wrong love chapter 3

wrong love

-next day at class-

haneul : i can't believe that i have a feeling at him :(...first i like senior junhyung but now sungmin..feel likes wrong :(

yunki : hmm..it's weird and wrong...

haneul : HUH..when did you come???

yunki :  from a minute ago...hehehe..why you look so worry???? if you have a problem why don't you discuss with me...this must be a bout the letter right???...have you tell him????that you put a wrong love letter

she say to her bestfriend about the letter..she told that haneul must tell the truth one about the letter..she worried about her friend..because of that she told her friend to tell about the letter to Sungmin...

yunki : you love senior junhyung right???

yunki ask haneul

haneul : yes but now my head is full of sungmin...arrgghhh..ottoke???

yunki i (haneul says to yunki)

suddenly..sungmin came..and leaning againts the wall...

sungmin : hmm..really..??? ahhhh...

sungmin when out of the class without saying anything..

haneul : he doesn't hear isn't him???

haneul ask her self with a worried look yet sad look..

haneul : not like that sungmin..i just..

sungmin : it's ok..you don't need to tell me anything..i shouldn't know this earlier....

haneul : he really really mad at me TT^TT


-in aina room-

haneul : it end just that all??? i don't this to be the end...i don't want i don't want...i just like sungmin..just thinking about him..my heart feel arrgghh..ottoke...feel like to cry..is this the end for me to realized it???

she ask herself..her tears already fall down...she cry as mush as she can...


-at school-

haneul : who i'm to sungmin???..ottoke...

she cant continue what she want to say to Sungmin....because....because Sungmin not stop ... but he continued to walk without sight towards haneul

 haneul : it's must be too late...but but..this is the real one..this love letter for you sungmin...SARANGHAEYO SUNGMIN..after this...please be with me always....can you feel my hearbeat???..my heart always beating because of you...for now on..i only for you SUNGMIN...

she run to get Sungmin..n then..she hug Sungmin tightly....she express her feeling

haneul : please trust me !!! haneul still hugging sungmin...

sungmin : if i don't believe you?? ask sungmin

haneul : WAE??

sungmin : geojismal..i'm just kidding...don't take it seriously....

haneul look at sungmin..

sungmin : actually..for me..your behavior is just my ideal type..^^..you the one i really llike...

say sungmin to haneul

haneul : you..so now??

sungmin : give a prove that you want to couple with me...

suddenly sungmin push her and kiss haneul...

haneul : always press and pull me...always dreamy while shy...that make me even more like you...

they hug each other...and they will be a sweet couple for ever..^^

Sungmin always protect her princess...coz he don't want to miss that


-the end-

wait wait..how about yunki???? haneul friend

kekekekekekek :]

haha..he with senior Junghyun friend...Junhyung friend name is KIM KIBUM a.k.a KEY..both of them always fight...bu key always protect Yunki when ever Yunki need his help!!!Key LOVE Yunki so much but..he did not show his love at Yunki..that y yunki always FIGHT with him..but both of them understand each other!!!that LOVE IS BLIND..


-now this is a real ending-




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babanga #1
oh my gosh~~
i really love the ending!
HanSang #2
KYAAAA!!!!! SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!<br />
oh, I mean CHOI SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
choi-haneul #3
yes it is but is haneul and sungmin the main characther...
Is this a sungmin story?? :DDD