Date at the park

The prince, the lone wolf and the girl who played with fire

You still couldn’t fully comprehend what had happened. Why did he say yes? He didn’t seem particularly interested in you. Did he fall for your poor little flirty act? 

You nervously looked at your watch. It was exactly 3pm. He should arrive now. If he came that was.

You sighed and took a sip of your Iced Latte. At the party two days ago you had panicked a little and just suggested the first thing that came to your mind, which was the café you were sitting in right now. You liked this place because it was cute, there was a lot of sunlight and the music and atmosphere were generally nice.


When you had reported your conversation to Jenny and Hyerin, they had congratulated you on your successful mission, but after you told them Taehyungs name Jenny had gasped a little. “I’ve heard about him, but only rumours”, she said. She knew a lot of people and a lot of gossip too. “He is really mysterious. He just came back from the States, they said, but nobody knows why. Some say he is quite the troublemaker and that he was kicked out of the uni there. However, he managed to just transfer straight to our uni and into the same year as he was in the US, which is the same as ours by the way. He didn’t have to take the entrance test and he didn’t have to repeat any courses, so they say that he must have good connections. He is a bit creepy, usually has a pokerface and people don’t know what to make of him. Maybe that’s why he’s mostly alone, a lone wolf, though some said that he has two close friends.”
You had stared at Jenny admiringly. It was a bit creepy how she already knew this much about this guy, when classes had only started again two weeks ago but still, this gift of hers could definitely be useful! However, the things she had told you were not really the most promising ones.


Maybe he isn’t coming, you thought. Maybe he was just joking when he agreed to meet you. Or just wanted to get rid of you. Not that you would really mind if he didn’t come. You would probably even be relieved. But it would also mean that you came here for nothing and it just doesn’t feel nice to be stood up, no matter by whom.

But he came. He was wearing black pants, a white T-shirt, a jeans jacket and big round sunglasses, looking surprisingly good, except for the glasses. They looked a bit stupid.

You got up when he came to your table. “Oh you came”, you greeted him with a smile.

“Yeah. Said so, didn’t I?”, he replied.

His smug answer and appearance made you kind of want to punch his face but you managed to remain your calm.

“Do we have to stay here?”, he was looking around the café.

“You don’t like it?”

“Oh no, it’s nice actually, but today is a really nice and sunny day and not too hot either, so I was thinking we could go to the park across the street and drink our coffees there.” 
That was a surprisingly nice idea.

Taehyung went to the counter to order an Iced Americano to go. Waiting for his drink he noticed that you still hadn’t finished your Iced Latte, so he came over, took your glass and poured the coffee into a plastic cup for you. He gave you back your drink, grabbed his own and smiled. “Now we’re all ready to go.”
You looked at him with eyes big as saucers. Under different circumstances this would have been kind of romantic. You followed the mysterious boy out of the café and into the little park across the street. The weather was really nice and warm for April.

Neither of you said anything as you walked along a path. There were couples sitting on benches being all lovey-dovey, families with their children and school kids fooling around in the grass.

“Tell me something about yourself.” Taehyungs voice suddenly brought your attention back to your date.

“Um…”, you didn’t really know where to start. “I’m a chemistry major. Just started my second year. I’m originally from Gwangju and just moved to Seoul for uni. I’m not sure if I have really fully adjusted to Seoul yet and I definitely haven’t too much of the city yet either, it’s just too big. My family is back in Gwangju.”

Taehyung nodded but kept his eyes on the ground or the people around you. “Why chemistry?”, he asked.

“Don’t know”, you shrugged. “Just always liked it. I like how you can make elements combine and turn into something else. I like how there is usually always some kind of reaction, that it’s sort of alive. But there are still rules and it’s all very logical.”

A “Hm” was all he answered. He definitely wasn’t the most talkative guy. Abruptly he stopped walking and pointed to a big stone fountain. “Wanna sit over there?”

“Sure”, you said and sat down on the edge of the fountain next to him. Having the sound of the water behind you and the grass, trees and sun in front of you was a really nice feeling.

“What’s your major?”, you asked friendly.


“Oh wow. Do you like it?”

“It doesn’t matter if I like it or not, it’s something that I want to do, something that I decided to do.”, he replied with a determined voice while he was watching the passing people. You weren’t really sure how to respond to that so you kept silent and started watching people as well.

Suddenly Taehyung turned to you. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

“I… what?” You looked up to meet his eyes but he was looking at you with such an intense gaze that you quickly looked away, feeling your cheeks blush a little and your heartbeat slightly increasing. “Hm, yes, I guess so.” Where was this conversation going?

Leaning closer to you he said in a low voice: “Then what about me? Did you fall in love with me at first sight?” His face was only inches from yours now and you were staring right into his big dark eyes. Gosh, his eye lashes were really long. “Um… I… um”

Why was he suddenly asking you this? And what kind of answer was he expecting? Even if you had fallen in love with him at first sight, or with anyone, you weren’t going to admit that to them so easily, were you.

He smirked at your nervous face. “It must have been, right? You basically asked me out the moment we met.”

“N-no, that’s not it”, you said all flustered.

“What’s ‘it’ then? Were you just trying to be cool at the party by trying to flirt with the new kid? Was it because of your two little friends? Did you make a bet with them or something?”

Your eyes grew big in shock. What was this? How did he know?

Taehyungs face came even closer and you could feel his breath on your skin. His smile had disappeared and was replaced with anger. “Girls like you are the worst”, he whispered and before you knew it he gave you a push. Everything happened so quickly and unexpectedly that you couldn’t even react and fell backwards, straight into the fountain with a big splash. You fought yourself out of the water, coughing and soaking wet. You looked around furiously; all you wanted was to slap this Taehyung guy, to punch him or maybe kick him in his crown jewels. But he was already gone. Standing there with dripping clothes and hair you tried to understand what had just happened. One thing was sure, he was going to pay for this. 

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