Part 3

The seven times Sunyoung meets Qian

It was a succesful night, and Sunyoung didn't feel tired at all. Despite the fact that most people had left already, Sunyoung was still full of energy. Now that she had made her deals, it was finally time to enjoy herself. She and Ji-Hyun first got a few drinks together, only to get onto the dance floor a little later. Sunyoung had never forgotten Qian's dance steps, and had turned out to be a fairly well dancer. She had taught Ji-Hyun how to dance as well, so that they wouldn't embarass themselfs on the dance floor.
The same dull classical music was played, but Sunyoung took the lead and managed to follow the rhythm of the other couples rather quickly.
"You're leading," Ji-Hyun mumbled, whilst they spinned and twirled, together with the other couples. Sunyoung smiled timidly.
"Well, take lead yourself then," she said.
"That's not fair, you only taught me how to dance this afternoon," Ji-Hyun mumbled. Sunyoung stayed quiet and turned her eyes away. Sometimes she wished Ji-Hyun was a bit more endearing. Of course, she couldn't complain. Marrying your best friend was a dream to come true, but she would be lying if she hadn't wanted more.
The music changed and the couples broke up. She hadn't informed Ji-Hyun about before the party, and had actually forgotten that this was supposed to happen, but when she saw the other couples break up swiftly and twirling over to the first partner on the right, she did the same, almost out of intuition. She parted from Ji-Hyun, who had fallen still and watched her with large eyes. Eventually, he was snatched by another woman too, and he clumsily started to dance with her. Sunyoung made a pirouette and ended up in someone else's arms. She placed her hand upon the shoulder and her other in her partner's hand.
Sunyoung's eyes widened when she felt the softness of the hand, and her first reflex was to pull her hand back quickly. Her breath got caught in when she took her gaze off Ji-Hyun, and moved them to her partner's face.
And there she was. A few years older, yes, but nevertheless as beautiful - perhaps even more beautiful - as she had been all those years ago. Her black hair was cropped until the shoulder, giving her a refreshing younger look. Sunyoung guessed she was about 37 years old now, but she didn't look a day older than the day they had parted. There were a few extra crinkles around her eyes, but that was all. Her lips were still red, and instead of a tight black dress, she wore more formal clothing. A blazer, white blouse and high waisted pants with heels underneath, making her taller than Sunyoung once again. Her parfume dazed her mind, her soft hand upon hers made her insides weak all over again.
Qian looked down to her. Their gazes melted together; Sunyoung couldn't take her eyes off those black orbids. They sparkled. Or maybe was it the light? Sunyoung couldn't tell.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Qian eventually said. Sunyoung bit down on her lip and nodded slowly.
"I guess so."
"Almost like a déjà-vu," the older woman mumbled. She looked up and took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly and shakily afterwards. She remembered what had happened after the dancing... Déjà-vu... 
"I hope you have been doing well, Victoria," she replied, hoping to avoid the previous subject.
"I'm sorry, Qian."
"Are you apologizing for on purpose getting my name wrong or for the time you left me?" Qian asked.
Sunyoung looked up to her. She clenched her teeth together so that she wouldn't say anything she would regret later. Qian looked back at her. The sparkles had dimmed and her eyes had suddenly become very dark, like hardened like onyx. They didn't stop dancing. 
"You blame me for leaving you," she stated. "We were students, Qian. It was years ago, and it was the best thing to do at the time."
"For who, exactly?" Qian asked. 
"For you," Sunyoung replied without hesitation, although, when she gave the answer, she reckoned it to be wrong. Would Qian ask her such questions if it really had been the right choice to break things off right at the start?
"Don't you think I would've wanted to make that choice myself?" Qian went on. "Do you think I was stupid enough to bring you home with me without realizing that there were photographers following me?"
Sunyoung's eyes widened. "Did you know he was following you?"
"Not at that specific moment," Qian said, shaking her head. "But I knew it would come out someway, somehow, sometime. I had already made a choice back then, Sunyoung. I wouldn't have asked you on a date if that meant I had to break everything off a few hours later because the media was on my back. I had already decided that it was worth the risk. And that I wouldn't let people take me down like that. Me and my father had already talked about it, whether to come out or not, as a new way to get younger voters. It would've been the perfect time to help my father and start a relationship with a person I actually enjoyed. So, in fact, you thought wrong. I don't think that what you decided was best, was the best for both of us."
