Where the Horizon Breaks


Mingyu's hemorrhage left a hole in his brain, but Wonwoo left a hole in his heart.


hi! and welcome to my first seventeen chaptered fic.

a few things to note is-

1) this took me about a month to write, a little over a month. i sped through this, not because i was in a rush, but because thats how i usually write. i don't go back and edit either, i lean on word to fix my grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. that being said, word does not correct whole sentences, so if there are a few small word errors, ie: 'his' is supposed to be 'him', or 'they' is supposed to be 'them', i don't notice them. i hope you can quickly over look that, though :)

2) if you have read multiple of my other works, you will notice the layout of this is a bit different, the paragraphs are spaced out. i did this because i am now cross posting on AO3 under the same username, and AO3 does not automatically indednt. i figured it would be easier to space them out then to go back and re indent which would be hell.

as usual, i wrote this fanfic all at once, so there will be no sporatic or long drawn out updates (cough cough... stripper diaries) so nothing to worry about there.

i hope you all enjoy this fic as finishing it gave me so much joy to know that i can finally share it with you guys and i'm so happy, so let me shut up for a damn second and get on with this.

follow me on my twitter if you want updates on fics and one shots or just to hear me rant about everything, username in my status :)

enjoy! :~)

total word count: 39,178 words


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c6h12o6 #1
Chapter 8: great, it's not like i needed my heart anyway //throws away broken heart//
that was beautiful omg T__T i loved how you portray wonwoo here, for example when he spoke about colors like that was really cool and poetic and i liked that part when wonwoo told mingyu about jun, and how he had moved on from his grief et ceteraa, and i felt some kind of an intimacy in mingyu and wonwoo's relationship like it was just....so painfully beautiful LOL. anyway, thank you so much for writing this story <3
Chapter 8: God... I need sequel as they are come across and be together another life T.T
That was so beautiful, your description and expression was wow amazing it touched mi heart :((
banacarat #3
Chapter 8: Aaaamd now I'm crying. Thanks. I liked this though. It was tragic in the most beautiful way. I also like to think that when Wonu said in another lifetime they could be together, under different circumstances, that that lifetime is THIS ONE!! *sobs* I'm just gonna watch meanie videos now for about an hour or until the pain goes away T-T
banacarat #4
Chapter 1: Mingyu is such a narcissist, first thing out of surgery and he worries about his hair lmao XD!!! This is an interesting start and I like the humour ^3^
lolidklol #5
Chapter 8: ohmygod thanks for making me cry so hard at 3am, i really appreciate it T^T
ajexastxsvt #6
Chapter 8: So greattttt! :)) I love it <3