
The new girl

“Oh my god!”

Every girl in the lunch room looked over at the excited girl that burst through the entrance. She ignored everyone else but the three girls that were sitting at her usual lunch table. Their heads had snapped up too when they heard Wheein yell loudly from across the whole lunch room. They watched her with confused smiles as she yelled the whole way to their table. She didn’t stop until she plopped down into the empty seat that was waiting for her.

“Oh my god!”

“Geez Wheein, what’s got you so hyped up? You’ve caused a bigger scene than usual today.” Hwasa jokes with an amused smile on her face

“Yeah Wheein, whatever it is, you might as well stand up on the table and announce it to everyone because I’m sure you’ve made them just as curious as us.” Moonbyul adds looking around at the mumbling girls glancing at them curiously. At least they seem just as amused as them.

Wheein brushes off their banter and gets straight to her point, still not bothering to quiet down. “What have I been pushing to do for the past three years? You two should know. Solar gets a pass ‘cause she’s the new girl, but you two don’t get any excuses. So guess.” Wheein leans on the table looking at both Moonbyul and Hwasa expectantly. Although, Solar notices that her gaze seems to linger on Moonbyul a bit longer. Or maybe she was just seeing things. She preferred that over the former possibility.

Moonbyul and Hwasa give each other a confused glance, before thinking back to what it could possibly be.

“If you guys don’t answer soon, I’m unfriending you.” She slaps her hand on the table impatiently.

“Ah, so it’s that important, huh?” Moonbyul says with a knowing smirk. Hwasa’s eyebrows crinkle while she tries desperately to think of the answer. She blames her need to answer first on her competiveness, nothing else. “They must have finally chosen your script to use for the school play!” Moonbyul says beaming. She pushes back her chair and stands up for a hug.

“Yes!” Wheein leaps into her arms laughing. “They finally chose my work! I’m finally good enough!”

Hwasa sits back in her chair and quietly pushes away the hurt feeling she gets at the sight of her two old friends jumping around in an embrace. She lets Wheein’s smile and excitement take her to a better place, where she can be happy of her achievement.

Solar has a half smile in place, fighting similar feelings away. Those sort of feelings are the last things she needs anyway. She focuses on the play instead, which she’s never heard about before now. Were they really important here or was it just important to Wheein?

“Wheein, you were always good enough. They were just too dumb to see it these past years.” Hwasa protested. “You never told me you were writing another script though.” She thought Wheein would have at least told her about this. She usually did. Was she talking to someone else about it?

“I didn’t want anybody to see it until I got good news, that’s why.” Wheein puts her hands to her face and squeals in delight. Then she looks at Solar like she had an idea. “Hey Solar, have you ever acted before?”

“Um…” Solar’s a bit taken aback by the question. Only because she didn’t expect to be included so fast. “Yes, actually I was in a play once at my old school. Did the kiss scene and everything.” She did it all to get her parents attention, but even getting the lead role did nothing. It did give her at least two revelations at least. She didn’t like kissing boys and she actually enjoyed acting. Actually, just being a part of the whole thing was what she liked. She’s sure she would have had just as much fun being on the stage crew. She quit anyway after her parent’s missed every show.

“Great!” Wheein grinned. “You have to audition then! And so do you guys!”

“But you told me that I at acting.” Moonbyul grimaced at the idea.

“I never said that… Did I?” Wheein trailed off trying to remember. “Well if I did, I don’t remember saying it, so it must not be true.” She brushed it off with a wave of her hand.

“If I have to audition then you do too,” Solar said giving Moonbyul a pointed look.

Moonbyul smiled and rolled her eyes. “Fine because you’re soo threatening,” Solar reached over and slapped Moonbyul’s arm for her sarcasm, but Byul only snickered in response.

Wheein turned away from them and turned to her closest friend instead. “Hwasa you’ll audition, won’t you?”

