Christmas Eve Wish

[a few one shots] GuiLun's Love Stories


Christmas Eve Wish

Aaron glanced at a girl who was sitting comfortably beside him on his wheeled vehicle. He had done it for so many times already. He just didn’t understand why the leader asked him to drop her in a house as a gift? And that house was the furthest, made him had no choice except brought her all over his journey to send the gifts on that Christmas Eve.

Aaron glanced to her again and this time he caught she was staring at him. Their eyes met as her eyes became sad. Instead turned her head or what, she kept staring at him, made him felt uncomfortable. Aaron turned his head to the front and pretended he was looking at the deer flew the wheeled-vehicle.

Suddenly the snow fell one by one. Aaron automatically smiled.

“Look, snow! White Christmas!” that girl grabbed arm and shook it.

Aaron looked at her, but she kept holding his arm.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing…” Aaron said.

“Are you…are you really Aaron?” she asked seriously as her face turned to sad.

“Of course…” Aaron replied confusedly. “Why?”

She shook her head. “Just wanna confirm.”

Aaron shrugged his shoulders and concentrated riding again when suddenly she spoke, “I’m Gui Gui.”


“I’m Gui Gui,” she said firmly.


“I’m Gui Gui,” she repeated.

“Yeah, I know,” Aaron said.

“I’m Gui Gui,” she said again.

“I know! Why do you keep repeating it?” Aaron asked, annoyed.

“Never mind,” that girl, Gui Gui turned her head and watched the snow fell in silence.

What’s wrong with this girl? Aaron asked himself.


“No, Mum! I want to wait for Santa!” a little girl whined.

“But dear…it’s late already…let’s go sleep,” her Mum insisted her.


“C’mon dear,” her Mum carried her and turned off the lamp. She brought her to her room even her daughter whimpered.

Aaron sighed behind the window. “Finally…”

He waited for that girl to sleep so he was able to drop the gift without her knowing. He entered that house silently as Gui Gui followed him from behind. Aaron searched that girl’s sock while Gui Gui watched the door where that girl and her Mum disappeared. That girl reminded her to herself five years ago, when she was still fifteen.


“C’mon Gui Gui…let’s sleep…it’s late already,” a guy who was sitting on her bed said.

“No! I want to wait for the Santa!” Gui Gui said firmly as she kept staring outside through the window.

“C’mon…Santa isn’t real!” that guy told.

She glared at him and he laughed. “Okay…okay…Santa is real! Really really real!”

“GUI GUI! DON’T DISTURB YOUR BROTHER! GO SLEEP!” suddenly they heard their mother shouted from outside. They laughed together.

“Look! Snow!” Gui Gui pointed suddenly.

He quickly sat beside her and looked outside. “White Christmas…”

“Beautiful,” Gui Gui smiled.

That guy looked at her and smiled seeing her happy face.

“Hey,” he called.


“I have something for you,” he said.

“But it still hasn’t been Christmas…” Gui Gui told.

“You still have another gift tomorrow…but this one…is special…”

He took out something from his pocket and handed it to her. He gave her a beautiful ring. There were words on it. Her lips curled into smile when she read it.



Gui Gui stared at the same ring on her palm and smiled. Those memories…everything…was still in her heart and she never forgets it.

“Let’s go!” Aaron snapped her out of her thought.

They quickly left that house and headed to the other houses.


“Is this…really your address?” Aaron asked once again. He had already sent all of the gifts and just Gui Gui ‘as the gift’ was left.

“Yes, of course! That’s my house,” Gui Gui said simply. “Is there something wrong?”

Aaron shook his head. But inside, he was so confused. That address was the same address that he visited every year. And Gui Gui lived there? God…he really had no clue about it!

Aaron stopped beside Gui Gui’s house. He got off from his wheeled vehicle, be followed by Gui Gui. They took a peek inside the house from the large window beside it.

There were some people in that house, seemed so panic. A middle-old-man was walking back and forth while a middle-old-woman was sitting on the couch with very worried face.

