Chapter 1


The two neighbouring kingdoms of Goryeo and Joseon never got along as one kingdom deemed itself better than the other. The years leading up to the war, the two kingdoms were at peace with each other as they occasionally sent envoys every two months. However, this all failed to uphold the peace when the Crown Prince Won of Joseon decided to visit Goryeo as an enjoy and was fatally stabbed by a member of the Royal Kim Family. This had greatly angered the Joseon King when his son returned and was on the line between life and death which had lead him to declare war on the smaller, but capable kingdom of Goryeo as he saw this as a sign of disrespect and provocation. From then on till now, the war between the two kingdoms continued as the Joseon King decided that the only way he could protect his heir is to take over the neighbouring kingdom who could pose a threat to his family and as the King of Goryeo was getting weaker day by day and as the Joseon army  was getting stronger, the Crown Prince Tae of Goryeo decided to take matters in his own hand and travel to Joseon.  

 1416Kungsong Building, Songak, Goryeo 


"Taeja*! Taeja!" An elderly man dressed in an olive green robe chased the young man while never taking his eyes off the ground. He silently prayed that the King would not take his life for not being able to stop the young man from entering the building. As the young man stopped in front of the building, he just looked at the elderly man with a blank look while clutching his sword tightly in his right hand. The elder bowed to the young man and then faced the door and spoke through the door.  

"Your Highness! Crown Prince Taehyung is here to see you!" And as soon is this sentence was announced, the young man identified as the Crown Prince Taehyung, wasted no time and barged straight in to his father's residence. The elder just shook his head and smiled at the thought that the young crown prince has not changed one bit.  

 "Father! Crown Prince Taehyung here to see you." The young man said while bowing down to the elderly King who was sitting in his bed looking pale and gaunt.  

 "What are you doing here Tae-ah?"  

"I came to see how you were doing Father." The young man said while raising his head and looking at his father with a genuine worried expression on his face.  


"I know that's not why you came here Tae. Speak up so I can rest." The elder sighed 


"Father, as you know, the war with Joseon would eventually stop and it would not be in our favour. If our kingdom falls to Joseon, it could put our people in danger. In even more danger that it already is. Our people would suffer under the hands of those barbarians and I would never allow it. As the Crown Prince and heir to the throne, I have decided to take matters into my own hands if you would allow it, Your Highness."  


"Indeed you are wise beyond your years Tae. Do whatever you see fit as long as you fight for the people of this nation. You have to protect this nation like our ancestors before us and I know that I might not be able to see the outcome of this war therefore I'm entrusting this nation to you Tae. Don't fail me my son. " the king said weakly. The war has greatly affected the King's mental and physical state which infuriated the Crown Prince even more. He bowed to the king and turns to leave the King's residence and slowly makes his way to the Hwangsong to meet with his most trusted subjects. The Crown Prince, determined to save the nation that his ancestors worked so hard to build and the nation that his father protected all his life, thought that the only way to win is to infiltrate the other side.  


He slowly walked to the Hwangsong where two of his loyal subjects waited and to tell them that he's received an approval from the king to carry on with his plan. As he opened the door, the image he was met with almost made him laugh as there was a great contrast between the three people he was supposed to meet with. His cousin, the tallest and youngest of the three in the room, was sat in the opposite side of the other two people while playing with his slingshotWhile his best friend, the shortest one in the room, was polishing his sword as he hummed to some song he probably heard in the town and finally, his other friend the oldest one in the room was looking at the one with the sword with an adoring gaze. He coughed to inform them of his presence and they quickly got on their feet and bowed to the Crown Prince but he just waved away all the formalities in the room.  


"Hyungnim what did his highness say?" The youngest, Kim Mingyu, asked while the others looked on anticipating his answer.  


"He gave me his approval. " he said calmly.  


"Did you tell him about what could happen to you? About the dangers that you would have to go through and that you could be killed?" The oldest, Min Yoongi of the Min Clan started asking with worry lacing his voice.  


"Hyung, do you think Father would let me if I told him that I'm risking my life for this?" The Crown Prince replied knowing full well that the answer is no.  


"When do you leave?" The shortest, Park Jimin of the Park Clan inquired.  


"Tonight. I want to leave as soon as possible before Father finds out my real plan. "  


"Hyungnim do you really have to do this? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something bad happens to you while you're away. It's all because of m-"  


"Mingyu-ah don't you dare finish that sentence. It’s not your fault. It was an accident. An accident. "  


"Yeah Mingyu-ah. It's his fault for not defending you and letting this get out of hand. It was his fault not yours. " Jimin said comforting the poor boy.  


"It's settled then. I'm heading for Joseon as soon as the sun sets. " Taehyung announced.


* Taeja - the title that was given to son of the emperor. The title means Crown Prince.

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Shiningold #1
Chapter 2: It's getting interesting~ keep it up~
fighting author ...