Part 3

Aim and pull the trigger
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He walked us down another corridor then he abruptly stopped. I heard him opening a door and finally he put me down, but not after closing it. 

As soon as I was back on my feet I started punching repeatedly his chest, putting all the strength I had left in every punch. I was hoping in, at least, a little sound of pain, but nothing left his mouth. He just stayed there doing nothing, letting me punch him. 

That made me even more angry and I start punching him with more force, but it was useless. I just managed to drain myself even more. 

I stopped to catch my breath pushing back my blonde fringe to look up at the tall . He had raven black hair lightly parted in the middle and plump lips stretched in a smirk.

‘Are you done?’ he asked massaging his chest where I hit him. I nodded once still breathless and I looked at my surroundings. There was a bed in the centre of the room, a wardrobe, a mirror and a door. 

‘The bathroom is in the other room’ J nodded at the wooden door I was looking at ‘Go have a shower and dress up with whatever you want from my wardrobe’ He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal and turned around to get out of the room. Once the door was closed behind him I waited a few minutes to try and open it, but it just stopped right away. 

Something heavy was blocking it ‘Yoongi, go shower’ or someone, I guess. Of course J wasn’t going to left me alone like that. I ran past the bed to the touching-the-floor long white curtains and I pried  them open to reveal a glass wall. I looked through it seeing there was no way down from there. The floor was too high, jumping from the window wasn’t an option. 

‘Yoongi, don’t make me come inside. Go shower’ I frantically freed myself from the curtains to see the door still closed. I sighed relieved and realizing I really was in need of a shower I accomplished. I choose some random clothes from the wardrobe, they were probably going to be too big for me anyway, and hopped in the shower. 

Once I was cleaned I felt a lot better, less filthy and more relaxed I dressed up in the clothes I choose, a black polo neck jumper and simple ripped on the knees jeans that kept falling from my waist every time I moved too much. I pushed back my still wet hair looking inside the wardrobe for a belt or something to tie this damned jeans in place, but the seemed to not have one. 

‘What are you looking for?’ I didn’t hear him coming inside. His voice right behind me frightened me so much that I hit my head on one of the shelves inside the wardrobe. 

‘Sorry’ the chuckled ‘Didn’t mean to startle you. But really, what are you looking for?’ he crouched beside me. 

‘A belt’ he just nodded and gave one to me, from the tallest shelf. The one I couldn’t reach. Of ing course it was there. I silently wore it and it was nice not having to worry about losing jeans while moving anymore. 

Then I realized that J was inside, so nobody should be outside the door, right? I ran past him to reach the door, but I found it locked. J chuckled from behind me while I kept trying to pull the handle. I stopped only when he took my hands in his ‘You need stitches on these cuts’ he said inspecting my palms, I didn’t notice they were losing blood again. 

‘C’mon I’ll take you to Seokjin, he will know what to do’ He opened the door with a key and waited for me outside ‘C’mon I’ll even let you walk by yourself’ He smiled making his eyes looking like little crescent moons. I followed him reluctantly. 

‘Doesn’t this Seokjin have a letter as a name like everyone seems to in this place?’ I asked out of curiosity, J just chuckled at that. 

‘We call him Jin sometimes, he doesn’t have a letter’ the tall shrugged. 

‘Because there can’t be two Js? Too confusing?’ I tried again. 

He shook his head ‘He doesn’t need one. Jin stays at the base, doesn’t go on missions.’ 

‘Is Seokjin his real name then?’ I pried. 

‘I guess’ he shrugged again leading me down a couple of floors. 

‘What’s your real name?’ I asked him, he stopped making me bump into his back. 

J turned around smirking ‘Why do you want to know?’ he crossed his arms. 

‘I don’t want to call you by letters, it’s ridiculous’ I shrugged b

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Chapter 4: I really enjoy this story, but Yoongi.. ㅠㅠ
elynnamajin #2
Chapter 4: Damn it Yoongi! You cheated on Tae,your own boyfriend! I felt dissapointed with you. I hope this story end with Taegi
elynnamajin #3
Chapter 4: Damn it Yoongi! You cheated on Tae,your own boyfriend! I felt dissapointed with you. I hope this story end with Taegi
elynnamajin #4
Chapter 4: Damn it Yoongi! You cheated on Tae,your own boyfriend! I felt dissapointed with you. I hope this story end with Taegi
Sashatri #5
Chapter 1: good story.
waiting for ur update