Chapter 7

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 7

After dropping by at Calvin’s house and fetched Xiao Xun, we went straight to our destination. We finally arrived at the place that was called Red Hell Arena. The place was huge from the outside. I wondered how would it look like inside.

We stepped into the building. It wasn’t as I expected. The place was a boxing arena. There was a boxing ring in the middle. And there were so many audiences. This place was more like a stadium. There was a match going on in the boxing ring.

We went to a section on the left from the entrance door. Xiao Xun and I were walking behind Calvin and Jiro. Aaron and Chun were behind us. The boys were like our bodyguards, walking behind and in front of us.

I observed the place as we were trying to find some available seats. Most of the audiences were guys. They looked pretty scary. They had big and buff bodies. They had tattoos and stuff. Some of them had more than 4 piercings hanging on their ears. They had this scary look which made them look like bad people.

I tried to walk as closely as I could from the boys. I didn’t want to get lost here. I would end up being those people’s supper if I did. They were scary. I didn’t even dare to take a look at them.

It was quite hard to find six vacant seats. Jiro and Calvin were walking far away in front us now as they were looking for some vacant seats. I turned around to see Aaron and Chun were also busy looking for some seats, leaving me only with Xiao Xun.

“Hey ladies! Are you looking for vacant seats?” A big tall fat guy about six feet stood from his seat. His hair was as long as Xiao Xun’s. He was wearing a skull bandana on his head. His arms were drawn with tattoos. He looked scary.

“Uhm, we’re okay.” Xiao Xun told him.

Xiao Xun held my hand and about to drag me, but the guy held my arm which made me shiver and stiff. I gulped.

“There are two vacant seats here. I’m sure my buddies won’t mind having two young girls sitting with us, isn’t that right guys?” He asked his friends as he laughed.

“Of course we won’t mind!” His friends shouted happily at once. They were just as scary as the fat guy.

“Come! Sit here.” Still having his hand in my arm, the guy dragged me to the empty seats. I gulped. I closed my eyes as I lost grip of Xiao Xun’s hand.

I suddenly felt his hand had left my arm. I slowly opened my eyes. Aaron was standing beside me, giving a killer look at the big fat guy that could burn the guy instantly. Calvin, Jiro, and Chun were also giving a cold gaze to the guy and his friends.

“I’m sorry. Did my girlfriend do something that offended you?” Aaron asked the guy in a calm tone. Wait! Girlfriend? Who was he talking about?

“Oh no! no! I didn’t know she was your girl. You guys can go!” He looked frightened. He sat back on his seat. Why did he look so scared? Weird.

I sighed. That was kind of scary. Okay, maybe this was why Aaron didn’t want me to come. That was very considerate of him. But I was still wondering who he meant by his girlfriend.

Without any word, we started walking again. Jiro was leading the way now. Calvin and Xiao Xun were walking before me. Calvin was holding Xiao Xun’s hand. I envy her for having such a caring brother. I wish I had a brother like that.

I bowed my head down as I was walking when suddenly I felt a hand held mine, interlocking his fingers on mine. I lifted up my head to see who the culprit was. It was no one else but Aaron. H-he… What was he doing?

I couldn’t help my cheeks from burning. I stared at our hands. I somehow didn’t want to let go. His hand was warm. I liked the feeling of it. My heart leaped. It began pounding uncontrollable. What was this feeling?

I had to admit I’d never felt this way whenever Achord held my hand.

I stared at Aaron as we walked side by side, holding hand in hand. He kept looking straight to the front. I kept my eyes fixed on his charming face.

“Are you done looking?” He asked in a cold tone. I supposed he caught me staring from the corner of his eyes.

I shook my head innocently. I blushed and looked away. Shoot! He caught me staring at him.


Calvin and Jiro finally found available seats for us. Jiro took a sit next to the aisle. Calvin sat next to his right side and then going to the right there was me next to Calvin, followed by Xiao Xun, Aaron, and Chun.

Just as I sat, I sighed softly. I looked at the ring. Two guys were hitting at each other. Okay, that was what called boxing. And the guys were what people called boxers.

I gave a light tap on Calvin’s shoulder and slowly leaned closer to him. “So, is this what you call Red Hell Arena?” I said loud enough for him to hear because this place was very crowded. People were cheering, screaming, and shouting. I had no idea this place could be this crowded and scary.

Calvin turned to face me and shot a warm smile. “Yes, darling. This is the Red Hell Arena!”

“It is out of my expectation.” I said honestly which made Calvin laugh.

“To tell you the truth, this place is dirty. People gamble here.”

“Well, that’s not so bad. People got money from it, right?”

“Oh! Oh! That’s Green Jack, my favorite boxer.” Calvin said, pointing at the guy who just got into the ring. “GREEN JACK!!!” He shouted enthusiastically. Then he turned to me again, “Do you know why it’s called Red Hell Arena?” He asked.

I shook my head vigorously.

“It’s because people who go to that ring” He pointed at the boxing ring before he continued, “are putting their lives on a bet. That ring is like a hell. That ring caused blood. You could die there.” He explained patiently.

It sure did sound like hell. I let out a nervous laugh. “Is it that bad?”

Calvin nodded his head. Then he leaned closer to me and whispered to my ear, “Do you know Aaron used to be a champion here?”

“Really?” Aaron must have been very brave. I remembered Calvin told me that Aaron’s dream was to be the best boxer. And he was the best boxer in this city.

“Yeap! He was the best. Everyone was scared of him.” Calvin grinned. “He was very famous.”

“Is that way the big fat guy earlier seemed so frightened?” I asked curiously.

“I think so. Although he doesn’t fight anymore, people still know who he is. They respect Aaron. People know him as the Hell King.” Calvin said proudly.

I could hear people were cheering enthusiastically for their favorite boxer at the moment. The sound of cheers didn’t stop me from curiosity.

I chuckled. “Hell King? Isn’t that too exaggerating?”

Calvin patted my head and stared at me with a serious expression on his face. “Don’t underestimate Aaron! He’s really good.”

I turned to take a quick glance at Aaron then I looked at Calvin again. “Why doesn’t he box anymore? I mean, he doesn’t fight on that ring anymore, does he?”

“He can’t.” Calvin said. His expression was unreadable now.

“Why?” I asked. I hoped I didn’t annoy him with my stupid questions.

Calvin let out a huge sigh.

“He broke his arm.” Xiao Xun said. It was then did I realize that she had been listening to my conversation with Calvin.

I turned to face Xiao Xun now, “H-he broke his arm? How?” I asked anxiously. Why did I care? I didn’t know why either.

“Long story.” Xiao Xun replied as her eyes were looking straight at the boxing ring.

“Oh…” What a life did Aaron have? I didn’t get why he had to lose everything. He lost his family and his dream. That was really sad. I didn’t blame him for being so cold. His life too much.

Just when my mind was filled with the image of Aaron, Chun got up from his seat and slowly walked pass by us, making his way out from the seating row.

Calvin giggled as he saw Chun went away.

“What’s wrong? Where is he going?” I couldn't help myself from asking.

“He’s going to buy popcorn.” Calvin laughed.

“POPCORN?” I choked. Were you freaking kidding me? Was he going to enjoy popcorn while watching people fight? This wasn’t some kind of movie night. This was a freaking boxing arena!

= = = = = = = = =

I know you guys have expected something to happen between guigui and her bf in this chapter!
But I won't let you guys read my mind because I'm too evil HAHA! :P

Anyway, I hope this chapter is sweet enough.
I know! what a way to end the chapter. Popcorn? lol

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?