Part 1

The seven times Sunyoung meets Qian

The first time Sunyoung saw her, she was dressed in a beautiful dress. It was made of a sparkly, silver fabric that made her look rather like a disco ball than an elegant lady, but as a kid, you loved glitters so it didn't matter. The dress reached to her calves, causing the low heels to be able to be seen just yet. Her hair fell over her schoulders in waves, but her bangs were straight. Sunyoung reckoned that she naturally had straight hair, but had gone to the hairdresser to get her hair done.
Her hand was placed on her father's arm. On her face was a big grin, as if she had just been elected president of Korea instead of her father.
When it was time for him to step forewards, she let him go, but her eyes were still twinkling and she never let her gaze wander from him. At least, that's what the TV showed, and Sunyoung was still a naïve teenager, looking up to the few years older Victoria Song, whose father had been so succesful. They said that she was going to walk in his footsteps and become a succesful politican too. She believed that, and simply didn't know anything better. She was known because of her father, almost a celebrity because of her beauty and witty comments. And weren't celebrities always arrogant people who only appeared on events like this to their own ego's?
Sunyoung was 10 years old at that time, and had shrugged it off. She forgot about Victoria Song soon after. She wasn't interested in politics.

The second time Sunyoung saw her, she appeared on a talk show. They both had aged; Victoria had let her bangs grow out, so her forehead was visible. Sunyoung, on the other hand, had dyed her hair light brown and cropped it until just past her shoulders in a wave of insurgency and puberty. Sunyoung guessed she had just graduated from University, since now not only her name was shown on the screen, but also "majored politics". She might just be 23? Her face looked older, wiser. Her smile wasn't as broad anymore as a few years ago when she was still a careless sixteen-year-old, but more controlled. She was on that talk show entirely to promote her father's party, the Saenuri Party (or SP, as many people simply called it) which would also be the party she'd be joining as an actual politican. Her father had been President of Korea for four years and was now preparing for his comeback. His daughter was the eye-candy of the public, and it was only logical she would appear on TV too to his imago. Victoria was making her debut on that talk show, and Sunyoung was once caught in her beauty. How could she have not detected that as romantic attraction from the very first beginning? Maybe because, at that point, she hadn't known real love yet.
She was only 17 at that time and hadn't even been outside her hometown. She knew nothing of the world around her, only how to come from her parents' house in the outskirts of Seoul to the local High School. How could she have known that they would cross paths one day?

The third time Sunyoung saw her, she saw her in real life for the first time. Two years had passed since the talk show. Sunyoung had graduated from her High School and now moved over to the Seoul National University, majoring in fashion. She either wanted to become a fashion designer or start her own company, depending on what the markt offered. Luna was working hard for her goal and really focussed, and therefor only noticed that the girl she had always admired from afar, actually went to the same class as she was.
She had not noticed her until school had already started for a few weeks. They both took the classical music class. Both of them because they needed some time off the subject they were majoring, so they had chosen music.
The blackhead had clearly decided that majoring in politics wasn't enough and she needed to study more to become an even better politican. Most students praised her for that, but Sunyoung couldn't help but to pull up her nose in annoyance. Show-off.
Sunyoung had always been kind of jealous of her wealth, and the fact that she was able to go to a university twice. But not only that; the girl went horse riding twice a day; had been on the cover of Sunyoung's favourite fashion magazine; owned the most stylish clothes; knew how to study well; had tons of friends slash admires and was rather known as well. Wasn't that something every girl craved? Sunyoung sure as hell did, so she couldn't help to feel a little bit repulsed by the fact that Victoria Song was in her classical music class... and only a few seats to her left! Whilst she had always looked up to the six year older woman in her childhood, she suddenly felt the big pressure to compete with her. It was a lost cause, and she knew so. She'd never beat Victoria Song.

"I thought you liked her?" her best friend, Amber, once asked, when Sunyoung was once again done complaining about Victoria Song. They didn't major in the same study, but they had found each other as lonely first year college students at the first day, both having no one. They were both cast outs, the persons no one wanted.
"Well, yes, I did," Sunyoung mumbled, not looking up from her sheets of notes she needed to study. It was quiet in the library, because there ruled a 'no-talking' policy. But Amber and Sunyoung had never taken that rule seriously - especially Amber. She had placed her feet upon the table, just a few centimeters next to Sunyoung's books. She was playing with a pen, tapping it rhythmatically on the table.
"And now you don't?"
"No, I still do, I think."
"Then why do you keep eyeing at her like she's Satan in person? When she asked you for a pencil yesterday, you almost threw your pencil case at her head."