Sunyoung had fallen silent. Her hand had almost slipped out of Qian's. 
"So you are telling me that we waisted years of our lives because of that," she eventually managed to choke out. "I-I am married."
Qian smiled weakly, sadly almost. She looked away and sighed. 
"I have a boyfriend," she replied, although it didn't sound like a person who was in love. Her voice was empty. Sunyoung knew from that moment on that this boyfriend was another scam of the media, that she was forced to. Or at least, even if they had once liked each other for real, the magic was gone now. 
"Oh you," Sunyoung muttered, defeated. " this, me. the ing world."
Sunyoung grabbed Qian's hand tighter and dragged her off the dance floor. Ji-Hyun could probably see her, but she couldn't care less. In fact, she hadn't cared less in her whole life. The only thing that went through her mind right now was that she had let Qian go, whilst she could've had the best relationship of her life. Maybe she would've lived together with her right now. Maybe they would've married already. They wouldn't have to trouble about children, because they were both too busy. Sunyoung would help Qian in her battle as spokes person for the LGBT community. But most important of all, they would be able to hold each other's hand without having to hide. And she couldn't wrap her mind around it that she lost all of that because of one simple mistake in the past.
Qian didn't say anything when Sunyoung tugged at her arm, leading her back towards the secret back stage room where they had shared their first kiss all those years ago. She clipped the light on, causing the dimmed lamp above their heads to cast a faint gaze over the stacked boxes. It was just enough to see each other in the dark, and Sunyoung wouldn't want it to be anything else. 
The door slammed shut and as soon as they were both inside, Sunyoung pushed Qian against the wall. Their lips colledied in fury, in a heated passion that both of them had surpressed all these years, hoping that they'd eventually dissapear. Such a bad job they had done at hiding their feelings, when they came up as quickly as this after meeting each other only once. It was a sloppy kiss, with too much tongue, their hands everywhere and heavy breathing in between. But it was so turning on. 
"We can't stay here," Qian eventually moaned to her lips. They had switched places, and Sunyoung was now pressed up against the wall. Qian had always been the more progressive one of the them. But she was also more sensitive.
"Wanna go somewhere?" Sunyoung replied. 
"We can't go to my place," Qian said, in between in the kissing. 
"Hotel, hotel, hotel," she said, and kept on repeating, until it got through to both of their heads. 

It took them a while to fall apart. They almost had already forgotten about the hotel when Sunyoung's phone suddenly started to vibrate. It had fallen on the ground, together with her other stuff, but was clearly hearable. The blue light of her phone lightened the room. Thrown off by the sound, they parted. There were several messages from Ji-Hyun showing, asking where she was, what had happened to her, she saw once she picked it up. Qian got her own phone out too, and by the look on her face, her boyfriend had sent her the same messages. How long where they already in here? Sunyoung couldn't remember. 
"Do you want to go through with this? We can't back out if we go now," Sunyoung warned. She was still gasping for air, and so was Qian. The taller woman looked at her with a gaze that she hadn't seen before. 
"Remember what happened last time when we backed out?" she said. Sunyoung smiled. Both of them send messages to their partners not to wait up for them, that they have already gone with a group  of people to talk through business. Ji-Hyun immediately answered back how she could leave him like that, the whiny boy he is. Sunyoung read it, but ignored it. She couldn't and didn't want to think of him right now. 
Qian's hand slipped in hers. 

They left the building through the back, careful not to make a sound. Every click of their heels on the pavement sounded like thunder. Sunyoung couldn't help it to nervously gaze over shoulder every now and then to look if no one followed them. She would not have another pair of photos of them leaked again, and she was afraid to death that Ji-Hyun or Qian's boyfriend had seen them leave together. She didn't know how much Qian's boyfriend knew. She hoped as much as Ji-Hyun knew: nothing at all. Still, she was nervous. But there was no sign of anyone following them through the lightened, busy streets of Seoul. It was almost one o'clock now, but there was no sign of silence in the streets of Gang-nam.
