact that Jimin was right there, fixing his hair. Or maybe it was the fact that he was yet again so close to him. Or maybe it was the fact that he already felt comfortable with Jimin.

Jimin giggled. Jungkook then followed it up with a one-sided smile. His eyes then wondered to Jimin's. Jimin was still trying to fix his hair, but Jungkook didn't really bother about it. He was too mesmerized by the other's eyes. A few seconds later, their eyes met. Jungkook knew he should have stopped by then but he just could not. The moment was perfect. He knew what this was going to lead to. Jimin's hands started wondering from his fringe to his cheeks. He started caressing it, trying to wipe away the droplets of water.

"You look like you just cried," Jimin joked.

Jungkook knew that Jimin was just helping him. However, he knew that if someone saw them right, it could look weird. He then reached his hands out to stop him. Once he got hold of Jimin's hands, he could not find the urge to let go. It was so warm to touch, considering the fact that it just rained.

What am I even doing??? I'm making this worse, urgh.

 Jimin then spoke up.

" Do you wanna grab coffee tomorrow? " Jimin asked, trying to take advantage of the situation.

Did he just.. ask me out?

"Oh-um-" Jungkook said.

At the mention of coffee, he could not help but think about his encounter with Taehyung awhile ago. Just as he was about to reply, they heard something.

"Jimin-ah! Jungkook-ah! You there?" someone shouted, probably from the entrance.

Jungkook instantly let go of their hands and gazed somewhere else.

"We should go," Jungkook said, totally forgetting about the question.

Jimin did not want to make it seem as if he was obsessed with Jungkook. To be honest , he just wanted to get to know him better. He also wanted to know if Jungkook felt the same thing he did while they were stuck in the rain. Jimin then decided to let the question slide. He motioned Jungkook to follow him as they made their way to the entrance.

As they reached it, they saw Taehyung , frantically searching around for them.

"Hyung, we're here," Jungkook shouted.

Taehyung looked in the direction of his voice and sighed.

"Where have you two been? Dance practice is about to begin. I had to ask the staff where you were. They told me you were headed to the garden. Are you two okay though?" Taehyung asked while scanning their damp clothes.

"Yea, we're fine. I was just showing Jungkook around here. That's all," Jimin replied.

Jungkook could not even say anything. He just stared at the ground, wanting to forget what just happened.

"Let's go then," Taehyung stated.

Jungkook just followed the both of them, still trying to push his thoughts about what happened.

Jungkook , get a hold of yourself!



At the end of the day, Jungkook was exhausted. It was 8pm and he could not wait to just get home and lie down on his bed. As he was packing his stuff, Taehyung walked up to him.

"Jungkook-ah,  you'll be rooming with me," Taehyung said.

Did he say rooming? Huh?

" I don't understand what you're saying hyung," Jungkook replied hesitantly.

"Well, since you're joining us, you'll be rooming with us too," Taehyung stated.

Jungkook's pupils widened. He totally forgot about that.


"My stuff are all at home though," Jungkook replied.

" It's okay. I already got permission from Baek-hyung. I'll accompany you to your house. I'll drive the other van and we'll go grab your stuff. We'll meet the rest at the dorms after that," Taehyung told him.

Jungkook just nodded and followed Taehyung to the van.

On their journey, Jungkook was pretty amazed at Taehyung's driving skills.

" Hyung, you drive really well," Jungkook said in amazement.

" I guess you could say that. I just really like being in the car," Taehyung repliedd, giggling.

Jungkook told Taehyung the directions to get to his house. His house wasn't that far so it would not take that long. He wondered what his mother was doing too.

Is she making dinner? That's sad 'cause- wait. Wait. , I totally forgot! I haven't told her about today!!!

Jungkook scooped his phone and immediately dialed his mother's number and waited for his mother to pick up.

"Omma! Okay, listen. Something happened today," Jungkook said in excitement.

Taehyung smiled at that. He found it so cute that Jungkook was excited that he finally got to debut.