“They are my parents,” Gui Gui told. “And the others are my cousins.”

“Ooh…then…come in…” Aaron said.

Gui Gui shook her head. Aaron was about to talk again, but Gui Gui placed her index finger on his lips, signed him to silent.

Aaron jerked back. He was shocked with that sudden touch.

What’s wrong with me? Aaron wondered.

“God…where is she?” Aaron heard Gui Gui’s mother said.

He turned to the window and watched them from outside.

“Calm down, Auntie. We will find her,” one of Gui Gui’s cousin comforted.

“I can’t! You know…it’s so dangerous for her to be outside now!” Gui Gui’s mother sighed heavily.

“The cops will find her soon, dear…calm down…” Gui Gui’s father told.

Gui Gui’s Mum shook her head. “I can’t understand. What’s wrong with her? I know she always asks us to bring her here very Christmas but…she never disappears like this!”

“I can’t lose her…I don’t want to lose my child again…” she started to cry.

Gui Gui’s father patted her back and comforted her as Gui Gui’s cousins waited the calling from the cops impatiently.

“Are they looking for you?” Aaron pointed to Gui Gui’s family direction.

Gui Gui nodded.

“Then…why don’t you come in?”

Gui Gui just shook her head once again. She just looked through the window, to the family room, where she had so many beautiful memories there, few years ago, before that incident…


“Merry Christmas!” Gui Gui said happily as she rushed into the family room where her father, her mother and her brother were chatting happily. She sat beside her brother.

“Merry Christmas, Gui!” he messed Gui Gui’s hair.

“GE!” Gui Gui protested.

“Aaron…don’t disturb your sister!” his father warned him.

“Alright…alright…” Aaron said lazily, the he turned to Gui Gui happily. “Hey, Gui…why do you always ask us to come here very Christmas? It’s so boring to come here every year…”

Gui Gui hit his arm playfully. “It’s not boring! Here’s so beautiful! We can see snow, and they decorate a big Christmas tree at the park near here!”

“We see it every year,” Aaron said.

“Every year! We must wait it a whole of the year, you know! Nah, accompany me to see it tomorrow!” Gui Gui asked, more like commanded.

“Your wish, my command,” Aaron winked as Gui Gui laughed.

Their parents watched them with smiles on their faces. It was just so pleasing to see their children were that closed.


Gui Gui chuckled when she recalled again that memory. She was so happy at that time. Everyone was so happy.

“Hey…hey…hey…why are you laughing?” Aaron interrupted her thought.

Gui Gui just smiled and started walking out of her house’s yard.

“Hey, where are you going?” Aaron chased her.

Gui Gui just kept walking until they arrived at an empty park which became white because of the snow. In the middle of that park there was a big beautiful Christmas tree.

But she didn’t approach it. She continued walking until she reached a small cottage not too far from the park earlier. Gui Gui entered it and Aaron just followed. It was just a small room made from the wood. There was a piano in the middle of that cottage. Gui Gui approaching it with Aaron behind her.

“Stand here and listen,” she demanded and then she sat on the chair.

She took out her hand and placed it on the piano keys. Her fingers started dancing on it, as the beautiful song was heard.

(Listen this song: My Memory by Ryu)

My Memory At that moment I remembered it all
When I see those memories they seem so small..
You're far away in a place that I can't reach
I can't wait for these words of love to be said

I really was to blame
Will I ever get to meet you again?
I can't even imagine that

I still love you and now I'll confess that to you
I wanna love you forever
It's not too late
Be with me forever

For a long time you've been in my heart
Much time passes and still you're far away, but I will stay alive

I really was to blame
Will I ever get to meet you again?
I can't even imagine that

I still love you and now I'll confess that to you
I wanna love you forever
It's not too late
Be with me forever

(don’t close the song, okay?^^)


Before Aaron can spoke, Gui Gui grabbed his arm and dragged his out of that cottage. She brought him to the park earlier. But she still didn’t stop until they were in front of the Christmas tree.

“Why do you bring me here?” Aaron asked.

