Chapter 3

Our Broken Story

Dara could clearly see that the two have some tension between them, looking at the girl she’s clearly beautiful, with that smooth flawless skin, y body and innocent face. She can feel criticizing stare as the girl named Kiko walked towards them.


“Care to introduce me to this lovely girl?” Kiko smiled, seemingly friendly.


Dara doesn’t know what’s happening but she can feel that Jiyong is trying to suppress his emotion, with a deep sigh she introduced herself when she sensed the guy seems to be distracted by the Kiko’s presence.


“Hi I’m Sandara Park, but you can call me Dara.” with a smile she extended her hand towards the tall girl which the latter accepted.


“KIko MIzuhara, nice to meet you.”


The petite nodded and turned towards the stoned guy, “Hey I’ll leave you two, I’ll just find my friend around.”


She was about to walk away but Jiyong was quick to stop her from her tracks by grabbing her arm, Dara looked at the guy questioningly but he was looking intently towards Kiko, his face voided by any emotion.


“What are you doing here KIko?”


Kiko smiled and crossed her arms in front of her, “Have you forgotten I’m a model?”


“Not in any of my event.” He sounded dangerously.


Kiko pouted as if trying to look pitiful, “Awh. Come on Ji. Spare me from your drama, even if you don’t want me anywhere near your events, you can’t possibly stop the Brand owners to want me.” she said mockingly.


Feeling the pain by Jiyong’s grip, Dara can’t help but gasp and tries to free her hand.


“Mi---miser.” Dara whined inaudibly. “Why am I stuck between this two?” she can’t help but thought to herself.


Sensing her triumph, Kiko smiled victoriously when the gorgeous guy remained silent and just looked at her painfully. “I’ll see you around Ji. Chow.” and just like that she walked away from them.


“!” Jiyong shouted making Dara gasp.


“Ca--can you let my hand go?” Dara winced, still feeling the tight grip.


As if realizing she’s there, he looked at her briefly and let her arm go. Without looking back he walked away leaving her behind.


“That bastard!” Dara can’t believe the nerve of the guy.




The event turned successful and everyone are celebrating at Youngbae’s bar, beautiful models gracing the floor and dancing as if its the time of their lives.


Jiyong was at the counter and drowning himself again with alcohol, not sparing any attention on the people surrounding him.


“Come on Top, dance with me.” Hyolyn asked the guy with blonde hair.


Seunghyun just smiled and presented his bottle of beer, “I think I can’t honey, I’m still having my drink.”


“Forget the drink baby, you can have me.” Hyolyn seductively came closer towards him.


Seunghyun was about to touch her when their maknae popped out of nowhere making him flinch in surprise.


“Hyuuuung!” the little panda called, his face full of worry.


“What is it this time rat?” he asked, irritation on his voice.


Seungri pouted as if hurt, “Jiyong hyung.”


Just hearing the name made the eldest forget everything in front of him. He slightly shoved the girl out of his sight, earning him an angry stare from Hyolyn before walking out.


“Jiyong?” he asked worriedly.


Seungri nodded and pointed him towards the bar where Seunghyun saw his friend chugging a bottle of Jack Daniel with Daesung trying to stop him, not wasting any time he rushed towards them with Seungri tailing him from behind.


Stop it Hyung, please.” Daesung pleaded.


“Get out of my sight Kang Daesung. You’re pestering me.” Jiyong tried to grab another drink.


“You can’t handle it anymore.” the younger grabbed the drink and chug it down instead, earning a glare from the elder.


“What’s the commotion?” Seunghyun asked when he saw Jiyong glaring at Daesung as if he’s going to murder him any moment from now.


“He’s drowning himself again hyung.” As if a kid, Daesung reported.


“What is it this time Ji?” Seunghyun don’t understand what his friend was acting.


Silence answered the elder’s question, as if disregarding him Jiyong tried to once again grab a drink but Seunghyun stopped him from it.


“What the hell?!” he shouted.


The guy with blond hair sighed, “Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll let you drink.”


“Kiko.” he muttered.


“Again?” Daesung and Seungri chorused.


“What’s with her again?” Seunghyun can’t help but ask, sitting beside him.


“She’s at the event.” he answered like a whisper.


The three looked at each other as if communicating through telepathy, they know that their friend doesn’t want his ex girlfriend to be present in any of their events, even the tried their best not to include the girl in any of their gigs for the sake of their friend’s feeling.

“She was there?” Seunghyun asked calmly.


Jiyong grabbed a fistful of his hair in exasperation, “Damn hyung, I’m still not over her.” Emotions pouring in.