Sunyoung sighed and put her pen down. There was literally no way to study when her friend was nearby. The older girl looked at her with observing eyes and raised eyebrows.
"Well, it was my only pencil," she quickly said.
"You always have a box of pencils, because you draw in your notebooks and stuff," Amber replied grinning, obviously smug with herself that she caught her best friend on a lie. Sunyoung groaned and hit her friend on the knee.
"Just shut up already."
"Are you annoyed because she's more populair and has a prettier face than you?"
 the other girl joked. Sunyoung squinted her eyes together and made a face. She rolled her eyes smugly.
"Nobody has a prettier face than me, Amber," she said. Amber pulled an 'Oh, really?'-face and laughed.
"Soojung is-"
"We aren't comparing me with Jung Soojung now, she's a model, for God's sake. I'm just saying that I'm prettier than Victoria,"
 she said stubbornly.
"So you admit that Krystal is prettier than you?" Amber shorter friend. Sunyoung sighed and threw her pencil to her head. Amber had tried to duck but the pencil had hit its target anyway. It hit her in the middle of her forehead, leaving a dark spot between her brows.
"Just shut up, you," she said, before getting another one from her collection of pencils - Amber hadn't been wrong - and pretended to be studying again. She heard Amber chuckle for another few moments before returning to her phone. They stayed like that for a while, Victoria's name wasn't addressed again. Sunyoung was glad because of that. Because the dark-haired beauty made her feel a bit weird in her stomach, every time their gazes met. She told herself that was because she disliked her arrogance. Victoria appeared more and more on TV and with every extra appearance, Sunyoung seemed to hate her more.

"Can't you see how arrogant she is? Smiling when people ask her for autographs, always trying to work her way in onto the news. I can't understand how anyone could put up with her," Sunyoung said, in a wave of heated annoyance after another interview of Victoria Song had appeared on her television. It was almost as if her TV wanted to provoke her.
"Just drop it, you aren't getting anywhere with bashing on Victoria Song all day," Amber said. She was eating chips next to her on the couch, chewing too loudly to Sunyoung's likings. The crumbs that fell were eaten by her Dachshund, Artie, the little bastard. Sunyoung widened her eyes in disbelief.
"All day? I don't talk about her all day" she said, in an attempt to defend herself. Amber didn't even look up from the screen and just laughed.
"Oh no? Yesterday we talked about how she was bragging about succesfully climbing a few ranks in her Song's party, causing her now to have more power than several veteran politicans. The day before you were annoyed by how she had bumped your shoulder in the hallway - and had even said 'sorry', gosh, how rude - and at last, you can't seem to stop to say how arrogant she is. She literally doesn't harm a fly, Sunyoung. I don't even think she has many friends anyway. I never see her at any of the parties."
Sunyoung huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Artie came to sit on her lap and rubbed his head against her hands. She started to pet his head, tracing lines over his tiny head, all the way from his little nose to his ears and up to his tail. Artie loved it and closed his eyes, leaning into his owner's touches. Despite the careful carassing of her pet, Sunyoung still felt rather annoyed.
"So that means I talk a lot about her? She just gives me a reason to talk a lot about her," she huffed. Amber turned her head from the screen to look at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Just admit you talk a lot more about Victoria than you like to admit."

The fourth time Sunyoung saw her, it was on a party.
Amber had had the most insane idea to break into an important invitation-only event. It was the event all the celebrities went to, all the important people of Korea were attending it. The president was not attending, sadly, but all the other political leaders were. The Song family were honoured guests at the party, and most people at the University knew that Victoria would be attending too. Despite the fact that she was majoring in economics, many forgot that she had already graduated as a politics major and worked as a politican at the government. Her father still had the upper hand, but his daughter was making her way up to the top, so obviously she was invited. But they barely noticed her name whilst scrolling through the list of celebrities that were going to attend the event.
"You can't be serious..." Sunyoung had breathed, when Amber had proposed the idea. "I know you're up for some crazy but this is too much, Am. If we get caught, we'll get arrested!"
"But I already arranged everything!"
 her friend protested. Sunyoung watched Amber with open mouth when she explained the plan she had made up. Together with a few others who were in for a fancy night out - Kai, Sooyoung, Taemin, Tiffany, Seulgi and Henry - they had arranged that they were able to get in. The programme of the event was already known, to those who could use the internet well. Henry had helped Amber with looking up the scedule. They would skip the red carpet and the speeches and would appear as soon as the party started. Nobody would notice there were a few extra guests then.
"How are you even planning on getting in, hmm? There are tons of guards everywhere," Sunyoung said, whilst crossing her arms in front of her chest. Amber huffed.
"Pfft, don't let me laugh, I worked there. I know all the creeks and entrances of that place. I can work us in."
"So we're supposed to climb over fences whilst wearing pur fancy clothes? I can already tell you that I'm not going to climb over a roof when I wear a dress!"
"No, of course not, . Remember Siwon? He still works there. He said he'd let us in, a long as we make sure to tell nobody it was him who helped us,"
 Amber said happily. She wrapped her arm around Sunyoung's shoulders to pull her closer. She grinned widely at the shorter girl.
"C'mon, it'll be fun! I promise! Maybe you even get to dance with some hot celebrity, hmm?"
Sunyoung sighed and pushed her away, rubbing her temples. The way Amber had explained the plan made it really tempting to give in; it was almost ingenious. And it really had something tempting to go to an intivitation-only party.. with all those celebrities... But God, she'd never forgive herself if they were caught. So many things could go wrong...
"Fine!" she eventually blurted out. "Fine, I'll come with you and your little troublemakers squad."
Amber squeeled out of happiness and hugged her best friend.
"You won't regret this!"
Sunyoung had sighed at that moment, but little did she know that she really didn't regret going to the event.

