Chapter 2


"Hey, you doing good?" Synthia smiled when she saw me walking towards her. I toom a sit on a chair besides her hospital bed. "I didn't know you will come!" Her bright smile made my day. "It wouldn't be a surprise then. Here." I put a basket full of fruits on a table that are placed two feet from us. "Aww. Thanks."

"Don't mention."

"Hey. I'm sorry. I heard that you have to take Taehyung." I laughed at her guiltiness. That was not even something to feel sorry for.

"Why do you have to say sorry for? Seriously."

"I swear he is hard. Maybe not now but you will know later on." Synthia shaked his head. Well, it was already hard the first time I met Taehyung.

"I know."

"He didn't say anything on your first appointment right? It takes me for 3 appointments to make him say a single word."

"Really? He talked to me though. Kind a lot maybe. He even snaped."

"What? Really?" Synthia who was laying on the bed suddenly brings her body to a sit position. "But usually asperger's won't say a single word with someone they don't know or familiar with."

"That was what I thought at first. Well maybe you did a great job being his doctor. That's why he can speak now." Synthia just shruged.

"Oh I have to go now! I have appointment at 12."

"Wait. Aren't you supposed to be free today?" She pointed a finger at me with that-is-weird-face.

"I'm a half time private psychiatrist remember?" Every Saturday I fill my schedule with patients came to my house for appointment. It made me uncomfortable to just sit at home without talking to a patient for a single day because of how I already used to doing this work. Although sometimes I wanted to have a time for myself.

"Oh yeah.."

"Okay bye. Take care. Eat the fruits."

I pressed the G floor button and toom out my phone to see any message from anyone. Kling. The screen showed that I finally reached the floor. As I was walking while texting my mom with the usual conversation asking 'did you eat' and all, I felt a hard figure hit me.

"Oh. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry." I looked up to see who was the person that I owed apology to. A tall and pale young man with brownish eyes that looked familiar standing with a smile on his face.

" That's okay, Merle." My heart hit my chest, told me that something creepy was happening.

"H.. How did you know my name?"

"You must be so busy that you forgot your old friend." I try to recall any memories with this charming guy who was standing in front of me. Failed. "I'm sorry but.."

"Your ex-neighbour. At Washington." Suddenly scenes of memory with Kim JaeHyun started playing in my mind. He was my neighbor when I was studying in England to be who I am today. He lost his dad when he was just 15. Well, about his mother, she started to go out all day, taking drugs, mouth smells alcohol everytime she opens to speak. Jaehyun had a brother that I lost memory of since he really didn't socialize too much and his sister was so kind and good to me, it felt like I was one of the siblings.

"Oh my god. Jae?"

"At least you remember my name. So you doing psychiatrist now, huh?"

"Yeah. Well, in that suit you wear, are you in a company?" I won't lie that he looked gentle with the suit. He used to be a messy kid when we were younger but look at him now. Charming and looking good.

"Yea.. well.. you got that quite right." The voice of my phone told me someone was calling. I smiled at Jae signalling him to excuse me for a call.

"Doc, you have to come here now. Something is happening to Taehyung." Hearing the name, it started to make me assumed something unpleasant was happening in the room 146. "What happened?"

"He just shouts and screams. We tried but we can't calm him. You need to come immediately." I hanged up the phone. "Sorry Jae, I have to go now."

"Looks like something is happening. Well, hope to see you again." Jaehyun handed me over a card that filled with his number and information about his company. I took it with a smile and quickly brought my steps towards my car.

The road started to get busy as lunch time was approaching and the sunlight hit my face adding sweat that was flowing with my anxiousness. I just hoped that time will allow me to see the hospital and Taehyung in a good condition.

From far away I can hear Taehyung's voice screaming like he was in his own world. I came into the room to see Taehyung on his knee with red face and sweat. The screams and banging stopped. He was waiting for me to come. He needed attention. Attention that he lost when he was kid yet I didn't know about his past. There must be reason why he chose me as his target but definitely he thought of me as someone who will fulfill his desires for attention or maybe he was just using me to get out of this place. There was a sudden bit of sadness in me seeing him trapped in this room of hell. I made myself to his position and looked at him. "Hey, what is it?" His breath still had not calm. His angry explosions meltdowns will happen when he was feeling trap and that was what happening right now. "Wanna go out?" I didn't even know why I said that. For now, he wasn't allowed to go anywhere other than this room as his emotion was not stable yet. He didn't say anything but his face showed interest. "Let's go." I smile and make him follow me. The guards that were staunchly standing at the doors looked at me anxiously. "Doc, are you sure this is safe?"

"Trust me."

"We will come with you."

"It's okay. There are more guards outside too." Although they seemed to hesitate but they still moved to give way for me to bring Taehyung out.

We just walked around the garden without any sign to start a conversation. Taehyung didn't look so pleased at what he was doing, strolling outside but I can see that he started to calm down. "You like it?" He didn't say anything. I just kept quiet to let him be in his own world. Maybe he just wanted to enjoy this moment.

After a moment of silence, Taehyung finally stoped that made me look at him. He looked into my eyes for like a minute and took a step closer towards me. I can see every bit of his dull black eyes that looked into me deeply. At the moment I was just thinking that he will do something violent either towards me or himself.

"Get me out of here."

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Chapter 5: Update juseyo~