Chapter 78

18 Years Old Mother

Chapter 78


Seo Yeon looked at Ji Min and he replied with a shrug. She then turned her attention to the redhead sitting in front of her. Mark didn’t even look at her in the eye. His eyes wandered around the coffee shop with his hands rubbing his thighs in discomfort.

“So Mark,” she began. “Mind to tell me, um, anything? Of course, just if there is anything to be told.”

“Well,” Mark gulped down before lifted up his head. “You know, it was, um, it was me all along.”


“And I didn’t mean to lie to you or anything but um, yeah. Um, I just, um I um, just need to do that and um, it can’t be helped and it just happened that way and um I’m sorry.”

“There is literally nothing to be sorry about.” Seo Yeon replied. Ji Min just sat by, watching.

“Mind to tell me why?”

“I just wanted to be out of crowd and it was hard to find someone that really sticks to you without caring too much about who you really are.”

“Yeah.” Seo Yeon smiled bitterly. “It was.”



“I hope you won’t be telling this to the school. Not even Krystal.” Mark said as he sent them to the door. “Especially not Krystal.”

“I won’t.” Seo Yeon chuckled as she went down the stairs. “We should go now.”

“Alright then. Bye.”

“Bye, Mark.”

“You know him?” Ji Min asked when they were walking down the neighborhood.



“Well, we met at the camping.”

“I see.”

“Oh yeah. I almost forgot.” Seo Yeon spoke. She looked up at him by her side and grinned Ji Min could see her perfectly arranged white teeth.

“What with that smile?” he asked in curiosity.

“I just,” she shrugged. “I was wondering about all the sickening, nauseous, heart-swelling love quotes you were sending me.”

“Well,” he slipped his hand into the pockets of his trousers and grinned. “Does it work on you?”

“I think I just said sickening and nauseous and heart-swelling love quotes. What make you think it worked on me?”

“It doesn’t?” he wrinkled his forehead.

“Yes, it doesn’t. I was really sick and nauseous and my heart really swelled.”

“I’m not so sure about that. Because it clearly doesn’t seem the way you say it does.”

“Oh yeah?” she challenged.

“Uh-uh. Because I saw you smiling at the hallway like an idiot.”

“You what?” her eyes bulged.

“You actually stopped to read my message that you claimed making your heart swell.”

“I’m not!”

“Or in the precalc class. You should pay attention to the teacher you know?”

“Are you stalking me?” she asked.

“Nope. Not at all.” He shook his head. “Why would I waste my time stalking you?”

“Duh!” she sighed. “By the way, my heart does swell.” She turned and walked away.

“Deny all you want, Lee Seo Yeon.” Ji Min smiled as he watched her petite figure from behind. “Deny all you want.”

He adjusted the strip of his bag before jogged to her.



“You should leave.” She said without looking at him as she unlocking the gate of her house.

“Min Hyuk oppa will kill you if he saw you here.”

“He will? Are you sure?” he asked doubtfully.

“Well, he swore to.” She chuckled but then frowned. “! Why it was always so hard to unlock this?” she cursed. Ji Min went to her and grabbed her hand, making her startled. Ji Min slowly moved his hand to his palm and took the key. It was like a slow motion. So slow she could feel every single inch of his fingers brushed against her palm. Ji Min turned back-facing her and unlocked the gates while Seo Yeon was still there, rooting like a tree with her mind tried to process what just happened a second ago.


The gates were finally unlocked. Ji Min turned to her, smiling while handing her the key. She pulld out her hand and Ji Min dropped the key onto her palm.

“T- thank you.” She stuttered. It was suddenly uncomfortable.

“Sure. You should go in now. It was getting dark.”

“Yeah. I think so too.” She stepped inside. “Bye.” Seo Yeon said before going inside the house. She went to her bedroom and settled down on the bed, with her heart still beating hard. Indeed, she confused. She confused with her own heart. She confused with Ji Min’s. She confused with Jin’s. And it was obvious that Ji Min was too. Jin, probably not because he didn’t even bother to just call her now. He completely forgot or the harsher word would be throwing her away from his life.

Seo Yeon exhaled and ruffled her hair when her phone chimed on the other side of the bed. She stretched her arm lazily and took her phone. She opened the message.


« Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t? It opens up your heart and that’s mean someone could come inside and mess you up. – Duh, I can’t remember who said this. -,-»

A/N: That's all for this time! 47 chaps in one go! Please ignore any typos, grammatical errors and such. I did reread before posting but I don't actually realized them sometimes. I really really really hope that you left some comments for me to read. Bear with me right? Hehe >< I love them so much! If you are wondering, this is actually JiMinxSeoYeon fic in the FIRST PLACE and I'm hoping to keep it up that way. ^^ But if any of you want it to be JinxSeoYeon I already made a setup in my mind. Or should I write both? That's up to you! So please comment and tell me what you're thinking! And also don't forget to subscribe, comment, upvote and spread this fic. YOU guys are the motivation for me to write! So pursued me to write through your comments!

Until next update. Lots of love <3

XOXO- nabellllll

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vincent97 #1
Chapter 92: I'm a new reader wishing for an update. I seriously just read this in 3 hours and loved it.