Wait? What?

Matchmaker Matchmaker Make me a Match

Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match ch 3

A/N: Short chapter but i have plans to update something else too today so yea

“How was your date with Jeonghan?”

Funny. His dad was asking about his opinion for once. “It went fine. We’re having another soon,” he said gruffly. Which wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t a date per se more like another meeting.  But what his dad didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

“That’s good,” he said, looking at Joshua critically. “You haven’t tried to dissuade him, have you?”

“What do you think?” Joshua retorted. He was pretty sure Jeonghan hated his guts right now. And the fact that he, a kid eight years his junior, was disrespecting him at every turn. But Joshua only told it as he saw it. That guy couldn’t keep it in his pants and he had problems with scents it seemed, then again alphas weren’t the most scent sensitive of the bunch.

“You’ll marry him one way or another,” his dad pointed out.

Joshua snarled.

“It’s for your own good,” he sighed. “I’m trying to protect you.”

“It’s too late for that,” Joshua spat back at him. He ran up the stairs. He was tired of hearing this crap.

“You want my dad to look it over for you?” Soonyoung asked.

“If he can,” Joshua said.

He nodded. “I’ll see what he can do. He’ll probably say yes. He likes you. Says you’re a good influence on my hyperactive personality,” Soonyoung said, sticking his tongue out.

Joshua laughed, poking him in the cheek. “I like you like that though. Just sometimes you need to calm down a bit.”

Soonyoung play snarled and made as if he was going to bite Joshua’s fingers. “I’m fun like this.”

“Exactly,” Joshua answered, poking him again as he dodged.

“And you’re fun when you’re all snarly and rwar rwar yourself. It’s exciting.”

“Tell that to the people that I’m being all snarly and rwar rwar with,” he scoffed.

“Well that dude your dad wants you to marry is probably getting whiplash. You acting all snarly and then being sweet to other people,” Soonyoung said, eyeing him suspiciously.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about Soonyoungie,” Joshua looked away as he said that.

“Sure Shua, sure you don’t,” Soonyoung said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

The bell rang.

“Oh look. Lunch is over. We better get back to class,” Joshua chirped. “Hey, where are the other guys. I haven’t seen them around lately.”

“They’ve been doing something hush hush. Won’t tell me for some reason,” Soonyoung pouted.

Joshua eyed him. “It’s because you are a blabbermouth. You say things without meaning too.”

Soonyoung let out an offended snort. “I’m not telling them your secret.”

“I’d tell them myself but they haven’t been around. And if I do this via message they’d flood the chat,” Joshua said dryly.

“Hahaha! That’s so true.” Soonyoung looped his arm around Joshua’s shoulders, “Look at it this way hyung. It just means they care.”

“Hopefully we’ll see them tomorrow. I need people to commiserate with.” Joshua looked at him teasingly, “Besides you.”

Squawking in Joshua’s ear, Soonyoung started to slap at his chest while Joshua laughed into the school.

“So free tonight?” Seungcheol asked.

“Nope. And why are you so eager to go out? Are you looking for a certain someone?”

Chuckling Seungcheol looked at a point above Jeonghan’s head, showing his tell. Seungcheol always looked up and a little above someone when he lied to them. “Nope. I’m not. We’re young. We should be out.”

“Sure you aren’t,” Jeonghan said dryly. “I’ll find out soon enough. Even if you won’t tell me now.” He stacked a few papers together, banging them on the desk to straighten them out. “I’m meeting the kid again today. Got to finalize the contract before we go any further.” Jeonghan snorted. “He’s smarter than most teenagers. He actually asked for a contract.”

Seungcheol laughed. “Well considering his dad. Is it really a surprise?”

Sighing Jeonghan looked up at the ceiling of his office. “No. But the kid is super disrespectful and the hormones. He goes from nice and cute one minute to in my face and wanting to claw my eyes out the next.”

“You sure he was acting cute to you? Not someone else? Cuz if I was a kid whose dad was forcing him to marry a guy who’s a playboy I wouldn’t be happy at all. Like at all,” Seungcheol stressed, looking at Jeonghan like he was slow.

Jeonghan lifted half of his mouth in a snarl. “Yea ok. He wasn’t acting cute and sweet to me. But I was there. He chirped at the waitress. It was so odd.”

“He hates you. That’s a given. You’re the shackle that he doesn’t want. Don’t expect him to be nice.”

“I know. It’s just weirds me out to see him act that. He acts like a little punk.”