Qian called for a cap to pick them up, which arrived a few moments later. Sunyoung wrapped her arms around her arms. Qian wrapped hers around her shoulder to keep her warm, but the taller woman wasn't much warmer either. Goosebumps had appeared all over their bodies and their teeth chattered due to the cold. The few minutes it took the cap to get to their placewas way too long. Sunyoung started to regret not going back to get their coats. She was an impulsive person, but she had long forgotten that Qian made her mind go completely blank too. She had completely forgotten about the coats. 
When the taxi finally arrived, they warmed themselves inside. Blowing inside of their hands, which cupped their mouths. Rubbing each other's arms and body to create heath. 
"Where to go?" the driver asked. 
"To the best hotel you know," Sunyoung answered, before Qian could. The dark haired woman stole a sideways glance of her, and started to smile. 
"I never knew you were so progressive," she admitted. Sunyoung smiled endearingly and bowed down towards Qian, until was hovering over  her ear. She felt Qian stir.
"Well, I don't want to you in a hotel that doesn't match your status, Miss Song," she whispered. When she bowed back, Sunyoung happily noticed that Qian's cheeks had gotten bright red. Her lips were pursed upon each other until they formed a thin red line on her face. 
"Don't you think you're a little bit old for that kind of language, Mrs. Park?" Qian managed to get out, in a broken voice. Sunyoung laughed. She just hoped the driver wouldn't think of them weirdly.
"I'm only thirty, you know. You're the old woman here," she laughed. Qian huffed. 
"Let's see who's the old woman later in the hotel," she said. "I have more stamina than you, remember."
"I started sporting a few years ago!" Sunyoung replied whinily. "My stamina has gotten much better!" 
Qian just chuckled, and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. Sunyoung couldn't help but to steal glances of her. 

They eventually pulled over at the Park Hyatt Hotel; an enormous building in the middle of Gangnam. Sunyoung had driven past it on several occasions, but had never stayed there. It was rated as a five-star hotel, so she guessed it was good enough. It sure looked impressive. 
Qian paid for the cap, because Sunyoung had just been too slow with getting the money out; she slipped the driver her credit card. As soon as the taxi drove off again, their hands intertwined behind their backs. Nowadays it was barely frowned upon when women held hands in public. People would think of them as good friends, even when they were as old as Sunyoung and Qian were. Teenagers often did that, older women not as much. 
But the streets were weirdly quiet about the hotel, so no one saw them anyway. This was the more quiet piece of Gangnam. A few mere blocks together where there weren't any clubs. 
They got into the building, and went up to the 24th floor to get to the lobby. It was decorated in a way that only showed off undeniable luxuery. The whole hotel consisted of warm colours, like beige and dark brown. Most of it being beige and brown, with only the accesories light oranje blended with red and sometimes yellow, causing Sunyoung to be reminded to the sunset whilst relaxing from the brown of the wood. 
There were enormous windows, that showed off an amazing view of Seoul. The lights of the city where overwhelming in the darkness of the night. 
The desk, where several people were working, cosisted of dark marmer, with two small cactusses on the top. The employees were as chicly dressed as the hotel appeared to be. The women had their hair bound in a tight knot on the back of their heads, and the males had theirs pushed back with grease. They all wore a dark brown blazer, with orange scarf or tie. The women skirts and heels and the men pants and neat shoes. 
One of them looked up when Sunyoung and Qian entered with a sleepy gaze that idicated that they hadn't exactly expected guests to arrive this late. She felt a little ashamed to see their surprised faces, but at the same time couldn't care less. They'd only stay for one night, right? And she was able to pay in advantage. And it wasn't exactly like they came in at 8 o'clock at night. It was past midnight, so she couldn't blame them for being tired. 
One of the male employees stood up, a wide smile forming on his handsome face, clasping his hands together while he walked towards them. 
"Welcome to the Park Hyatt hotel, ladies. I am Jaebum, here to help you," he kindly said. Sunyoung immediately felt a big distaste for the man. His voice sounded faker than a doll's. But she had already started to like the hotel, and it would be a shame to back off now. It would defenitely be a whole experience to stay here. Plus, she knew that once they were in their room, it would be worth a conversation with this guy. 