Hwasa narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, then answered Wheein with her own question. “Are you going to be acting?”

“No, I’ll be busy directing, but maybe...” She said like it was something that just occurred to her.

“Well… if you don’t, can’t I just be your assistant or something? I mean there’s going to be other girls auditioning anyway.” Hwasa half smiled at Wheein’s pout and continued like she didn’t notice it. “You never told us what your play was about. How can any of us promise to do something we know nothing about?”

“Oh that's right! I have copies of the script for all of you!” Wheein quickly opened her bag and reached in to pull out 3 thick scripts. “I say we meet up after school and go through it! I want to see some of it in action before the auditions.”

“Um… Actually, after school, Solar and I were going to-” Moonbyul willingly stopped talking when Wheein put her hand up to interrupt her. She knew it was going to come. They didn’t actually have any plans after school, Moonbyul just liked to .

“It’s not actually an option. You both will be in the drama room after school, promptly too. No wandering around.”

“Is this what Director Wheein is like? I think I like her. She’s bossy.” Hwasa said looking at her with an unreadable glint in her eye.

“Yeah she’s scary but it makes her sort of ho-” -t Moonbyul didn’t finish her thought because she knew it would just add fuel to the fire after the running gag.

“No-no finish your sentence,” Wheein encouraged with and amused grin.

“This is all your fault.” Moonbyul turned to Solar with a frown.

“You got yourself into this mess and you’re doing little to get yourself out of it.” Solar said shrugging off her accusations. She tried to blame it on her before but Solar had none of it. “Maybe Wheein should direct with a whip. You might respond well to that method of directing.” She added with laugh.

Wheein and Hwasa snort while Moonbyul’s face turns beet red.

“Welp, can’t say it was nice knowing you guys.” Moonbyul grabbed her tray and stood up. “Don’t worry about getting the whip because I won’t be showing up today or ever.”

“Come on, Moonbyul. You know we’re kidding.” Hwasa said with a full mouth, not really trying to win her back.

“Yeah. Plus, if you don’t I’ll find you and-”

“Your next words are very important to the future of our friendship.” Moonbyul gave Wheein a sharp look.

“-drag you there. Geez what did you think I was going to say?” She wasn’t initially going to say something so innocent and they all knew it. Solar and Hwasa failed to hold back their smiles, and Moonbyul glowered at them in response.

“I’ll come on one condition.”

“What’s the condition?” Wheein asked still finding all of this very funny.

“This gag has to end. Forever.”

Wheein sighed and pretended like she was considering it. “Fine. From this point on, Master Byul will be forgotten forever and we shall only refer to you as Moonbyul.”

“Unless something else comes up. You can’t take away our future gags. That’s just unreasonable.”

“I agree with Hwasa.” Solar was quick to back Hwasa up.

“Alright! It’s agreed between us three. Can you accept our proposal?”

Moonbyul rolled her eyes, but she knew she wasn’t going to get anything better than this. “Fine. But if y’all slip up, I leave.”

“We won’t. Just sit down already and finish your lunch.” Hwasa threw a balled up napkin at her.

“Okay,” Moonbyul said finally sitting down with a satisfied smile, unfazed by the napkin bouncing off of her.

“I can’t believe you’re only coming after making demands.” Wheein scoffed. “Some pal you are.”

“I did what I had to and I’m not at all ashamed. In fact, I’m proud of getting out of this gag as soon as I did.”

“Whatever, you’ll mess up soon enough, and we’ll be even more relentless.” Hwasa said with an evil grin, pointing her fork at Moonbyul to emphasize her words.

“See Solar, this is why I need someone on my side. I need someone to take some of the heat.” Byul turned to Solar, who had a sandwich halfway in .

“I’m not keen to join the losing side.” She said with a full mouth. Moonbyul just barely made out what she said. When she swallowed the food she added, “To be honest, I’m too scared. Sorry, but you’re on your own. I have to watch out for myself. Plus, you aren’t exactly an angel to me.”

