Promise on the Rooftop (Part 2)

[a few one shots] GuiLun's Love Stories

Promise on the Rooftop (Part 2)

Graduation Day, Sakura High School

Gui Gui watched the third year’s students on the yard were hugging each other. Finally, after attended this school for three years, they graduated. Some of them were crying, some of them were laughing.

And Gui Gui, alone at her class was trying to hold back her tears.

Why should she cry, anyway? It wasn’t a big matter. She just couldn’t see Aaron anymore. Or that what she tried to tell to herself.

Gui Gui wiped her tears away. She glanced to the calendar on the wall. It was the same day with the day Aaron promised to meet her two years ago.

Gui Gui inhaled. She remembered at that day how she was so happy when she passed the test. She was impatient to tell Aaron about it, but she ended waiting for him until late in the night.

He didn’t come. He never showed up.

Hebe must force her to go home, she must dragged Gui Gui. That was the only way Gui Gui stopped waiting for Aaron.

After that, Gui Gui had a high fever. She was hospitalized for weeks. She couldn’t attend school for a few days. There was no first day at high school, and she even didn’t want it.

Need a week until finally Gui Gui met Aaron at school. And she ended up by avoiding him. She didn’t dare to look at him. She was scared if he would make fun of her if he found out that she trusted on his joking-promise. And then, two years just passed. He graduated today. Now, Gui Gui was just left with her stupid memories.

Gui Gui smiled to herself when she realized how silly she was. She even still hoped that Aaron would at least say goodbye to her. But then…maybe it was better like this.

Then, what should Gui Gui do?

Maybe she had to say goodbye to that memories.

Gui Gui stood up. She glanced to the clock. How long she had cried there? The day was that late already.

Gui Gui went out from her room. The school was already empty. Hebe must celebrate her graduation day with her friends, Gui Gui guessed.

And then that thought just came. She wanted to visit ‘that place’. Maybe if she came to the place where that memory started, she would be able to forget it one day.

Gui Gui made her way to the rooftop. She stepped on the stairs on by one. When she reached the top, she felt a familiar feeling on her chest. Déjà vu?

Slowly, Gui Gui opened the door. The gently breeze greeted her as she closed her eyes. And when she opened it slowly, her eyes caught someone.

Gui Gui approached him slowly. She stood right in front of him, scanned him carefully.

He was there, just like two years ago, he was sleeping, leaning against the gate. The reddish sky behind him, brightened over him as if he was shining.

It was ‘him’.

The same spot, the same person, the same day. Those long eyelashes, sharp nose, kissable lips, that soundly sleeping face of him.

All of suddenly, those eyelids opened. Gui Gui stuttered, she quickly turned around and walked back. She pushed the door opened, but a hand reached the knob of that door and closed it back.

Surprised, Gui Gui turned around just to see Aaron’s face was right in front of her. She started to sweat again. Oh God…

Trapped Gui Gui in between his arms, Aaron looked straight through her eyes. His eyes were very cold, emotionless.

“What are you do—”

“Why do you always break my heart?” Aaron interrupted Gui Gui’s protest.

You’re the one who break my heart, you stupid moron! Gui Gui cursed.

But she didn’t dare to speak it up. She didn’t know it was because of Aaron’s cold eyes, or maybe because of his angry tone, or maybe she was just too cowards to speak back.

Aaron straightened his body. He turned around and took some steps. He sighed. Gui Gui followed his steps from behind. She was curious. Why…why did he say like that?

Aaron sighed once again. “I’m smart, I’m handsome, I’m rich, I have everything! I have a bunch of girls chasing after me…but…” he turned around. Gui Gui was kinda shocked to see how sad his expression, how the painful was written clearly on his face.

“Why…why can’t you like me, Gui Gui?”

Gui Gui was now really confused. Her brain couldn’t think straight. She even didn’t notice when Aaron messed his hair in frustration, when he walked pass her towards the door. Aaron reached the doorknob, ready to leave.

“I already like you, you stupid!” Gui Gui suddenly spoke.

Aaron froze. Slowly, very slowly, he turned around and stared at her unbelievingly.

“Then…” he whispered. “Why did you break your promise, Gui?”

