Snowflakes [VKOOK]

Unfinished stories

8 314 words

An average boy with average grades. Average life, and average relations. Average girlfriend with average personality.

One thing for sure though was her looks, looks that could kill. 

Jungkook is 19 years old and is studying in college. He is a new student and his girlfriend, Yira, had similar dreams. 

Jungkook is straight for sure, heck his first relationship is Yira and she is most definitely a girl. 

His life was exactly like everyone else's. He was exactly average.

Might sound boring and it kind of is sometimes. Jungkook himself can feel that sometimes. He doesn't do anything out of place and he never breaks rules. He is just raised like that, raised like a perfectly straight son. His parents were not entirely rooting for the lesbians and gays out there. Jungkook isn't sure if they are homophobic or not because he hadn't really thought of it. He had always thought that he is straight, end.


An average day in Jeon Jungkook's average life always looked the same. Nothing changed, traditions kept. 

It all started with waking up at seven am, making his bed and fixing his hair because his hair is always in all kinds of places. His mother always makes breakfast for him before she goes to work and he eats it and brushes his teeth. He put on his clothes that he chose freely, they didn't require school uniforms. 

Then he grabs his already packed backpack and starts walking towards the bus stop. There he will wait for his girlfriend who arrives almost exactly four minutes before the bus should arrive. She greets with a small smile that had him swooning the first time he spotted her.

She always warms Jungkook's always cold fingers and when the bus arrives, they sit at the very back of the bus. Because their stop is the first one there are no students on the bus yet. 

Once every student is on the bus, you could clearly see the quiet ones is in the back for privacy and the noisy ones are in the front because they are too lazy to move backwards. The bus driver is the same. He doesn't remotely even care about them, as long as they are intact when they arrive at the campus. He always wears a blank face and gives zero s about anything regarding sound volume and things getting broken in the bus. He just drives these hormonal teenagers.

When they arrive, Jungkook and Yira separate for different classes. They unfortunately don't have any classes together. Yira would often whine about her missing his Kookie when they meet up outside campus. Jungkook would always answer with a simple 'I missed you too'. It was automatic.


The story behind Yira and Jungkook isn't long, but quite disappointing, really. 

Jungkook's parents are strict people. Probably the most abnormal about him is getting raised in a 'prison' as he heard his aunt argue with his mom. Apparently they didn't like each other but even though Jungkook is curious by nature, he didn't question it or dive deeper into the subject. 

His mother had always despised her sister. She was very arrogant and informal towards her, even if she's the noona. He knew his aunt cared deeply for him and she was never bitter towards him. She would always glare at his mother but give a beautiful angel smile towards him.

Her name is Sooyoung. Jungkook loves her. She is like a long lost sister.

Oh I forgot to mention that Jungkook is an only child. He never bothered about that. He just moved on with life.


But back to Yira and Jungkook. Well, his parents were most definitely homophobic but Jungkook never cared to see, so he didn't know. There was a reason why they set up dates with girls his age. He just went with the flow and luckily for his parents, he found one girl who agreed to go on a blind date with him. But why did his parents do that?


Well, they were afraid he would realize the beautiful world of gays.


Jungkook had never seen a gay couple with his own eyes. He of course knew what a gay couple was but for sure let it slip past like any other boring topic. It never came to mind and it was just as uninteresting like the subject called history. Gosh, he hates history.


Jungkook's first impression of Yira was that she was stunningly beautiful. She looked like a model to be exact. She was kind, cute and smart. Jungkook liked her first but to be honest - the interest had started to wear off. 

He still liked her but she had become so clingy it was almost annoying. He cared deeply for her but sometimes she really was too much.

She would always beg for him and make him stay even though he really had to go. He knew his parents adored her so dumping her wasn't an option. He would feel so cruel doing it - they've been together for eight months.


To present time, Jungkook was sitting in his homeroom, as per usual and writing notes in his notebook. He was half listening to the teacher that looked at his watch from time to time. Standard.

He looked for the thirteenth time and Jungkook just rolled his eyes. 

"Oh my holy God can he just dismiss us." Jungkook's best friend tipped his head back in frustration. His friend here really hated everything about school. 

"Yoongi hyung, we are like ten minutes in." His hyung just groaned even louder but just ed it if the teacher heard.


Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard and the teacher screamed a 'come in' and two really different looking boys stepped in. The one to the left that caught Jungkook's eyes wore tights leather jeans, with a MC leather jacket. He wore black boots, had maybe fours earrings on each ear and a lollipop stuck in his mouth. The first impression was not approved. 

He also had shock lavender colored hair and Jungkook cringed at how much damage it must've been made. 

His eyes were lined with black eyeliner so his already feline looking eyes looked even pointier. He almost looked... Sultry. No, not that.


The other boy however really was the complete opposite. He was a flower boy with cute thick rimmed glasses and a big smile plastered on his face. He had a basic looking T with a pair of jeans. He looked really handsome - most girls would probably like him. 

He had a big grin plastered on his face, looking as happy as ever. He almost looked creepy but he could hear the voices whispering behind him and he knew the girls had taken a liking on them.