"We want the most expensive room you have," Sunyoung said immediately, mostly to the women behind the desk, who had eyed them rather suspiciously from afar. Their eyes widened a little bit, but then they started to type furiously on their laptops. The man, Jaebum, had gotten silent for a few moments too. His grin re-appeared on his face. 
"Well, you have a great taste there, Miss!"
"Mrs. Park," she corrected. 
"Ah, how could I not guess that such a beautiful woman is married already!" he chirped. Sunyoung smiled weakly.
"Our Deluxe Suite is still available," one of the women informed Jaebum, who clapped in his hands once after hearing the news. 
"I can assure you that you'll love the Deluxe Suite, ma'am," he said. His face got grim when he seemed to realize something. 
"Sadly, the bed isn't seperatable. The suite contains only one king sized bed and-"
"We'll take it. It will do for one night," Sunyoung interrupted him. She started to open her purse and get out her wallet. In a swift movement she pulled out her credit card, stepped around Jaebum and placed it on the desk, in front of the ladies. The one who had informed them about the Deluxe Suite took it and started to fill in the information in her computer. A few seconds later, she handed it back to me. She smiled, a little more sincere than Jaebum did, like women always do to each other with a male like him is involved, sympathic. 
"Enjoy your stay at the Park Hyatt Hotel, ma'am," she said. 

They had to wait a little while longer whilst Jaebum and the other employees readied themselves. Printing out documents, getting their room key, checking if the room was okay. In the mean time, Sunyoung and Qian waited in the lobby. One of the women asked them if they would like to drink anything, then listed all the expensive alcoholic drinks they had. Sunyoung guessed they probably looked like they just got out of a club, despite their fancy dresses. Their hair was a bit ruffled, at least Qian's was, and they hadn't got any coats on them, only their purses.
"Just two cups of hot chocolate, please," Qian said instead. For the second time in half an hour, the woman looked at her questioningly. Her suspicion showed on her face, but because Qian kept smiling friendly, she went to fetch them some cups anyway. 
"You could've just told her to get champagne, you know," Sunyoung said. "Would be nice for later, and she'd be much happier to get that for us anyway."
Qian shook her head and chuckled. 
"I want to be completely sober, later. I don't want my head to be clouded with alcohol," she said. Sunyoung laughed nonchalantly, but her cheeks coloured pink. 
"You were different when you were younger. I remember to have tasted a little bit of wine on your lips when we first kissed, Qian," she said. Qian just laughed and shrugged, shooting her an apologetical look. Of course, Sunyoung didn't blame Qian for settling down a little bit. In fact, wasn't it rather romantic that Qian didn't want to drink because she wanted to take in every small detail. 
They were brought the damping cups of hot chocolate. Sunyoung wrapped her hands around the cup. Her cold fingers immediately started to tintle because of the heath. After blowing on the surface for a few times, she brought it up to to take a small sip. Even the small sip burned her lips and her tongue. She heard Qian chuckle when she made a face. 

Jaebum returned with their key a little bit later. They hadn't finsihed their cups yet, but Jaebum immediately assured them that they'd be able to take it with them to their room, so they could warm up a little bit. He guided them towards their room, which was quite a journey. They went back to the elevator and first rose a few levels before getting off. In the mean time, Jaebum explained everything about the extras of the Park Hyatt Hotel. Sunyoung barely listened. It wasn't tlike they would stay long enough to explore them anyway. They entered a small lobby, with a few couches, chairs and small tables, before going into a long corridor with a lot of the same doors. At every door, there were small golden plates with the number of the room on them. Sunyoung had guessed that they were almost near their room when Jaebum suddenly went in a whole other direction. They ended up in another elevator. He quickly explained that this elevator was for the suites only. Sunyoung had never stayed in a suite before. Her family had always lived very averagely. They couldn't even afford the cheapest room in this hotel. And now they were lead to their [i]suite[/i]. She was able to stay here with the woman she cherished most; it was almost too good to be true. Sunyoung glanced sideways at Qian. She looked like royalty, with her chin up high and a neutral expression that emphasized her beauty even more. The Deluxe Suite suited Qian. 
After getting out of the elevator, they came into a round room, that only had five doors on them. Jaebum walked to the first door on their right, and scanned the hotel key. The lock clicked open and Jaebum opened the door for them. 
