I Swear I'm not A Stalker Fan. I just Love Him

“Haze, wake up! You’re late for work!”
that was the warning Haze needed to quickly wake up. She quickly had a shower and for some reason she felt like dressing up. she barely wore makeup to work and dressing up was never in her day to day life. And given the fact that it is November she really didn’t like wearing skirts an all those pretty clothes. 

                She strutted down stairs in her usual work clothes. Dark blue washed out skinny jeans and a long sleeved black T shirt. The weather was gloomy and it felt cold so a beanie was needed to cover up her ears. The time was close to 1pm and haze, so much as swallowed down her brunch and ran out of her house and down the street to her work place, The Coffee Shop.



Sehun was sitting in the far corner of ‘The Coffee Shop ‘. His eyes silently wondering everywhere around the unfamiliar place as he waited for her.  The phone call she had with Geni Garcia was really something. The lady was ecstatic and helped Sehun with the schedule time and everything he needed to know about Haze.

The bell chimed and she walked in. Sehun in his breath at the sight. All those night wondering how she looked like in real life or the nights he spent reading her texts didn’t prepare him for this sight. She was wearing the simplest outfit and yet she looked radiant. Waving at some customers and also to her co-workers.

The way she smiled working behind the counter while making coffee made Sehun smile at his own self. The smoothie he had earlier was finished and he wanted something again. He waved at a male waiter and beckoned him over.

“Good afternoon Sir, how can I assist you?”

“What is the best drink you have that I can drink in this weather.”

The waiter smiled and pointed towards Haze.

“She makes a really good cappuccino; would you like to have that?”

 “Ah yes if you say it really is the best.” Sehun glared at the waiter playfully.

“Right away Sir, would you like a specific art on your cup sir?”

Sehun thought for a moment.

“Let her surprise me, tell her to pour her heart into the cup.”

Sehun watched as the waiter gave his order to the girl and he saw how her eyes turned into slits in confusion and she stood with her hip to the counter and lost in thought. Sehun swore she was pouting.

The waiter smiled at Sehun as he handed Sehun his order.

“Enjoy sir.”

Sehun silently gasped, it was him. She had drawn Sehun on top of the cappuccino. She had poured her heart into the cup and in her heart it was, him.

Sehun took a picture and saved it. The art was marvelous.  And it tasted even better. The waiter was right, she did make heavenly coffee.

 One hour, and then another 2 hours passed and time was near for Sehun to meet her. standing up quickly with his face mask and beanie covering his face, Sehun sped walked into the back of the café where the manager was waiting.

“Good evening sir, I have what you asked me to get.” The manager handed Sehun a single rose.

“I will Haze up once she is done with her shift sir, please be careful. The roof top is slippery and it is cold.”

Sehun thanked the old guy and headed to the roof top. He originally wanted to reserve the shop itself. But Haze’s aunt had told him that there is a roof top and Sehun didn’t think twice before going over and talking to the manager.

And now all he had to do was wait. And he did. His leather jacket keeping him warm from the cold air as he waited.



“I’m leaving, Sir asked to see you though.” Courtney waved to Haze as she left for the day. Sighing to herself she went to the staff locker rooms in the back and picked up her bag and checking her appearance in the small mirror, she plugged in her earphones and went in search for her manager.

“Haze?” the said girl spun around to see her manager walking down from the roof top stair case.

“Courtney said you wanted to see me sir.”

“Yes, there is a young man wanting to meet you.” and he pointed up where the door led to the roof top.

“A young man?”

Without any talk the manager patter her shoulder and left her.

Young man? What the actual ery? Oh it I’ll just go see who it is.

And with that haze huffed and puffed as she made her way to the roof top. She stepped onto the roof top and was met with a cold breeze. Oh it’s cold.

“Excuse me, did you want to see me?” haze inquired as she came face to face with a broad shoulder. Oh wow even cars can park on this persons shoulder.

But nothing could prepare her for the shock she got the next second.




Sehun turned around with his heart hammering away in his chest. By all means he was a ing idol, but apparently his heart was not used to seeing a girl this close.

Sehun saw how her hand went to and he chuckled.

“Hi. I’m sehun.” And he opened his arms for a hug. But nope, haze didn’t move from her spot. Still not believing I’m here?

Sehun took the white envelope from his jacket pocket and handed it to her.

“go on, open it. Don’t be afraid.”



What? How? When? Where? Why? Oh my god, oh my god. It’s Sehun! OH ING SEHUN IS IN FRONT OF ME! AM I DREAMING!! OH S SAKE WHAT IS GOING ON!

Haze took the envelope as she eyed Sehun from head to toe still not believing what she was seeing. The letter surprised her even more.

Ms. Haze Garcia,

                We are proud to congratulate you as we declare you the Winner of the Oh Competition. Oh Sehun himself has picked your entry to be the first winner and he himself will be flying over to meet you and spend time with you. the duration will be as Mr. Oh wants so please reincorporate.  Congratulations once again Ms. Garcia.

Choi Sungyeoun,
personal manager,
Oh sehun, EXO
SM entertainment.


She read the letter a second time and looked up, yes Sehun was so freaking tall, looked up at Sehun with questioning eyes.

Sehun smiled at her, “Congratulations Haze.” And he opened his arms again for a hu7g and this time Haze fell into his open arms with a sob.

He was here. Sehun was finally in her reach. She was hugging him. This moment was too much for her to handle. The person she saw through the screen was finally in front of her. and she was hugging him.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Haze, I’ve been reading your texts for a while now.” Sehun whispered right next to her.  Haze heard it. Loud and clear. Sehun deep husky voice right next to her ear, yes, she clearly heard him. She buried her face right into his chest not really caring how childish she was being or the fact that Sehun was still hugging her. any given day she would have laughed about this happening but no, she was sobbing into her favourite idols chest like a baby.

Drops of rain made haze break the hug, she jumped away from Sehun and looked right into his eyes. They were shining, he looked happy.

“Come on, it’s going to rain.” Wow well done Haze, is that the first ing thing you can say to him?

And they ran back. Both of them laughing for no reason, ran back down to the shop which was now dark. A black out when it is going to rain? Oh how ing amazing.

Digging into her pocket she fished out her phone and switched on the flash light and flashed it to her side and she let out a strangled scream. 

Sehun stood next to her. oh yeah forgot him for a second.

“Uhm, Sehun-sshi, I’m sorry but would you mind sitting down while i go get my bag?” what is wrong with you Haze?



Sehun stood in the dark and smiled. The smile seems to be permanent since he landed in Sri Lanka. He was still savoring the hug from earlier. He didn’t know if he should be this happy hugging his fan. But he knew he was really happy. And for once he didn’t care. He was happy.

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