"Here are our new students! Welcome Kim Taehyung and Kim Hoseok." Now he knew who was who. Taehyung was the gangster boy and Hoseok was the flower boy. Taehyung's name really didn't sound like a gangster though. 

He really looked... Different. Not ugly or weird because truth be told, Jungkook liked his sense of style. Just a tad too much but nothing terrible. He just looked different. Everyone in Jungkook's school basically looked the same.


The two new boys got their seats right behind Jungkook and Yoongi but in front of the giggling school girls. Jungkook actually hoped for them to not sit behind them but unfortunately... 

He glanced back and saw Taehyung having his feet on the table, loudly his lollipop. It made a loud pop as it left his mouth and it looked a little bit disgusting.

Hoseok was sitting with his hands clasped together and looking excited for the class to begin. He looked over at the lavender haired boy and saw him glaring intensely at the boy beside him. Why? He didn't know why.


The day went by as per usual and Taehyung and Hoseok didn't affect it in any way other than that they made the giggling girls even gigglier because they loved the cutie boy named Hoseok. He saw them giving Taehyung stink eyes. Maybe because of his looks and his smoky scent. Jungkook didn't know.




"See you Kookie!" Yira waved and pulled Jungkook in for a hungry kiss. She really was eager when kissing Jungkook. She couldn't slow down - it was quite startling to say the least. In the beginning she was the calmest and slowest human being to exist but not anymore. Something had changed, drastically. She wasn't being quiet and shy anymore but Jungkook just thought she had opened up more.

He didn't think it was more to it.


Jungkook entered his house. It was rather big to fit four persons, yet they were only three living here. He was always alone after school until midnight. His parents worked with their own business. Jungkook never bothered and enjoyed the loneliness. He liked the quietness. 

He liked singing and dancing randomly around the house. Lucky he didn't have wall to wall neighbors or they would knock down their door.


He grabbed a glass of some nice fresh orange juice and headed upstairs. He threw his backpack against his desk and sat down and breathed for a minute, reflecting his day today.


He thought a lot today. He thought about Yira. She was surprisingly happy and exaggerated today. Maybe just her personality.

But she seems different. She seems different in Jungkook's eyes. 

He reflects the two new boys. Hoseok seemed like a happy pill or something. Happy, giddy and probably smart. He seems to be.


Taehyung seems like another story though. He looks so uncaring and badass. Jungkook wouldn't say he'd gotten a bad first impression of him, just another one. He can't really hide the fact that he thought he was handsome. He had gorgeous eyes that looked kind of intimidating and plush lips on a round candy of sugar. He looked really cool. He had that kind of vibe. It was different somehow.




It was weekend and Jungkook groaned while hearing his cellphone ring throughout his whole room. He knew exactly who it was. He had the specific ringtone when Yira called because when she was fiddling with his phone she changed the cover, background and the ringtone just so he would know if it was her or not. 

to me was currently playing and he groaned loudly before slowly getting up and reaching for his phone. 

"Yeoboseyo...?" His voice was certainly deep, as it is his morning voice. 

"Jungkookie~!" Yira's squeal was too disturbing this early in the morning. It was like six o' clock. Give him a break.

"Mm?" He rudely asked back. 

"Don't you miss me~?" She whined back. Jungkook unconsciously rolled his eyes. 

"Of course I do. Do you need anything?" He tried not sounding annoyed. He shouldn't be. Yira is his damn girlfriend. 

"Can't I call my boyfriend?" These kinds of questions were deadly annoying. 

"Of course you can, but Yira, come on." [Like, seriously? Ugh, I know all the vkook shippers out there just want her to like drop dead, ikik]

"Well... I got invited to this party..." She trailed off in a shy tone. See, this is the Yira Jungkook admired and liked before.

"Already?" She hummed.

"Well, it's Taeyeon's party and everybody's going..." She was still trailing off in her sentences.

"Fine..." Jungkook muttered. 

"YAAAAY!!!!! I love you, bye!" Just to explain... Yira loves going to parties. Jungkook hate parties. Social interaction with people he didn't know wasn't something he usually did. People grinding and drinking was the usual and he didn't like it. He didn't like the smell of alcohol but Yira always smelled like it on parties. 

He always trudged along because Yira wanted him to but he never drank or danced or anything. She was always the one getting drunk like everybody else. Some guys hit on her but she pushed them away with Jungkook's help. Because she really was a beautiful woman.


From: Girlfriend

Oh, come pick me up at 8 o' clock, you know where Tae's house is at <3


She just assumes she is picking her up. How spoiled.


From: Jungkookie babe<3

Okay, why is there a party so early tho


From: Girlfriend

She wants to impress some boy named Baekhyun idk 


From: Jungkookie babe<3

Okay syl


From: Girlfriend



Ignoring the heart he went to sleep once again. He was tired as hell because he and Yoongi talked about his last hook.

It was all laughs and fun.


As the party came along Jungkook did his routine. A simple outfit with simple clothes. Simple.


"Mom, I'm picking up Yira to go to Tae." His mom knew who it was. 

"Okay! Come home with Yira intact!" She yelled from the kitchen. 

