Chapter 65

18 Years Old Mother

Chapter 65


Seo Yeon stared expressionlessly outside of the window and exhaled heavily. She had to admit she missed him. She missed Jin but she didn’t do anything about him. Either calling or messaging or maybe just meet him. And he didn’t too. He didn’t try to look for her. He just, changed. She scoffed a little at the thought of it.

“Is it funny?” she jumped in surprise and turned to her right just to see…

“Se Hun?”

“Yes I am.” He smirked.

“What the f- hell are you doing here?”

“As you said, we’re in the goddamn school for Christ’s sake.”

“Oh, .” She murmured. “And why- I mean why here? Why in this class? Why beside me?”

“I just know this class and beside you is the only empty seat.”

“Don’t give me that crap. For God sake, you can ask for seat anywhere you want because every inside this class willing to shove off their ing desk partner to sit beside you.”

“But I don’t want to.”


“Miss Lee? Anything’s wrong?”



“Thanks to you I need to do all of this chores.” She gritted her teeth as she collected the ball at the open court.

“Well, welcome.”

“Can you be, I don’t know, less annoying?”

“Nope. It was in my blood.” He answered easily.

“Jesus Christ.” She mumbled. “Just go home already.” She ordered. “You annoyed me by sitting there.”

“Oh, sitting already a crime nowadays huh?”

“No. But I’ll make it become one.” She replied and continued to collect the balls. Se Hun continued to seat annoyingly comfortable at the side of the court and watched her.

“Seriously Oh Se Hun?”


“You don’t have like um, concert or tour or fan meeting or sign events or stage performance or I don’t know, all the that idols like you guys do?”

“Um, give me a second. Nope.”

Seo Yeon threw her hands in the air and sighed in annoyance. “Your manager should invent one because you’re just ting around doing nothing.”

“Are you really not like, um, our fans?”



“Yep. Look I know you guys since there are always hundred of girls in this school screaming out your names every single day but I’m not into you guys. I am not like those es that spend money just to watch you jumping all over stage. No offense.”


“And lip syncing.”

“So what are you into? You like to sing but you don’t like singer. It was just like you like to eat but you hate rice.”

“Because I like noodles.”

“Oh yeah? So you like to sing but you hate us because you’re actually into?”

“English songs?”

“Oh, I see.”

“Glad you are.”

“Anyway, why won’t you like us? I mean, all girls screamed just seeing our videos.”

“I’m totally not one of them.”

“I’m asking you why.”

“I don’t know, you guys like, same? Your face, your style, your voice, your dance and even your music. It’s pretty lame.”

“It’s not the same at all.”

“It is. It was like, um, I don’t know who was singing at that moment. If it was Oh Se Hun or G-Dragon.”

“He’s in Big Bang.” Se Hun rolled his eyes. “And I don’t sing. I rap.”

“Really? My bad.” She smirked.

“Besides, my voice is not same as his at all.”

“Why? Because he is so much better?”

“No. Because I AM so much better.”

“And you know what, all those cute actions that you did, they are gross.”


“Yes, seriously. I mean, you guys are guys. So, doing that things just, ugh.”

“People would rather die to see that.”

“I’m not wasting my life over something like that. It will make me looked stupid.”

“Fond over someone didn’t make you stupid.”

“It’s not fonding they are doing. It’s called obsessing. I mean, why would you spend so much money just to see plastic-faced guy singing?”

“Plastic-faced?!” Se Hun yelled.

“Of course. Majority Korean citizen have small eyes, short nose and things like v-shape chin is rare. While on the other hand, look at how big your eyes are, how tall your nose is and how v-shaped you chin is.”

“It’s called mixed gene.”

“All of you?”

“Not all-”

“See? How can you guys look completely, disturbingly perfect?”

“But I am original.”

“Whatever you say, Se Hun. Whatever you say.”

“Seo Yeon?” They both turned to the corridor side beside the court just to see a familiar face.

“Um, if you don’t mind, can I talk to Seo Yeon for a while? Privately.”

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vincent97 #1
Chapter 92: I'm a new reader wishing for an update. I seriously just read this in 3 hours and loved it.