“Like you weren’t one when you were young. Probably worse too,” Seungcheol barked, laughing.

“Hey you can’t talk. You weren’t that shining either.” The two of them got into trouble often enough. Done some stupid things as kids.

“Better than you,” Seungcheol said, clearly affronted at Jeonghan’s accusations.

“Lies,” he hissed. They acted like kids with too much money, which yes they did, thanks parents, and they were half little s and half decent people.

Seungcheol opened his mouth again, stopping after a minute. “Why are we even arguing about how we were as teenagers?” He sighed. “We were both as bad and hanging out only egged the both of us on.”

Jeonghan tskked. “True.”

Smirking at his friend, who finally gave in, he asked, “So what’s the contract entail?”

Jeonghan looked up at the clock. “I’ll tell you some other time. My meeting with the kid is soon.” He got up taking the pile of papers with him, sticking it in his briefcase.

“Picking him up again?”

“What kind of fiancé would I be if I didn’t?”

“You’re already a fake one. So why not a one,” Seungcheol said with a shrug.

“I’m trying. Do you know how hard it is to keep your temper when a kid is talking back to you at every turn?” Jeonghan said, through clenched teeth.

“No,” he replied honestly. “I guess you’re trying to be on friendly terms?”

“Yea. Friendly. Cordial if anything.” Jeonghan let out a huge sigh. “This kid will be the death of me.”

Clenching his teeth beforehand, Jeonghan breathed out. “Calm. Patience with the mouthy child.” He pressed the intercom button. “Hello. This is Jeonghan. I’m here to pick up Joshua.”

“Perfect. I’m coming out.”

The intercom buzzed abruptly ended, leaving Jeonghan confused for a few seconds. He heard the door slam open, turning he saw Joshua run out the door looking again like a hooligan, being shouted at by his father.

“Joshua! Joshua come back here! We’re not done talking about this!”

“We are! I’m going back to California and Jeonghan is going to let me!” Joshua sprinted the rest of the way to the gate, pulling it open, running smack into Jeonghan who caught him with tiny oof. He looked up. “What are we waiting for let’s go?”


Sighing Joshua pulled him towards the car. “Let’s go. I’m not talking to my dad about this anymore.” He shook his head. “I don’t know why adults are so slow sometimes.”

Jeonghan let himself be pulled and pushed into the driver’s seat. He was really confused at the moment. “Should I be taking you out right now if you’re fighting with your dad?”

Joshua turned to him, looking at him with death in his eyes. “You and I are in this together. You let me go and I let you do what you want. Within reason. Then we divorce. Unless you want to back out and go back to having your mom throw eligible people at you.”

Jeonghan shook his head. “No, no. You’re right. Let’s go. Sorry just not used to seeing shouting and a kid running away.”

Scoffing Joshua turned away to the window as Jeonghan drove. “Better get used to it. We do it a lot.”

Stopping at a red light, Jeonghan took in Joshua’s outfit. Ripped jeans, t-shirt that had seen better days and a jean jacket, all the kid was missing was a choker to offset the earrings and the tousled hair. He sighed. “You need another outfit. You won’t be allowed in to where I’m taking you.”

“What?” Joshua asked, looking at him suspiciously.

“Dinner. Upscale restaurant. Private booth. But they won’t let you in like that.” He turned at the light. “Outfit change is needed.”

“No way.” Joshua said huffing at him.

“I’m hungry and considering the time you should be too. So, we’re going and I’m getting you a new outfit. And that’s final.” Jeonghan said, putting force behind his words.

Joshua snorted, looking away at the cars driving past.

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princessswan #1
Chapter 21: Omg I love this.. thank you so much for extending it into a full blown story! I loved the progression hahah where Shua's testing Jeonghan's patience lolol. But seriously, I loved seeing them fall in love & jump through all hurdles to be together. JIHAN forever!!! <3
Chapter 1: Yeah. I remember in this chapter u said 3-4 chapters probably which is such a lie because turned out this could be more than 25chaps. Yeah. Enough chapters making my heart flipped. Gosh. I love this I read this again!
Chapter 31: I love it so much! THAnk you for the wonderful story! :’)
Chapter 29: I’m crying and I can’t stop reading...
Chapter 16: Daaaaaamn!!!
Chapter 15: Jeonghannie, the gentleman :”>
Chapter 14: OH. MY. GOD. THAT. WAS. HOT. AS. .
Chapter 11: Jeonghannie’s having a mental breakdown :))))))