Lost the feeling

Amber's Confusion - Multishots



because girls wanted to be chased.....

He recalled that phrase again and again in his mind. He stared blankly at his phone, waiting a reply from his princess. He let out a deep sigh before taking his phone and scrolled through the messages.

"10 vs  1" He whispered to none other than himself. He checked on the last text he received from her, which is 2 days ago. He let out another deep sigh as his mind recalling his life for a few days back.


"Sorry, I can't talk to you right now. My group mates are watching. I'll call you back later"

She hung up before he manage to say hi. A fade 'ok' can be heard before he tossed the phone back to the couch. He just wanted to check up on her as he didn't receive any news about her.

He groaned before reaching for the phone. He typed in words and questions that had been lingering in his minds for the past few days. He send the message to her, without forgetting to say 'Love You' at the end of his message. He waited for a reply text but as far as he remember, his phone does not beep with his princess designated Perfect Two's tone before he drifted off to sleep.

The next day, when he wake up. The first thing that came to his mind is checking on his princess's message. However, to his disappointment, there's no new message in his inbox. He checked on the calls log and seems that there's no new incoming calls or missed calls either.

Thinking positively, he tells his roaring heart that maybe the princess return late last night and forgot to reply his text. He typed in a morning greeting message, including a wish for a great day before deciding to go for shower. Once done, he turn on his laptop and check his FB. As he wanted to update new status, his phone ringing and it shows that the princess is on the line.

"Hi" he greeted.


"Sorry for not replying last night. It was 5am when I return to the dorm" she replied.

"Oh okay.. Nevermind. Had a good sleep?"

"Not really, I still got class this morning. Can you wake me up at 8.30? I got class at 9.00am"

Glancing to his watch, he realized there's still at least 45minutes for his princess to get her sleep.

"Okay" he replied. "Anyway, take a good care of your health okay?"

A soft snores can be heard as her reply. He chuckles as a thought came to mind, that maybe his princess does not really awake from the beginning. He ended the calls and set his phone to 830 am.

"Sweet dream. baby"  He typed and send to his sleeping princess.

End Of Flashback

Almost a month had passed and that's their routine. Both of them were busy with their own schedule. This situation happens after the both of them decided to join different courses and universities. Krystal decided to go to SM University which is located in Seoul, for Music and Art courses while on the other hand, Amber decided to go to Busan-Tech University to further his study in ICT. Even though they were still in the same country, it seems that their academic life need a lot of their attention. It working fine in the beginning but it started to shake their relationship as time passed by.

"Passenger for flight 3451 going to Seoul, please be at the Gate 11" The announcement startled Amber from his trance. He paid for the drinks and went to the respective gate.


Seoul, 12:30 am

Amber couldn't sleep, even though his body was tired from the long journey. Something bothers his mind. He don't know why but he felt that his journey to Seoul wouldn't bring any good to him. He reached for his phone and decided to call her. It's been a while since he had a good conversation with her and he really miss her.

The phone beeped for a few times before it was picked up by his princess.

"Hi." he greeted.


"What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just scrolling through the internet. Reading news and all. How about you?"

"I'm good I guess. "

"ooo. okay then.."

"Don't you have anything to ask me?" He asked out of curiosity.

"hmm.... no.. why?"

"Nothing.. anyway, did you miss me?"




"Ah.... allright.." He was speechless.

"You're kidding right?"


"I really don't feel anything" she continued.

 With that said, silence engulf between the two. One is in deep thought, that's for sure.

"Hey... Amber"


".... Nothing....."

"May I..""I think.." both of them said at the same time.

"You go first" Krystal insist Amber to continue.

"May I know why?"

After seems forever, finally Krystal told her on why did she treated him such way. She said she had lost the trust with him. She didn't trust him as she used to be before. When asked why, she said there's one time he accidentally call her, and she picked up the phone. Such a bad luck, she heard his classmate's voice, which happened to be a girl. He did explained on that day that the girl was nothing more of a classmate but it seems that she's hard to be convinced. Starting that, she lost the feeling.

"Anyway, I think I want to sleep for now. Night Amber"

Again she hung up without letting Amber to respond.

She had lost the feeling, he replayed her words in his minds as tears started to roll down his cheeks.


Next morning.

He wake up with swollen eyes. Damn, he cursed. He takes out his phone and saw a new message. It was from his princess, saying :

From : Krystal Baby

"Sorry for last night, I dont mean to hurt you. I just being honest.. :( "


He decided to ignore the message. He rolled on his bed until his phone beeped again. It was Jonghyun.

From : Jjong Bling Bling

"Are you ready? I'm going to be at your old apartment in 30 minutes. Be prepared, she must excited to see you again in person!"


In the car, Jonghyun was the one who talk throughout the journey. He received only a few "oh..' 'yess' from his best buddy. He nudged his friend once they were at traffic light.

"What happen to you bro? Aren't you excited to propose her today?"