Silence enveloped the three as Jiyong silently grabbed a drink, none of them stopped him this time.


Seunghyun can’t help but pat him on the shoulder as if consoling him.


After chugging some shots more, Jiyong grabbed his keys resting at the table and without saying anything he walked out of the said bar.


“Where is he going? Hyung aren’t you going to stop him?” Seungri worriedly asked.


Seunghyun put his hand on his waist and let a deep sigh, “Who the did let KIko in on our event?”


“I did.” Out of the dark corner their friend came out with a bottle of bear on his hand, Youngbae.


“What the hell hyung?” Daesung cursed.


“We can’t baby him every time, he should man up and face her. How can he move on when he still can’t manage himself in front of her ex?”


Knowing what the guy with Mohawk was saying is true, each of them just stared at the door where their brokenhearted friend exited.



Dara was busy packing some of her clothes on her traveling bag when the bominator went inside of her room without any knocking.


“What do you think?” She posed as if a model.


She was wearing a red body fitting dress which she bought from the bazaar earlier.


Dara nodded as if giving her approval, “You look hot.”


“Really?!” Bom asked excitedly.


Again Dara nodded and gave a thumbs up towards her friend.


“What’s with the packing?” Bom seated at the edge of her bed.


“I’m going home tomorrow.” she answered nonchantly.




“Where else?” Dara smiled, its been a while the last time she went home.


“Tell Mother Park for some kimchi please. I’m craving for her cooked foods.” Bom whined, rubbed her tummy as if she’s hungry.


Dara chuckled at the cuteness of her friend, “Yeah yeah, I’ll tell mom.”


Bom clapped her hands as if excited and wen back to her room to try some of her new clothes more.


A buzz from her phone caught her attention, a text came in and without giving any second thought she opened it.

From: Jerk


Where are you? Can you see me quickly?


A crease formed on her forehead, “This bastard, who the hell he think he is?”


Tossing her phone aside she didn’t bothered to send him a reply. A few minutes more and constant beeping of her phone irritated her. Seeing all the messages from the same guy was received she opened it and was on the verge of cursing him when she finally read the guy’s texts. Without thinking twice she grabbed her jacket and the first aid kit from the bathroom. Sprinting towards where he told her.


From Jerk


I’ll wait for you at the same cafe we went last time.


Where are you?


Help me. Blood anywhere.


I hurt myself please help me.




Composing herself, Dara breath deeply to calm herself. Entering the cafe she easily located the guy at the farthest corner. He looked lonely and out of his self. As she walked towards him her eyes bulged when she saw his coat wet with blood dripping.


“Oh, you here?” the guy asked, as if he was pulled back to reality.


Without talking back she grabbed his arm earning a wince of pain from him.


“Take your coat off.” she instructed as she sat in front of him, opening her first aid kit.


Following her instruction, he immediately took his coat off and put it at the table beside them. Dara can’t help but gasp looking his badly hurt arm.


Irregular cuts filled his pale arm now covered with blood, some are deep and some are not. She immediately stopped the bleeding and attended his wound.


“Who the heck did this to you?” Putting on a pair of working gloves from her kit she grabbed some wet cotton and dabbed it on his arm.


“I did.” he answered.


“You what?” she can’t believe her ears.


“Yeah I did this to myself.” following his answer was a loud smack on his head. “What the hell?!” he shouted while nursing his hurting head.


“Are you crazy?!” Dara answered in a much higher pitch.


Sensing the stares from the other customers of the cafe, he let his head down and let the girl attend his wound.


“Who in their right state of mind would hurt themselves?!” Dara continued her monologue, after a while she leaned closer to guy and hit him on his other arm earning a wince from the guy.

“Are you drunk?!” she screamed.


As if he’s humiliated, JIyong looked around him and saw they’re the center of attention now. Grabbing his coat and Dara’s kit he pulled Dara towards his car and left the cafe.




Silence enveloped them as they seated at the park, it was late at night and they are the only ones left there. Dara finished nursing his cuts and is now packing her kit.


“Thanks Dara.” he whispered.


Not believing her eyes he looked at him. She sighed and just let him be.


“It’s nothing.”


Jiyong smiled sadly and that didn’t escaped Dara’s eyes.


“Can I just ask what did you use on cutting yourself?” she can’t help but ask, she believes the object is somewhat dull because she can clearly see from the cuts that force was used when cutting himself to bleed.


Grabbing something from his coat he presented his keys, “This.”


