Confession to Boyfriend

I'm Not A Dog, I'm Human.

Xiao chen have been searching for Lu Feng almost every place he could think off except the rooftop. And when he almost give up to see Lu Femg he remember to check the rooftop, It's the last place he will give a try to find Lu Feng. Suddenly he regrets not asking for Lu Feng phone number. He goes up the stairs till at last he saw the door to rooftop. Xiao Chen take a huge breath praying that Lu Feng is here and open the door slowly. Xiao Chen then step out and began scanning the place incase there's someone sitting here and barely see a figure of someone. ‘Is it Lu Feng?’ Xiao Chen slowly walking to the figure until quite close and tap on the boy shoulder “Are you Lu Feng?” Xiao Chen said and and the boy turned out to be Lu Feng. “Lu Feng, I'm glad you are here. I almost running to every place in school just to find you, you know?” Lu Feng just silently watching the angel that make he feel lust. Lu Feng just smiled and encouraged Xiao Chen to sit beside him.



“Can I have your phone number please? I don't like running all over the place just to see your face.” Xiao Chen then sit beside Lu Feng and watch that Lu Feng is smoking. “Give me your phone, I want to set the number.” Xiao Chen fishing out his cellphone from his beg and give to Lu Feng. Lu feng set his number while smirking. Lu Feng then give back Xiao Chen cellphone and put his cellphone back in the pocket. “So, how about our deal? Are you going to be with me or not? And state the reason behind all of your act!” Lu Feng knows a little bit about Xiao Chen but not fully.



Xiao Chen start talking about the lies that he couple with girl but actually not. And how he said he's in love with Lu Feng from the first time they met. “From what I've heard so far, you are in love with me and want me to be your boyfriend, right?” Xiao Chen nodding his head eagerly, his face tinted with pinkish red from embarrassment confession about his love to Lu Feng. “And now you are my little wife so from now on I'll protect you at all cost. I'll protect your heart, but promise me don't cheat on me, or you will regret knowing name Lu Feng.” Lu Feng then kiss Xiao Chen.



The kiss not so intense, it's just lips to lips but Xiao Chen seems to enjoy it very much till he didn’t realize his hands hugging Lu Feng neck. Xiao Chen knows that Lu Feng smiling between the kiss but he don't care. He felt it just right to kiss Lu Feng and his heart beating so wildly that he gonna think that he can died from the kiss. Lu Feng is the one that broke the kiss and smirking. “I’m sorry for kissing you. You are too beautiful, that's why I'm kissing you. I'm not ready yet to go all the way. Sorry sweetheart.” Lu Feng felt sorry that he cannot give more to Xiao Chen but Xiao Chen just shaking his head. “It’s okay, I know that we're still young. And just couple not long ago.” He winking and hugged Lu Feng. They spending few hours at rooftop getting know each other till not realizing that it's pretty late.



Suddenly Xiao Chen cellphone ringing and Xiao Chen loose the hug to answer the call. “It's my brother. Wait a sec.” Xiao Chen then answered but before he could talk his brother talk first. “Where the hell you've been? The class ended while ago and you didn’t come back? Mom worrying about you, you knows that. So hurry up back and before you come home buy my favorite milkshake and please not too much smoothies okay? Come back early and I love you big brother, bye.” And the call ended without Xiao Chen being be able to talk and stared at his cellphone. “What the hell happened?” Xiao Chen looks at the time and realize it's pretty late to be back home. Lu Feng see his new boyfriend so confused and smiling. He is too cute, thought Lu Feng. “What Sweetheart, who's calling?” Xiao Chen replied that his brother call to go home cause it’s pretty late. Lu Feng just nodded and urges Xiao Chen go home.



They then walk down from the school rooftop and walking side by side to the school gate. Xiao Chen don't want to leave Lu Feng but Lu Feng just kiss him and then walk away from Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen then put his finger to his lips cause he still can feel the soft lips that kissing him. His first kiss have been given to Lu Feng and then walking slowly to home but remembered that his brother wants some milkshake and stop to buy it. The rest was bit bored as he walk till at his house. He open the door and see the sticky notes that his mom left about want buy something and put the milkshake in refrigerator. He knocked his brother door, but not getting answers so he just shrug off and back to his room and call the night.

Sorry if my English is because it's not my first language.*bow* feel free to drop the comment. :)  

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akiramia #1
Chapter 3: Ah finnaly .update im always waiting your story .keep .writing .... fighting...
akiramia #2
Chapter 2: wakkkk xiaochen...why so agressive..wkkk eh .and lufeng .in the same school ..wonder what will happen ...keep writing pls...fighting...always support..
akiramia #3
Chapter 1: yey ..update...horey...but ..hei..lufeng didnot show up ..or notyet.hehe cant wait .xiaochen meet lufeng....hehehe..fighting...keep writing...
akiramia #4
ow looking yuxiang ff .finnaly someone .write ..pls ..update worried .bout the english .mine also not good ...