Sometimes he wondered if they cared about Yira more than they did about him. Then he realized how ridiculous that sounded so he laughed and pushed it aside.


"Hi Kookie~!" She yelled into Jungkook's face and kissed him. She tried deepening the kiss but Jungkook pulled away - not feeling like kissing her today. She was slightly shocked but did not say anything. Jungkook straightened up and just stared out on the road as he started the engine. The ride was short and awkward. Yira was pouting and glaring at Jungkook who obliviously didn't see her. He just wanted to get this party over with.


"Hi~! Yira, Jungkook, come on in!" Taeyeon greeted them at the door and let them in. Jungkook greeted with a simple greeting and a small bow and just followed Yira in. She led them to the bar. Standard. When Jungkook trailed behind her he noticed her outfit. It was... Revealing. 

She had a nice booty and the curves were clearly shown by the tight miniskirt in leather black. She had fishnets and a small crop top that showed her belly button. She had high black stiletto heels and a deep v cut on her crop top. She almost didn't wear anything. Jungkook had his basic jeans on and a basic flannel. He seriously looked like a geek with a stripper when he stood beside Yira.


"A margarita and..." She turned to Jungkook and eyed him and yeah, she knew what he wanted. "A coke." She coldly said.


The bartender, also known as Chanyeol, came back with a coke and a fancy glass of margarita. Jungkook saw him eyeing Yira intensely. Yira didn’t seem to notice though.

She gulped it slowly. She knew her tolerance.

"Want to go dancing?" Taeyeon approached Yira. They kind of were frenemies/the best of friends, Jungkook wasn't entirely sure.

"Yeah!" And she just left like that. Not even asking Jungkook if he wanted to tag along, even though he would decline of course. He sighed and turned towards the bar and just sat there, drinking his sugar infused carbonated drink.


He heard coos' and woos' in the middle of the dance floor. Someone was freestyling apparently and curiosity took him over and he approached the dance circle. 

Jungkook stood behind a big group of shorty’s and he looked over to see a man in black and white dancing coolly and smoothly across the dance floor. It was impressive. 

As the final move was made the dancer's face got illuminated by the party lights and Jungkook remembered that long slim nose. 

It was Hoseok.

The flower boy Hoseok. 

"Jhope, Jhope, Jhope!" The audience shouted. Well, guess he isn't Hoseok then. But it totally is the same person at least. 

He was totally different and he acted way more ily towards the ladies and the girls loved it. Jungkook bet every girl who'd seen him wanted to get into his pants.


More and more people pushed forward and Jungkook got squished out. He huffed because he wanted to see what more this Hoseok hid. Like, his dance, it was stunningly amazing. Jungkook was inspired.


"Whatever." He shrugged and went to the bar once again and sat down with his drink. If it even was his drink. When the thought of someone else's drink he cringed and left the table. He just wanted to leave. 

Everyone stood on the dancefloor so basically everywhere else it was empty. Just some couples making out in different places. He felt quite lonely - he could use someone's company. Like Yoongi's or anybody else's.

"Why is a pretty boy sitting alone?" Whoa.

Jungkook turned around to be met face to face with Taehyung. The different boy from his class.

"Mm?" He hummed and sat down beside Jungkook in the sofa. Jungkook hopped further away, feeling intimidated by the close proximity. 

Taehyung hopped closer and the armrest was in his way to jump further away. He was trapped (well, not exactly)

"What do you want?" Jungkook tried sounding as intimidating as possible, but it was hard as he felt the other's breath near him, on his ear to be exact.

"Nothing, just wondering. Pretty boys shouldn't walk around alone. Bad things could happen." His husky voice was surprisingly deep. And sultry. Oh this ain't good. Jungkook was shivering down to his toes because of that voice.

"Stop that, you're disturbing me." Jungkook shot up from his seat and marched away.


He didn't know where he was going but he just walked upstairs and entered the bathroom. Fortunately it was empty. He was just going to splash his face and he got cold water in his face. 

"Jungkook, what the hell?" He scolded himself. Why did he find the other's voice so sultry? This wasn't right. He shouldn't be shivering under his gaze. He had to wake up and come to his senses.

A loud bang was heard on the bathroom door and then someone entered. 

It was a foreign looking boy with brown hair. He was really gorgeous but Jungkook was just startled. 

"The ?!" Jungkook screeched and the said boy being screamed at directed his groggy head towards Jungkook. He walked forward and was soon towering above the latter.

"Hmm..." The said boy went forward as he purred (wait what) and Jungkook backed as he went closer. As he realized backing up against a wall wasn't exactly smart, the stranger was already standing with his chest against Jungkook's.

"What the man?!!! Let go!" Jungkook screamed in the bathroom. 

"Boy, stop making it harder for yourself..." The man had really dark voice. Like Taehyung. Jungkook was in such a shocked state that a MAN was standing in body contact on him and he was just so shocked, so he didn't notice the hand on his hips.