When they stepped into the room, Sunyoung almost dropped her cup with hot chocolate. She placed her hand in front of to keep her surprised expression to herself. She clasped Qian's arm. 
The suite was a-ma-zing. They entered through a small corridor, that had doors leading to the bathroom and a walk-in closet. Eventually you ended up in an enormous room. One of the walls consisted of wall-sized windows, so that you had an amazing view over Seoul, even better than from the lobby. The bed, with sheets whiter than Sunyoung had ever seen them, was placed directly opposite the glass wall, so that you could watch the sunrise, or sunset, from your bed if you wanted to. There was a flatscreen TV with dvd player and a stereo for music, even a Wii. In the corner was a see-through minibar that showed some of the most delicious drinks. Various types of alcohol in fancy bottles, but also something as simple as milk or bottles of water. Even one with jus d'orange and apple juice. 
The walls, that weren't made of glass, were as white as the bed sheets. The decorations were made of mahogany wood, causing the whole room to have this relaxing effect. 
"I hope this room will do, ladies?" Jaebum asked both of them, even though he only looked at Sunyoung. But she was still to baffled to answer, so Qian did. 
"This will do, yes," she said. 
"Again, my most sincere apologies that we can't separate the bed. Usually, people take the suites alone or with their significant others," Jaebum said. Qian chuckled softly. 
"It is okay. We are.. good friends. We have slept together in one bed before," Qian said. Jaebum smiled broadly, not understanding the deeper meaning of Qian's words, and probably not wanting to. But Sunyoung had noticed it. She walked over to the tv to take a look, just to hide her pink cheeks. 
She heard the ruffling of paper, a quick 'Thank you, Miss, and enjoy your stay at the Park Hyatt Hotel' from Jaebum and the door closing. When he was gone, she spun around on the back of her heels, eyeing the taller woman. Qian looked up. 
"'We have slept together in one bed before'? Oh, if only he knew," she said. Qian laughed. 
"Well, I always liked puns."
Sunyoung smiled. Qian smiled back.
A silence fell between the two. Sunyoung bit down on her lip, looking to her shoes. An uneasy feeling crept upon her, making her want to cover her bare arms. It was weird, now that they finally had the room that they had been waiting for so they could fling themselves at each other, it suddenly seemed to awkward to strip out of their dresses randomly and jump in bed just because they had been feeling like that a few minutes ago. 
"-are you thinking of?" 
Sunyoung almost missed what Qian said, and quickly looked up, smiling apologetically. She let her fingers run over the wooden table where the tv was placed on. 
"Nothing in particulair. Wondering if I have made a mistake coming here with you tonight." 
She heard Qian's heels click on the floor when she crossed the room to Sunyoung's side. Her fingers brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Sunyoung shuddered at the touch. Her hand stayed in her neck afterwards, making her slowly turn around. Sunyoung's bottoms were pressed up agains the table, Qian's body close upon hers. It didn't feel ual though. In fact, it was rather reassuring.
"I mean, I left my husband so I could cheat on him with my university fling, who doesn't only have a better job and earns more money but is also more attractive," she sighed. Qian stayed silent for a few moments. 
"Is it because I am a woman?"
Sunyoung immediately shook her head. After breaking up with Qian, it didn't take long to find peace with the fact that she was biual, and therefor also attracted to women. She had never given it a second thought though. At that point, she knew that she'd never be able to date another woman without thinking of Qian. And it was safer not to anyway.
"It's because I know that if I go through with this, I will never be able to stop," she said quietly, almost inaudible. Sunyoung looked up into Qian's eyes. The sparkle had returned, but it was dimmed. She was thinking and Sunyoung was afraid of what she was thinking of. 
"You stopped once before," she said. 
"I was stronger back then. Now, years have passed and I have thought every single day about you since the moment we broke up. I saw every interview, every debate. I married a man whom I don't even love. My job is stressful and I need someone who understands. Who helps me, who makes me feel alive again. If I do this now, I can't back off anymore." 
Qian looked at her with a troubled expression. A few times, she let her gaze wander down to Sunyoung's lips. Sunyoung pretended not to see, and kept staring at Qian's eyes, she was sure she'd otherwise let her eyes wander down to Qian's lips too. She stayed quiet for a moment. Qian stayed quiet too. 
