For a Thousand Years More

Hongbin's fingers kept twitching on the keyboard as he typed up his answers, cold sweat forming on the line of his spine under his T-shirt. He pulled his jacket together a little more on his body, biting his lower lip to keep his teeth from chattering from anxiety.

Black leather jacket and light blue jeans with white sneakers, he read, immediately looking up from his phone, but then another message came. My hair's dark brown, but that probably doesn't set me apart from too many people lol

Hongbin smiled and looked up again, trying to find someone he had never seen before in his life in the bustling crowd of people leaving and arriving to the main train station. Jaehwan had said he would be standing just by the front gate, and Hongbin was almost there, craning his neck like a giraffe, trying to will his eyes to function properly, even if his contacts weren't the right strength. Soon, he caught sight of a young man in a black leather jacket with a white T-shirt underneath it, light blue jeans accentuating muscular calves and thighs, the boy taking his phone out of his pocket only to put it back after checking it for less than a second.

At first, Hongbin didn't realize he was staring, not until Jaehwan—most probably Jaehwan—locked eyes with him and tilted his head to the side questioningly, an amused smile forming on his lips as he walked down the stairs with just a little spring to his steps. Hongbin kind of wanted to disappear before he would mess everything up by simply just opening his mouth and saying something stupid.

"Hongbin?" the young man asked, the lopsided smile more radiant than the sun above them.

"Yes," Hongbin nodded, sliding his phone into the pocket of his jacket. "You're Jaehwan... right?"

"Yeah, it's me," Jaehwan laughed. It sounded happy and nervous at the same time, and it danced on Hongbin's nerves like the notes of a beautiful song. "Should we go and grab a coffee over there?" Jaehwan pointed at a cafe across the street.

"Okay," Hongbin replied, and smiled a little, the corners of his mouth shaking.

"It's kind of crazy, seeing you in person and all," Jaehwan said once they were sitting in the grass of the nearby park, sipping away at their coffees. Jaehwan had ordered a caramel latte with lots of chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top, and put three packets of sugar in it. Hongbin had been horrified when he'd seen it, but the way Jaehwan's face had brightened up at the taste easily made him forget about the diabetes that was threatening to end Jaehwan very soon. Still, he had ordered a cappuccino for himself, not risking a sugar high when he was already jittery.

"I know," Hongbin said. "I... I wasn't sure it was really you. You described yourself, uh, differently."

Jaehwan arched his eyebrows. "I said huge nose, thick lips, weird smile. Isn't that how I look?"

'You look ing breath-taking', Hongbin wanted to say, but instead, nearly choked on his cappuccino as the thought occurred to him. Jaehwan reached behind him and patted his back, amusement showing on his face when Hongbin could finally breathe again, though his eyes were teary from the exertion.

"Do I look so bad?" Jaehwan asked, chuckling, and Hongbin sent him a death glare.

"I just said you look different than what you said," Hongbin breathed. If there was one thing he was grateful for, it was the cappuccino not leaving his body through his nose. "You look... you said you weren't handsome and I... I don't really agree."

Jaehwan visibly blushed, the prettiest shade of pink spreading across the bridge of his nose and the tops of his cheeks, and he took a sip of his beverage before organizing his features and beamed at Hongbin.

"I guess that's something, coming from you," he said, and the blush deepened on his cheeks.

Hongbin rolled his eyes, heart going all kinds of crazy inside his chest as he said, "Can we just stop with the blatant flirting?"

"You started it though!" Jaehwan exclaimed, and it would have scared Hongbin a little if Jaehwan hadn't smeared whipped cream above his upper lip. Hongbin reached out and wiped it off, nervous but proud of himself for really doing it.

It's not like they hadn't been over this and even more; they had been texting for months after they had found each other on an anime forum, only talking about anime for a few days in the beginning. From then on, it had been snippets of their lives, small bits of things only their best friends had known about them, and Jaehwan had once sent him a drunk text saying he had wished he could have kissed Hongbin. Hongbin had told him to go to sleep, and after a wild night out with his friends, reciprocated the message in a jumble of almost incomprehensible words, even though they had never seen each other before, not even in pictures.

“So,” Jaehwan said, clearing his throat. “This is a date, huh?”

“You and your labels,” Hongbin sniggered, taking a sip of his coffee. He very much would have liked to call it a date, but Jaehwan didn’t have to know that.

Jaehwan shook his head, grinning, and scooted closer in the grass, kneecaps touching Hongbin's as he set his latte aside, hands coming up to cup Hongbin's cheeks.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, grin subsiding to an honest, kind smile. He pressed his forehead against Hongbin's, and Hongbin felt his own pulse inside his whole body, hands shaking on his cup while he watched Jaehwan close his eyes. “I know it’s only been a few months, and we never met before, and I may be crazy, but… I’m convinced you’re my everything.”

Hongbin in a sharp breath, letting go of his coffee to place his hands on Jaehwan's thighs, thumbs brushing over the material of his jeans.

“I’m probably less annoying through the internet,” he said, laughing, and shut his eyes. “You don’t know me, Jaehwan.”

Jaehwan nuzzled his cheek, his sugary sweet breath hitting Hongbin's lips when he spoke, “I feel like I’ve known you for a thousand years.”

‘I feel like that, too,’ Hongbin wanted to say, but Jaehwan was kissing him softly, tasting him one peck at a time until Hongbin unfolded his legs to be able to press up against him more, hands resting on Jaehwan's waist. Jaehwan's lips fit against his own like no one’s ever had; their rhythm was just perfect, and Jaehwan's fingers under his hair felt much like arriving home after several years. He felt Jaehwan smile against his mouth when he took the cappuccino from between their legs and put it somewhere farther away so as not to crush the cup, kissing the corner of Hongbin's mouth a few times before pulling back. His eyes were glinting like gemstones, his smile heartbreakingly gorgeous.

“Will you stay with me?” he asked quietly.

‘For a thousand years more,’ Hongbin tried to say, but the words got stuck in his throat and he kissed Jaehwan again instead.

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Chapter 5: I love this! I love You! I love Kenbin!
I teared up. My chest is achey now. I really really loved this.