But when he felt the man nearing his neck with his lips, he harshly pushed him away and he fell on his and he tried escaping but the said man grabbed his damn wrist so he fell to the floor and the latter groaned loudly. The man tugged at his wrist harshly and Jungkook slid against the floor and the said man crawled on top of Jungkook and he struggled to break free. 

"Let me go!!" Jungkook was screaming but to no avail when the man started to his sensitive and translucent skin.

Jungkook had tightly shut eyes but suddenly the warmth of another body was gone and he looked up to see the said man lying across the floor, passed out. 

"What the ...?" Jungkook sat up, scratching his head.

"Don't curse." That deep voice. Again.

"What." Jungkook turned around more confused than ever.

"You owe me one. Meet me at the bubble tea shop at one o' clock tomorrow." Before Jungkook had chance to even react Taehyung was out of the bathroom. So he sat there, speechless. He sat for about five minutes before standing up.


Now he really wanted to go home.


So he rushed downstairs and searched for Yira. He had to go home and think now. She was nowhere to be seen but he fortunately spotted Taeyeon with some random guy. 

He approached and tapped her shoulder. She seemed a bit drunk. "Yeah?" 

"Have you seen Yira?" She smiled a goofy smile and clung onto the stranger who had a disgusted expression painted across his face.

"Oh, she went to get more beer from the basement together with Chanyeol, want me to leave a message?" She had half open eyes.

"Yeah, say I'm taking my leave." 

"Leave?" She questioned. Jungkook didn't like dealing with drunk and dumb people.

"Yeah, bye."

Jungkook left after hearing an 'I'll tell herrr'. He hopes the message will come through.


He steps into the car and drives home. The clock showed it was just nine forty five. He tried reflecting the one hour and forty five minute visit at Tae's. He almost got by a man. A man. Oh my God that was horrifying.

Taehyung approached him... He saved him from getting ... And he had a meeting at one o' clock tomorrow. Oh God.

Meeting? What do you call it? It isn't a date? Because Jungkook isn't gay. He is straight and taken.

Well, he did save him so the least he can do is meet up with him. Yeah, that.


"Hello, I'm home." Jungkook announced upon entering his house.

"Hello, why are you home so early?" His mom walked downstairs and looked at him.

"Well, Yira wanted to go home early." He lied. Poker face. Jungkook had lied for his parents multiple times and had never been caught.


"Alright, well I am going out buying groceries and your father is on a business trip in Canada. He won't be back for two weeks and I'm going away for two weeks and so you'll be alone for two weeks. No parties, no girls except Yira and no mess, understood?" His mother ranted and Jungkook just hummed and walked past his mother who was used to his usual teenage behavior.


The raven haired boy was tired. He planned to just go to bed, and so he did. He washed his face and changed clothes to a big tee and boxers. He always wore that.

Once his head made contact with the soft pillow he thought about Yira. She would've called and check if Jungkook was alright but no call was dialed. It was weird, maybe Taeyeon forgot to tell her. 

He thought about their relationship. They've never gone further than making out. Jungkook wasn't entirely sure earlier if he wanted to go to third base with her. Probably not. He didn't feel special to her anymore and most importantly, she didn't feel special to him. It was just a complicated story and he just fell asleep when exhaustion took him over.




He woke up at seven o' clock. Now that was early since he usually sleeps until 1 o' clock. Guess it was good he woke up early so he could get ready. Wait? Get ready to meet Taehyung? A stranger he didn't even know? Well, Jungkook, you give us more surprises every day.

So now he was fully awake and he couldn't go back to sleep. He just gave up on trying and headed to the messy bathroom. Well, it was almost his own so to HIS messy bathroom. The towels lay thrown in different places and objects had been falling from the packed shelves. He really was messy sometimes. 

He picked up the toothpaste and grabbed his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. And then he remembered he hadn't eaten so he groaned loudly, the sound echoing because of the walls in there. He pulled out his toothbrush and walked downstairs to grab something to eat. Well , he thought. If he was going to eat he'll have to brush his teeth again. Groaning once more he headed towards the refrigerator. It was packed with food. Some alcoholic drinks too. He cringed of the thought of his parents drinking it a late Saturday night. 

He went with something simple as cereal and milk so he wouldn't have to cook anything. He was a lazy . 

He munched on the crunchy and sweet food and watched some TV.


The food was gone and he was heading upstairs to get something to wear. He smelled himself and cringed once again heading towards the shower to make it quick. 

He dropped all of his clothes with pure magic (★) and entered the stall.

After the quick shower he brushed his teeth and looked through his clothes. He just went with a simple baggy t-shirt and skinny jeans together with his Timberlands. He loved those big and clumsy shoes. 

He wore a beanie once again and checked the time. It was only nine. 

"Seriously, Jungkook?" He talked to himself. He thought about what to do so he could pass the damn time. 

He tried scrolling through Instagram. Impossible since he couldn't stop thinking about this man, Taehyung. He grunted and tried sleeping. Nope, fully awake, it was totally impossible. He huffed and went to see if he could find something entertaining in his house. Nope, nada, nothing. Why was he so distracted when trying to distract himself from the thing he is distracted from? Taehyung, why am I thinking about you? Wait wha-, I'm thinking about him! I need fresh air.