"Hm??? I dont know Jjong..."

This is weird, I thought he had waited for a long years for this to happen. What happen to him? - Jonghyun

"Don't tell me that you didn't buy the ring yet?"

"Ah? No. Already prepared that since years ago.."

"Glad to hear that. So what's bothering you?"

He glanced to his right and saw Amber was focusing on something on his phone.

"Jjong, I think we shouldn't go there."

"Why? We're almost there"

"I think I'm not needed anymore.. Let's go back Jjong."

"Waee??? " Jjong stopped their car at the side of the road. "Is something happen between you two?" Jonghyun asked.

"Look at this.." Amber passed his phone to Jonghyun. Krystal's picture was seen on the screen. She was smiling and. she's not alone. The picture was taken of her with another man.

"Let's go back. I don't think she needs me anymore"

"Wait wait. Come on, maybe this only one of her friends. Be positive bro."

"I hope so, but do you ever saw any picture of her with a man? I mean, a picture that she's smiling so brightly and it was only she and the man in the picture. Never right? She didn't really like her picture to be snapped with another guy, except her family members"

It was Jonghyun's turn to be speechless. "But... we still can ask her right? I mean maybe he's only one of her family members?"

Amber was taken aback on what Jonghyun said. He took the phone and released a deep sigh.

"Lets go okay? You can ask her after that"




SM University : Music And Art Building

It was the seventh time Amber called Krystal but none of them were answered. On his 8th attempt, the phone finally answered.

"Hello" he greeted.


"Where are you?"

"I'm at the studio. Practicing. Why?"

"At what time will your practice end"

"Around 2pm I guess. Why?"

"Nothing. I'll call you back later I guess. Bye"


He texted Jonghyun that they have quite some time to waste before Krystal was free and told him to meet at the cafe. He walked to the cafe and choose to sit at the farthest seat in the cafe. He look around the cafe and a girl caught his attention. It is his princess, eating with the guy alone in the cafe.  He called her again, and he saw Krystal took her phone and then place the phone back on the table. At the same time Krystal did that, his call was rejected.


He took the paper bag that he contained the ring and everything and went out of the cafe through another exit. Halfway from the parking lot, he met Jonghyun and he told him to go back to the car. Suddenly,

"Amber, Jonghyun!!!" Both of them looked towards the direction and saw their friend, which is none other than Luna.

"Hi Luna" Both of them greeted.

"Hi guys, What are you guys doing here? You come all the way from Busan to meet Krystal, Amber? How sweet of you" she squealed.

Amber smiled awkwardly and shoved the paper bag to Luna.

"What's this?"

"That's the rin.."

"Please give Krystal that bag tomorrow." Amber cut Jonghyun's words.

"I was needed somewhere right now, so I need to rush there. Please give her tomorrow okay. not today. Thanks Luna, I owe you a lot."

With that Amber dragged Jonghyun to their car and left dumbfounded Luna with the paper bag alone.



Later that night..

"What happen back then bro?"  JOnghyun asked Amber as he took a seat next to him in the living room.

"Nothing much.."

"You can tell me bro,  its irritates me to see you like this"

"Eh? what happen to me?"

"You are quiet. which is  rare to be happened. Unless there's something bothers you"

"You really want to know?" Amber asked.

Jonghyun nodded in return. "If you want to tell though, I'm not forcing"

Amber let out a deep sigh before continuing "I saw Krystal and the guy in the cafe"

Jonghyun form an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"They were alone and when I call her, she rejected my call"

"Maybe they are just friends?"

"I don't know."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna ask her tonight and everything depends on her answer.."








p/s: another chapter and then this will end :P

sorry if u didnt understand this story, its kind of continuation from prev post. now both separated, n as time goes by krystal lost the feeling for amber. amber went to krystal's uni with intention to propose her but saw her with another guy. will they make out on the relationship, or break up? this story will end next post. :) thanks for commenting. n keep dropping your comment people :D

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Chapter 1: Krystal is bipolar
Chapter 1: Krystal is bipolar
*claps* yeah you've got some points there... *sigh*
UndergroundShipper #4
Don't generalize,agree!
laming #5
yeah, YOU DID! about the university stuff/).- Just update it soon and stop arguing with me right away -_- i threatening u NOW! N.O.W!
@laming wht r u saying? I didnt wrote anything that happen to me -.-
laming #7
how dare you wrote things that happen to urself? tsk tsk tsk, even tho. u did improve it -_(\ well, u'll never know what the girl's want and think... update it soon there dude, i don't want to end up dying waiting for u to update like the way you always done to me *.* -sincerely ur reader Chiezuka Satoru-
UndergroundShipper #8
Ah..yeah..I lost words*sigh*
fxcrazy #9
seriously girls 100% acts like that. never understand them -.- and boys always left dumbfounded. haha
heaven_kryber #10
Girls are so hard to understand *sigh poor us...