
The possessed souls

As Wendy entered her room, she was about to say goodbye to Boa but then, she thought about something. "Wait, Boa unnie, I want to ask you something." she asked. "Sure, what is it ?" "I was wondering, did my mom really agree on putting me in this school ? Or did you persuade her ? Because it is weird that, like that so suddenly she accepts some offer ..." I was really confused about it, and I needed and answer. "Wow, you're really smart. I thought you wouldn't notice ..." said Boa, and Wendy looked at her, asking her to continue. "Okay, well, possessed people have superpowers, like you already now. And, one of my powers is to persuade people, to make them do anything I aske them to." Wendy was shocked. "You-You persuaded my mother to send me her ?!" Boa was feeling a bit guilty. "Well, we didn't have the choice Wendy, I already told you, you have to control your animal soul, or else things could go bad. And if we didn't help you, the consequences could've been horrible, you HAD to come here." she defended herself, and Wendy couldn't reply, because she knew Boa was right."Okay, I get it." she said, calm. "Anyways, I should get going, I have to teach." "You're a teacher her ? Cool !" claimed Wendy, and Boa smiled, amused. "Yes, and if I don't hurry up, I will be late. Bye !" "Wait ! Before you go, I want to ask you one more thing." "Go ahead." "What animal soul are you possessed by ?" Wendy asked, curious. "Oh, this." she smiled, headed outside, and before closing the door, said "By a panther." and shut the door. "Cool ... Boa unnie is so cool !" said Wendy, impressed. "She must be good in fighting ... " 

Wendy was looking at the window, lost in her thoughts, so she didn't hear the door of her room open. "Oh ! You must be my new roommate ! Hello !" said Wendy's roommate, and Wendy was startled, because she didn't hear her coming. She turned her back, and was stunned. Her roommate was the most beautiful girl she has ever seen. "Omo ! You're so beautiful !" claimed Wendy, impressed. "Thank you ..." answered the girl, sadly used to these kinds of comments. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sure you often here this, my bad. Hi ! I'm Wendy !" she greeted her with her britest smile. "It's okay haha, thank you for your concern. I'm Yoona." and she smiled back, even prettier. "You're beautiful too you know." said Yoona, and Wendy blushed. "Oh thank you ..." I'm really nothing compared to her though ... "So, when did you get here ?" asked Yoona, breaking the awkward silence. "About two hours ago I think. Boa directly bring me here, and then she and Leeteuk told me about-" Wendy stopped. She still wasn't used to the fact that she was possessed by a Phoenix. "Oh so you just find out. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get used to it really quickly." she smiled, and Wendy knew she could trust her. She seemed really nice, and Wendy was sure they were going to get along really well. "If it's not inappropriate, can I ask you which animal you're possessed by ?" I asked, curious. I'm sure it's a really beautiful animal ... "Don't worry, it's not inappropriate. Everybody will probably ask you about this before even asking your name." "Hahahah ! Really ? How weird." "Anyways, I'm possessed by an Unicorn." "Omo ! Unicorn ! A mythical animal !" screamed Wendy, almost forgetting that she was also possessed by a mythical animal. "Yeah haha ... i'm happy. I really love unicorns." "But how many are we ?" "We ? You mean how many possessed souls we are in this school ?" "No I mean possessed people with mythical animals." She looked at me, surprised. "You mean you're possessed by a mythical animal too ?" ! I didn't want to say that ... "Well, yeah. I'm possessed by a Phoenix." Yoona looked at me, shocked. "You're kidding ?! You're the one possessed by a Phoenix !" Why is she reacting like this ? "Uh, uh ... yes ... ? Why are you surprised ? I mean, you're possessed by a mythical animal too ..." I asked, confused. "I'm sorry ! I didn't mean to scare you. It's just an honour to meet you ..." she said, shyly. "Whaaat ? An HONOUR ? Uh ... " Wendy was so confused she had a hard time to talk properly. "Oh, by your reaction, I can tell that you don't even know how great you are. The Phoenix is clearly the most powerful mythical animal. Which means, you're the most powerful possessed soul in the entire world." Wendy looked at her, more than shocked. "I-I don't understand ... me ? The most powerful possessed soul in the entire world ? It's insane ..." "I think it was a bad idea to tell you this now ... sorry." Wendy didn't want to look weak in front of Yoona, so she quickly smiled. "No don't worry, it's fine. Like you said, I'm going to get used to it quickly so don't worry." Yoona smiled back, but knew she was just trying to look okay. "I heard we're having the same schedules, so why don't you come with me, are next class starts in 10 minutes." "Yeah about that, now that I know why I'm really here, I think that we're not going to have Maths classes are we ?" "Hahahaha ! Well you thought right because there's no such thing here. We have history class, where we learn the history of our school and all things that happened to important possessed souls. Martial art classes, where we learn how to defend ourselves without our powers. And most importantly, magic classes, ,where we learn how to control our powers." "Well that sounds interesting." said Wendy, sarcastictly. "Don't worry, you'll see, it's really funny." 

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Chapter 4: Please continue updating