Jungkook almost panicked at his sudden state. He was sweating a little bit and he practically ran out of the house to get some air. As the chilly autumn air hit his face he felt calmer and he breathed in and out slowly. I just needed some air, no problem. No problems at all. He checked the time once again. 9:45 o' clock. Well, . He was damn bored so he decided to go on a quick walk. It was quite cold but he decided just to walk a small bit.


Seconds turned into minutes and he walked down the other side of the town. Well, why Jungkook? The unknown area? You big idiot, you're lost. He groaned for himself for the third time that day. Je was freezing and he was a bit lost. In his own town, good Jungkook, you deserve an award. 

He looked around and walked for a few minutes. The town was nearing and he felt like he remembered where he was. He was at the other side of the town now and he looked around to search for somewhere to warm himself. Who thought it was a good idea to walk in the autumn weather without jacket on? Oh yeah, Jungkook did.


He entered the small but cozy coffee shop. A ring made it clear a customer had arrived. He breathed out contently when he felt that warm breeze brush past his sensitive translucent skin. He shivered because of the change of temperature. He smiled looking at the cozy furniture decorating the area. There weren’t a lot of people there. He checked the time again, it was 10:45. He had walked for an hour? That he didn't die! 

He went forward to order a drink. He raked the menu and stood there thinking for a while.

"A salted caramel frappé, thank you." He said and the boy taking his order 'yupp'ed' and went to make his order. 

A few minutes after Jungkook got called by the same boy. 

"Here's your drink!" Jungkook looked in the eyes of the chirp boy. He had a cute eye smile. His nametag read 'Jimin'.


He sat down by the window to the side. He sat there slurping his drink when he heard the door ring. He looked over but instantly regretted it.

"Yah, Jiminah." A dark deep voice called out. 

"Tae, how many times do I have to tell you I am your hyung!" Jungkook glanced up at Jimin to see him walking out of the stand. He walked up to the boy and standing really close. Jungkook was sure they were going to kiss when the shorter boy stopped moving right in front of the taller's lips.

"I have a customer, this doesn't look really appropriate." The 'Jimin' guy stepped backwards and Taehyung smirked. He faced the shocked and confused boy who wasn't sipping his cold drink anymore. He was just having the straw between his lips for his melted coffee and caramel tasting drink, trying to look away.

He could see out of the corners of his eyes that Taehyung was strategically getting closer. Jimin just walked back to his place when he saw another customer entering.

Jungkook hastily pulled out his phone when Taehyung was two tables away. That was a stupid move because Taehyung chuckled and it was deep and loud. 

Why was he so nervous? He shouldn't be feeling this way, something is wrong. 

From: Fetus Kook

Help me

From: Hyung


From: Fetus Kook

I am confused

From: Hyung

It's early go to sleep


He checked the time; 11.12. Early my .

"So..." Jungkook was so startled he fell off his chair. The voice was so near. He looked up from the floor to see Taehyung that was basically sitting right beside him. How he didn't notice him!

"...our meeting is earlier than expected." Taehyung looked down onto Jungkook who hadn't moved from the floor. Suddenly a large hand was outstretched for Jungkook to take but he ignored it and stood up by himself, dusting his . Why dust the front of his jeans if he fell on his ?

"Sit down." Taehyung calmly instructed. Wasn't he going to ask him if he was alright? Rude.

"What do you want?" Jungkook coldly asked.

"Woah, this grumpy already?" Taehyung shot back with his hands in the air. 

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked again. 

"Let's go for a walk." Before Jungkook could say anything Taehyung was already up from his chair. The latter sighed and followed the elder.

Once out in the cold weather again, Jungkook totally changed his mind about leaving his jacket at home.

"So Jungkook..." What the . Does he know my name? Did he know my name at that party? Shocked to say the least, Jungkook stopped in his tracks. The elder ignored it and continued walking. Jungkook watched from behind as Taehyung suddenly turned around, facing him. He wore the same clothes as yesterday, just a looser shirt so his collarbones were revealed.

"I'm going straight to the point." He said in his dark voice. Jungkook liked pointing that out.

"I'm your girlfriend's ex." Jungkook's mouth fell open. These were the kind of guys she hooked up with? But wait... She said he was her first love! What is this bull?!

"Well, two years ago." He walked forward so he wouldn't stand so far away from Jungkook but the latter stepped back. The raven haired boy felt protective against Yira.

"You're here to take her back, aren't you?" He shot back. He was sending glares towards Taehyung. 

"Why should I take that back?" He said. He laughed, almost maniacally.

"What did you just say?" Jungkook stepped forward. He didn't like how he talked trash about her.

"Jungkook, do you even know her?" Taehyung stated, not even smidge intimidated by Jungkook.

"Of course I do." He shot back through gritted teeth.

"Okay, favorite color?"

"Island blue."

"Favorite food?"

"Any kind of street food."

"First kiss?"

"When she was seven."

"How many siblings?"


"Favorite YouTube channel?"

"Glam and Gore." (das mah fave yt channel)

"Favorite sport?"


"Favorite boy group?"

