Chapter 29

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 29

So dizzy, my head felt so dizzy as I slowly opened my eyes. I noticed I was in my room. My body was hurting. My throat was so dry and I was very thirsty. I turned my head to the right and blinked my eyes. To my surprise, I saw him.

Aaron was sitting on a chair next to my bed. He was sleeping soundly. He had his arms folded on the bed in front of him and had rested his head on them.

I couldn’t help but smile silently. He was handsome even when he was sleeping. I couldn’t believe I actually enjoyed watching him sleep. And I loved it.

I scrutinized his flawless feature and I giggled silently to myself. He was perfect. How could someone be so perfect like him?

I cleared my throat quietly, not wanting to wake him up. I tried to sit up slowly. I tried not to make sound so that I wouldn’t wake him up.

As I managed to sit properly on the bed, Aaron lifted his head. He was awake. I could tell that he was tired.

“Guigui, you’re awake!” He rubbed his eyes and yawned softly.

“Yes.” I responded, my voice a bit hoarse.

He went to the table and took a glass of water. “Here, drink it! You must be thirsty. You’ve been sleeping for two days.” He explained as he handed me a glass of water.

I took the glass and drank from the glass. My throat felt a lot better now.

“Two days?” I didn’t know I could sleep that long. But what was he doing here?

Aaron finally took the glass and put it back on the table. He turned to me and looked at me in displeasure. I didn’t know why, but I felt that his eyes were showing that he was upset.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked casually, not knowing what was wrong behind that look.

“Are you happy now?” He asked in a sarcastic tone.

“What are you talking about?” Happy? About what?

“Are you happy that you finally got what you want? Look at your body! Look at those bruises you have!” He raised his voice. He sounded really mad.

Aaron sat at the edge of my bed, staring at me angrily.

So this was about that.

“I didn’t want this.” I said quietly.

“Then what the heck did you do in that place? Are you stupid to go to some place like that?” He yelled. At this point, I could tell that he was very very very angry.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking. I ju--”

“I didn’t teach you boxing for you to do something stupid like that!” He yelled again, cutting me off from my sentence. His voice was very loud. The tone he was using even scared me.

I bowed my head down. I knew I was stupid. I didn’t think before I did it.

“That place is not for you to play. What would happen to you if I wasn’t there at that time? You could’ve died.” He accused.

I didn’t want to explain anything, as I knew I was in the wrong.

“I can’t believe you’re so stupid!” He was very angry. He yelled at me again, as if I had made a huge mistake. “If something happened to you, how do you think I would face your mom?”

I sniffed, trying to hold back my tears that almost fell down. He was angry, really angry and I was scared.

Now that I thought again everything I did, I felt very stupid. I was so stupid that I didn’t even care about myself.

“What were you thinking?” He asked, his voice harsh.

For a minute, I still had my head bowed down, didn’t dare to look at him. I could feel the tears burn my eyes. And they slowly fell down my cheeks.

“Sorry.” I cried.

I heard him sigh. It took him a minute. “Look at me!” He lifted my chin and his voice was calm now.

I looked into his eyes and I couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized as he dried my tears. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. I don’t know I was just…”

I sniffed and he wiped off my tears again.

“I guess I was just too worried.” He looked into my eyes and let out a huge sigh.

“Worried?” I asked innocently, sniffing all the tears back.

“I don’t know.” He sighed. “I-I f-feel very protective of you.”

I looked at him anxiously, trying to figure out the meaning of that.

“I won’t forgive myself if anything bad happens to you. Y-you-- I--”

He sighed again. He looked away and sighed again. He rubbed his head and then let out another sigh. What was wrong with him? He looked as if he was nervous.

I glared at him suspiciously.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know. You tell me! You’re acting so strange. You were just angry at me and then you changed all of the sudden.” Now beat that, Aaron! I wanted to know.

“There’s actually something I want to say.” He sighed and then he continued. “B-but I-I do-don’t know ho-how to s-say it r-right.” He stammered. And it made me so curious.

“Just say it.” I told him easily.

He let out a sigh. “I was so worried. When I saw you on that ring, I was worried, very worried. You mean a lot to me and I don’t want anything bad happen to you.” He finally said in one breath. It was so fast that I needed a minute to catch the words.

His last sentence made my heart beat faster somehow. I meant a lot to him? What was he saying?

“And that means…?”

“Don’t you get it?” He asked desperately.

I shook my head innocently.

“That means this.” He instantly leaned closer, pulled me closer to him, and his lips were already on mine. It was so fast that I couldn’t even think of anything.

I felt the butterflies fluttering in my stomach and made my body weak. His lips were warm that they made me melt. I couldn’t think of anything except that he was kissing me.

I didn’t make a sound, not wanting him to break the kiss. Instead, I replied to the kiss and played my lips along. We started to deepen our kiss together. The passion… The feeling… This just felt so right and I felt very relaxed.

