Loyal Customer [YOONMIN]

Unfinished stories

2 484 words

"NEW! Opening the 3rd of September, Destiny's Café. Apparently owned by the famous Kim family, you don't want to miss out on their pastries!" An awfully chirp reporter was talking in front of the camera holding a microphone so everyone in Seoul could hear her annoying voice. Yoongi has always despised people who exaggerated too much. They were just too much and he simply didn't like it, or near, hated it.

He knew who the Kim family was. The head leaders and the most popular ones worked in the family business consisting of paperwork, meetings and more paperwork. It payed off well but it sounded too boring. The family was extremely big. They had people on all sides and apparently the ones who got kids, got a lot of kids who grew up and made even more kids. Geez. The ones who were 'lower' in the Kim family worked with the smaller businesses; like the cafés or restaurants in general. It sounded really wrong to grade people in that way and more specifically, in a family. Yoongi didn't get it. But he knew that discriminating people or judging in general, before meeting and knowing, is wrong. Those who worked at the café were surely kind. 

The Kim business was big in Korea, because they were such an old family, with new and many people and really popular products and businesses. He bet half of them didn't who everyone was or that they even existed. They get new babies every fifth year it feels like.


Yoongi was a loner. He had one friend he could call in emergencies but more than that, they weren't; but the brunette enjoyed being alone. It isn't anything wrong with that. He likes thinking for himself and all that lonely stuff. He also lived alone. He lived in a ty apartment that his parents managed to afford. They weren't really accepting their son for his uality but they didn't have the guts to actually throw him on the streets, so they threw him into a cold apartment. It was really comfortable in the summer when the sun heated the building but since winter appears a fourth of the time he usually always froze and shook in his sleep. That's when he usually had nightmares, and that's when he wished he wasn't alone. He wanted someone’s warmth, just like his mother’s warmth that she gave him when he was a little bubbly boy. Now he is a cold and introverted man. His mother would always comfort him when he is scared. Yoongi is really scared of thunderstorms and lightings. It is really traumatizing because one time when he was in a tree house, the lightning struck the house and that, itself was really scary and loud. Now Yoongi doesn't have anyone who comforts him. When they occur, Yoongi is hiding underneath his blanket the whole night and he never gets sleep those nights so he looks like an attractive panda the morning after. But Yoongi couldn't care less.


His parents disliked and almost hated the fact that Yoongi preferred boys over girls. They were homophobic and Yoongi knew that before he revealed his true uality, but he didn't feel like he could live with them if he wasn't 100% honest to them. So now he wasn't living with them anymore. 

At the age of 17 he is living alone, five miles from his parents who live in a more decent area. When they first screamed at him and stated that they would kick him out to a lonely apartment, the bubbly boy cried for days and weeks, in loneliness. He was 15 years old back then. That incident and that stupid decision of his parents made him into the jerk and shy person he is today. He blames them for everything. 

They gave him a mattress, a mini fridge and an empty apartment for one person. The apartment came with a small table, two chairs, one disgusting couch and a kitchen area, with a stove and a small area for you if you wanted to prepare a meal. Which he never did. 

His parents aren’t that much of jerks when they decided to give an amount of money to his account every month that he could spend to survive. It wasn't much but it was enough. What would he do anyways?


He really liked taking a sip on a latte on a café and do his homework. That was one of the coolest things he did, that everyone wanted to do because it is what they call 'Tumblr'. Yoongi is not really sur what that means, something inspirational or something. But it feels too main stream.

But taking a new sip of coffee on a new café didn't sound so terrible since he is almost tired of the old places. Yoongi bet that it would be really full in the new café. He didn't know if he dared to actually come there early or go another day. What sounded most safe?


In school Yoongi was the invisible kid. No one saw or noticed him, and that was for his advantage. It was really chill to just slip by crowds or groups of people without even receiving a glance. 

Yoongi's grades were really good. His parents were of course aware of that because since Yoongi isn't legal age, he had to have a guardian. If Yoongi failed his grades, his parents would be like any other ty parent. They would stop paying for everything they are paying for, for Yoongi. But Yoongi is a natural born talent so his grades aren’t anything to worry about.


So tomorrow would be the opening of the new café. Yoongi looked into the windows. The space was pretty big, so the chance of him getting a spot, if he hangs on the locker, is big. Yeah, he is definitely going to take a latte there tomorrow.



The clock was 08:45, fifteen minutes until opening. Yoongi didn’t have school today, because he has worked ahead and the teachers love him so they let him go for today, because today was the only day without any practical classes. 

He woke up at eight o’ clock, the located area for the new café just being one mile away from his apartment. There weren’t any people there when Yoongi arrived but after fifteen minutes a bunch of older adults was coming. Yoongi took his place right in front of the door. 

The crowd outside of the café was huge and Yoongi thought about running to the counter, but that would've seemed go desperate so he decided to just walk in coolly. He would order a casual latte, because he is too scared to try anything else. 

It arrived a pretty girl to the door with a nametag on it, Yura was her name and she unlocked the door and Yoongi did as he had planned, he walked in coolly. Some desperate people ran before him but he didn't mind. The man behind the counter was a tanner looking male, he looked handsome. 

"What would you like, sir?" The man behind the counter said. He was greeted with a sweet smile and glimmering eyes.

"A latte please." Yoongi mumbled, almost inaudibly but the tanned male seemed to catch it.

"Alright, what name?"


"Alright, thank you!" Yoongi nodded at him in gesture and walked towards a table for four people. There was for two too but some people had already taken it. 

He didn't even wait for five minutes before someone shouted his name with great force and high pitch. He walked towards the sound of his name and found a boy with dark chocolate hair and chubby cheeks smiling at him. 

