Chapter 2


1416, Donggung, Hyangwonjeong Pavilion, Joseon 


Two young boys walked through the courtyard of the pavilion silently. The taller one of the two seemed distressed as he walked slowly lost in thought while the shorter one admired the view in front of him as he could rarely visit his brother's residence. Unlike his brother, he did not live in luxury as he is only one of the other princes therefore he was not acknowledged by his father although he was born from the same womb as his older brother. Plus, being just another one of the princes he was not allowed to live in the palace which means that his residence is somewhere outside the palace with the other common people. He was one of the unknown and he did not mind as he had more freedom. He had the freedom that his brother wished for 


He walked and admired the beautiful designs of the palace walls often wishing that he lived here with his mother and father but he knew that that was just wishful thinking. He hoped and hoped to be acknowledged by his parents but they always acted like he wasn't there, acted like he was an enemy and a thorn to his brother's side which would explain why he was never called to the palace. However, he could never wish for anything bad to happen to his older brother as his older brother is the reason why he could go back in the palace in the first place and for that he's grateful towards his older brother for the kindness he's shown towards him. If it wasn't for him, he would not be able to even catch a glimpse of his parents and although they act as if he doesn't exist, he's happy to just see them enjoying life with each other.  


However, the war with Goryeo has made a huge impact on his brother because of unknown reasons. Although victory seems to be on Joseon's side, it doesn't stop him from worrying about what would happen to the people of Goryeo if their nation was to fall in Joseon's hands. Would they be alright? Would they be treated the same? What about Goryeo's royal family? What would happen to them? He knows that his father is the most ruthless person in the entire world and even the heavens know that but it doesn't mean that his father's actions should be accepted. His older brother made it clear that it was an accident but his father would not listen. He insisted that Joseon was being provoked which had led him to declare war on the smaller nation. As soon as he had declared war on Goryeo for causing harm to the Crown Prince of Joseon, people knew that the chances of Goryeo winning was slim.  


"Jungkook-ah." The taller one hesitantly said.  


"Yes hyungnim?" The shorter one, identified as Jungkook, replied.  


"If the person you love is in danger and you could not do anything to possibly save them does that make you a bad person?"  


"If you tried to save them with all your power and never gave up on them then it won't make you a bad person. However, if you just watch from the side and don't try to bring them out of the danger they're in then that makes you a bad person." 


"But what if you've been trapped? What if you can't do anything to save them at all? " 


"Then there's nothing you can do. You just have to watch from the side and hope that they won't suffer anymore."  


"If the person you love is in danger and they could die, would you do everything in your power to help them? Or would you give up and watch?"  


"If the person I love is in danger, I would do everything to save them. I don't think I'd be able to handle seeing them in danger especially if they're hurting."  


"Would you give everything up?"  




"That's a ridiculous thought! A prince does not give everything up for something that can easily be replaced!" A new voice shouted. Jungkook flinched as he turned and bowed at an all too familiar voice. To think that he would have been used to all this shouting since that's all he got from his father when he was younger. "I did not raise a pathetic son who does not value his worth." 


"I'm sorry your highness. " Jungkook said quietly while blinking back the tears.  


"What are you even doing here?" His father asked in annoyance. 


"I invited him Father. I wanted his company besides, it's been a long time since I've spent time with Jungkook-ah." His brother answered in his behalf. 


"Why would someone of your status associate yourself with someone of his status? Remember Wonwoo-ah. You're a crown prince, the heir to the throne of this great nation that our ancestors built. You are the future of this nation and your name will be engraved in history forever while he would just be forgotten."  


"But still father, Jungkook-ah is my younger brother as he is also the son of the Queen." 


"Your mother did not give birth to such a vile being! Don't insult me with those words Wonwoo-ah." The King exclaimed, annoyance and disgust clear in his voice. Jungkook flinched again at the disgust in his father's voice but he blames himself. He should have prepared himself for his father's harshness and he should not be affected but he is. His father's words are always a reminder that he would never be accepted by his parents. 


"I'm sorry father. I did not mean to insult you." Crown Prince Won answered while bowing in apology to his father.  


"You are dismissed Jungkook. I need to speak with the Crown Prince in private." The King said while waving his hand to dismiss Jungkook's presence. Jungkook bowed to the King and to the Crown Prince as he slowly made his way out of the residence. He left his brother's residence without looking up and he left the palace without looking back. It was always like this. Whenever his father found out that he's with his brother he would always interrupt and separate them as if Jungkook is some kind of disease and it hurt him every time. Feeling lost and not knowing where to go and not feeling like going back to his residence, Jungkook just wandered around the town until the sun started to set. He sighed and decided to go back to his residence as it would become a lot more dangerous when it's dark but as soon as he turned to go back, he bumped into a taller man who looked like a scoundrel in the street. He moved back and apologised but the man would not have it. He grabbed Jungkook by the front of his robe and pushed him to the ground. 


"You bastard. Who are you to bump in to me like that and not apologise sincerely?" The man screeched as Jungkook stood up and dusted off all the dust in his light blue dopo and fixed his gat. The man spat on the ground and lunged for Jungkook but before he could cause harm to the young prince, someone interfered and within seconds the man was unconscious on the floor with another man hovering over him while clutching his sword on his right hand. Jungkook looked at the scoundrel on the ground and the man that just saved him in awe. But as the man turned around, Jungkook felt the air leave his lungs at how beautiful the man looked, almost like the Gods carved him into a masterpiece. Jungkook felt like the whole world has stopped as soon as the man smiled. Even his smile was unique, a mesmerising boxy smile that could captivate anyone at one glance.  


"Are you okay sir?" The man asked with concern lacing his deep husky voice. Jungkook felt as if he was enchanted by the man already. "Sir?"  


"I'm Jungkook." He blurted out and his eyes widened at the realisation of what he just said. He could feel the heat crawling up his face as the man looked at him in surprise but then his expression contorted to that of amusement when he finally let out an amused breathy laugh. Jungkook felt like he wanted to turn around and just run back to his residence, however, he was stopped from doing so when the man finally introduced himself. 


"I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Pleasure to meet you Jungkook-ssi."  


Dopo - An overcoat mostly worn by male Confucian scholars
Gat - Traditional hat worn by men which represented social status 

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Shiningold #1
Chapter 2: It's getting interesting~ keep it up~
fighting author ...