She is the problem (Chapter 2 part 1)




It has been a long time since i last touched this, and obviously felt that I have lost actual touch to what i wanted from this originally.


I thought of it over, and 


To tell the truth 


I know i look as though i am not putting enough effort in trying to convey emotions in this story


(im trying to use this story as a base to understand how to write better)


so I am trying my best to change the plot


and look at me now


i am changing the story (a little)


using this chapter


BTW (Please read this first too, thanks): I’ve never really mention this before but I am ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY sensitive if my work kind of clash with others (especially other namyu fics) because I really do not have the intention to take my ideas of other ppl’s work. Do pls pls point out if it falls similar to anything, because I am sometimes not well aware of the similarities. I will change or tweak immediately. I am afraid that an unconscious part of me which may take part in this mistake, so talk to me freely about it if something bothers anyone.



Days after her last meeting with the last publisher, Hyemi realises that the word ‘good friend’ is the only thing she brings to her meetings so far and there is tremendous regret on her part when she gets yet another rejection a chance to publish her book. Hyemi fully understands why, however.


It is bluntly underwhelming to describe her relationship with the younger woman she lives with as just a buddy and nothing else. Their relationship is to a point, that what is used to define them can no longer be about friendship, but Hyemi still doesn’t quite learn how to narrow down her terms. Eventually it makes her vexed.


Perhaps just the word 'roommate' is right in those interviews.




She huffs in frustration for the first time when she comes back home again to a cheerful Minha who has been waiting forever for her. Minha’s eyes shows concern, even though she has no actual clue what the older girl have been busy with for the past few days. 


And it is then- Hyemi realises that this is not what she wants to do for the younger girl. She cannot lay this out too slowly for her roommate to catch on. Besides, this is not the work she wants to be known for as an author.


Tonight, Pyo Hyemi makes up her mind and throws the papers into the bin.


Hastily, she rushes to bathe the younger girl and put her to sleep shortly. And then, she locks herself up in the room to take up the whole night to alter her content again.


This time, she is determined to tell the next interviewer something different.




“Story of me? You mean, like a biography…?”


Hyemi shifts her eyes left to right, lips quivering in a hesitant manner. “Something similar, yeah.”


Minha bounces her head in attempt to take in the new information.


“My biography. Cool.”


It doesn’t take Hyemi more than a minute to notice fascination in her eyes, and to know that this is something she herself is dying to pursue for, too.




AN: Awkward chapter but please bare with me... 


Don't you sometimes feel that you shoud be inspired by Author Moon Hyuna to continue writing a story about Author Pyo Hyemi :D


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Chapter 4: OMG WOW
Chapter 4: OMG WOW
cpdr0295614 #3
Chapter 4: This story looks intense. I'll look forward to the next update!
Chapter 3: I think you should post it slowly/one by one? Bc I've had this dilemma too and when i finished everything i suddenly wanted to change so much things so i never ended up posting it XD
cpdr0295614 #5
Chapter 3: Snaggletooth Hyemi, so cute :3
And the in the Seji story was wow, it could be a series honestly. Loved it.
Chapter 1: I just screamed because of pyogang (my ultimate otp!!) I'm looking forward to reading more!!