
I'm Not A Dog, I'm Human.

The next day, Xiao Chen look horrible because he daydreaming the prince in black shirt as he walking through the school gates. One of his friend May, noticed the troubled Xiao Chen and come to him. "Xiao Chen, good morning. Why your face look troubled? Are you got dumped by your oh so called mysterious girlfriend?" Xiao Chen heard what his friend said but choose to ignore her remark and continue walking. Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt someone hug him tightly.


Xiao Chen POV

Damn it, I can't stop dreaming about him last night. And to think I boldly asking to go out with me is one problem, but the real problem is he actually agreed to my proposal is like double ting problem. He said submissive? Submissive to whom? Ah~ So troublesome. I heard my friend May walking to me and talking to me but I choose to let it go. And all of sudden, I felt it. I felt some heat behind my back. Is someone hugging me? Is it May? "May, it's not funny you know to this kind of jokes? What people may think about us? Let me go." And it's do some magic. The hands around me slowly loosing and I turn around to give some piece of sense to her. And when I turn around, I hope my mouth not move by itself. It him, the one I've been daydreaming since last night.


Author POV

Xiao Chen turn around and his whole body tense because the one he suppose to angry is not May his friend but Lu Feng. The most popular boy in the school. "Good morning sweetie. How are you? I don't know the real story, but I can help if you wanted. But of course with condition.Have you decided to what I've said it yesterday? I can be your boyfriend if only you become submissive to me. How about it?" Xiao Chen can hear Lu Feng whispered so closely to him. "Y~yeah! I can understand it. I'm fine by the way. It~it just I don't understand the part of being submissive. Is it being it with you or your friend?" Xiao Chen felt he going to faint anytime soon and Lu Feng continued. Lu Feng give out the bad aura look and said. "For your information, I don't like to share what's mine. And that means if you submissive to me, I will make sure no one can touch you, hurt you and only me can do that to you. If you do accept it, your whole body will belong to me. If I want you to give me , you must obey me, no talk back to me. understood? You're mine." Xiao Chen have the puzzled look and trying to digest all the information he got today to take the noted to his brain. And few second later the school bell ring to start the classes. "See ya later, my sweetie." Xiao Chen now know the true color of The Master Popular is actually some ed maniac that into . It's started the do the click. Xiao Chen than running to the classes..

School Classes Over but still in the class

"Xiao Chen, why this morning the popular boy hugging you? It's strange cause we know he don't even know who we are." Xiao Mi asking Xiao Chen then Mai Ding added. "Are you got dumped by your girlfriend and now trying for boys? Changing taste huh?" Xiao Chen have the shocked look but still stay composed to that comment and he have been silently thinking over and over about the offer. And he decided why not trying to embrace his true self. "Ai~ May Ding, It's hurt me that your comment are all deeply hurt my heart. And yes, I've got dumped by my girlfriend cause I keep wanting to take her photo even silently snap her in secretly." Luckily all his friend doesn't care about ual oriental and you can be free to choose whom you wanna be. Xiao Chen then look at the watch and quickly take the bag and leave his friend behind. Xiao Chen have one things to do. It is to talk to Lu Feng.


Lu Feng always smoking at the rooftop to keep his mind clear. All the students that admire him doesn't know he is gay. Yes gay. A men like men. That is his taste. But all of them doesn't qualified to be his. Until this one boy that have this lookable that he wanna have everything to dominating him. That boy is surprisingly study in the same school. That boy is so special and able to pull the trigger to his manhood to hard as steel. Luckily at that time, he wearing the bigger pants at that time so he can cover it up. Lu Feng is so determined to get that boy to be his. No matter what. And Lu Feng is called lucky because he don't to worry his parents. His parents have known about he is gay and still accept it.

To be Continued.

PS: So sorry for not writing. Have been busy.. So now you know something about Lu Feng. >youyou< Till next time..

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akiramia #1
Chapter 3: Ah finnaly .update im always waiting your story .keep .writing .... fighting...
akiramia #2
Chapter 2: wakkkk xiaochen...why so agressive..wkkk eh .and lufeng .in the same school ..wonder what will happen ...keep writing pls...fighting...always support..
akiramia #3
Chapter 1: yey ..update...horey...but ..hei..lufeng didnot show up ..or notyet.hehe cant wait .xiaochen meet lufeng....hehehe..fighting...keep writing...
akiramia #4
ow looking yuxiang ff .finnaly someone .write ..pls ..update worried .bout the english .mine also not good ...