They had a week to rearrange their stuff; to buy dresses and suits; get their outfits to match a celebrities; to prepare themsleves to sneak in; and to make up a plan if they were caught.
All in all, it turned out to be a fairly good plan, even Sunyoung had to admit that.
The party would start at half past ten, so they got into the cars at ten. Sooyoung and Amber would drive, both in their own cars to get the whole group to the party. They arrived at a little over half past ten, just in time to meet Siwon at the back of the building. They got out of the car, all looking amazingly, if Sunyoung said so herself. Amber wore a dark grey, well-fitting suit with a black tie. She had rolled her sleeves up, so her tattoos were visible, causing her to look even more attractive. Sunyoung wore a white summer dress - which, she realized, was a mistake once she felt the cool night's breeze on her bare legs - that excentrated her natural look. She hadn't put up too much make-up, so she would just be average and plain looking. Yes, she was beautiful, but she told herself not to stand out too much. Neither did she like very heavy make-up and daring dresses. It was too much glamour, and it didn't fit her well.
The others were dressed simarily to Amber and Sunyoung; either in a suit or a dress.

Siwon met them a few moments later. Before they had arrived, they had agreed upon staying quiet once they were at the back. They didn't wanna draw attention to themselves. It was already suspicious that seven teenagers were dressed fancily, standing at the backside of a building at night, let alone make so much noise. That would have the same effect as holding up a sign with "HELLO PEOPLE, YES, WE ARE BREAKING INTO THE MOST FANCY PARTY OF THIS YEAR, COME AND GET US!".
Siwon opened the door at the backside of the building. He looked handsome in his security uniform; his biceps looked even bigger; his face even handsomer; and his hair even better. She saw Tiffany nodge Sooyoung, whose cheeks had coloured a dark shade of pink. He signaled they should come in quickly. They did, in the mean time tripping over each other's feet in an attempt to be fast.
Siwon let them in, and closed the door behind them. The little light that the moon had caused to enlight the alley behind the building was gone now, and they stood in a dimly lit room. There were boxes piled up in the corners. A few were taken off the piles and were a bit damaged. They looked like they were been sit upon. When her eyes were accustomed to the darkness, she saw there was also a mini-bar, several chairs and couches and a few open bottles of coke. She guessed this was the employees area.
"Follow me," Siwon whispered. He beckoned them, and started to walk to another door, that at first had been hidden behind a pile of boxes. Sunyoung grabbed Amber's hand, to keep close to her. Together, they walked behind Siwon, following him through a set of rooms that were, like the first one, dim lit and empty, mostly used for stocking stuff. They heard the music play louder and chattering voices more clear whenever they passed another room. It defenitely took ten minutes before they came anywhere close. The rooms became brighter, and seemed to have a real purpose now, like toilets and dressing rooms. They passed the cantine, the lounge, and eventually entered a small room, that morely served as a corridor. The sounds of the party were so loud that they could barely hear Siwon warn them not to walk in all at once.
"I'm going out first and guard the door. Whenever it's safe, I'll knock on the door, and two of you can come out, capisce?" 
We all nodded. It wasn't hard to understand. Siwon went out, and we were left behind. And damn, we prayed that Siwon would knock on the door soon. Not because we wanted to get to the party quickly - well, maybe that too - but mainly because we were afraid we'd get recognized and get caught by another employee. Guests weren't even supposed to be here, so they wouldn't be able to talk their way out of it either. Once they'd be at the party, they'd probably not get recognized. But for now, they were all bading in sweat. Sunyoung could feel little drops form in her neck and slowly roll down over her spine. It made her shudder. The seconds were slowly passing, seeming to last an eternity.