“I’m mean, if you take my charming compliments as unangel-like, then yeah, I guess I understand what you mean.”

“Ah Bitter Byul, a common occurrence now a-days, it seems.” A voice said from above them. They all turned to the cute-pretty girl standing a foot from their table.

“What do you mean, Yooa? What are they saying about me?” Moonbyul said with an alarmed look.

“Nothing really. I just happened to hear your guys’ conversation this past week. In the library and such.” She said with a knowing smile. Moonbyul only groaned and turned away. “I actually just came to say congratulations to Wheein, I heard your script got chosen.”

Wheein was beaming in response. “People are talking about it already?!”

“Well sort of… You guys are kind of loud… I think we all just found out right now.”

Hwasa let out a loud cackle. “I told you, Wheein. The whole cafeteria got to find out when we did. We’re not even special.”

“Well, you’re all kind of like that sometimes. I think that’s what makes Solar a good addition to your group.” Yooa smiled at Solar, but Solar hardly noticed.

She turned to Byul with a wide smile. “She called me by my name! It’s finally changing!”

“Ooh, I wouldn’t count on it, hun.” Moonbyul reached out and brushed her hair down. “Yooa’s just extra polite.” Solar’s smile immediately changed, and she sat back in her chair in a quiet huff.

Yooa looked a little confused for a second, but immediately shook it off and turned back to Wheein. “Anyway, I just wanted to say that people are really excited about the play. After seeing your talent in art, a lot of people are anticipating this.”

Wheein smiled shyly. “Thank you, I hope it doesn’t let anybody down.”

“That’s no way to talk, Wheein,” Moonbyul said in a scolding manner. “We all know you got this.”


Hwasa’s sitting on a desk reading the script while she and Wheein wait for the others to show up. It’s been irking her since she heard about it. She just didn’t get it. Wheein and her have told each other everything going on with each other since they officiated their best friendship in kindergarten. So it should be pretty obvious that they know each other pretty well. Wheein can tell that something’s bothering her, but she’s put off asking her about it because she had a feeling it was about her. But when Hwasa sighs for the tenth time in five minutes, she knows she it’s time to face the music.

“Just tell me already. Why are you so upset?” Wheein says finally turning away from the door to look at her best friend next to her.

Hwasa doesn’t even look up from the script she’s not really reading. She’s been stuck on the same line for the past five minutes. “You mean you don’t know?” She says like Wheein should, and maybe she should considering their track record.

“Well… You got upset at lunch, and the only thing that happened at lunch was me telling everyone about the good news.” Wheein said a bit bitterly.

It was meant to make Hwasa feel guilty, and it worked. Who had more right to be upset? Hwasa sighed, but this time for a different reason. She was letting her feelings get in the way of Wheein’s accomplishment.
“Look, I’m sorry. No one’s happier about this than me. I mean, you used to rant to me all the times you weren’t chosen. I just can’t believe you didn’t tell me that you were writing something new. You came to me a lot about the other scripts. Did…” She stopped not really wanting to go there. If she went to someone else, maybe it was best not to know. Especially if it was her.

“Did what? Go ahead and ask.” Wheein urged, bumping her shoulder into hers.

“Nah.” Hwasa shook her head turning back to the script.

“What?” Wheein asked again even more curious and now she wore a faint smile. It was rare to see Hwasa bashful like this, and it was always a treat. But she had to let it go when she heard Solar and Moonbyul’s laugh from outside the hall.

“No for real! Your face was like this.”

Solar let out a little yell of disapproval, and there was a coupled sound of a faint slap and a following chuckle from Moonbyul. “It was not! Even if it was, I still caught the ball and got you out! So I don’t regret it.”

“If that’s the cost of getting out, I’ll take it.”

“Blah-blah. I hate you.” Solar said as she swung the door open. She didn’t seem to mean it, if you considered the big smile plastered on her face. Moonbyul seemed to take it well too, considering her own smile.

