The new school

The possessed souls
Wendy woke up with a big headache. She felt dizzy and her room was spinning. She remembered yesterday, and that awkward bird she saw. A dream, it must’ve been a dream. She walked to her bathroom, and started brushing her teeth, but then, she realized that Taeyeon was not outside waiting for her, and her mom wasn’t screaming at her for being late again. She took the stairs, and called for her mother several times, but didn’t hear any answer so she decided to look around the house, and was speechless in front of what she saw. « Euh … hello ? » i said. Her mom, and the man and woman who were sitting in the living room with her turned their heads my way, and smiled. « Good morning honey ! Come and sit down, we were talking about you. » said Wendy’s mom, in the most casual way. « You were ? » i asked, confused. « Why ? ». She answered « Well, Mr. Leeteuk and Ms. Boa here came to recruit you. They said that your grades interested them and that they would love to have you in their school. » Wendy blinked several times, looked at the two strangers in front of her. « Wha-What ? Why me ? I don’t have exceptional grades, i’m just a normal student. I have nothing special. » Wendy said, more confused than she already was. « Don’t say that, you are more exceptional than you think you are. » said Ms. Boa, and Wendy didn’t know why, but the way she said it seemed like she meant something else, but she didn’t see what. She really wasn’t special. « Anyways, I talked to them, and, well, I think that this school could be better for you. The schedules are less tough than the school you’re going to now, and it’s closer … « MOM ! NO ! All my friends are there, how can I change schools like that ? » Wendy said, really loud. « Wendy, calm down. You’re going to that school. And you are in no position to argue. » said Wendy’s mom, and Wendy knew that she could say whatever she wanted, her mom already took her decision. « Great. Just great. Thanks mom. » and I ran to my room, slamming the door really hard. « Excuse her, it’s her first time changing schools … » said the mother. « It’s okay, it’s not the worse reaction that we saw coming form a teenager. » said Mr. Leeteuk, speaking for the first time since Wendy came and ran to her room. « Anyways, we have to go, so, we’ll be waiting for Wendy ! Remember, school already began, so tomorrow, we will be expecting her. It’s really important that she begins early. » And with that, they entered their car and Wendy’s mom went upstairs to talk to Wendy. « Wendy, open the door. » she waited a little bit and then decided to enter her daughter’s room. « Hey ! I didn’t say you could enter my room ! » she complained. « Wendy, we need to talk. » « No ! I don’t want to. » « You don’t have the choice. Listen, tomorrow, you will be attending this new school, so prepare yourself. I will bring you all the books you need later, so you can prepare your bag. » Since Wendy wasn’t looking at her, and was whining, she took her daughter’s chin so she could talk to her and look her in the eyes. « Look, I know that it’s really sudden, but you will see, you’re going to love this new school. And think of me ! I will only see you during vacations ! » « What ?! I’m going to live there ? » « Yes, you will. We have some financial problems since your dad died … » « You never told me this mom … I could’ve help you ! » she said, looking at her mother, angry. « It’s none of your business young girl ! Let me take care of these kind of problems. » « Okay … » She hugged her daughter, and stepped out of the room. Tomorrow will be a special day. Wendy didn’t have time to think about the weird bird, because she spent all her day preparing for her new school, and talking to all of her friends to tell them the big news. They were all shocked and sad, but Wendy tried to assure them by telling them that they would still see each other during the vacations. Taeyeon was the one who reacted the worse, and started crying. So Wendy started crying too, and she fell asleep on her desk, crying. When her mother woke her up, Wendy prepared herself and, since she forgot that she changed schools, she thought that she was late and dressed really quick. But then, she looked at the window and saw that Taeyeon’s car wasn’t there, so she realized how much her best friend was going to miss here, but she didn’t want to cry again, so she got Taeyeon out of here mind and ran downstairs to eat breakfast. Since her new school was closer, she could walk everyday there and don’t pay for the bus. She then remembered that she will practically live there, and that today was the last day she will see her mother before a long time, so she back hugged her while she wasn’t paying attention and whispered to her ear « I love you mom, you’re going to miss me so much … » « Oh honey don’t cry, we’ll see each other sooner than you think ! » They stayed like this for several minutes, and then Wendy went outside, her luggage behind her. When she arrived in front of a big house, she felt that this was her school. So she searched for and sign, or something written on the house that said « Seoul High School » -yes, the name is pretty lame I know- but didn’t find any, so she thought that she was in the wrong place, and was about to continue walking when someone came out of the main door and said « Good morning Wendy ! You remember me ? » greeted Ms. Boa. « Oh ! You’re Boa-unnie ! Hi ! I thought I was in the wrong place … « « Haha, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. So, what are you waiting for ? Come in ! » Wendy was about to enter the school when she stopped, hesitating. When she would enter this school, it would mark the beginning of a new life, and she wasn’t so sure if she was ready. She didn't want to look pitiful to Boa's eyes so she decided to stop thinking too much and stepped in. She was immediately stunned by what she was looking at. The decorations was just incredible ! The walls were covered with paintings, there was many lights hanging and many doors, but they all looked so ... magic. This house was giving Wendy a feeling of magic, and she felt like she always lived here. She didn't know that this place was going to be her permanent house, and that she will learn a new part of herself that she never knew existed. ---- Hello ! So, I don't know if anyone actually read my first chapter lmao I'm legit confused right now, but i will keep writing because, well, I like writing. If anyone reads this, please, feel free to leave a comment about what you think, what should I correct or if you have any ideas ;) In this chapter I wanted to focus more on the new school (which is very important in the story) and less about the bird, but in chapter 3 i'll talk about it, because it will be the start of the main idea of this story (if that makes any sense). Anyways, if someone reads this, thank you for reading !
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karlaivonnell #1
Chapter 4: Please continue updating