I could feel his breath. It was hard yet inviting.

He finally broke the kiss and we both slowly opened our eyes.

My cheeks were burning as he looked at me intensely.

“Sorry.” He finally said.

No word could come out of my mouth. I blushed and I shook my head, trying to tell him that there was no need to say sorry.

“Was that a…”

“Yes.” He cut me off, nodding his head.

He didn’t even know what I was going to ask. A confession? Was that real?

I felt my heart beating so fast.

Yes. Yes. If that was a confession, my answer would be yes.

“So, are we…?” He asked nervously, trying to get an answer from me.

He stared, maybe wondering why my lips curving into a smile.

I nodded shyly with a little smile on my face. I was completely speechless. I had to admit that I’d been holding my feelings all of these times.

His lips curved into a bright smile and he pulled me into a warm hug. “Thank you.” He said.

Never ever I felt this happy before. I felt like I wanted to tell the world about my feeling. At this moment, I swore I wanted to jump really high.

I was…. in love.

I began to wonder if he had taken off his mask and decided to follow his heart. Guess he had.

“Will you promise me something?” He asked as he gently released from the hug.

“Well it depends.” I shrugged my shoulder.

“Gui…” He called my name. The way he called my name just now was different, and I felt loved. “Don’t do anything stupid like that again. I don’t want to see you suffer. I can’t stand it. Will you promise?”

“Errr…” I felt that he cared a lot about me. “I promise.”

He flashed a crooked smile at me and he was gorgeous. “You don’t have to worry about your debt. I’ll take care of it and you have to trust me.”


“Listen! I don’t want see you suffer.” He breathed. Well that was what TOP had said before.

“I can’t let you do that. TOP had said the same thing before but…”

“I’m not like him. He and I are different. I will not let you suffer because…” He paused and he continued after a few seconds. “Because I love you.” He murmured very low that I couldn’t even hear it.

“What’d you say?” I asked.

“I sa--”

Someone knocked on the door, cutting Aaron from his sentence.

“Aaron, can I come in?” I head the person asked outside the door. It was a girl.

“Yes, come in.” Aaron replied.

The door was opened and I saw a figure of young and pretty lady came into my room. She was no other than the girl I saw with Aaron before. Now why was she here? Could it be that she was Aaron’s girlfriend and she found out about Aaron cheating on her with me?

I shook my head silently. No, why would she knock on the door if she were catching Aaron cheat on her?

She flashed a friendly smile at me, but I didn’t reply. I looked away instead. I couldn’t bear to see another scene of them hugging each other. Guess I was too mean.

I could hear Aaron chuckle. “She’s not what you think she is.”

“Huh?” I turned to look at him confusedly. Did he just read my mind? “I don’t th--”

“She’s my neighbor.” Aaron said. “And for your information, she’s also Calvin’s girlfriend.”

He really could read my mind? And she apparently wasn’t Aaron’s girlfriend. My heart felt relieved. But a part of my heart still wondered what they were doing last time. Why was she crying in the shower area?

I looked at her and she offered handshake at me. “Guigui, right?”

I stared at her hand for a second before returned the handshake. “Yes.”

“I’m Genie.” She flashed a warm smile at me. She was actually very nice and pretty.

“Nice to meet you.” I said, flashing a friendly smile at her.

“I asked her to accompany you because Xiao Xun will be busy tonight. So, I got you a new friend, didn’t I? You’d better stay at home and rest. Genie will inform me everything you do.” Aaron chuckled at his last sentence.

“I will. But where are you going?” I asked.

“I-I have s-something to do. Are you okay if I leave?” He asked as he stood.

I nodded my head.

“Good.” He turned to Genie. “Genie, I’m sorry for the trouble.”

“It’s all right. I have nothing to do anyway.” Genie said as she flashed a smile at Aaron. She was very friendly. I kind of liked her now.

“Then see you guys later.” Aaron walked towards the door casually and took his leave.

“So…” Genie started soon after Aaron left. “Has he confessed?” She turned at me and took a sit at the chair next to my bed.

“What?” I blushed. Aaron did not really say it, but his action has showed that he had confessed. And I agreed.

“Oh My God! He did?” She covered , looking all surprised.

What was with people nowadays? They could read minds? How did she know? This was driving me crazy.

“Ehm. A-Actually…” I didn’t know whether I should tell her or not. “I don’t want talk to about it.” I blushed. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to tell her, but I just didn’t know how to start.

“Come on.” Genie teased naughtily. “It’s not like I don’t know. I can tell that he’s in love with you.”

“How do you know?” I asked. Gee, she really could read mind?

Tonight would be a long and fun night. I finally had a new friend. She was nice and fun to talk with.

I would never forget this day. Today was my happiest day. The day where Aaron and I…

I couldn’t believe everything that had happened today.

