Possessed by a Phoenix

The possessed souls

« Wooooow ! This place is-Wow ! » « Hahaha I knew you would react like this. » said Boa, amused by Wendy’s reaction. « Follow me, I’ll show you around. » and Wendy followed her, still amazed by the beauty of this school. « Since she still doesn’t know why she’s here, I’ll just show her her room. » whispered Boa to herself. « So, this is your room ! Your roommate is in class, and you will soon join her, I’ll just let you look around. Here. » she gave her her schedules, and a paper written where all of her classes were. « I’ll leave you then ! When you’re done, you can just come to my office, it’s at the end of the hallway. » she smiled, and stepped outside Wendy’s room. « So, I have a roommate … I hope she’s nice. » said Wendy, talking to herself. She tried her bed, walked in the bathroom, and started placing her stuff in her closet. When she was done, she took her phone, closed the door, and walked to Boa sunbaenim’s office. 


*Knock Knock* « Come in ! » Wendy entered the office, and realized that Mr. Leeteuk was here too. « Oh, good morning sir ! » she bowed. « Hello Wendy. Come and sit, we have some important things to ask you. » She was a bit worried, because his tone was really serious, and it scared her. « Wendy, I’m going to ask you one or two questions, but i need you to answer in all honesty. Promise me you won’t lie, because the consequences could be really bad. » she swallowed nervously, but nodded. « Okay, Wendy, did something weird happen to you these days ? » Wendy was in shock. Weird ? Hell yeah, that ing bird who scared the out of her. She then remembered she promised to tell the truth, and wondered what Leeteuk knew about her. « Huh … yes, something weird happened. » she answered, hesitating. Should she tell them the whole thing ? Could she trust them ? She didn’t even know if what she saw was real, but she decided to tell them everything. « Two days ago, when I was walking back home, I saw … a weird bird. Okay, it was more than a bird, it was … a … hum. » « The truth, Wendy. » said Leeteuk, and she nearly fainted. « It was a Phoenix. » The whole office was silent, and no one dared to talk. But while Wendy’s heart was beating hella fast, Boa and Leeteuk looked at each other, smiling. « Wh-Why are you smiling ? » « Wendy, we have a lot of things to tell you. » said Leeteuk, extremely happy. But Wendy was confused, and worried. « Wendy, we heard from your mother that your father died when you were really young. » She nodded, but asked to herself ‘Why are they talking about my dad ?’. « Your father, we knew him. » « You did ? » I asked, confused. «  Yes, when he was younger, he was here, at this school. He was one of the best students. Or maybe the best. I’m sure it’ll be the same for you. » Wendy was barely listening, she was just so confused. « But, what does my dad have to do with the Phoenix ? » «  Well, we still haven’t told you the truth about this school. It’s a really special school, for special people like you or you dad. » Wendy was now worried about what Leeteuk was going to say. She knew, that when those words would come out of his mouth, she will change, and her life with her. « Every single person in here have a talent. We’re all possessed by animal souls. » « WHAT ? What’s this nonsense ? Are you kidding me ? » she exploded. How should she react to this ? « Wendy, please calm down. » « How can I calm down ? First, you come at my house and make me change schools, then you say you knew my dad, and then you say some bull about me having superpowers ? And you expect me to believe you ? » « Yes, we do. Because it’s the truth. » Wendy was speechless in front of Leeteuk’s serious face. He wasn’t kidding. She knew it. « I don’t understand. Magic does not exist. It’s pure fiction. It’s … it’s not … real. » But the more she repeated it, the less she believed it. She had superpowers ? That was creepy … « So, which animal am I possessed by ? » Leeteuk was less worried, seeing that she finally calmed down and that she believed him. « Well, before there are few things you need to know about the world of the possessed souls. » said Boa quickly, before Leeteuk could say anything. « The soul that possesses you is like a human being, it’s alive. You need to control it before it controls you, or you will lose all your head and your powers will be out of control. » Wendy was now worried that she would fail trying to control the soul. « Humans possessed are still humans, which means that some are bad. You can do whatever you want with your powers, but it’s your decision if you choose to make the good with it or the bad. And finally, there are some levels of souls. » Wendy was now listening more carefully, intrigued. « It depends on which animal you’re possessed by. Like you know, a bird wouldn’t stand a chance against a lion. Well, the strength of the humans possessed depends on this. But there is a category of possessed people that are unbeatable … because the animals are mythical. Like a unicorn, a griffon, a mermaid, a dragon … or a Phoenix. » and then, Wendy realized what she was saying, and why she saw a Phoenix. « Me ? I’m possessed by a Phoenix ? » Wendy just couldn’t believe it. « Yes Wendy, you are. Which makes you really powerful. » « Wow, it’s really sudden … I-I don’t know what to do … » she was speaking fast and had a hard time to breathe. « Relax, that’s why you’re here. So you can control your powers. » said Boa to calm here. « Come with me, I’ll take you to your room so you can rest and think about everything I just said. Wendy followed here without speaking, still confused and worried. But when she opened the door of the office, she bumped into someone. « Ouch ! Yah ! You could watch out ! » screamed the boy whom bumped into Wendy. « Hey ! You weren’t watching either ! » she replied, angry at whoever that guy was. But, when she finally got up, she looked at him and was speechless. That guy was ing handsome ! Like, way too handsome ! « Aish. Who the are you ? » he asked. « Yah ! Byun Baekhyun ! » said Boa. « That’s not how Leeteuk taught you to talk. » Wendy was just looking at Boa, and then at the handsome-but-annoying guy who was called Baekhyun, and she realized that they knew each other really well. « Yeah whatever Boa noona. I need to talk to Leeteuk, so, if you will excuse me … » and with that, he entered the office and shut the door. « Is everyone like him in this school ? » asked Wendy, already not liking Byun Baekhyun. « I guess he was rough for a first impression … Aish that kid ! » « You two seem to know each other really well. » said Wendy. « Yeah he’s Leeteuk’s nephew. » « Really ? Well, he surely didn’t take his manners from him … » Wendy whispered to herself, but Boa heard her and she started laughing. « Looks like you already don’t like him. I think you’re the only girl in this school in your case, because he’s really popular and every body likes him. » « Well, I’m not everybody so. » and she walked to her room, Boa following her, still laughing.

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Chapter 4: Please continue updating