“What?” Gui Gui protested. “I never…broke that promise!”

“You’re lying!” Aaron retorted. “I waited for you here. I even didn’t come home at that day. I passed the day here, but you never showed up. I came again day by day, but still you didn’t come. I waited you on the first day of school, but I couldn’t find you. And then when we met on the hallway, you acted like you didn’t know me! You acted like there was nothing happened between us! And you…even didn’t give a single glance at me…”

With that, Aaron left Gui Gui alone. Gui Gui looked down, tears had already fallen.

“You waited me? Here?” Gui Gui whispered.

Then, the realization struck her.


Gui Gui pressed the bell randomly. She waited impatiently in front of the door. She had stopped crying. She was full with anger now. No, more than it, she was really mad.

“Gui Gui…what are you doing here?” a voice was heard when the door was opened.


He was astonished when Gui Gui slapped him. He touched his cheek while his eyes looked at Gui Gui unbelievingly.

“Wang Zi! How could you?” Gui Gui cried.

“Gui Gui...what’s wrong?” Wang Zi asked. He tried to hold her hand, but she slapped it away.

“Don’t lie anymore! You’ve lied once to me! Wasn’t that enough?!” Gui Gui yelled.

Wang Zi remained silent. He should know it. She had already found out.

“You know it?” Wang Zi asked.

“Why did you lie to me? You know it was so important to me!” Gui Gui yelled once again.

“Because I don’t want you to be with him! You just met him on one day. I’ve already liked you for years, for the God sake! And you just chose him rather me? I won’t let it happen!” Wang Zi yelled back.

“I don’t know you anymore, Wang Zi…you’re not like Wang Zi I used to know!”

Gui Gui ran away, leaving Wang Zi behind. Wang Zi just could watch her. He slipped on the ground. The tears burned his eyes. He knew it would happen. He should know it would happen since the day he lied to her.


Two years ago, the announcement day, Sakura High School

Wang Zi smiled when he saw his name on the announcement board. Then he looked for Gui Gui’s name.

“Wu Ying Jie…Wu Ying Jie…” his finger ran on the announcement. “Wu Ying Jie! Passed!” he cheered. Gui Gui must be happy, he thought.

Then he turned around. His eyes looked for Gui Gui, but she hadn’t come. And then, something caught his eyes.

“What are you doing here? Today is holiday! You must go home!” a teacher was scolding a guy in front of the gate.

“Lao Shi…please…I have an appointment today!” that guy pleaded.

“What appointment?! Just go home!” that teacher yelled before he closed the gate, blocking that guy to come in.

Wang Zi looked at him. Appointment?

Then he remembered what Gui Gui said yesterday.

“You know Wang Zi, I have an appointment tomorrow. I met this Aaron Yan guy, we promise to meet again on the rooftop and…hey! You think, what I must wear?” she asked him that night.

“Hey, Wang Zi? Where’s Gui Gui?” Xiao Xun shouted to him.

Wang Zi just shook his head. What was he thought just how cheerful and happy Gui Gui with her appointment today.

“Hey! You’re Gui Gui’s friend?” out of the blue, someone tapped his shoulder.

Wang Zi turned and saw the guy earlier. He had climbed the gate to enter the school.

“Who are you?” Wang Zi asked.

“Well…I’m…umm…okay…I don’t know…but…I’m…I hope…I’m…her soon-to-be-boyfriend!” that guy laughed. Everyone could tell he was full of nervousness.

“Aaron Yan?” Wang Zi asked again.

“How can you know my name?” he laughed again. “Okay…does she pass? She passes, right? Wait…don’t tell me…I just wait her to tell me…” he said. “Where’s she?”

“She…” Wang Zi paused. “She maybe can’t come…”

“Why?” the light on Aaron’s face faded away.

“Her sister’s hospitalized. She must take care of her,” Wang Zi lied.

“But…” Aaron thought. “She will come. Okay…maybe I just will wait for her…” Aaron bid a goodbye and then left.

Just a few moments after, Gui Gui rushed towards Wang Zi. She was panting. But at all, she was so pretty. She must dress nice in purpose to meet Aaron.

“Hey, Wang Zi!” Gui Gui greeted him. Wang Zi just forced a smile.

