Chapter 4

Found you

The car screeched into a halt a few blocks away from the targeted area. You stared at the building. It was a slightly damaged building with lights shining through the windows. Shouts and screams could be heard once in a while, followed by the sound of items being thrown or glass being shuttered. Being too deep into your thought, you didn’t notice that Chaeyoung had already opened your car door pulling your arm.

“Yah (o/c). It’s time to go. You can freeze after the whole thing ends. Come on. Hurry up,” Chaeyoung was practically pulling you out of the car. You grabbed the chair before any part of you touched the floor. You grabbed your bag pack and jumped out of the car to listen to further commands.

“Ok guys, our main mission is to collect money from the owner and get out of here as soon as possible. Boss said that the Black spiders might have figured out our plans and have already gotten the place protected. Let’s just do this fast. I don’t need you guys and my 2 sisters getting hurt, got it?” You smiled at Mark. You always found his over protective side adorable.

“Ah we got this bro. This isn’t the first money collecting mission that we had remember?” Jackson lightly punched Mark’s shoulder.

“Remember?! The last time we had a mission like this the only thing I remembered was nursing your sorry after getting a bullet lodged into your leg when I specifically told you not to show yourself and duck but noooo. What did you do? You thought you were Captain freaking America and just ran into the building!” Mark fought back. After the last mission, Jackson wasn’t able to move much and Mark, being the eldest among us all, had to suffer being Jackson’s slave for not one, not two but five torturous weeks. When Jackson was able to walk again, Mark practically chased him down every time they saw each other.

“Aye, but you liked it. We could spend time together.” Jackson did his cringe worthy aegyo. Mark just stared at him for a moment before pointing his gun at him.

“Hello we have a mission to fulfill and there are minors here. If you guys wanna be lovey- dovey, do it in your bedroom,” Jaebum lowered Mark’s gun while withstanding the stares he got from the other 2 males. Chaeyoung and you just laughed. Your big brothers never seemed to make you disappointed with their dorkiness ever.

It was time to move out. Chaeyoung and you followed Mark as he went through the front entrance, Jackson and Jaebum went through the other 2 side entrances and stood there guarding the exits. After observing the first part of the plan, Mark signaled for everyone to put on their mask. You pulled the fabric up till your nose and covered your head with your hood. Mark walked over to the bar and whispered.

“Where’s your boss?” The bartender shrugged.

“I don’t know probably sitting in his office watching or having fun with the girls.” You grimaced at what you just heard. “Ew! What on earth did I just hear?! I hope we jump on him when his just watching , I will literally throw up if he was doing you know what with those girls” you thought while silently praying that you really won’t see what was the second option.

Mark lead both of you to a room at the far end of the gambling ring. Without warning, he opened the door showing what you prayed not to witness. Chaeyoung covered your eyes and turned around while Mark walked in with his gun.

“Mr Boss. I see you’re having fun here. Too bad I had to interrupt your session. Put on your ing pants and hand me the money you owe. You have quite a business here don’t you? I’m pretty sure you have the money. I mean come on it’s been 2 weeks and with a business like this, you can pay us back by now,” Mark spoke with a slackish low voice. When he spoke this, you knew he meant business. The owner fumbled with his pants, trying to pull them up.

“Please, just give me one more week. I don’t have enough money and I still have other debts to pay. Just one more week please,” the owner was now begging on his knees with his hands clasped together. You laughed at his pathetic actions. He was never going to escape with a typical excuse like that. Mark rolled his eyes. This was too boring. We had so many missions and the amount of pathetic excuses we heard was overflowing by now.

Mark walked over to the owner who continued to plead. He squat down to match the height and gave the owner a tight slap across the face. By now the 2 women, the owner was having fun with, ran out of the room.

Chaeyoung nudged you, pointing towards Jackson who was signaling something you couldn’t understand. You then looked over at Jaebum and that’s when you saw it. The Black spiders. The people you hated the most. You screamed at Mark who immediately took the notice. He threw the still half owner aside and ran out of the room. You mentally prepared yourself for the fight against this gang. The gang you hate so much. The gang that your members hate so much. The gang that took your sister.


Hello! I'm kinda losing my ideas so it's gonna take me awhile. Antyways, hope it's ok enough for you guys! comment!!

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Chapter 4: nice nice,, waiting for future updates hehe xD
zomuani #2
Chapter 4: i need more update authornim
zomuani #3
Chapter 4: i need more update authorn
stupidvillain #4
Chapter 4: Update more author:)