Game Over, Collect your Club X Passes Winners and Poll

C L U B ╳ R E B I R T H ;; a collection of our updates
clubx passes

october 27


Congrats to vigour for winning the 300 subs giveaway! We'll now call you guys our VIPs. There were lots of great names sumitted but the bartenders voted for vip. Congrats to boneofmysword for being the only participant in the games. Although the guesses were wrong congrats on still winning our pass! We'd appreciate if these were displayed on your profiles :D Btw if you're wondering why the passes are each a different color and grainy it's so we know it's a legit clubx pass that's all. Club X style haha

[I tried applying the poll code here but it was all black and I'm ignorant with coding so yeah]

lastly, thank you vips!
Oh you guys are welcome to take these or use them if you'd like, they were afterall made for our VIPs <3


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