Chapter 5

18 Years Old Mother

Chapter 5


Jin packed his things up before glanced at Seo Yeon empty seat. She didn’t appear at all after she went up from the class this morning. She even didn’t come back after the recess. He was going to leave when he looked at her messy table and that suddenly disturb him. He began to put her books and some things inside her bag. Since everyone already left, he could tidy up for her a little bit. He smiled and nodded his head.

Let’s go…

He walked out at the empty hallway while looking around. He was still new and busy so he still didn’t get a chance to take a walk around the school area. He fished out her cellphone before sending a message to Ji Min.


« Yah. Eodika?(where are you?) I’m at the Art Hallway. Ppali and come! »

« Eo? Arasseo, hyung. Wait for me!! >w< »


He smiled and sat down on a stair and started to play some games in his cellphone when he heard a sound. Crying sound to be exact. He looked around to find the source of the sound but he just found an empty hallway. The crying sound became louder and louder. Jin looked up to the flights of stairs up him and found the a little part from a pair of blue-ish sneakers on the next floor. Since he was so curious, he decided to silently go up. First step, second step, third step…


“Hyung? Where are you?” Ji Min voice echoed throughout the hallway. He could saw that person shade stood up and ran away to the next floor. He sighed before jogged downstairs to meet the other boys.

“Hyung, what are you doing there?” Yoon Gi asked while tilting his head beneath Jin’s broad shoulder.

“Oh, nothing.” He lied. “It just the wind.” Lied again.

Gosh, Jin! Wind can cry!

“Okay then. Let’s go home.”




“Where do you live?” Nam Joon began when they were on the way to go home.

“I stay with Ji Min for a while until my family manages to find suitable and nearer house to the school.” He answered.

“Cool. We can visit you after school later.” Yoon Gi nodded his head.

“Ah, hyung. You still didn’t tell us about Seo Yeon noona.” Jung Kook asked. Ji Min expression suddenly changed and cold sweats were rolling down from his forehead.

“That’s right.” Ho Seok agreed.

“Seo Yeon? Who is she?” Jin showed his interest.

“Ji Min hyung’s girlfriend.” They chorused while grinning meaningfully.

“You have a girlfriend?” Jin seemed unbelief and shock with the fact that ‘shorty Ji Min got a girlfriend.’

“Not anymore.” Ji Min spoke, making the boys silent.

“We breakup.” he continued. “Seo Yeon and I, already breakup.”

After some minutes processing the new data, the boys finally speak.

“Ah~ That’s why you both didn’t meet today.”

“Now I see why you walk home with us.”

“So this is the reason you don’t talk about her today.”

Ji Min didn’t respond at his friends’ statement and just continued to walk. He just don’t walk to remember about her anymore and wanted to forget everything that ever happened between them but on the other side, Jin was thinking the opposite one.

Seo Yeon? I thought I’ve heard that name somewhere before…

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vincent97 #1
Chapter 92: I'm a new reader wishing for an update. I seriously just read this in 3 hours and loved it.