“Wow.” Dara can’t believe him, “Next time use something sharp like blade so you won’t use enough force when hurting yourself.” She sarcastically uttered.


“Already did that.” he presented his other arm towards the girl covered with scars.


Dara looked at him, she doesn’t know but she’s feeling worried towards him for some reason. Assessing the scars on his other arm she could clearly see that some are old ones and some are still new.


“Why did you do this to yourself?” she can’t help but ask as she caressed the healing wounds.


Jiyong chuckled bitterly. “Because of Love.”


Dara looked intently at him which the guy exchanged with a brief look at her.


“Stupid right?”


She nodded and let him pull his arm back to him as he looked silently at the dark sky.


“Have you been deeply in love before?” He asked out of nowhere.


As if dusting something from her jeans Dara answered, “I don’t know, maybe?”


Another chuckle answered her, “I did. Remember the girl back in the bazaar earlier?”




He nodded, “Yeah, I fell with her.” he doesn’t know why he’s telling her his weakness, maybe because he’s drunk but all he wants at the moment is to share the pain he’s feeling inside.


“I’m deeply in love with her and I’m ready to give her everything she wants at the moment even if our parents are against with our relationship.”


She could feel the bitterness and the pain from her words, interested why the cool guy was acting like that she continued to listen.


“Our relationship lasted for 8 years and I thought I was the luckiest guy that time, I even proposed to her and she accepted me. I was so happy that time I thought happy endings do really exist. Knowing our parents were against us being together and in our marriage we agreed to do something that would change our lives. She got pregnant.” he smiled.


Dara’s eyes bulged at the guy’s revelation.


“I was really happy because we want her to be pregnant with our love child, I thought everything is set and nothing’s going to separate us from each other. Kiko wants to give birth first before getting married because she said she wants to be the iest and beautiful bride and doesn’t want to wear her wedding gown with a bloated tummy, of course I agreed because I believed nine months would just pass by in a blink of an eye and it did, God gave us Flynn.” he smiled happily.


Dara can honestly see the joggle of emotions as Jiyong continued to talk about his life.


His happy expression turned towards a look that a guy who lost everything, “Because of hospital bill our money that was once allocated for our dream wedding was lost unto it, but I told myself and Kiko that we’ll just earned it again, what matters at the moment was our son. I worked my off for a couple of months so that I could support Kiko and the baby but it seemed like she was not satisfied with my effort.”


Dara’s heart broke when he saw the guy shed some tears, she caressed his back as if consoling him from all the pain he’d encountered.


“Until one day I went to their house after a couple of months because I went away due to some events but her parents won’t let me in. They don’t want to show me my kid and it hurt me badly. I begged for her to let me see my Flynn but she seems cold and distant and told me she doesn’t want to see me anymore because I was just a bad decision she made and that her parents were right all along.” he sobbed.


“What the ? I’m sorry but, what the hell?” Dara can’t help but utter. “What a stupid reason.”


“I thought if I worked harder she’ll come back to me, when our son turned 1 five months ago I went again to their house to throw a birthday party for Flynn and to show off to Kiko that I could support them but when I went there they won’t let me enter and even locked their gate. Even if it was sunny and hot that day I stayed in front of the gate not ready to give up but what I saw broke me.”


“What?” Dara asked, interested.


A deep sigh escaped him, “Celebrating the birthday of our son there a guy who seemed to be her new boyfriend, and I could clearly see that her family liked the guy.”


As if in surge of emotion Dara stood up quickly as if to confront the guy, “What?!”


Jiyong wiped his manly tears as if to redeem himself, “YEAH, SHE’S ALREADY OVER ME.”


Don’t know what to do, Dara hugged him out of nowhere, feeling the pain he’s undergoing. “I’m so sorry.”


As if a kid, JIyong let himself snuggle on Dara’s hug and let all the pain surface.

<3 <3 <3


hi guys! unlike my other fics that are full of fluff and sweetness, Jiyong is quite distured in this fic of mine. yes the drama is starting now, you might wonder why but there are lots of things to happen in the next chapters. please comment below so i'll know a piece of your mind. thank you! subscibe and upvote!

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maridanzannet #1
Chapter 5: Update please
update more please, i will wait.
greiyz_14 #3
Chapter 5: Interesting I love it!
-monette- #4
Chapter 4: Update please
april_21 #5
Chapter 2: update please.....
bumweh #6
Chapter 2: Yay...keep it coming authornim
Isangganda #7
Chapter 1: Ok Lets roll authornim seems a good story.
greiyz_14 #8
Chapter 1: Oh interestingly beautiful ,please update more