For a Thousand Years More

The party was nearing its peak, and people had started to fill the chairs inside the hall.

Jaehwan was standing in the doorway with a glass of the finest wine he had ever tasted in his hand, watching the guests, almost none of whom he knew.

"Are you ready for the best performance you've ever experienced?" someone asked, and when Jaehwan turned into the direction of the voice, he saw Hakyeon holding his own drink, excitement radiating from his body.

"Another magician?" Jaehwan asked, splashing the wine around in his glass—it left a pretty, purplish colour around the wall of it.

"So much better," Hakyeon whispered, and some of the candles got blown out in the room, those that illuminated the small stage next to the piano staying lit.

There was movement behind the shadows, just by the curtains, and soon a boy stepped out from the darkness, looking jittery beyond words, seemingly uncomfortable in the ornamented attire he was wearing. He was staring at his feet as he stood by the pianist, only glancing up minutely from behind his overgrown dark fringe, biting his lower lip nervously. He was the most gorgeous thing Jaehwan had ever seen in his life.

The boy opened his mouth, and a few shaky notes bubbled from his throat when the pianist started playing, voice warming up more and more by the second, and some moments later, he started singing clearly, low baritone echoing through the entire mansion.

"Who is he?" Jaehwan asked, completely charmed, eyes never leaving the boy's face.

"You won't believe it," Hakyeon replied, "but he's a beggar."

"No way." The boy looked up at the audience, brow furrowing when he found Jaehwan's gaze, eyes locking with his, and his voice breaking a little. "I've seen him before."

"I doubt that," Hakyeon laughed. "I picked him up from a corner two towns from here. He was singing for money, but no one gave him any, even though his voice is—"


"His face is beautiful, too," Hakyeon said, and Jaehwan, although he was staring at the boy, heard him smirk. "That's why I'm sure you would have told me if you'd seen him before."

"No, I—," Jaehwan watched the boy as he finished the first song, pressing his lips together, dimples forming on his cheeks. "I need to talk to him."

"The guest room is yours, if you wish," Hakyeon giggled, and patted him on the back before slipping past Jaehwan and stepping to another one of his guests.

The boy performed five songs, and when he was done, he bowed in the middle of the round of applause, escaping the hall as soon as guests started praising Hakyeon for his excellent taste in music.

Jaehwan ran through the hall and from there, through the corridor leading to the back staircase, chasing the boy who was being led through it by a servant.

"Wait!" Jaehwan yelled, and both the boy and the servant turned around. Jaehwan was rooted to the spot, felt blood rush into his cheeks which he saw reflected on the boy's face. He turned to the servant, "Can you— please, uh, leave us in private for a little while?"

"Yes, master Jaehwan," the servant bowed and walked through the corridor, taking the steps leading downstairs.

They stood there silently for a few moments; the boy looking down at the floor, only watching Jaehwan from the corner of his eye, and Jaehwan unable to think of anything sophisticated to say.

“Your voice is wonderful,” he blurted out finally. The boy slouched even more, ducking his head lower like he was trying to get away from the compliment. “What’s your name?”

“Lee Hongbin,” he replied, goosebumps emerging on Jaehwan's arms from his deep voice.

Jaehwan stepped closer, and Hongbin looked up, big eyes shining prettily, making Jaehwan's heart pound like there were thunders roaring inside his body, blood drumming in his ears and excluding all the music and laughter from the hall. He reached out, fingertips grazing the back of Hongbin's hand until he was able to hold it properly, Hongbin's eyes going wide as he looked down, and the blush on his cheeks darkening—it all felt more right than it should have.

“Can I have this dance?” Jaehwan asked.

Hongbin glanced up at him, the corners of his mouth curling up slowly, crinkles forming around his eyes and his dimples cutting into his cheeks, smiling with teeth way too perfect for someone who lived in the streets.

That was all it took Jaehwan to fall in love with him.

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Chapter 5: I love this! I love You! I love Kenbin!
I teared up. My chest is achey now. I really really loved this.