Eventually, she cleared . 
"Don't you think that if you feel this way, that it would be best to go through with it? If that's what makes you happy.." she said. Sunyoung let out a mix of a huff and a laugh at the same time and shook her head. 
"There are too many downsides. I'll have to divorce Ji-Hyun, the money will be split, we have the whole thing about breaking up. I have to lie to him about the reason why, I have to get lawyers. My name will get bad because I cheated on him with the Victoria Song. Your name will get bad because you cheated on your boyfriend too. I don't really think that my customers will care much whom I sleep with, but it could have bad concequences for your voters and-"
"Will you stop worrying about what might be best for me?" Qian interrupted her. "Wasn't that what drove us apart last time?"
Sunyoung opened for a counter-arguement, but fell silent. She softly bit down on her lip, not willing and wanting to answer. This was exactly the kind of thinking that made them break up. 
"So you don't think so? That it's bad for your life if we would start... something?" she said in a tiny voice. Qian moved her hand from her neck to her cheek, cupping it. Her thumb rubbed the skin slowly. She smiled reassuringly. 
"I think, that even if it does have bad concequences, that they'd be all worth it. Because my happiness is more important than my career. And I am happy with you."
Sunyoung huffed again, shaking Qian's hand off her cheek. 
"You're happy with me? How do you know? We only met again this evening," she said. Qian smiled as if she had said the silliest thing ever. 
"I know that you make me feel better than all those boyfriend's I've ever had did. If I already feel happy now, I can't imagine what it must feel like if we start dating."
Sunyoung sighed. She wasn't able to look into her eyes, knowing that otherwise she would swoon. It was a bad decision to come here, she knew that now. She would get herself in so much trouble if she went through with this. Sunyoung had always believed  that she wasn't a person that cheated on her significant others. That she'd be loyal, a good girlfriend, even if she wasn't necessarily happy with her relationship at that specific moment. Then how did she end up in this situation? 
Didn't she love Ji-Hyun? Of course she did. Did she love Qian more? Sunyoung honestly didn't know. Is it possible to love a person more whom you have just met this evening again after ten years of not seeing each other? Can a crush last that long? 
Part of her wondered if she shouldn't just do it. Make love with Qian. Kiss Qian. Start a relationship with Qian. Be happy with Qian. There was no doubt attraction between them. Would it work, if she would just push trough her insecurities? 
"And you have no problem doing all of this? Not a single bit?" Sunyoung asked. Qian shrugged, pouting her lips a little bit. 
"I am not in love with him. I will never be. Betraying him doesn't really feel like actually betraying him because we don't care enough for each other. If it was me, I would have done this way sooner if I could." 
Sunyoung bit down on her lip.

"Do you want to go?" Qian eventually asked after a while. Sunyoung looked up to her, thought for a moment, then shook her head. 
"I came here to cheat on my husband, and that's exactly what I am going to do," she said determind. Qian blinked a few times with her eyes, surprised because of her answer. 
"Well if you put it that way, this sounds very very wrong," she admitted. Sunyoung smiled and leaned back into her touch. She placed her hand upon Qian's and sighed deeply. She looked up into her eyes, her beautiful dark eyes, which matched the colour of her hair. She had always thought that black was a basic colour for Asian people to have. She had dyed her hair in several colours therefor. But Qian made it look like it contained every colour of the universe, even though that would be scientifically wrong. Black didn't consist of colours, it consisted of none. It was dark and mysterious, with a hint of excitement for the unknown. It summed Qian up perfectly. 
She couldn't imagine a more beautiful colour than black when she looked to her. The contrast of her black hair and eyes with her pale face and red lips was beautiful; like a masterpiece. She forgot Ji-Hyun right there, at that  moment. And she didn't remember him for the rest of the night. 
Sunyoung wrapped her arms around Qian's neck. Enough of all the chit-chat, she thought. She hadn't rented this room for hundreds of dollars tonight to back off now, not when the woman of her dreams was in her reach. And there was still a huge part of her that still wanted her, very badly. 
