chapter 1

Found you

Peeling your head off the table, you stared at your best friend who was poking you away from your dreamland.  It was just another boring day in class. The classes were useless, the people in class were annoying and the day was already hell enough. You were just wishing for a miracle, like the dismissal bell to ring even though there’s still 3 more hours of school. The feeling of wanting to lie down on our fluffy bed with all your pillows was so great that just putting your head on the table makes you feel like you in bed already. But sadly that moment was destroyed by the constant poking off the dwarf beside you.

“Hey. Hey! Wake up already! Mark is outside!” Chaeyoung screamed into your ear. The classroom was like a battlefield, with paper planes flying all over the place, students standing on tables and two of them using the class’s broom and dustpan as weapons as they attacked it each other. Dragging Chaeyoung out of the class, you couldn’t be happier knowing that you had a reason to escape one of hell’s chambers.  

Oh I forgot to tell you, you’re currently studying in Seoul high. One of the country’s most problematic schools. Well you couldn’t blame the school for not teaching their students proper discipline when the city itself was in such a bad state. With the country’s worst gang stationed there followed by the other gangs who were slowly rising on the wanted list it would be no wonder that the school was filled with trouble makers, gangsters and lawbreakers.

Now that I got that part covered, it’s time for your past story. You grew up under your parents care with your older sister. In order to prepare both of you for the city you lived in, your parents taught both you and your sister how to fight at a young age. While the rest of the kids around your age in the country were preparing to enter schools, you were preparing yourself with enough skills and streets smarts just to leave the house. There was an old saying in your neighbourhood and it was ‘always kiss your house goodbye because there was no guarantee that you’re coming back’. Yup, it was pretty harsh having to live like this but there was nothing you could do about it. Even though the world outside your house was a mess you didn’t let it affect you at all as all you need was your family. They have always taught you to be kind, loving and gentle, the complete opposite of your surroundings. That was exactly what you grew up to be, but this place is cruel and it will never give you satisfaction in life. One day when your family got home from dinner, 2 different gangs attacked you and your family. You were outnumbered and unarmed, making both gangs at advantage. You lost badly and one thing that you had learnt growing up was that when you lose there will be consequences and there was, your parents’ lives and your sister. One of the gangs ran off with your sister while the other gang was about to leave. You were seriously injured and thought that this was the end. However, as the rest of the gang members took off, one particular boy stayed. He picked your fragile, limp body up and walked off with the gang. From that day on, you became part of the gang. Thanks to mark, the boy that saved your life.

Now back to the present, you saw mark leaning against the wall while maneuvering his thumb across his phone.

“Mark!” The said boy looked open and smiled.

“ Chaeyoungie! (o/c)!” Mark gave both of you a bear hug. The corridors were empty as classes were supposed to be ongoing, but neither the teachers, nor the students could care less about the schedule. Mark led both of you to your secret hide out, the school rooftop. Yah I know it’s a clique hideout but since the place was so abandon why not use it?

“Are the both of you fine with carrying out the plans tonight?” Mark asked with caution. He knew both you and Chaeoyung disliked the idea of harming people but he had no choice but to ask. It wasn’t like both of you had a choice either, both of you were already deemed as weaklings and laughingstocks of the gang as you both didn’t want to hurt people. As if a silent tune was being played, both you and Chaeyoung nodded your head.

Mark sighed. He didn’t want his precious sisters being forced into doing something they didn’t like to do. If it wasn’t for the nods he had received, he would have fought with the head of the gang to leave you and Chaeyoung out.

This wasn’t an easy mission. Mark, Chaeyoung, you and 2 more members had to raid a local gambling site as the owner owed your boss money for the past 2 weeks.

Remember me mentioning the gang who were rising on the wanted list? Yup, your gang was one of them. This was why 2 weeks will not cut it for the boss.

Mark held both Chaeyoung and your hand.

“You know you guys don’t need to do this. You're still 15 for crying out loud. Boss is unreasonable for making you both do this,” Mark said while looking into the 2 pairs of eyes.

“We have to do this anyways. Soon we will be your age too and we have to lead the younger minors though these missions,” you sighed. You couldn’t blame Mark for turning you into a gang member. He did save you, healed you and loved you like his own sister. Not only that, unlike the other gang members, Mark cared about your opinions and safety. He was always there for you when you cried your heart out, asking for your parents’ or sister’s return. It pained him to know that you had to go through this at a young age.

Chaeyoung hugged Mark giving him a reassuring smile.  He smiled back and sent you both back to class. Even though you were reluctant to head back to class you knew you had to, the next period was English and the teacher was your form teacher. He would flip if he found out 2 of his students were missing.  (It was rare but he was a teacher that still cares.)

You and Chaeyoung entered one of hell’s chambers again, just to be greeted by students doing unsightly thing. Chaeyoung almost smashed the heads of the students who were making out on your seats. If it wasn’t for the look in both your and Chaeyoung’s eyes the students would be added to the waiting list to the sick bay.    

By the way, you and you best buddy Chaeyoung were one of the school’s best fighters. Thanks to the training from your parents and the gang, you earned you title of being one of the most skillful fighters in school.  The torturous day continued unlike your will to carry on in school. You slowly dropped your head into your arms as you made your way back to dreamland.


I hoped you liked it! I'm still new at writing so forgive me if it wasn't good enough. Tell me what I'm missing so I can improve! Comment pls!!

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Chapter 4: nice nice,, waiting for future updates hehe xD
zomuani #2
Chapter 4: i need more update authornim
zomuani #3
Chapter 4: i need more update authorn
stupidvillain #4
Chapter 4: Update more author:)