Eventually, they heard a knock on the door. Sunyoung startedly looked up.
"Who's going?" she hissed, partly hoping that she was able to get out first, but before the sentence had fully left , Sooyoung and Tiffany had already gone out. The rest stayed behind, and grew more fretful with every passing minute.
After, what seemed like forever, they heard another knock. There went Henry and Seulgi. A little later, Kai and Taemin left, causing Amber and Sunyoung to be left behind. By now, her heart was racing so fast that she barely could breath. She eagerly waited for Siwon to knock on the door again, but it seemed to last way longer than the times before.
"Did he forget about us?" she whispered, when after a few minutes they hadn't heard Siwon's knock yet. Amber placed her index finger on her lips, to sign she should be quiet. Sunyoung bit her lip nervously.
Eventually, the door opened... and Siwon's head popped around the doorframe. Sunyoung let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding, and slapped his shoulder hard. Amber chuckled nervously.
"You ! Why did it take so long?" she hissed. "Do you know how much you startled us?"
Siwon rubbed his arm, like a puppy who just has been hit, and pouted his lips a bit.
"I'm sorry, a collegue came to talk to me. But it's safe now. You two are the last ones, right?"
Amber nodded. She smiled, a bit more assured now, and offered Sunyoung her arm. Sunyoung placed her hand upon her friend's arm, clutching it, because she was still a bit nervous. Amber let them through the door, which Siwon slammed shut immediately.
"Go to the dance floor first. Once you're blended in, I guess you can go anywhere. Just make sure no one sees you," Siwon whispered, before he pushed us towards the small group of dancing people. Well dancing... It defenitely wasn't dancing the way Amber and Sunyoung were used to. They often went to clubs together, dancing on the stage, sometimes even grabbing a mic and singing. Their voices weren't too bad.
But damn, this surely wasn't like a club at all. There were no sweaty, drunk people riding up against each other - which Sunyoung hadn't expected in the first place - but there wasn't even pop music playing. It was classical music. And the people weren't dancing freeling, letting their bodies be consumed by the music, but they were couple-dancing; hands clasped in each other's; belly-to-belly; turning pirouettes; twirling their partner; switching to another lady or gentleman when the song changed. It hadn't crossed Sunyoung's mind that the guests would dance a lot different than she is used to.. and it made her a bit nervous. Siwon told them to dance...
"Well, the dancefloor is off limits now," Sunyoung whispered to her friend. Amber turned her head and grinned.
"I want to try it!" she said. Before the brunette could object that they were going to be spotted if they showed off their poor dance skills - she knew that Amber was going to step on her feet at least once - Amber already pulled her towards few dancing couples. Amber placed her hand upon her waist and took her other hand in hers, obviously taking in the place of the male. Sunyoung placed her hand a bit awkwardly upon her shoulder.
"Have you done this before?" she asked, as they slowly started to immitate the other couples, slowly circling around. Amber took the lead, and Sunyoung awkwardly followed.
"I saw it in movies," Amber replied, shrugging. Surprisingly, she seemed to be rather skilled. At least more skilled than Sunyoung was. She often stumbled over her own feet, praying she wouldn't step on someone else's.

The song eventually came to an end, and the couples stopped dancing, or switched partners. Surprisingly, they had done fairly well. Only one older man had looked annoyedly in their direction when Amber had accidentally bumped against him whilst swinging Sunyoung, but besides that, they had blended in perfectly.
"Shall we go find the others?" Amber asked. Sunyoung nodded eagerly, quite glad that she'd be able to leave the dancefloor now. They managed one song, but they probably wouldn't survive another. Plus, Sunyoung wore heels. Heels weren't made for dancing. They were made for being pretty.