“In that Christmas…five years ago…I killed my brother,” Gui Gui told, even without looking at him. She just stared at the Christmas tree in front of her.

“What? You…killed…” Aaron stuttered.

“My brother…he is my lovely brother…but I killed him…I killed him…I destroyed his life…it’s my entire fault…” Gui Gui started to cry badly.

Aaron was panic seeing her cried. He didn’t know what he should do. He was just a Santa, right? Why must he get this kind of task this Christmas?

Gui Gui’s crying became louder. Aaron sighed as he reached out his hand. He pulled her on his embrace and patted her back, comforting her.

“Don’t cry…he will forgive you…he knows you didn’t mean to kill him,” he said.
Gui Gui pushed him and looked at him. “Are you sure?”

Aaron nodded confidently.

Gui Gui took his hand and placed her ring on his palm. She gripped it tightly as Aaron just can look at her confusedly.

She smiled as she gripped his upper arms. She tip toed and next seconds, Aaron’s eyes widened as Gui Gui’s lips pressed against him.

“I’m sorry…Ge…” it was that he heard before her grip loosened and she collapsed on the ground which covered by snow.

“Gui Gui…Gui Gui?” Aaron kneeled beside her weak body. He shook her body violently but it didn’t use. She didn’t wake up.

Aaron’s eyes became watery without him knowing. He cried as the memories came back to him.


“This is Gui Gui…she will be your stepsister…” his father told twelve-years-old Aaron. He looked at eight-years-old Gui Gui who was smiling at him.


“You like him?” seventeen-years-old Aaron asked thirteen-years-old Gui Gui as he glared at her.
“Why? Wang Zi is a good guy and…”
“You’re still child to love and that kind of stuff!” he interrupted her. He even didn’t care that the jealous tone slipped out of his mouth.


He took out something from his pocket and handed it to her. He gave her a beautiful ring. There were words on it. Her lips curled into smile when she read it.

“Every year! We must wait it a whole of the year, you know! Nah, accompany me to see it tomorrow!” Gui Gui asked, more like commanded.
“Your wish, my command,” Aaron winked as Gui Gui laughed.


“Look! Ge! That’s Santa!” Gui Gui pointed happily to the sky. She quickly rushed out of the house and ran to the street without noticing around.
“Hey, Gui! Wait!” Aaron shouted and followed her.
His eyes widened when he saw a fast car rushed towards her. He quickly pushed her aside. Gui Gui stood up and rushed to Aaron just to found her brother’s weak body with his own blood on the melted-snow.


“Ge, wake up!” Wake up!” Gui Gui cried beside Aaron’s motionless body on the hospital room. He was gone. No…he hasn’t…but he didn’t wake up. He was in coma.


“Are you real? Santa! Are you real? Then give me the miracle! I will do everything! Just save my brother…” Gui Gui cried crazily in front of the Christmas tree at the park. Her brother hasn’t woken up. He was still sleeping. Even a year passed but he was still sleeping…


“He will be saved…but we must take him with us,” on of the men in front of her said.
“Take…him?” she asked.
“If you want him to be alive…” he told.


“Welcome Aaron!”
Aaron looked confusedly to the person in front of him. He can’t remember anything. And he just was there, even without knowing who he was or where he was.
“You will be one of the Santa Clauses here…”


“Gui Gui…” he called her again but she never woke up.

Suddenly he heard foot steps approaching them. He quickly hid behind the Christmas tree.

It was Gui Gui’s family. They took her away, away from him. Once again, they were separated.


One week after Christmas:
That day I followed Gui Gui to the hospital. She was in the death-agony. She was sick, sick with her own regret, her own guilt. I want to tell her I don’t hate her. But she didn’t wake up. I came back the next day, but her room was empty. She was gone, even before I can save her…even before I can tell her that I love her…

“Aaron! The leader looks for you!” Jiro shouted.

Aaron quickly closed his journal and went seeing the leader.

“Aaron…do you know…you’ve made a big mistake?” the leader asked seriously.


