Episode 4 (The one with the wolves and DID)

Moorim School: A different perspective


Min Ah's POV


I wished that we could have found the guys straight away but we kind of got lost because of Seon Deok but fortunately Seon Ah guided us back on track with her map. I was looking around hoping to spot a glimpse of a silver-head or a brunet  but unfortunately I saw nothing like that. Although I did notice a huge cave-like-lair meaning that maybe Wang Chi Ang and Yoon Shi Woo were in there resting. I was about to tell my companions when I heard howl ripping through the still forest. I took of in the direction of the den, knowing that Seon Deok and Seon Ah were behind me. 



We arrived to see around seven wolves surrounding the boy and effectively trapping them from escaping. Immediately Seon Deok shot stones at the wolves with her slingshot while Seon Ah too helped in trying to drive those beasts away but what all their efforts seemed to do was make them angry. Their fur bristled and with those sharp teeth bared at us I felt worried. I hadn't moved from my place at the entrance which hid me from the victims view but which also allowed me to see them and hopefully continue to not get noticed by the wolves till the time was right. Seon Ah and Seon Deok were backing up along with Shi Woo and Chi Ang, keeping their eyes trained on the wolves. All of them were in the middle with the wolves slowly gaining on them. I had to do something and I did.




 I abandoned my bag at the entrance under a bush and walked confidently towards my friends with a finger on my lips signaling for them to stay quiet. The alpha sensed me approaching and turned around with his hackles raised and teeth bared. Three other wolves turned away from my friends and faced me leaving only three others to guard them. I crouched down, balancing on the top of my feet and stared at the alpha right in the eye as he came forward enough for me to feel his breath on my face (it was 1/2 m distance ). I continued to stare at the wolf while thanking the Gods for the silence of my friends. I could guess what ever they were thinking, it probably went along the lines of 'She's crazy'. 




I ever so slowly curled my fingers around a heap of sand from the ground and hoped for the best before throwing the sand right in the alpha's eyes. Using my hands for support I kicked my feet in front of me to do a back flip and nailed hitting the beast while yelling "Now". I took out one of the three wolves which had been facing me with the help of some sand and a stick but the other wolf decided to jump at me. It happened in slow motion, the wolf was coming closer and closer when I braced myself and locked my hands together, closing my eyes, allowing my ring to look in the direction of the wolf. Focusing on the energy that I had been gathering up from the time I had seen the wolves, I snapped my eyes open, channeling it through my ring, I managed to slow things up and back flipped, my feet which I had empowered with my energy connected with the wolf's neck and I could hear the sickening crack. The wolf landed in a corner as I stood breathing a little hard and taking in the situation.




 4 Wolves divide equally among 4 people meaning that each of them were fighting a wolf on their own. I grabbed a stick and rushed to help Seon Ah and Seon Deok with their wolf. (Seon Ah had already taken care of hers).  Between the three of us we managed to defeat it with no problem but Shi Woo and Wang Chi Ang weren't fairing so well. Seon Ah helped Shi Woo with defeating his wolf and Seon Deok aided Wang Chi Ang. I stood there watching them and catching my breath. I had noticed while dealing with my set of attackers that Wang Chi Ang had let his guard down, allowing a wolf spring from behind of him. Shi Woo had yelled out his roommate's name and the wolf slowed down allowing Shi Woo to pull him out of the way. She Woo's control over his power had increased by a little amount but still it was an improvement. As the wolves ran out whimpering except for the one I killed, we all glanced at each other and started cracking up. I could tell that they were impressed with my fighting skills but I was just happy we survived.


And after all, laughter is the best medicine.








We moved away from the den as far as possible and then we tended to our wounds. While Seon Deok tended to Chi Ang, I decided to give my medical attention to Shi Woo. Soon Ah had gone to fill her bottle from a nearby stream. He was sitting on rock, staring off into space. I had soaked a piece of cotton wool slightly, in some disinfect and dabbed it on the scrape on Shi Woo's cheek. It startled him from his thoughts and he turned to look at me. I pretended to not notice him looking at me in a weird way, and held his chin to allow a better angle for disinfecting the wound. "Why are you helping me?" "Well, if I don't treat this wound it will most likely get infected and scar your face leaving your fans heartbroken. So let me do my work.



He winced when I pressed the cotton wool against his face as I was talking. "I don't have any fans. Not anymore." he said miserably. "That's not true." I said, cleaning his wound. "Are you going to tell me your my die-hard fan or something?" he asked. "No" I scoffed "That's Seon Ah." He seemed to have run out of things to say which was good coz I had finished applying a plaster to the graze. I was packing the first-aid stuff into my bag when suddenly a hand grabbed my arm. I looked up, shocked, to see the idol looking at my wrist with a look in his eyes that I later found out was concern. "You're hurt."he said. "Huh?" I said, looking at my wrist too. In all the excitement I had forgotten about my wrist which had been grazed by my second wolf. He looked up to meet my eyes and just then Seon Ah appeared. I slid my hand out of his hold and jogged to the stream with my things. 




As I set about cleaning (disinfecting) my wound, applying some paste and wrapping it tightly with a bandage, I thought about how Shi Woo would react to my video. Shrugging myself out of those unnecessary thoughts, I finished my work and set about once again packing my things into my bag when I heard footsteps behind me. Shouldering my bag I turned around and saw Shi Woo. "The others sent me" he muttered. "Come on let's go." with that he began to walk back to where the others were. I followed him, all the while thinking, 'He has got to have DID, Dual Identity Disorder.I mean 1 minute he's concerned for me, the next he act's like he couldn't care less.

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Imliben_Longkumer #1
Chapter 1: Really excited about this book...