So they walked off, to explore the rest of the party. Sunyoung hadn't paid attention to the building until now, she had been too nervous to do so. The ceiling was high, so high that Sunyoung had to throw her head back to look at it. It was decorated in the ancient Greek style. White granite pillars, which were there to support it, ran down until the ground, where, Sunyoung saw, they were decorated with gold. Or at least, fake-gold, to make it look pretty. She wasn't stupid. No one wasted this much gold on a pillar.
In the middle of the hall was a fontain, with a copy of the Venus de Milo statue in the middle. Three besoirs were piled on top of each other, with in the lowest a few huge orange-white koi carps. Some of the guests sat at the edge, letting their hands run through the cool water, either trying to touch the kois or avoid them. The rattling of the water was barely hearable because of the chattering of the guests, and the music that played. They had gone over to another song, which was just as boring as the first one had been.
The walls were bordeaux red, a colour that reminded her of passionate love, and decorated with fancy modern day art paintings, which was probably the most exciting part of this whole party. At the right of the fontain, there was a huge buffet installed, with chefs who made the food live for the guests, because only the best food was served here, obviously. Sunyoung already spotted Henry and Taemin near the buffet, both with a plate in each hand.
To the right of the fontain was the dance floor, close to the door they had emerged from. The bar was located near the dance floor. Yes, because you obviously need alcohol before you can dance like that, Sunyoung thought. It wasn't crowded there yet, most people were loading their plates with food. Only a few older men were drinking scotch together, legs spread wide, and their jackets laid over the comfertable chairs. Tiffanny and Sooyoung had already secured themselves a spot, both with a glass of dark red wine, the same colour as the walls.
When they looked around some more, they noticed that Kai and Seulgi were both chatting up to another person, equally as handsome as them.
"Where do you wanna go?" Amber asked her. Sunyoung shrugged. She wasn't hungry. In fact, the smell of roasted chicken made her stomach turn. Neither did she feel much for drinks. Sunyoung wasn't a heavy drinker and actually only drank on parties, when she was having a really good time. But it felt too classy to get drunk now.
"I'll just check out those seats over there," she said, whilst she nudged with her head to the several comfertable couches and chairs near the bar-area. Maybe she would buy herself some wine, just to pass the time. Amber nodded.
"Mind if I check on the-"
"Yes, yes, you go to the buffet. But you know, they won't have taco's,"
 Sunyoung said.
"We'll see about that," Amber said, grinning. She mumbled a quick goodbye before walking in Henry's direction. Sunyoung slapped her when she passed her. Her friend looked over her shoulder and laughed. Sunyoung watched her going to the buffet, get a plate, and immediately walk over to the part that didn't held caviar and salmon, but somewhat more down-to-earth food. Henry greeted her loudly, and Taemin grinned.
Sunyoung suddenly felt completely alone. She turned around to walk to the couches, hoping to find Tiffany and Sooyoung still there, but the girls had dissapeared. Sunyoung looked down to her shoes, suddenly feeling very lonely. She looked up, to find Amber with her arms draped over Henry and Taemin's shoulders, laughing. She didn't seem to miss her at all..
The brunette decided she didn't want to go up to her best friend, who seemed to have such a good time with the boys, and disturb her. She was a grown up, for god's sake, she could take care of herself, right? Lateron, she'd probably run into Kai, or Tiffany, and just have a good time with them! But for now, she could hang out at the bar, right?
Sunyoung the creases from her dress and ran with her hand through her hair before walking up to the bar. She put her chin up a little higher, hoping that by looking confidenly, she'd also feel confident. She sat down on one of the high bar stools, placing her hands and lower arms upon the mahogany wooden table. The bartender looked up from behind is spectacles. It was a man in his mid-fourties, with a three-day-old beard speckled with grey hairs and kind blue eyes. His hair was pushed back and held there with wax. Defenitely not from Seoul, Sunyoung thought. He wore almost the same uniform as Siwon had. But whilst Siwon's uniform resembled those of the police more, the bartender looked like he could blend in with the guests as well. He wore a light blue blouse with a dark blue tie, just like Siwon, but he had his sleeves rolled up, revealing his hairy lower arms, and his shirt wasn't tucked tightly into his pants.
He put the crystal glass down he had been rubbing with a towel for the past few minutes, to make it shine more. He bowed a bit towards Sunyoung, his blue eyes fixed upon her dark brown ones.
"What can it be?" he asked, in the most gentlest voice possible.
"Something strong," she said. "I usually don't drink strong beverages, so just give me some."
The bartender laughed, causing the wrickles around his eyes to crease even more. But he looked younger, somehow, whilst laughing. Sunyoung's cheeks flared dark pink.
"A girl like you? I'd think you'd pass out after a little bit of vodka," the bartender joked. She noticed his accent was Eastern-European. Russian, even, maybe? Sunyoung pursed her lips and wrapped her arms in front of her chest. She already opened to say something when she saw the man wink to her. She rolled her eyes, and chuckled slowly.
