Chapter 1



"I entrust you on this kid." White-haired-middle-aged-man with wrinkle around his eyes yet maintain his masculinity, wearing his white coat with the nametag 'Dr. Peter' just standing straight in front of me. He handed me over a slip that proved I was officially responsible for Kim Taehyung.

"Since Synthia is in the hospital, we can't just leave her patient like that, right?"

The scene on the night of the week before suddenly started playing in my mind. It was horrible. The doctors and patients had to be moved to another institution while they rebuilt the buildings. The tall and large building turned into ashes in a blink of an eye.

"I'll take him." I put a forced smile on my face. Honestly, I was a bit nervous of this asperger's boy. Synthia always talk to me about him but I still can't understand why his intelligence scared her. Either there must be something about him or Synthia was just being paranoid as she usually was.

"He is in the room 146. Oh before I forgot, here is Synthia's appointment notes in case you want to know more about this kid before you start any appointment with him." He gave me pieces of note paper with writing on it and walked away. I took it but I probably won't even study the notes. I prefer to do it myself and that means I wanted to start over about Taehyung from the start.

I looked at my watch that told me I had 15 minutes before my next appointment with a depressed patient. And after that, I'll finally meet the newly patient of mine with an asperger syndrome. 

"See you again, Elly." I formed a bright smile on my face. That was how I try to bring hope in this depressed girl. She showed no emotion but still thanked me as a form of respect. Poor girl. She was just 16 but already lost her whole family that finally brought her here, in a place where no one wanted to take a step to. I walked towards a vending machine that fortunately just besides my office. The cold and bitter coffee slowly slipped down my thirsty throat. When I thought that I had done all the appointments I had today, suddenly Taehyung pop out in my mind. Oh god. How can I forgot him. I quickly took my steps towards the rooms of people who are placed because of violence they made in the past.

I finally reached in front of room 146. I'm a bit surprised that there were two guards standing beside the room. I didn't expect an asperger's to be so dangerous. Well, I guess I was wrong.

"Do you want us to come in with you?"

I hesitated for a moment although I preferred not to have any guards when I was doing appointment with my patient. 
"It's okay." I nervously twisted the door tomb and there I saw a young boy with messy hair sitting on a chair waiting for my arrival. I walked to a sit in front of him where a grey table in the middle added a gap between us. I can see his face closely from this view. He had black-dark-pearl-like-eyes and I won't lie he looked more matured than his age. A smirk formed on his face, like he expected me to come.

"How are you today, Taehyung?" The usual greeting I made with all patients.

No answer. He just sat there like a stone, hands in pocket and eyes on the table. Having an Asperger syndrome means that he had problem socializing with people especially with a person he may never met.

"I know it is hard for you to get comfortable with me. Dr. Synthia is in the hospital. I recall you were there when the incident happened." I was talking about the burning.

"Oh." His voice was low.

"Can you spell your name for me?" Of course I already knew his full name. I just wanted to make him talk and get comfortable with me.

"You already know, blackbird."

I furrowed my brow not because I displeased by the name he called me but I was in a state of confusion. Why he called me that?

"Excuse me? Oh sorry. I should introduce myself. You can call me Dr. Merle."

"Yeah blackbird."

I just sighed. Looked like it will be a long appointment. "So, let's continue. How old are you?"

"Stop asking something that you already know."

"I know you want to end it quickly, so just answer my question, okay?" I try to make it sound as nice as possible. I don't want to ruin this first appointment.

"Are you sure it is me? Aren't you are the one who wants to go back home quickly, take a shower, drink some coffee and be a sleeping beauty?" He gave me a sharp glare with a smirk on his face. I was the one who should read his mind but it is the opposite now. He was right though, I wanted to go home quickly and his sharp analysis made me wanted to go home more. I wrote down a note 'head person-logical and analysis his surrounding'. Well, I shouldn't be shock as it is one of asperger's character traits.

"Let just go with next question." At least I made him talk.

"Where are you from?" This may be a sensitive question for him as it was his past and I was sure his past was not a happy life story. That what made him went violent and brought him here.

He started to become uncomfortable, he clenched his teeth and I can see a furrow on his brow. My question reminded him about something that really hurt him and abused his emotion in the past. "Where are your parents?" I continued asking him questions that he tried to avoid.

"Shut up."

"Do you have any siblings?"

He bursted. "Shut the up!" He hit the table hard. I flinched a bit. His breath started to quicken and I can see his vein popping on his neck.I managed to calm myself and immediately wrote down 'angry explosions meltdowns'. He was feeling triggered when I reminded him of his dark past that he wanted to be freed from. The guards who were standing outside of the room this whole time finally came in to make sure Taehyung didn't hurt a doctor.

"Anything wrong doctor?"

"No. It's okay." 
Bang! Taehyung started to throw his chair to the wall behind him. The guards immediately held his hand and chained it on the corner of his bed. He sat there starting to calm down. "Sorry doctor but I think we should end it for today." I just nodded, not wanting to make the situation worse.

While I walked out of the room, I turned my head and made a last look on Taehyung. He looked at me but there was something different with his eyes. It shows an abused and trapped kid.

He wanted me to help him.



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Chapter 5: Update juseyo~