I Swear I'm not A Stalker Fan. I just Love Him

“You guys are all set for your vacation. Take this three month to do whatever you want and enjoy it. Have fun boys! I’ll see you all in 3 months.”

After a huge schedule EXO was now free, free for three months to do whatever they want. Everyone was going home and stuff but a certain maknae had other plans. Other plans as in trying to find the girl his heart was stuck to.

Haze Garcia.

Sehun had been following this girl ever since he noticed her about 2 months ago. And up to this day the girl sends him texts fully knowing he sees them. Yet the texts didn’t change. And sehun desperately wanted to talk to this girl and see her and just to know her. So that is what he did. His plan could be absurd but he wanted to do this. He wanted to see her face as she saw him.

After talking to the management and getting permission he set up his plan. And if it worked properly he would be able to see her in a matter of days.


Haze was on the phone with Becca discussing about the new competition that SM started.

“Are you going to apply?” Becca asked Haze knowing she wouldn’t pass an offer like this.

“I don’t know Bec, I want to but I don’t want to get my hopes up.”

“Girl, if you win you get to meet Sehun and go on a trip with him! How the are you doubting this opportunity?” Becca made strangled noises through the phone.

Sehun had uploaded a video on SM youtube channel saying that all the IG account owners of Sehun accounts are allowed to participate and that all they have to do is to write three captions for the photos that he was going to upload on his IG and tag him. And that he will choose one lucky girl, Sehun would fly to the country she is from and allow her to show him her country and to just hang out one on one.

“I guess, ever since he viewed my texts I’ve been paranoid. I just don’t know why but I have. Urgh”

 After some persuasion Haze agreed to do it. Little did she know that she fell right into the trap.

The ending time for the entries were in the morning and trying to write three captions was not easy and she stayed up to finish it. When she was done she sent an E-mail with all her information to SM.

 Hey Sehun, I entered the competition. I don’t know whether I will win. But, I wrote everything from my heart. Good night Sehun



The next evening Sehun had a large smile on his face since he found out that Haze entered the competition. That is exactly what he wanted and that is exactly what happened and no one could stop the 22 year old from smiling like a goof while he packed a duffle bag to take with him to Sri Lanka.

Having spoken to Haze’s aunt beforehand and arranged everything Sehun felt giddy. Haze didn’t know anything that was about happen in the morning. And Sehun was more than delighted in giving her a surprise.

He made a statement on the official site saying the winner’s information was strictly confidential and that he would be happy if the fans didn’t bother about it.

He didn’t pack much except for his electronic stuff and a few clothes. And he was ready to follow his instincts.




‘Flight 854372 to Colombo, Sri Lanka is boarding now’

 Sehun was out of his seat and he quickly speed walked to the boarding gate and quickly got to his seat as soon as possible and thank the good heavens no one actually recognized him. He got comfortable in his seat and prepared to sleep for the 7 hour journey.

‘This is your captain speaking, please fasten your seatbelts. We will be landing momentarily.”

Sehun stretched his long limbs as he tightened his safety belt and looked out through the window. It was night time in Sri Lanka and it was beautiful. Suddenly realizing that he was all alone he felt kind of lost but quickly shrugged it off when he remembered the reason he came here in the first place.

The light near the exit turned off signaling the plane had safely touched ground.

“Thank you for Flying with Sri Lankan Airlines; hope you all will have a great time in Sri Lanka.”

Sehun sprang from his seat and bowed to the air hostess who thanked him and walking into the airport.

By the time he got out of the airport and got into the cab his company got for him the time was 5.30 in the morning and from what he knew it would take at least 3 hours to reach Haze.

Just thinking of her made Sehun feel giddy inside. He grinned to himself a he stared out the cab and took in the surrounding of Sri Lanka.


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