“Hey! WHEEIN!” Moonbyul said when she passed the threshold. Hwasa didn’t think she could perk up anymore, but she did just a bit when her eyes landed on Wheein. “I saw the finished product, and it’s amazing! I wouldn’t expect any less though.”

It wasn’t hard for Wheein to perk up, considering the conversation she was having before. “How did a nerd like you manage to read it between lunch and now? Didn’t you have math?”

“I did! I didn’t pay attention the whole class because I was reading it. I got in trouble a couple times because of it. Hwasa too!” She pointed at her friend.

“I read it too, I just didn’t get in trouble for it like you guys.” Solar said with a frown. “I think Mr. Son already knows I’m a lost cause… How did he figure that so fast?”

“It’s probably because you’ve tried to get out of every question he’s asked you so far by asking to use the restroom.” Hwasa said with a forced smile, although the sentiment was real. She just wasn’t feeling it right now. She didn’t even have to ask to find out the answer to her question. Wheein seemed to have gone to Moonbyul instead of her. Maybe it was for the best. Her script did get chosen this time, didn’t it?

“Right… He needs to stop doing that. He’s totally just picking on me.”

“I think he’s just trying to wake you up.”

Solar frowned deeper and mumbled something almost unintelligible as she walked away to set down her bag. “I can still hear him with my eyes closed.”

Moonbyul chuckled and turned back to Wheein. “So what’s the plan, Wheein? I’m not sure we have time to read the whole script today.”

“I was thinking we just go over the beginning today. I just want a taste of it.”

“Who should do it then?”

“I think… I want to.”

Moonbyul nodded with an understanding. This meant a lot to her. “Go for it.”

“And…” Wheein hesitated. “Maybe you could read the other part?”

Moonbyul grimaced only slightly, just because she didn’t really feel up to the task, but it was Wheein asking. “As you please. You are the boss.” She smiled at her easily giving in. Neither of them knew how the two other girls in the room looked away from the scene as if they were slapped.

Could the girl be anything but confused after waking up in the middle of the woods when the last thing she remembered doing was driving? This was the opposite of driving as far as she was concerned. At least she had been driving through the woods and not some other place like the city. That was a good sign, right? She was close to her original destination. At least, somewhat.

She sat up and looked around feeling very groggy. Before she even thought about getting out of here and finding out what had happened, she needed to make sure she could stay awake. She was tempted to just lay back down and take a good ol’ forest nap, but that didn’t seem like a good idea.

So she sat up and crossed her legs, while she thought back to try to work out how she got here. It occurred to her that she should have been very scared, but she just didn’t feel that. She felt strangely calm. Maybe too calm, but for now that worked in her favor. “I was driving, and…” There had to be more to that memory. “I was driving and… I was listening to SNSD’s new album. That’s it. That’s all I remember.”

She nodded. “If there isn’t a road nearby, I’m screwed.” How well she accepted this was also concerning, but she was unconcerned about being unconcerned. There was nothing else to do but get up so she did. “I was driving, so there has to be a road around here somewhere. Just gotta find it.”

She walked on and whistled the last song she remembered listening to. It was the only thing that seemed to be filling her mind at the moment. She didn’t even notice that there was a body in front of her until she tripped over it. “Oh .” She just barely caught herself before she ate it. “Dude, watch it!” She said that to the body. The possibly unalive and maybe rotting body.

When she realized this, her eyes went wide and she slowly walked over to the form she just tripped over. The body belonged to a girl that looked her age and she was angelic. It would be such a shame if she was dead. This wasn’t the appropriate thought to have, and she recognized this, but like everything before, it didn’t concern her too much. “I just tripped over this beautiful girl and called her dude.” She whispered in disbelief to herself. Had she always talked this much to herself?