The bartender got a glass from the cupboards behind him and started to take out several bottles, taking a look at the labels, trying to choose the right one. Sunyoung watched him, since she simply hadn't got anything else to do. He eventually took out a dark brown bottle, which read Jack Daniel's. She saw him opening it up, the conceiled air making a popping sound when it was released, and pour it down a glass with ice cubes. At the moment he wanted to hand it to her, she felt a hand upon her shoulder.
"Change it into red wine, please, Miles. And make that two," she heard a voice speak. Sunyoung blinked a few times, because it sounded fairly familiar? It was on the tip of her tongue... Surely none of her friends, that's for sure.
"Of course, Miss Song," the bartender - Miles - said with a bright smile. He took her whiskey away and poured it down the drain. Sunyoung's eyes widened at the name, and suddenly became very much aware of the cold hand upon her bared shoulder. It made a shiver run down her spine. She looked up, straight into the black eyes of no one less than Victoria Song.
She opened to say something - literally anything. "Hi, I'm Park Sunyoung, nice to meet you!" or "How do you know me and know that white wine is actually my favourite beverage?" or "I have been admiring you from afar since I was a kid and now we share the same class together but you have never noticed me!", but she couldn't. It failed dramatically, and Sunyoung only stammered and stuttered, wanting to say all of those things at once, but only managing to pronounce "Ehh".
Victoria smiled. It felt strange to be smiled at by Victoria Song. All those time she saw her smile on TV it looked genuine, or at least not completely fake, but she now noticed she had been a fool all along. The smile Victoria flashed her now looked realer than ever and Sunyoung didn't understand why she was the one being smiled at.
She wore a tight black dress, that hugged her figure in the best ways possible. It made her hair and eyes look even darker, even fiercer. Her lips were stifted red, which probably made every man in the room shudder of desire. But she didn't look fierce, despite her looks. Oh, Sunyoung knew she could be, but at the moment, she looked a bit shy. Reserved, introverted. But nevertheless brave enough to step foreward to her. There was a thin layer of make-up on her face; only some mascara and a thin line of eyeliner. Probably some foundation too, but she couldn't see if Victoria's face was naturally pale and flawless or if a stylist had worked the flaws away. Sunyoung guessed she didn't even have any. All in all, she was stunning. It made Sunyoung's mouth fall open a little bit.
Miles placed the two glasses on the counter. Victoria took both of them before Sunyoung could lift her hand, offering one ot her. She looked up, still a bit mesmerized, and slowly took the wine from her. Victoria took a sip, and closed her eyes in the process. Sunyoung could only stare. When the dark haired beauty lowered her glass, Sunyoung quickly took a sip of her own, to hide the fact that she had been staring.
Two kind eyes were fixed upon her, taking her in. The same two eyes which Sunyoung had thought to be arrogant and almost emotionless looking for almost her whole life. She had always thought that her eyes were darker dan her black hair, and that they had an even darker air about them. But she had been wrong; they were lighter. And kinder. It made her speechless.
"Y-you're Victoria Song?" Sunyoung stuttered. Even though they had been going to the same class for quite a while now, she suddenly began to feel very nervous the older woman.
Victoria chuckled.
"It seems that I can go nowhere nowadays without getting recognized," she said. The tone on her voice had a sad edge to it, which made Sunyoung immediately feel guilty about pointing it out so bluntly.
"O-oh, well," she mumbled. "Isn't it nice to be known too? The attention and all of that.."
Victoria took another sip, then looked back at her.
"Not really. I hate giving interviews," she replied carelessly. "I'd prefer to go up in the crowd."
Sunyoung remembered all the times she had called Victoria arrogant for appearing on TV that much. Her cheeks coloured a deep shade of red.
Victoria smile became a bit wider, although it still seemed to be a bit reserved. Reserved, but real nevertheless. It was nothing in comparement to the bright smiles she had showed on TV. Actually, now Sunyoung came to think of it, she was rather beautiful, smiling so shyly like that. Very cute.
"So, you clearly seem to know my name, but I don't know yours. Care to introduce yourself?" Victoria asked. Sunyoung blinked a few times, at first not understanding what the other woman had said. Her eyes widened when it hit her.
"O-oh, right. I'm Park Sunyoung, nice to meet you," she said. Sunyoung stood up quickly, trying to bow at the same time, causing her almost to fall over and trip over her own feet. Victoria grabbed her lower arm to secure her. Sunyoung steadied herself and became painfully aware how soft her hands actually ware. Seriously, what brand of hand creme does she use, because she had never felt such soft hands before? Or maybe it was because she had never been impressed as much by a person so much as she had been by Victoria. Sunyoung didn't know, but it made her breath stock in .
She looked up to Victoria, who was almost a head taller than she was. The taller girl chuckled softly - a sound that was very pleasant to Sunyoung's ears - and pushed a strand of black hair behind her ear. Sunyoung started to feel warmer and warmer inside the longer Victoria's hand stayed on her lower arm, even though that she had found her balance again. The other girl didn't seem to notice her still holding her arm, and otherwise she didn't care.
"So, can you dance?" she asked.