"EXO." (ofc not mah fave, BTS 4tw)

"Favorite girl group?"

"Red Velvet." (not mah fave)

"Favorite Disney movie?"

"The little mermaid."

"First love?"


"Is she a ?" 

"..." Taehyung smirked as Jungkook was left speechless. Honestly he didn't know. He'd never asked her and they hadn't gone to third base yet.

"Well, you got 8 out of 11 questions correct." 

"What? Which did I get wrong?" Jungkook was shocked. How could he know? He really was her ex wasn't he?

"How many siblings she got, her first love, if she was a ." He said. He had great memory.

"Wait what?"

"Her sibling also known as Yura is in America, she got disowned by her parents for being gay." Jungkook got shocked how brutal that is. He certainly didn't despise homouals, he hadn't really thought about it.

"Her first love was when she was seventeen. With me." He explained. "And if you're wondering, she is certainly not a . A big if you ask me." This was a lot to take in, Jungkook didn't know what to do. Then he suddenly frowned.

"How do I know you're not lying?" He looked at Taehyung coldly and Taehyung just laughed at his face.

"Boy, you're so cute. Well, you'll know when Monday comes along, baby." Jungkook totally ignored the nick name.

"We'll see." Jungkook calmed down and he finally felt the cold icy autumn breeze run across his arms. He shivered and shook.

"Cold?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded as they began to walk. He then felt warmth going across his back and arms. He was wearing Taehyung's leather jacket. 

"It's all I have until we reach my house." Wait what? His house? No!

 "I'm not going." His voice was shivering and freezing too. Taehyung shook his head and grabbed the younger male's hands that were ice cold. 

"Try thinking about warm air around you in five minutes." Jungkook could literally feel it and he started to walk faster.

"Baby, it's this way." Taehyung pointed to a big gate. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows but entered it when Taehyung had beaten the right combination. 

"I'm not your 'baby'." Jungkook glared at the elder making him chuckle. Jungkook cringed about being together with him. A BOY. 

"Soon you are." Taehyung mumbled and the younger didn't catch it.


Once arrived in the headquarters of a rich man's house... Wait what? Taehyung is rich? Whaaaaaat?

They removed their shoes and entered Taehyung's big mansion-like-apartment. Jungkook's mouth was more than agape now, literally opened. He just stood there and watched the big room he was now seated in, so happens to be the kitchen, and just had his big eyes roaming around the furniture, the clean environment and the sharp style. It wasn't really cozy or warm but it was stylish and modern. 

"Close your mouth or a fly will take place." The other muttered and Jungkook closed it but glared at the lavender haired boy.

"Here." He handed over a mochi ice cream and Jungkook's inner child kicked in and he gladly accepted the sweet treat almost dripping from Taehyung's hands. 

What Jungkook didn't was that Taehyung was admiring him from afar. His eyes watched as Jungkook's big eyes sparkled at the sight of mochi ice cream. He was gladly it and Taehyung followed every movement of his muscles.

"What?" Taehyung, being dazed, didn't notice Jungkook had caught him and he just shook his head and started eating his own ice cream. 

Do I have something on my face?

Jungkookah! Stop thinking like a girl!

But... Do I have anything on my face?

Are my tongue white? Are my teeth yellow?

"Stop thinking so much." That deep voice boomed through the kitchen and Jungkook was more than surprised. Is he like a mind-reader or something?

"You're transparent Jungkookah." He answered. Like he answered the questions in his head. This is crazy.


When the mochi ice creams were finished Jungkook felt like staying there wasn't a very good idea. So he decided he should head home and he threw a glare and a polite thank you before exiting the door without looking back.


He started walking the way he and Taehyung came from and had a lovely time walking alone in the late afternoon. When he reached the café he replayed the scenes he'd experienced earlier on and realized that he was still wearing Taehyung's leather jacket. It had warmed him so efficiently and nice but he couldn't possibly wear this when it isn't his, could he? He couldn't come to school and return it, it would cause ruckus go crazy in school. Or maybe not, but he didn't want to risk it. He couldn't call him because he didn't have the lavender's number in his phone nor head. He groaned in frustration as he had to wall back and then return home in freezing weather. 

It wasn't really far from the café to Taehyung's house but all he really wanted right now was to get home and chill.


Jungkook lightly knocked on the door and waited a few minutes but got no response. He couldn't have gone out already? It didn't seem like it... Jungkook knocked harder and a bit longer this time and no response. Groaning, he knocked one last time and he promised himself that if Taehyung wasn't at the door soon he'll just leave the jacket out here. 

So he knocked his three last knocks, almost hurting his poor knuckles, but still no response. He was about to turn around but the door opened and revealed a half- Taehyung in a towel only covering his waist. His chest was well-built and glistened because of the watery drops dripping down his crevices of his abs.

"Here is your jacket; I couldn't contact you so you could come get it." Jungkook explained to a somewhat shocked Taehyung with his wet fringes sticking to his forehead. Without any response and last words Jungkook turned around but got stopped by a hand gripping his wrist.

