Episode 8 Cont. (The one with the kidnapping)

Moorim School: A different perspective


Min Ah headed towards the hotel's restaurant after having informed Seon Ah of what she wanted her to do. Shi Woo was already seated there and when she joined him, he immediately noticed her new watch. "What's that?" pointing at her watch. "Something that Nadget gave me." she answered. He frowned "Why?" "It's a GPS tracker, Seon Ah and I are banned from leaving the hotel. Safety reasons." she explained. 




"Why are you still in the hotel?" Min Ah asked. "Well, I might have overheard the part where you two were banned from leaving so I stayed to keep you company." He looked at his hands. "About last night, I'm sorry." "What are you saying sorry for, this time?" she questioned irritably. "I'm apologizing for saying sorry that day." He informed her as one of her eyebrows rose. "I wasn't playing around. I really like you." Just then Min Ah's feeling of danger rose higher than ever. She quickly grabbed her phone and sent a text to Seon Ah, excusing herself from the table while Shi Woo wondered if he had scared her by bringing up the situation at hand too soon. 




Chairman Wang Hao thought on his recent plan. Having been informed by one of the Dean of Moorim's trusted staff, that one of their students, Seo Min Ah was rumoured to be Seo Jae Hee's daughter and that Hwang Seon Ah was rumoured to be Chae Yun's daughter, he had set his plan into action. Kidnap Seo Jae Hee's daughter as it was obvious that she would have at least two keys and also check Chae Yun's daughter for a key but he didn't think that she would have one but he was sure that  Seo Jae He''s daughter would definitely have one or two.



(Lift, sauna changed to joining Daniel and Yudi is still there.)




"I need you to guard something with your life for me." Seon Ah turned so she was facing Min Ah, and upon seeing her face asked "What is it?" Min Ah hesitated before taking of her necklace which she hadn't removed in 18 years. The necklace had a two odd shaped objects conjoined as its pendant. One had the Hangul word meaning ' Air,' while the other meant 'Water' with markings alongside them. The pendant did look weird but Seon Ah couldn't understand why it was so important until it dawned on her. Min Ah handed the necklace to Seon Ah who put it on and hid the pendant under her shirt.   



"If I text you saying it's time, I want you to leave this room and find the professors immediately. Do not let yourself be seen and try to avoid the security cameras. You have to be careful. And don't go anywhere without your guard up and without the necklace. Make sure that no one sees the necklace. Alright?"  Min Ah instructed. "This has something to do with why you came here and the bad thing that will happen, right?" Seon Ah asked. Min Ah nodded. Seon Ah agreed "Okay. Now go and enjoy your date but when you come back, I need details on the date and the guy, OK?" she said laughingly. Min Ah laughed too, albeit having a blush on her cheeks and left for her 'date'.



End Flashback.


Min Ah  entered the restroom and noticed a lady standing in front of a mirror, who was giving off a bad vibe. She locked herself in one of the stalls and set about, fiddling with her phone. After a few minutes she left the stall and began to wash her hand, opposite the lady who had been there when she had entered, after having placed her phone on the edge of the sink basin, opposite the mirror so her plan could work. She looked down and in that moment, the lady struck. Min Ah had to stop herself from screaming and had let the woman take her out by her pressure point on her neck. She had struggled as to not let the attacker suspect anything and soon the world turned black.





Shi Woo had been waiting for Min Ah to come back but after 15 minutes,he got up to search for her. He found her phone in the restroom which immediately rang alarm bells in his head. Min Ah had told him that her phone was a gift from her late father and if it was just lying there, it meant that Min Ah hadn't left the females' restroom voluntarily. He called Nadget as he ran to the room where Min Ah was staying. The door was opened and the whole pace was ransacked. Clothes strewn on the floor, suitcases turned in-out and cupboards and drawers open, with half their contents on the floor. Seon Ah was not to be seen and he knew that Seon Deok was out with Wang Chi Ang, he had seen them so did that mean that Seon Ah was also kidnapped or not? "Nadget, I need you to track Min Ah and Seon Ah by their watches." He cut the call after hearing that Min Ah was at a place called ONP holdings while Seon Ah was in the hotel, a corridor from where he was. He caught up with the Dean's daughter and informed her of the situation. "Min Ah's been kidnapped. She's at ONP holdings.



 Seon Ah nodded grimly, "I'll find the professors, you find Min Ah." She then ran of in search of the lift, thinking that it was weird that Min Ah had been kidnapped, just when the lifts were broken and the professors were not to be found. She arrived at the lift on their floor and noticed a small marble on the floor. It was exactly like the ones of Prof. Kim prize collection of collector's items that he owned. She looked at the lift doors which were closed and set about opening them, after having covered the CCTV's with her jacket. Amazingly she managed to open the doors after three tries and looked down to find the lift halfway between the two floors. She breathed out and then jumped off the floor and on to the lift. She found the emergency exit which was on top of the lift and opened it without much difficulty. The occupants of the lift had been surprised the they had heard a thump of someone landing on the lift. They had been shocked when the emergency door opened and Seon Ah's face came into view. She jumped into the lift and informed the Professors and Sam "Min Ah's been kidnapped." "WHAT?" yelled four people simultaneously. She nodded miserably, a determined, grim look on her face





Meanwhile after Seon Ah had run off in search of the Profs., Shi Woo had texted Seon Deok, Min Ah's act of disappearance and her current location, urging them to get over there as soon as possible. He just hoped that he'd be able to save Min Ah in time. Otherwise, he did not think he could live.





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Imliben_Longkumer #1
Chapter 1: Really excited about this book...