Even though Sunyoung had admitted that she had only danced one time before - and that had been with Amber a few moments ago - Victoria still took her to the dancing floor. There were less couples than a few moments before, almost as if they had gone off the dance floor to make room for Victoria. Sunyoung had to admit, that she would have too, to see her dance.
Victoria still held her arm, dragging her along. Sunyoung looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was looking. A few men were gazing them rather suspiciously, but besides that, no one seemed to notice anything. Tiffany and Sooyoung were still no where to be found. Amber and Henry had loaded their plates and had chosen a spot to eat it all. Taemin had abondoned them to stand with Kai and Seulgi, who seemed too deep into their converstation to notice Sunyoung and Victoria. She felt alone and nervous; she had actually hoped for one of her friends to appear randomly and take her with them to the buffet or something. Anything would do, if only she wouldn't dance with Victoria.
Victoria stopped in the middle of the dance floor, turning around to face Sunyoung. The music was playing, but it wasn't as nice as Victoria's little chuckle had been. It sounded less tingling.
"Do you know the starting position?" Victoria asked her. Sunyoung swallowed and nodded. The nervous knot in her belly was almost unbearable. Victoria smiled her shy little smile again and nodded. She placed her very soft hand upon Sunyoung's hip and took her hand into hers with the other. Sunyoung swallowed to wetten her dry throat, but it didn't work. Victoria chuckled softly when she saw that Sunyoung hadn't moved yet. She let her hand go and moved Sunyoung's hand up to her shoulder. Once it was there, she took her free hand again.
"Dancing is simple," Victoria started. Sunyoung bit her lip. "To begin: you move one step to the right, with your right foot, and close the gap with your left."
They took the step, and indeed, it was very easy. But Sunyoung became a whole lot clumsier now that she was dancing with Victoria Song instead of Amber. Being so close to her that she could smell her parfume was making her dizzy and clouded her mind. She couldn't pay attention well and completely missed what Victoria had said, causing her to stumble backwards when the woman did a step in her direction. Victoria caught her without missing a beat, gripping her waist a little more firmly to keep her close. Sunyoung's cheeks flared up again.
"Easy there," Victoria laughed. Sunyoung laughed nervously too, but she felt far from laughing. She felt like a complete fool in front of Victoria, who clearly knew all the passes.
"Don't worry about feeling bad," the woman said, who seemed to have read Sunyoung's mind somehow. Ah well, she had never been careful with her expressions, so it must've shown on her face. "I have been dancing since I was six years old. Ballet, mostly, so I've got a good base."
That really didn't help Sunyoung to feel more at ease, though. Knowing that Victoria had dance experience for almost 20 years was frightening as hell. It accented Sunyoung's bad dancing skills even more, and she couldn't help but to bite her lip another time. She wasn't a lip biter, normally, but Victoria had that effect on her. On many people, probably.
"Don't be afraid," Victoria hummed. "I'll help you."
So they started over again, and over again, and over again until Sunyoung finally got the hang of it. Dancing wasn't very hard indeed, and with a partner like Victoria, anyone could dance. The steps were easy and immediately grifted into Sunyoung's mind once they had turned and swirled a couple of times. Sunyoung had never felt so great. With every step she took, it seemed like she was flying in Victoria's arms. It didn't feel weird at all to dance with a woman. In fact, she wondered if any male could be ever as good as she was. It felt more natural than anything had ever been, to have her hand placed on Victoria's shoulder, close to her neck, and intertwine her fingers with hers. It was almost magical. The music seemed suddenly better than any pop song could, and the party seemed to blend together until all the shapes and the people were one and the same thing.
When Sunyoung got the hang of it, Victoria started to swirl her more around. Sunyoung made pirouettes and even fell backwards whilst Victoria held her. The two girls had the times of their lives. Sunyoung couldn't imagine that she had once hated this woman.
During the dancing, they talked. Victoria was mostly the one asking questions. She seemed to want to know everything about Sunyoung. About her family, her friends, what she was studying and what she planned to do next. Sunyoung answered everything truthfully. She had a twin sister and a brother. Her best friend was called Amber. She studied fashion. And she wanted to start her own company. When Victoria ran out of questions, Sunyoung thought it to be fair to ask some back. But when she tried to think of some, she noticed that she knew almost everything already. She knew Victoria had no siblings or whatsoever, only her father and mother. She didn't have many close friends, because she had studied her during the classes and on campus. She studied Economics and wanted to use that to become a better politican.
The conversation grew silent, and Sunyoung felt the heavy urge to ask her something.
"Victoria, what's your favourite colour?" she eventually blurted out. The taller woman laughed for a moment.
"Call me Qian."
"It's my real name. I mainly use Victoria as some sort of stage name. My father said it would look good. But I prefer Qian,"
 she explained. Sunyoung oepned to say something, but closed it after a few seconds again - that must've looked really intelligent.
"Oh, and it's purple."
Sunyoung laughed nervously. "Purple, yes, that's very pretty indeed."
Just like you are, she couldn't help to think. Her eyes grew wide of that spontanious thought and she tried to push it away as soon as possible, but it kept repeating over and over. Now that she looked up to Victoria - no, Qian - she noticed how attractive she actually was. Her shy, reserved smile had grown out to a wide grin, showing all her white teeth. She had the most beautiful eye smile when she laughed hard. Her features were mature due to her high cheekbones, causing her to look more y than cute, whilst Sunyoung still had baby fat on her cheeks. She really seemed like a lady and it was indeed very attractive.
Sunyoung blinked a few times with her eyes again and quickly looked back up into those lovely dark eyes. Victoria was watching her expectedly, as if she wanted an answer.
"W-what?" she muttered.
"I asked you what your favourite colour was," she laughed. The tingling sound had returned again. Sunyoung's cheeks coloured dark pink. Of course she had to make a fool out of herself.
"O-oh, it's aqua blue," Sunyoung replied. Qian smiled.
"That's pretty too."

