Episode 7 (The One with the Reward)

Moorim School: A different perspective

Min Ah woke up after being shaken awake, to see Shi Woo's worried face. He helped her stand up as she took in her surroundings. She noticed all the other who were previously passed out were there too. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, unable to believe she fell for the Dean's lies and had actually trusted him. He had known what had happened before, two years ago and yet he carried this out. She couldn't believe him. "Why are we here?" Chi Ang asked as Yeop Jung tried the doors. "It's locked" he informed them. "It's a test." Min Ah said, shaking with fury. "Are you alright?" Seon Ah asked her. She just nodded. Just then, Prof. Kim Dae Ho's voice rang out in the Armoury informing them of the task at hand. Min Ah sighed when she heard Prof, Yudi say "This room will be set on fire soon." 


Just then smoke began to fill the place, and as Wang Chi Ang and Seon Deok hovered over Seon Ah who had fallen to the floor, Min Ah turned her gaze towards Shi Woo who had his hand near his ear, wincing in pain. She touched his ear and helped him while Choi Ho and Yeop Jung tried to do something with their coats. After the pain in Shi Woo's ear lessened she helped him block the source of the fumes with his coat. 


After having blocked it, the smoke began to lessen and as Wang Chi Ang rolled a barrel under the entrance to the vent, Min Ah volunteered to go up the ladder. She asked Seon Ah to run up the ladder after her and jump and reach the sky light. As they got into position and Min Ah began climbing the ladder, she was pushed of it when Yelp Jung, who had taken Seon Ah's position forcibly, ran up the ladders instead of Seon Ah. She fell and was about to hit the floor when Shi Woo who had been holding the ladder along with Chi Ang, caught her as Choi Ho and Seon Deok crumbled to grab the falling ladder but missed. It was falling and was about to land on the duo who were on the floor, when suddenly the lights went out.


Min Ah had seen the ladder and using her life energy, she turned the lights off and closed her eyes, gathering her energy and snapped her eyes open, the ladder stopping right before it hit them. She pushed Shi Woo away and rolled to her right and released her control over the ladder. As it clattered to the floor with a sound, the lights flickered back on. It seemed as if by a miracle, Min Ah had reacted immediately to the others, but Shi Woo thought otherwise. Was it a coincidence that the lights had gone off just then or not?


Yep Jung, that jerk had blocked their escape through the vents so they had to do with the second best option, the skylight. Seon Ah threw a grappling hook through the skylight and climbed up the rope with Choi Ho behind her. Seon Deok and Chi Ang too followed. Min Ah who was glad for Chi Ang's coat as it was cold, shimmied up the rope with Shi Wo following. They used the fire escape ladder, to get on the roof and then as the whole group stood there, breathing a little heavily, Min Ah said "First come, first served. Ready, set, GO!" and rushed over to the side and began climbing down. Seon Ah laughed and copied her along with Seon Deok and the rest of them. They all landed safely and ran to the entrance of Moorim. 


Min Ah who was first, grabbed her sign as the other arrived. She was breathing hard, while trying to calm herself when she saw the Dean. Seon Ah arrived second, with Seon Deok third, Wang Chi Ang fourth, Shi Woo fifth and Choi Ho sixth. "Where's Yeop Jung?" Seon Ah asked. Just then Prof. Daniel, dragged Yeop Jung by the arm to his spot as the seventh place. Min Ah had to clench her fist to stop herself from punching Hwang Moo Sung in the face as he went on about how Yeop Jung, even though he had betrayed them, was still their colleague and friend. She had a feeling that that was his masked apology there, but she still was mad at him. The fury might die down but who knows?




She had stormed out of there and was seated at a table when the rest of the others, except for Choi Ho and his roommate joined her. Seon Ah too, was mad at her father but she wondered why Min Ah looked she was ready to kill the headmaster. Every one had noticed her clenched fists and the way she had kept glaring at the Dean. "Why were you looking like you wanted to murder the Dean?"asked Seon Deok. Min Ah sighed and cover her face with her hands. She leaned her head on her hands and siad, tiredly "Do you remember when you, Seon Ah and I met for the first time on Moorim Mt." The two girls nodded while the boys listened. "Seon Ah was trying to run away when she met me." Seon Deok recalled. "Remember how I was up a tree, crying my eyes out while looking at some photos." 

Her BF's nodded cautiously. "Well, two years ago, my father had invited one of his friends to our house. When we had our backs turned, he tried to take us out but my father and I deflected his attack. He said that he was testing our reflexes but I didn't believe him but my father did cause that was how he had greeted them while they were schooling. I had gone to my room for a book when I had heard sounds of fighting and yelling. I tried to go down but someone had locked me in. Finally I broke down the door and when i searched for my father, I found him bleeding on the floor, with a knife in his stomach. The killer was my father's friend and he had betrayed us. I tired to save my father but it was too late." 

The listeners had sympathetic and astonished looks on their faces as she continued "To be honest, since I hadn't drunk the wine Sam offered, I wasn't drugged like you guys were.  I was attacked by Prof. Kim under the orders of the Dean. I asked what was going on and he told me it was test and no one would be harmed. I trusted him, and let my guard down. He took me out. He tricked me just like my father's killer had done. He knew how my father was killed and yet he still betrayed me." There was long silence as the audience processed the new info on Min Ah. "I'm going to bed." she whispered, getting up. She heard Seon Ah slam her fist on the table and leave too with Seon Deok following her. She guessed that Seon Ah was feeling more mad at her father because he had used her trauma against her and nearly put her in danger and had tricked her (Min Ah) like her father's murderer had done, knowing of that incident. She had a feeling that the Dean's daughter's trust in her father was shaken but she knew that their father-daughter bond was strong. Min Ah hoped she could find in herself to forgive the headmaster, but until then, she could always take her anger out by training. 


It was Shi Woo's first day in advanced class and as the class progressed, his mind was on Seo Min Ah. He remembered having seen her for the first time in a dress at the Potluck party and had felt that his heart had stopped. She looked.....beautiful and breath-taking although he wouldn't admit it to himself yet, he could say that there was chance of him having feelings for her but he hadn't confirmed it. After class, he saw Min Ah heading outside, and hurried to catch up with her. "Seo Min Ah! Wait." She turned around and waited for him to catch up. "Want to go for a walk?" he asked with a small smile. She smiled at him.


As they walked slowly Shi Woo said "How strange it is." "What is?" she asked looking at him. "A long time ago, I would have been working on my next album and I'd throw a fit because I couldn't think of any good songs to write. I'd take my anger out on my members and my manager as well. You know how much of a jerk I was." "No kidding" she muttered. "But here..." he continued by was cut off by her "You can write songs?" she asked excitedly. "Will a ton of songs come out by the time you graduate then?" she inquired. He looked at her weirdly when she said 'graduate' "Graduate?" he asked. Min Ah had said that because she had assumed he would be staying at Moorim until he graduated, but had forgotten that he was only there for his ear.


"I forgot that you were staying here because of your ear" she told him. He scratched his ear and said "Ever since I came here, the noise has almost disappeared. It's amazing." 'And you're always there to soothe me. Your were the reason I didn't leave for Seoul' he thought. "I'm glad to hear that." she said relieved. He looked at her- really looked at her and right then and there admitted to himself, that he was falling for the girl in front of him like he hadn't before with any other girl. "Close your eyes" she suddenly instructed him. He complied, baffled at the sudden change of subject and was shocked when he felt the presence of a soft pair of lips on his cheek. Had she just kissed him (on the cheek)?


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Imliben_Longkumer #1
Chapter 1: Really excited about this book...