"Yoongi?" The said man nodded and received his latte. Yoongi automatically responded with a 'thank you' and the boy behind the counter flushed a bit and Yoongi caught that. 

"Thank you too!" The said boy chirped and Yoongi didn't find it annoying or awfully dramatic, he actually found it cute. Yeah cute, the said boy was cute. 

Yoongi walked back to his table finding it completely empty, still. The orders were rushing and even more people stood in line now. The line was all the way to the streets. He was happy that he got almost first in line, he wouldn't take it standing there, even though the orders went fast,  the line was still slow.

"Excuse me, is this seat available?" Yoongi looked up and saw a man with black hair and blackish clothes. He faintly nodded. He didn't know if he got it or not but it seemed so because he sat down beside Yoongi.

"It is very crowded and full here." The man laughed a bit before drinking his own drink. 

"Thank you...?" He was waiting for an answer on the said boy’s name.

"Uhm... Yoongi." Yoongi said, quite shyly. He never interacted with people, like ever, because no one really saw him. He was always in the shadows behind everyone. 

"Thanks Yoongi, Hoseok." The said man smiled a goofy yet joyful smile and stretched his hand out for Yoongi to take, which he did. 

"What brings you here?" Hoseok was talk active, normally Yoongi felt annoyed but something about this person made him feel less awkward, with his weird smile and funny expressions. 

"I usually drink lattes when I do homework..." Yoongi always speaks his sentences into mumbling. It is like someone is lowering the volume the more he talks.

"Ahh, nice, wait, how old are you? Mind if I ask of course." Hoseok was really friendly, he was really open, meanwhile Yoongi was the complete opposite. 

"I am 17, uhm, you?" Yoongi decided to ask him something for once. He really had to break his social phobia or he will definitely die alone oh my God…

"Wow, you are young, I am 22." Wow, a five years old difference, spectacular. 

"Are you here with someone?" Hoseok looked around. Yoongi just shook his head faintly. 

"Okay, usually people your age are in big groups and later on they separate." Which was true, everyone he saw in his own year was hanging in groups, the snobby ones, the mean girls, the sport nerds, the music nerds and the nerds in general etc. Yoongi could go on forever. Of course Yoongi wasn't completely alone in being a loner. But the loners never hung out with each other either.

"Yeah, but I am not what society calls 'people'..." Hoseok looked up and was met with dark orbs.

"Oh..." Hoseok didn't need to ask, he knew what Yoongi referred to being. His type of people was more likely called 'The others'. 

"So what did you order?" Hoseok wasn't letting awkwardness take over; it was not going to happen.

"Oh, a latte, simple I know." Wow, the first time in like forever Yoongi adds something unnecessary to his sentence while talking to someone. 

"I ordered Mocha." Wow, such mature taste. Yoongi envied him a bit. 

"Could I taste yours? I've never tried." For a second almost thought Hoseok was hitting on him but when he saw his facial expression he couldn't help but just chuckle. He was looking at his latte with a longing stare. He looked so mesmerized by his latte; he looked like a little kid trapped in a 22-years old man's body.

Yoongi didn't answer but just pushed his latte towards Hoseok and he didn't waste time looking at the brown liquid so he dived in and tasted the coffee substance. 

The first sip made him feel like he was in heaven. It was so right, just perfect. He sipped again, and again, and again. 

"Keep it, I am done." Those words were all it took for Hoseok to drink up everything in the span of one minute. 

"You can have my Mocha." Hoseok pointed at his Mocha still standing there, like an outsider. But Yoongi took the Mocha in his hand and Hoseok swore that the Mocha smiled. Everyone gets chances to not being an outsider, and get some happiness, in some point of their lives (did I just?...write a speech for a Mocha?)

Sipping the Mocha was just like he imagined it to be. Bitter, but it felt good against Yoongi's sensitive taste buds. Now they were sipping each other’s drinks and enjoying it. Two more ignorant people sat beside them. They were chatting about some boy from the counter. 

"He was so cute! But he didn't even spare me a glance..." The girl beside him pouted. 

"Don't be sad, I am sure he actually likes you because he played hard to get. It is your first encounter too." The other girl tried cheering him up. It's like they don't even notice that two men in their early twenties or late teens are sitting beside them. Not weird or odd, but revolutionary. 

"He was like so cute with his chubby cheeks and dark chocolate brown hair..." The girl was daydreaming but what caught Yoongi off guard was that he himself thought the same description. It couldn't be the same guy could it? No, he smiled at Yoongi, the shadow, but not to this cute girl? Oh well.  

"So, I really got to go to work now, but if you want me or something, here's my number. Not like in a crush-like way, like a friendly way!" Hoseok was for sure really not afraid of judging, which made Yoongi easy. He nodded and said a faint 'bye' to him and waved him away. 

Yoongi immediately put 'Hoseok hyung' into his contacts. His first friend in almost two years! He was happy, his straight rows of teeth in his gummy smiled showed almost for the first time in forever. 

He left the café with a smile. He was also happy that the boy behind the counter smiled at him and not her. Call him selfish, he doesn't care.


Arriving home nowadays was really sad actually. The home was as always really cold and really empty. He hadn’t gotten any new furniture for the past two years he had been living in this hell hole. It was so empty and Yoongi never actually thought about that. His mind wasn’t in that kind of place. He tried staying positive about the fact of living alone but when it has gone for two years the feelings wasn’t as positive as before. When Yoongi arrives home, he always sits down in a chair for a while and thinks for a moment. He likes to think, it gives him peaceful feeling. It was good to let his thoughts being thought of before he washes them away with his mind. 

So he sat at his broken old chair and thought for a while. The boy he saw earlier had a pretty smile he got to see but not the girl beside him. If he was straight he would find her really attractive. She

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