“You didn’t drop the last gift at the right place, you left your vehicle wheeled, you came late and you haven’t finish your task at Christmas Eve…” the leader mentioned one by one.

“I’m sorry,” Aaron apologized.

“You know…you must get the punishment.”

“I know.”

“You will be thrown to the human world, forever!”

Aaron quickly lifted up his face. He smiled brightly. “Are you sure?”

“Of course, Son…” the leader smiled.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

He was in euphoria until he remembered what will he get if he became a human again? Gui Gui was gone…she was gone forever…

His tears started to fall…remembering about his last Christmas Eve…it was the happiest moment for him, since he can see Gui Gui again, but in the same time, it was the most awful Christmas Eve…because it was the last time he can see her…


One year later, Christmas Eve:
Do you know what? I was still regretting everything. I was still remembering her. I just got my Christmas gift. It was some letters, the letters that Gui Gui sent for the leader since five years ago…

Dear Santa
I just want to meet him…can I? I really miss him…I want o see if he were okay…

Dear Santa
One year passed…is he still okay? Does he enjoy his life? Can I…see him again?

Dear Santa
Are you okay? What about my brother? I want to see him…please…I really miss him…

Dear Santa
This year is different. Maybe this is my last Christmas…I’m sick…I can’t live longer…I know I can’t…
Santa, do you want to fulfill my last wish?
Meeting him is my last wish on this Christmas…


My tears burn my eyes. So…it was the reason why I must visit that house every year…she watched me…she always watched me even I didn’t remember her…If I can back to the past…can I make everything better? I want to meet her…I want to tell her that I love her…always…and forever…

(listen to the song ‘My Memory’ again, okay?)

My Memory At that moment I remembered it all
When I see those memories they seem so small..
You're far away in a place that I can't reach
I can't wait for these words of love to be said

I really was to blame
Will I ever get to meet you again?
I can't even imagine that

I still love you and now I'll confess that to you
I wanna love you forever
It's not too late
Be with me forever

That song again!

Aaron quickly rushed out of that park and headed to the cottage. He ran as fast as he can…he fastened and fastened his steps…He opened the door of it. He was panting, but it’s not matter, when he saw a figure was playing the piano there.

He approached her and grabbed her arm. She turned around.

“I’m sorry…” he said and left, disappointed.

It wasn’t her. It wasn’t her.

He headed back to the park.

Why does that song keep playing? Stop it! Stop it! It was hurt…my heart was hurt…

He kept walking back to the park.

How can it be her? She was gone…she was gone forever…

He reached at that park.

I can’t meet her again…I never can see her again…

Now he stopped in front of the Christmas tree. There was another person at that empty park. At first he didn’t care, but when suddenly the realizing crushed him. That song wasn’t from the cottage. That song was from her.

He spun her around and his lips automatically curled into smile.

“Gui Gui…”

He pulled her onto his arms and hugged her tightly, never wanted to let her go.

“How can you be here?” he asked. Why did he become so dependent? He cried again!

“I always come here every year in the Christmas Eve, right?” Gui Gui hugged him back.

They pulled apart. Aaron took out the ring that Gui Gui gave him one year ago.

“Why didn’t you wear this?’ Aaron asked.

“Because you never wear it for me…” Gui Gui told.

“But if I wear it for you…you can’t take it off forever…” Aaron warned her as she laughed.

He missed her laugh. He missed her everything. He missed her.

He slipped it on her finger. Gui Gui smiled happily when she saw that ring, finally on her finger.

“I love you,” Aaron whispered before he pulled her to him and kissed her.


Christmas Eve:
It was! My story ended here. Don’t laugh at me because of my foolishness mistook ‘Gui Gui was moved to the better hospital’ with ‘Gui Gui was gone’. That’s not important. At least, I can see her, meet her again.
And I learn about something, that Christmas Eve’s miracle really does exist. You can believe it, even you don’t find it in your sock.
Happy Christmas!
Aaron Yan Ya Lun, December 25th


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