Chapter 25

Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter 25

I looked at Aaron and I noticed that he kept silent. He didn’t say a word.

“We’re leaving!” Aaron suddenly took my hand and dragged me along with him.

“Eh Eh!” I looked at TOP innocently and shrugged my shoulder as Aaron dragged me.

TOP suddenly held my wrist. “That’s rude. We’re still talking here and how could you just leave and drag her with you? If you want to leave, then leave! Guigui can stay with me.”

“No! She’s coming with me.” Aaron glared at TOP.

“You’re not her dad!” TOP snapped instantly.

Not knowing what to say, I looked up at Aaron to scrutinize his face and then I looked up at TOP. They both were glaring at each other furiously.

“I was still talking to Guigui and you just want to drag her like that. What do you want, really?” TOP asked.

“Guys…” I tried to break into their arguments.

TOP pulled me to his side. “Gui, let’s go!”

With that, Aaron who was still holding my hand immediately pulled me to his side. Both Aaron and TOP were puling me to their sides. I looked up at Aaron and TOP confusedly. I didn’t know which side I should go to. They were both my friends. I couldn’t pick a side. It would be unfair to the losing one.

“Stop this, please!” I yelled, but they ignored me. They were still busy glaring coldly at each other.

I looked at Aaron and he clenched his fist. “Are you starting a fight?” He asked TOP coldly.

TOP smirked. “Do you think that I’m afraid of you?"

Aaron quickly pulled me behind his back and his fist flew upwards, striking TOP right in the face, causing TOP to fall backwards.

“What are you doing?” I yelled behind Aaron’s back. It was loud enough for his ear. Aaron ignored my question, so I rushed to TOP’s side. “Are you okay?”

TOP only gave a look at me as if showing that he was fine. TOP didn’t even bother to give Aaron a revenge punch. He stayed still, touching his face gently.

Aaron walked toward TOP and I. “Guigui, get out of the way!” He ordered with his cold eyes.

The moment I saw those eyes, I knew that he was going to give TOP another punch. He was going to hurt my friend, again. Folding my arms across my chest, I stood in front of TOP as if I was shielding him from the punch. Aaron stopped at where he was standing now.

“Aaron, I don’t know what your problem is, but if you keep hurting my friend, then I…” I was about to finish my sentence when I looked at Aaron’s arm that was bleeding. “Oh my God! Your arm is bleeding again.”

I went to Aaron’s side and was about to touch his arm, but he pulled away his arm and shook his head at me.

“Is he that great?” Aaron asked me. His eyes were fixed in mine and his voice was rough.

“What?” I looked at him confusedly. Was he talking about TOP?

“Oh come on.” He said dubiously. “Why do you keep protecting him? What about me?”

I looked at him quietly, dazed, my thoughts incoherent. “I don’t understand.”

“You! And my sister! I don’t know what you guys have found in that guy...” Aaron pointed at TOP before he continued, “he’s just a jerk.”

“Well, that jerk is my friend. And I really hope that you can be a bit nicer to him. He’s a really nice guy.” I whispered. “Now if you don’t mind, let me check your arm. It’s bleeding.” Once again, I was about to take his arm, but he pulled his arm away.

“That won’t happen even in a million years.” Aaron let out a sigh. “Don’t mind me. Just care about him!” Aaron walked away unsteadily. I was going to follow him from behind as I was really worried about him, but then I stopped when I heard him say, “Don’t even bother to follow me!”

I watched as he walked away. I stared at his back. I wondered what had made him act like that today. I could feel the loneliness that came out of every word he said. He was lonely. I felt very guilty somehow. He saved me today. He took the stab for me. But what did I do? I think I just hurt his feeling.

“Gui…” I heard TOP call my name from the back. I had totally forgotten his existence just now.

I turned around and forced a warm smile at him. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have picked a fight with him.” He said in an apologetic tone.

“I don’t know. He’s really weird today.”

“Maybe he’s in love.” TOP smiled. I blinked my eyes at him confusedly, which made TOP chuckle. “Are you ready to go home?” He asked.

I nodded at him and we started walking home.

I kept silent as we walked. My stupid mind and heart were worrying about Aaron. He was alone and hurt. I wondered if he was mad at me. My mind just couldn’t stop thinking about him.

“Ehm…” TOP cleared his throat. “Gui, actually there’s something I really want to say to you.”

“Yes?” I was calm. I waited for his sentence.

It took him a minute. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

He smiled. “Actually, what I wanted to say is that you can just forget about your family debt. I’ll take care of it.”

“But I can’t do that.” I looked up at him as we walked.

“Gui, I really should thank you.”


“Because you really remind me of someone whom I really loved.” He confessed.

I got it. It must be her. “Han?”

He frowned but then he looked at me. “Yes. I guess Aaron feels the same way toward you and that’s why he feels very protective of you.”

I didn’t respond. I thought about it and maybe he was right.

“Without you notice, you had made me fall in love once again.” TOP whispered. I could hear it clearly. “I’m very happy. Thank you.”

I looked at him, trying to find out the meaning of that. Was that a confession?

“Anyway, I really meant what I said though. I’ll take care of the debt. I promise.” He sounded serious. I didn’t know if I should trust him with this.

“But I ca…”

“Please. I really hate seeing you suffer to earn some money. I just hate to see you work really hard here and there. And look at you! You’re just too naïve that you even believed in some scam work.” He chuckled at his last sentence.

“It’s not funny.” I walked faster and ahead of him.

“It is!” He walked following me.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Okay, I know it took me forever just to add a chapter. I'm very very very very sorry T_T
But hey! I'm back now. I hope people are still reading my story T_T
I actually have written two chapters, but i'll post one first to see if people are still reading HAHA.
oh well, I'm still an evil *evil grins* MUAHAHA
Thank you Joly for letting me know about how to get my account back <3
and thank you guys for reading this <3333333333333333

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shaboomboom_pow #1
And I love it so far!! AARON YAN !!!
shaboomboom_pow #2
How did you upload the story cover, because I can't and I don't know how to?