She brought her face closer to Qian's. Her heart started beating harder, and the drum was the only thing she was able to hear. Badumm-Badumm-Badumm. She bit her lip lightly, Qian hers. 
Sunyoung felt like a school girl all over again. Her hands were sweaty, her blood racing, her cheeks burning, her legs weak like cooked spaghetti. But she felt confident and she wanted this. It wasn't like kissing Ji-Hyun, which was usually a quick peck on the lips. Knowing that kissing Qian would be different made her nervous. Her belly turned. Or maybe it were the butterflies. Either way, she felt nauseous, though it being a good kind of nauseous. 
Their faces were close. Sunyoung could now smell the strong scent of Qian's parfume. It clouded her mind. The only thing she could think of now was Qian. Qian. Qian. Qian. Victoria. Song Qian. She wanted Qian. 
The only thing she wanted to think of now was Qian. Sunyoung was sick and tired of not feeling loved, of not being in the relationship she wished she had. She wanted her. Needed her. 
Sunyoung was the one who passed the last few inches, and pressed her lips lightly on Qian's. She had to look up, which wasn't as bad as she had once thought it was. In fact, the height difference was kind of y now. Their lips tenderly touched each other, barely even moving; just enjoying the feeling of them against your lips. The first kisses were slow and loving. Their lips slowly, very slowly, moving over each other's. Letting out breaths in shaky turns. Curling hands in each other's hair and around waists. Clutching the fabric of the dresses. It was nerve-wrecking. 
Eventually the slow kissing wasn't enough anymore. Sunyoung could have known that they'd deepen the kiss rather quickly. Hadn't they both waited for over a decade for this? Why take it slow? it, they didn't want to take things nice and slow. That was a waste of time. 
As soon as they deepend the kiss, they also picked up pace, with an occasional slip of tongue here and there. Sunyoung had now curled her hand in Qian's hair and cupped her cheek with the other, to keep her close, while Qian had her arms tightly wound around her waist so that their bodies pressed together almost completely. Their breathing had become faster. Hands grasping each other's waists. Their controlled actions had lost their control. They only wanted to feel each other. 
Qian was the first to loose her dress. Sunyoung had smartly pulled the zipper down in one go, making the dress fall from her shoulders not shortly after, leaving her only in her . She realized her mistake when she saw that Qian didn't wore a bra underneath. She hadn't calculated that Qian wouldn't wear one, but it made perfectly sense, since it was a strapless dress. Her eyes fluttered down to her bared s. grew dry by the sight of her already hardened s. Her heart stopped. Sunyoung's mind went blank. She could feel her center burning already. To know that Qian was because of her made her turn on too. 
Qian chuckled, and walked back up to her. She placed her hands softly around Sunyoung's face, lifting it up a little, and pressed a deep long kiss upon . 
"Your turn," she said softly. Sunyoung fixed her eyes upon Qian's whilst her dress also sank to the ground. 

They ended up in bed. Sunyoung had been glad that she had taken the Deluxe Suit. The bed was capable of holding their bodies during the night, and never creaked a slightest bit. Both their first were raw and too soon to their liking, both needy for each other and ing way too soon because it had been years since they had had a partner like each other. But the times that followed were better, perfect even. Sunyoung couldn't recall a time where she had felt as good as then. 
They eventually fell asleep together half past the night, in each other's arms. Just like ten years ago, Sunyoung being the little spoon and Qian whispering 'Luna' into her ear. She felt like sparkling moon back then. She felt better and livelier than she had ever done in her whole life. 

Soreness and tiredness had worked their ways into her body the next morning when they woke up. Sunyoung woke up first, and woke Qian up exactly the same way as she had done during their first night together. Qian kissed her. She felt like she was in love. Ji-Hyun, who? Sunyoung had taken off her wedding ring during the night. 
Qian  called for roomservice to get themselves breakfast, since both of them didn't want to leave their suite yet. They knew that if they left the room, that the perfect happenings of last night would come to an end. So they had breakfast together, and cuddled some more. Sunyoung's phone was blown up by all the texts she had gotten from Ji-Hyun, but she didn't think of him once. Afterwards, they took a shower. Together. Sunyoung wanted to spend every second she still had left with Qian with her. 