"Okay? What happened?" his mother replied.

He then spent the whole car ride to explain to his mother what happened today.

As Jungkook explained it to his mother, Taehyung couldn't help but smile.


Jungkook stared at his luggage. He could not believe he was actually moving out. He scanned his room. He made so many memories here. He started to tear up  a bit.

I'm moving out.

I am actually debuting.

I actually did it.

He shook his head.

Get a grip, Jungkook. You can't just cry because you're moving out. Ish.

While Jungkook was packing in his room, Taehyung was outside having a conversation with his mother.

"I can't believe my little boy is finally debuting. It seems like he became a trainee just a while ago!" his mother told Taehyung.

"He's really talented. I'm sure he'll go far in this industry, Mrs Jeon," Taehyung replied.

"Take care of him. He might seem a little shy at times, but he's actually really bubbly and lively. I believe in him," she said while patting Taehyung's back.

Taehyung nodded and smiled.

When Jungkook got out, he hugged his mother.

"Take care, omma. If anything happens, just call." Jungkook said.

His mother nodded and grinned.

Taehyung bowed and waited for Jungkook outside.

Jungkook was about to get out when his mother pulled him by his sleeve, seeing that Taehyung was outside distracted by his phone.

"Are you two close? He's really handsome! " his mother whispered before winking.

Jungkook blushed.

"Omma!" Jungkook whispered back firmly.

I hope he didn't hear that.

She patted her son's head and smiled. They said their final goodbyes and left. Taehyung then led Jungkook to the van.

Take care, omma.

As they reached the van, Taehyung heard sniffling. He thought he was just hearing things so he just kept walking. When he heard it again, he turned around. He saw Jungkook, putting his head down. Taehyung was about to ask what was wrong when he saw tears trickling down his red cheeks. Jungkook looked like he was about to cry a river.

"Jungkook-ah, you okay?" Taehyung asked softly while stopping him in his tracks.

" I can't believe I'm actually leaving. I've grown up in that house. I've been through so much with my mother. I know I shouldn't worry about her but I am. Not to mention, what if I fail at being an idol? I-I just-" Jungkook said before he felt long,comforting arms wrapped around him.

Taehyung could not stand seeing him cry directly in front of him. For some reason, he just could not stand it. As he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's body, he felt warm. Little did he know, Jungkook felt it too. After a while,  Jungkook's breathing started to stabalize and he started to stop crying. Taehyung just patted his back until he stopped completely.

" I was like this too when I had to leave home. The thing that kept me going was the fact that we are actually finally getting to live our dreams of becoming idols. We're making our parents proud. Just think of that," Taehyung said as he hugged the boy a little tighter.

Jungkook did not even know what to say. Somehow, being in his embrace, he could forget everything. He felt so safe in Taehyung's arms. He wanted to stay in them for awhile longer. Alas, Taehyung unwrapped his arms from Jungkook. Jungkook could feel the sense of loss. He felt like something was already missing. He felt like he wanted it.

"Thank you hyung. I needed that," Jungkook said,smiling.

"Your mother told me to take of you. That's exactly what I'm going to do," Taehyung thought.

Taehyung smiled back and helped him with his things.

"C'mon then," Taehyung said while motioning for Jungkook to follow him.

" And wow, you have a lot of stuff you're bringing," Taehyung said while giggling.

Jungkook laughed soon after. That is when Jungkook realized, even though he was leaving the place he had many memories with, he was now headed somewhere where he could make many more. Many more memories with others. As he stared at Taehyung from behind, he grinned.

Thanks hyung. For everything. I can't thank you enough.






Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Subscribe and comment!! And share this story!! :) 

Thanks so much for those who already did! It really made me want to write this! And if you havent noticed, i'm actually trying to make the titles follow the alphabet. Becuase why not? ;p

Let's meet again in the next update!!!

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DragonKookie #1
Fanyeol #2
Chapter 2: I love it vkook and jikook alltgtr.. Hope to hv update soon.