“Hello…” She lightly pushed her. “Hey wake up, you’re a tripping hazard sleeping here.” Now that she was closer, the girl actually didn’t look too dead. Well, she was holding on to hope.

The girl’s eye lids flickered open, and she blinked several times trying to catch her bearings. “Whaa?” She sat up fast and rubbed her eyes. She looked around and looked just as confused as her companion probably did a bit earlier. “What am I doing out here? Did I pull over to take a nap? I wasn’t that tired. I mean… was I? I don’t remember.” She said and shook her head.

“Hey, that’s exactly how I feel!” She said a bit too loud. “Last thing I remember was driving, and what do you know?” She raised her arms gesturing to the area. “Now I’m out here, in the middle of what is probably like hell or something.” This wasn’t something that should have been said with a smile, but she did.

“Right. Hell…” The girl’s eyes lingered on her face for a moment, probably hinting at something, but it didn’t click. “Can you maybe lead me out of this hell?” The girl looked at her again, this time hopeful. Honestly, it was heart melting, that look, but she didn’t let it show.

“Nope, I was just trying to find the rode before I tripped over you, but you’re free to join me.” She stood up, and offered a hand. “I don’t think things will get much better for us if it gets dark.”

“No, you’re probably right about that. Okay,” The girl grabbed the hand offered to her, and heaved herself up. “Let’s find our cars, I guess.”

They continued in the direction the trippee had been heading before she met the gorgeous girl next to her. They didn’t get far before the girl started asking more questions.

“Do you feel weird?”

“How do you mean? I mean, considering our situation...”

“Like I don’t know… Transparent?”

“Feel transparent? Can’t say that I do…” Or did she? Maybe she meant unwhole in some way, which she did, but she didn’t admit to it. Instead she squinted her eyes at the girl and acted like she was looking closer. The other girl rolled her eyes, knowing she was teasing her. “You seem pretty solid to me. I mean, I did trip over you after all.”

“Maybe I’m going crazy. This might be some fever dream for all I know.”

“If it is, I’m glad to be a part of it.”


She felt lighter going home, and Hwasa could see it. She couldn’t keep the smile off her face. Hwasa wanted to believe it was all because of the play, but she had a hard time believing that. Moonbyul just seemed to effect Wheein in a way Hwasa never could. Maybe it was time to just let it go.

No. That just wasn’t how Hwasa worked. Maybe all she needed was to have was patience. From the looks of it, Moonbyul had her eyes on someone else. But sometimes she even doubted that. Moonbyul didn’t exactly look at Wheein with pure innocence either.

“Wheein, you want to go see dumpster cat today? I brought a treat for him this time.” She pulled out the treats from her bag that she bought in the spur of the moment. Of course when she was at the store and she saw them, she wasn’t thinking of Kkomo, the dumpster cat, but Wheein and the way she smiled when she was playing the cat she was forbidden to have.

“You did? Yes, of course!” She laughed and grabbed them from her hand, now hopping up and down as they walked. “The dumpster has been a lot smellier lately, and I think he loves it. Maybe he needs a taste of the good life to remind him that the trash he’s eating is naaasty.”

“I don’t know, he seems made for it.”

“Well, he’s gotta be somewhat dependent on me or he’ll just disappear forever.” Wheein pouted.

“I think even a cat has good enough sense not to run from you.”

“Ahh,” Wheein smiled and squinted her eyes. “What’s with you lately? You’ve been hanging out with Moonbyul for too long.”

“Well you seem to like her well enough…” Hwasa mumbled not loud enough for Wheein to hear.


"Nothing. I’m just saying galaxy cat’s got to respect what he has. He was probably eating poop before he came across you.”

Wheein leaned her head back and laughed. “His breath was horrible. He probably did.”