Near noon, they got dressed again, back into their dresses of last night. The silk fabric felt filthy against her skin. Sunyoung would probably shower again when she got home. 
"Did you make up your mind yet?" Qian asked softly, while she slipped her feet back into her heels. Sunyoung was struggling to zip up her dress. When the older woman noticed that, she came over to help and zip her up. 
"Yes," she eventually forced out of . "I want you. But I can't loose what I have fought for. So we part after we leave the hotel. I called for two cabs."
Qian's hand froze on her back. The dress was only zipped up halfway, and she felt her unsteady breathing on her skin. 
"But I am not going to let you go anymore. I can't," Sunyoung continued. Qian's hand shook, which set her off. She had never felt Qian shake. Qian zipped her up the last bit.
"Then what are we?" She asked. Sunyoung turned around, immediately slipping her arms around Qian's waist to pull her closer. 
"You are my secret lover. And I am yours."

And so they parted, both taking their own taxi. Sunyoung wasn't satisfied with her decision. She'd rather turn her back to everything and everyone and go with Qian. But her pride was too big. She had suffered too long to build her company and her reputation that she can't just throw it all away with one flick of her hand. So she whent home, back to Ji-Hyun, back to her sad little life without Song Qian. 
They had agreed upon the terms, both of them. And so they met only once a month. Every month, they would go back to the Park Hyatt Hotel, and rent their Deluxe Suite, so they could re-live the most precious night of their lives. They would come there late at night and leave late in the afternoon. It were the meetings that kept Sunyoung going, and make her pretend to love Ji-Hyun like she loved Qian. Maybe it was for the best. It kept their feelings alive, like an everlasting fire in their hearts. 

And now, whenever a big event occured, it was most likely that Sunyoung and Qian were both invited. And when they were, they never saw the whole show. The real show happened behind the curtains, back-stage, in a small dressing room or even a closet. It was filthy, dirty, but amazing. Like a cherry on the cake of their monthly meetings. Opportunities which they grasped with both hands just so they could enjoy each other's presence a little longer. Feel loved a little longer. It brought a sense of thrill to their lives that they had both missed, both longed for. To have a secret relationship was a celebrity was far from easy. 
The fire that had awakened during their teenage years was still burning and alive. Would it ever dim? Perhaps. But not right now. They had agreed upon calling it an end if one of them longed for their husbands more than for each other. That day hadn't come yet. Sunyoung hoped it would never come.
It didn't feel unfaithful at all, even though they both had husbands. It was an escape from reality, to a sweet and soft dream that they knew they could have lived, if only they had had the guts to do so. If only the time had been right, maybe they had worked out. If only...

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I just read through this entire thing again... WHILE I should have been working, sidenote...
It's such a piece of art, perhaps my favourite story on this website. So beautiful. Makes me so good and yet so bad at the same time XD DAMN SUNYOUNG WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY JUST BE WITH VICTORIA!!!! But at the same time bravo for realism honestly.
Aaaaah I don't know what to say. Story just leaves me speechless. I can imagine everything so vividly. The way you write is *chef's kiss*
Thank you so much for writing once again. You deserve 2000 upvotes from me alone.
Hope you are staying safe and healthy!
Chapter 3: I was ready to pull out my knife and kill myself (not you) when i saw that they had parted and had new partners because im a er for happy endings :') but at least it ended well! LunToria is my favorite ship from f(x) but has too less fics. I appreciate it a lot that you wrote a fic about them :) thank you soooooo much
Luv-Ra #3
Chapter 3: What th actual.... WHY does this have so little views and subscirbers?!?!?!?! You are an AMAZING writer and I enjoyed every second of this story!!! Seriously, I bow down to you. A+ 10/10, everything! I am selling you my soul.
Thank you for writing this <3
Chapter 3: Omg best luntoria fic ever. I loved how you described their emotions and actions and how you can see the characters grow from the first chapter to the last. Even though it wasn't the full on happy ending, it wasn't depressing either. It had a realistic touch to it and I think I enjoyed that the most. Sometimes it's hard to put everything away and go to something that makes you happy even if you already have a life built up. Even though they are fictional characters, I hope that they grow out their balls and get together lol even if they'll be quite old.
Chapter 3: Omg o.o luntoria <3