“Do you pass?” Gui Gui asked. Wang Zi slightly nodded.

“Then…what about me?” Gui Gui asked enthusiastically.

Wang Zi nodded again.

“Yes!” Gui Gui jumped and hugged Wang Zi. After a brief moment, she released the hug.

“Then…I will just tell him and…”

Wang Zi cut her off.

“Gui Gui?”


“That Aaron Yan guy asked me to tell you that he changed the place to the park because the teacher didn’t allow him to enter the school…”


Gui Gui sat on the same spot as Aaron where sat on the rooftop. She was crying badly, and she just couldn’t stop. It was too late to make it up, and now she just could hope the miracle could bring Aaron to her.

Gui Gui didn’t know how long she had been crying. They sky was already dark and the weather was very cold. But Gui Gui was really unwilling to go home. If, just if, two years ago she came back to this place, would everything be better?

Gui Gui hugged her knees and buried her face. Her tears didn’t fall anymore, as if her eyes were already tired. And slowly, she drifted into sleep.

Suddenly, very suddenly, the sounds of fast steps were heard. Gui Gui woke up as she lifted up her face. In front of her was Aaron. He was panting. His hair was mess, just like he had been running in a very fast speed. His breath was heavy. His eyes were full of worry.

Gui Gui immediately stood up. “Aaron…”

All of sudden, Aaron came forward and hugged her tightly. Very tight, as she was hardly to breath. But very warm, because it were Aaron’s arms around her.

“Are you trying to scare me to the death?” Aaron said between his breaths.


“We’re on Jiro’s house to plan the vacation when Hebe called and said she couldn’t come because you’re lost. Are you trying to scare me?!” Aaron tightened his hug, as his voice was shaking. “Why…why is it so hard to forget you?”

“I’m sorry,” Gui Gui cried.

Hearing her sobs, Aaron released his hug.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry because I made you worry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry because I didn’t come two years ago…I’m sorry…I’m sorry because I came to the wrong place…I’m sorry…I’m sorry because of my foolishness made you waited for me…”

“What…did you just say…?” Aaron stuttered, afraid he was just dreaming.

“I’m sorry Aaron…Wang Zi told me you wanted to meet me at the park…I shouldn’t believe it! I shouldn’t trust…”

Gui Gui couldn’t finish her words because, suddenly, just too suddenly, Aaron planted a kiss on her lips, shutting her up.

Gui Gui was surprised. She just could stand there, until finally Aaron broke the kiss. He looked at her as his thumbs wiped her tears gently.

“Is that true?” he whispered. He lent his forehead against her, his eyes were closed. “I’m not dreaming, right?”

Gui Gui smiled. She brushed her lips gently on his lips.

“Neither you or I are dreaming…”

Aaron opened his eyes. A smile plastered his face.

“Will us…start all over again?” he asked.

“We will,” Gui Gui hugged him tightly as he hugged back with all of his might.

Suddenly the sound of fireworks was heard. Both Gui Gui turned back and looked at the sky.

“It’s so beautiful…” Gui Gui said. She walked towards the gate as her eyes examined the very beautiful fireworks.

Aaron stood next to her. “There will be a fireworks party next week…would you like to come with me?”

Gui Gui looked at him. “Is that a date?”

Aaron chuckled. “Of course…and I think I will just pick you up…or maybe you will lost again…” he joked.

Gui Gui laughed. She lent her head on Aaron’s shoulder, their hands were intertwined.

“But…I rather love the sunset you show to me…” Gui Gui said.

Aaron smiled. “And I…rather love the person whom I saw it with…”

Gui Gui turned to him, so did he. Their eyes met, as Aaron moved closer. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead, down to her nose, and then captured with his.

They shared a long passionate kiss, sealed the promise they finally fulfilled at that day.


Phew...finally finish...
Such a long one-shot...

Like it???
Hehe...I like it so much!!!!

It was so...I can't tell...
I like some scenes here...

Can you get the romanticism?
I really do!!!!
When the first they met and how Gui Gui saw Aaron...
It was like he was shining boy...
And how Aaron saw Gui Gui like an angel...
Uwaa....isn't that so sweet???>.<

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Don't mind me!^^

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