"I'll drive you, wait a minute." His monotone voice answered and walked back to dry his hair and put some clothes on. Jungkook just ignored him and started walking out. He didn't want to get driven by him. He'd rather walk than being driven to his home with his girlfriend’s ex.

Jungkook hadn't even walked for three minutes before he heard a single car drive beside him and he saw Taehyung at the driver's seat.

"Hop in." He said, but Jungkook ignored him. "Jeon ing Jungkook, hop in, NOW." His voice turned from monotone and blank to angry and harsh.

Jungkook just sighed and glared back at Taehyung while walking to the passenger's seat at the back.

"You're ridiculous." Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes but he didn't argue as he drove away from his house.

The ride started out really silent but soon turned into questioning. Jungkook planned on keeping Yira for himself but he wondered why he called her a ? He has a reason, doesn't he? Maybe she isn't but she doesn’t seem like a girl who doesn't lay around and have one night stands all the time. 

"Why did you call her a ?" Jungkook's voice came out in a soft question rather than a harsh order. Taehyung's eyes softened at the questionable look on Jungkook's face. He looked adorable. 

"She cheated on me. With another guy." Jungkook still didn't understand.

"How? With who? Why?" All these questions was ringing in his head and he spoke his thoughts out loud.

"She cheated on me at a party we went to, she got drunk and ended up having with another man. She cheated on me with some guy named Suho, a rich man. I don't know why but maybe because she's a ." Taehyung calmly explained. Jungkook didn't have anything else to say. He didn't know what, so the ride continued in silence although Jungkook had to tell him the directions to his house.

"Thanks." The raven haired boy simply said and walked out of the car. 

"Wait!" Taehyung had a hand in the air. "Take my number. In case of emergencies, I have a lot of resources." He handed a piece of paper and Jungkook hesitantly accepted it without words.

In case of emergencies, he thought. But would he really need it? His girlfriend's ex? No!

But before he could give it back Taehyung was already in his car, starting the engine. Well what could go wrong with having his number, right?


"Jungkook, who's this?" Yira was fiddling with Jungkook's phone at the lunch break on Monday. Nothing major had happened yet, until Yira decided to snoop around his boyfriend's phone who gladly handed the electronic device over into her dainty fingers.

"That? Taehyung?" It came out more as a question than an answer. Yira just huffed but kept the phone in her hand as they left the cafeteria.


"I'll be right back." Jungkook headed for the bathroom and went to one of the stalls. Surprised that Yira didn't object to him when he told that it was Taehyung, but yet again. She hadn't told him about him.


"Hmm..." Yira was smugly fiddling with her boyfriend's cellphone and tapped the phone symbol on Taehyung's contact. The cover changed into the dialing one and soon Taehyung's voice could be heard on the other end of the phone.

"Jungkook?" He voiced.

"This ain't Jungkook, but if you try to contact t him again, I'll make sure you're dead meat, Kim Taehyung." Yira spurted through gritted teeth before ending the call with red vision.

"Where do you want to go?" Jungkook asked and she didn't even answer as she grabbed Jungkook's collar harshly to kiss him. Startled, Jungkook pushed her off of himself and she growled.

"What the Yira?!" He said and she just smirked without words and grabbed his wrist and tugged him towards the exit.

"What are you doing?!" Jungkook was confused as but just followed her and when she tugged him towards an alley.


She pushed Jungkook against the cold and hard wall behind him and he groaned at the pain shooting through his spine.

"I believe the cute ones have big ." She huskily growled in his ear taking him aback. Is she doing what he thinks she's doing? 

Jungkook had no positive feeling as he just thought about the consequences about missing school, being caught, or even doing it. He didn't have control about his feelings and he had a hard time processing what's happening. 

She was tugging at his jeans and put her really really cold and thin fingers around his that started hardening in her touch. Jungkook tightly closed his eyes.

"Don't keep the moans to yourself baby." She ed and Jungkook admitted that the feeling of a was quite amazing. Her voice was deep and husky, almost like a man's. Soon he cummed, making it stain his abdomen and her hand. She ily it off but when Jungkook opened his eyes he didn't see the blackish hair his girlfriend owned. Rather he saw a lavender color display in front of his eyes. He looked a bit longer with his blurry vision n and saw a familiar male creature being none other than Taehyung his fingers off of Jungkook's . Jungkook could almost at the sight. 

Jungkook gasped. Did he just almost to a male's voice? He shook his head and Yira came into view.

"Baby, let's go." She said and disappeared without waiting for Jungkook. He was just fazed. Did he really think Taehyung is that y? (Hell yes he is) did he really think the thought of Taehyung instead of Yira was arousing? He actually kinda did... He groaned loudly and zipped up his pants and started heading back.

"I should be thinking about Yira!" He scolded himself but as soon as the thought of Yira came up her face was replaced by a lavender haired boy instead. He groaned even more for himself and when he thought 'I am ually attracted to Yira, ain't I?' But as soon he thought about a half- Yira in the bedsheets, he saw a Taehyung posing ily. He was being haunted with the picture. He even tried imagining Yira in lingerie but when he saw the woman's body getting replaced with Taehyung's he gave up. He felt a growing at the sight and he scolded himself in the male's bathroom. 