It melted my heart just to think about it.

I was in love, in love with him.


After two days being grounded by Aaron, I was finally able to go out and enjoy the air outside. I knew he purposely grounded me because he actually cared about me.

Summer was almost over. The wind was getting stronger and I was relieved that summer was going to be over soon.

I inhaled, enjoying the breeze that lightly splashed my face. I was walking home from the store.

My heart would start beating faster every time I thought about Aaron.

My lips would curve into a smile every time I remembered about his confession. It was silly yet cute.

I smiled silently to myself as I remembered how cold Aaron was the first time we met.

As I walked, from afar I saw someone familiar was standing, leaning against the wall. His figure was very familiar.

As I got closer, I could finally recognize who the person was. He turned and a smile crept onto his face as he saw me.

He instantly ran towards me and pulled me into a hug. “I miss you.”

I stayed still as no words could come out of my mouth. What was he doing here?

“I’m glad you’re okay.” He whispered softly. I missed him, too.

I sighed silently. “TOP! What are you doing here? Where have you been?”

I released from the hug and raised my eyebrows at him. He stared at me apologetically.

“I’m sorry. I had failed. I couldn’t help you.” TOP said, biting his lips.

“It’s okay.” I told him. I wasn’t mad at him because he couldn't take care of the debt. It wasn’t his fault anyway. My mom started the trouble. And I was just way too smart by adding more troubles to it. Sarcasm off.

But, I was kind of mad at him for disappearing.

“I thought you were gone somewhere already. I haven’t seen yo--”

“Shhh” Before I could finish my sentence, his hand had already covered my mouth. “You have to come with me.” He said quietly, as if he didn’t want anyone to hear.

“Why?” I asked while his hand was still covering my mouth. Hopefully he understood.

“Just come with me!” He then dragged me with him. Why was he being so mysterious all of the sudden?

“NO.” I argued. He finally pulled away his hand free. “Not until you tell me why and where are you taking me!”

“Be quiet, guigui!” He covered my mouth again and dragged me.

I tried to fight, but his grip was too strong that it even hurt me.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Finally I had a chance to write a chapter. I’m so sorry if it took me so long.
So finally, after the long wait Aaron and Guigui are together.

I will reply to comments today as I feel like to. And I believe that I have never done so before.
I want to reply so you guys know that I don’t BITE and that I’m a very NICE person HAHAAHA. Guess I’m too proud of myself lol.
to any silent readers if there’s any, please don’t be shy to leave comments because I don’t bite, really. Besides the story is ending soon. thanks for reading everyone <3

= = = = = = = = = = = = =


Joly : Yes, he’s so sweet. You’ve been waiting for this? HAHA. Just going to tell you that this might not have a happy ending lol. I have two ending options, but am still thinking about it :P Thanks for reading <3

guilun<3 : new reader? :P Never seen you before. I just updated. thanks for reading <3

Rachaellie : You’re welcome. Yes he went to save her and now he confessed. Aigoo… I, myself couldn’t stop smiling when I wrote it lol. thank you for reading my story <3 And yeah he was cool :P

lunguiwangx3 : yes they’re too sweet. He admitted that he liked guigui and he finally confessed, after a long time LOL. But TOP is back HAHA. Guess what? Something will happen :P thank you for supporting <3

Cupcakes10000 : Hi Tiffy, you’re everywhere :P I see you in winglin and AFF haha. It’s okay if I reply in either one winglin or AFF? Too lazy to write :P but thanks for supporting! You can’t stop smiling on last chapter? Haha how about this chapter? Hehee… TOP is finally back though!

Nicole Colene Chua : achievement? Haha. So, they’re finally together yayyy! Hopefully they’ll be together in real life too! They're just too cute. Here I updated. Thanks for the support <3

RS* : haha there! Aaron finally confessed, but it was in a such weird way though cause he didn’t actually say it lol. But hopefully it was okay and made you giggle more :P thanks for reading <3

Unknown : Hello! I see two Unknowns. Are you guys the same person? Haha. Anyway, thank you for supporting. I hope I entertain you with my story :D … I’d love to update more, but school is really EVIL :( and 10 chapters? HAHA. This story might end in less than 10 chapters :P anyway, thanks a lot! I’ll try to update more.

Bubble : Dear bestie, I see you everywhere so there’s really nothing to say :P jk! I’m sorry I ddidn’t mean to hurt Guigui haha but but Aaron finally confessed right. I know it was just too slow to make Aaron confess. I mean, he confessed after 28 chapters LOL. I know I’m bad, but that’s why you love me :P Thank you for supporting <3

naykka22 : hello! New reader? :P haha. Yah she got hurt :( sorry bout that! Last chapter might be the only chapter with aaron’s POV haha. Cause I don’t want to be too addicted writing in Aaron’s POV lol. Does it make sense? Anyway, thanks for reading!

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?