She refused to let her touch her today. Once she brushed her off once, Moonbyul tried to keep her hands to herself. She had to respect her wishes, of course, but it was also such a habit, she did slip up. It ended the same way each time. She was brushed off. She tried not to think too much of it, but she couldn’t stop it from hurting. Moonbyul tried to think of what she could have done to get this reaction, but she also noticed that sometimes Solar would randomly slip away a bit. Today it was just more obvious.

After what was mostly a one sided conversation on the trek back home, Moonbyul awkwardly walked Solar up to her front door. “Um… Should I wait for you tomorrow? You know, for the bus?”

“If you want to.” Solar looked at her with even face. Moonbyul fought to keep the hurt from showing on her own.

“It’s not really about what I want…” She scratched the back of her neck not knowing what else to say. She didn’t want to leave things this way, but she didn’t know what she could do.

Solar dropped her hard demeanor as soon as she saw how hard Moonbyul was trying. She really didn’t deserve this.

“You’re my friend, right? I’ll always want you here.” When Moonbyul didn’t seem totally convinced, Solar leaned forward and pinched her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” She said in an animated voice.

Moonbyul rubbed her cheek, but she was smiling now, at least. “See you tomorrow. Don’t you dare be late again. It’s too hot to be running in this heat.”

“What are you going to do about it if I am?” Solar challenged. She always seemed to do that with her.

Moonbyul smiled easily accepting the challenge. “Nothing. You just won’t be late.” Moonbyul finally turned away to head to her own house. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Solar! I’ll miss you!”

“What are you planning?!” Solar yelled back. She knew Moonbyul enough to see a plan working in her brain.

“I’m thinking about nothing but our next meeting.” Moonbyul was now yelling from her front door. “It’s too far away!” She gestured between themselves. “The distance… and the time ‘til we meet again! So just hold on a bit longer, and I’ll be with you before you know it.”

“Moonbyul, don’t do anything you’ll regret!” It was useless, her smiling face already disappeared behind her door. Solar just had to sigh and wait to see what Moonbyul could be imagining.


"Snsd's new album" lmaoooo fiction is crazy!

Be sure to answer the poll i added cuz i'm curious and i can be impartial

also should there be a new ship in the play or you want less of it let me know?! include a ship if that's what you want

I also don't know what a play is jk just don't expect anything in play format i guess cuz i don't know anything about 'em



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nabongsnajeong #1
Chapter 6: lord i’ll pray for a update
Kdyc16 #2
Chapter 6: Loved thid! Hoping for an update!
RubiaAO #3
Chapter 6: Uau, essa história está incrível!
Scarlett00002 #4
Chapter 6: wow good to see your back! I’m excited for the next chapter :)
Chapter 6: Yahoooo
This story is back as well ?
This story is pretty cozy and cute *u*
Thank you for writing it back as well

Byul is so greasy and warm <3
I thought she would confess abshkagsjsgs but for now, it's good enough :) I hope solar can open to her and the girls soon

Also, I'm excited for whees play *w*
passerbyz #6
Chapter 6: Damn I'm so confused. I came for moonsun but wheebyuls way cute too. Sigh. Great job! Can't wait for more.
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 6: Woohoo drama
Enjoyed the Moonsun here
sezcretgroove #8
Chapter 6: For a greasy loser, Moonbyul knows how to woo her women ;) I'm team moonsun but i suppose if solar doesn't open up soon wheebyul isn't a long shot...of course unless hwasa grows some balls and confesses....
TheSecret_Han #9
Chapter 6: I don't know who to go for tbh, like moonsun here is so adorable and byul is going out of her way for her but wheebyul would also make a cute couple. And I want wheesa to happen but if wheebyul were to happen I feel like hwasa and wheein would split apart and get more distant.
Chapter 6: Tbh I have no idea what i want, i want wheebyul but also moonsun but also wheesa bc i cant stand to know hyejinie is just keeping so much love inside but at the same time i feel like its a story that can just end in her swallowing the feelings down cause wheein doesnt see her like that and my heart is broken into pieces omg please update again soon <3