"You can't do that, no you can't Jungkook..." He scolded himself in front of the mirror and he was talking to himself. Then someone entered and he pretended to wash his hand so he wouldn't look crazy. He didn't really notice the other until he saw the height.

It was Chanyeol, the bartender from the party.


He entered one of the stalls in the far end of the restroom. Soon moans and grunts could be heard. 

"Ah, jinjja?" Jungkook muttered for himself. They couldn't bring it somewhere more private could they? The raven haired boy rolled his eyes and was about to exit.

"Ah! Yes me off, you little ! Right there, Yira..." Did he hear wrong or did Chanyeol just out his girlfriend's name? noises could be heard and he could clearly hear the voice of his girlfriend. 

"Mm... You like that?" She moaned and Jungkook could feel his blood boil and he didn't know where this power came from but suddenly he kicked open the door to their stall. 

"!" He screamed as he saw a half- Chanyeol and a flustered Yira with her hands around his .

"Oh, wanna join?" She innocently said with puppy eyes. "We could have a threes-" 

"NO YOU !!" Jungkook cut her off. He looked at Chanyeol who stood there flustered. He didn't know what to do in this kind of situation. 

Jungkook slammed the door shut and marched out of the restroom with his anger quickly fading away as vision Taehyung. 


Why did the said boy make him so calm all of a sudden?

Jungkook's blurry vision turned out to be reality and he saw Taehyung coolly marching over with his hands in his pockets. Jungkook stood there, dazed, as he watched Taehyung getting closer.

"Yah, what happened?" a pair of fingers snapped him iut of his hypnotization.

"Uhm, what?" Jungkook dazedly said.

"Oh come on Jungkook. It wasn't like I didn't hear what happened in there." Taehyung had that cold cool image Jungkook found so mysterious.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Taehyung just rolled his eyes at that statement. 

"You !" He imitated Jungkook. "Fine, okay she was cheating on me and I burst."

"You seem fine right now even though you just broke up with your girlfriend." Taehyung stated matter of factly.

Jungkook realized that yes; he wasn't angry or sad at all. Just, relieved. 

"Whatever." The black haired boy shrugged and turned around only to be grabbed by the wrist and lightly tugged back.

"What th-"

"Are you free Friday night?" The sudden question made Jungkook flinch and when he let it sink into his mind he realized.

"Are you asking me out on a date?!" He shouted back. Taehyung looked around and saw that they had caught the attention of some students and he pulled Jungkook into an abandoned area of the school(how Taehyung knew where? Don't even ask) so they got some privacy.

"Well, if you want to call it that." He stated simply and Jungkook was baffled by his forwardness. He was just looking at him in disbelief.

"Me? But I'm straight..." He mumbled, but more to himself than for Taehyung. He was straight, wasn't he? Well... Now that he think of it, he did accidentally think of Taehyung in a linger- No! He's straight!

"Jungkook, are you afraid of turning gay?" Taehyung asked. He was so calm and his aura just emitted calmness.

"I-I...I-" Jungkook didn't know why he kept telling himself he was straight. He wasn't afraid of being gay, he just didn’t know. He just hadn’t tried it and foreign things felt too confusing and wrong at the same time. But he would admit he liked the boy a little bit, like, when he hears about being gay and talking about Taehyung, it doesn't seem that bad. Maybe... 

Taehyung was patiently waiting for an answer. He saw as Jungkook's eyes showed that he was debating a few things that were spinning around in his head. Finally, Jungkook heaved a sigh because he had decided for his answer.

"N-No..." He mumbled out but Taehyung could hear it clearly. 

"Then why not try it out? I'll show you."




So, Jungkook was surely surprised when he found himself standing outside a fancy restaurant together with the other on a dark friday night. He wasn't complaining and was just following blankly behind Taehyung as he lead him to the entrance but when he realized were they were at he realized that this was way too damn expensive.  The retsaurant they were at were one of the most expensive restaurants Jungkook knew, and they were in Seoul, so it really said something. Jungkook kind of felt a bit ashamed of not being rich but hell, who could afford this a regular friday? He couldn't help being a bit paranoid though.

"Is this place fine?" Taehyung turned around and Jungkook looked at the other male's clothing. He wore a shimmy with slackers, and Jungkook wire the same thing, but when he looked inside he saw men and women wearing suits and dresses. His eyes widened.

"Uhm..." He quietly stuttered. He can't. He can't afford this place.

"I'll pay, now let's go." Jungkook didn't have time to think longer as Taehyung dragged him across the floor to the male responsible over the tables.


"Suit for two." Taehyung said.

"That'll be, for Mr. Kim." The man formally said. Whatta.

Taehyung tugged at Jungkook's wrist and dragged him now towards a "suit". It was a table where you could push fabric around so you could have a lot of privacy.

Jungkook just now remembered as he sat down on the velvety soft chair, that he is here to 'try out the gay life'. It's really weird. He gets that he is on a date with Taehyung and it is really sudden. The other said he would make this exactly like it would be on a gay date, not that Jungkook supposed it would be a lot different.

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