They chatted a while about useless things. Their favourite dishes - which was Chinese food for Victoria, and pizza for Sunyoung -, their favourite music, TV programmes, movies, hobbies, everything. Sunyoung got to know every last little detail about Qian, and she loved it.
At the end of the evening, around midnight, the quick classical songs that were fit for dancing quickly and elegantly, were traded for slow songs. They had to adjust their speed too. Their quick pirouettes and steps were replaced for slow ones. Sunyoung laid both arms around Qian's neck and let her head rust on her shoulder. It felt natural. Nice, even. Victoria shifted both hands to her hips. She was aware of them, but throughout the night, she had gotten less nervous.
"This isn't weird, right?" she said. Sunyoung felt her eyes closing. The slow movements made her realize how tired she actually was.
"Not if you don't think so," Qian replied. Sunyoung shook her head.
"This feels very good," she replied. She could swear she heard Qian chuckle.

And so their evening had gone. Sometimes, when Sunyoung had opened her eyes, she saw Amber look at them. She knew what she was thinking. "Why was her best friend dancing with Victoria Song? The woman she had seemed to loathe so much?" Well, Sunyoung didn't know either. She had literally no idea. But it felt great, amazing even. And she didn't want it to stop. The tingling feelings in her belly were becoming more noticable every second, but Sunyoung ignored them. She had never felt them so strongly before. But love was out of the question, right? Maybe a tiniest bit of attraction...
Sunyoung couldn't understand why she had once disliked Qian. She was one of the most beautiful people on earth, with a special look at the world that Sunyoung could understand completely. It was almost as if they thought the same, as if their hearts had melted together already. She didn't let the woman go anymore. Her arms stayed around her shoulders, Qian's arms stayed around her hips. Their faces were close and Sunyoung felt excitement bubble up in her stomach. But at the same time, she felt completely relaxed. Her mind was clouded with Qian's parfume. It smelled like lavender, but was mixed with her own scent to make it even more enjoyable.
"Sunyoung?" Qian said softly. Somehow it felt more appropriate to do that, despite the fact that no one would be able to hear them anyway if they spoke out loud. This moment felt intimate and special. Something that couldn't happen in a normal life, but only in a drama.
"Hmm?" she answered. Sunyoung didn't lift her head to look up to Qian, she kept her eyes closed.
"You called me Victoria.. now can I call you something else too?"
"How would you like to call me?"
 Sunyoung replied. At this point, she was up for anything. Qian thought for a few moments.
"Luna," she replied. "Do you like that nickname?"
This time, Sunyoung lifted her head. Her eyes found Qian's immediately. She had forgotten how beautiful they were. Or maybe she hadn't, but she became mesmerized all over again.
"Why 'Luna'?" she asked. Qian smiled and touched her cheek. Sunyoung shivered at her touch, but leaned into her hand. Oh, how soft her fingers were... 
"Because you remind me of the moon."
The moon... Sunyoung thought. Lonely, yet beautiful. She wished she wasn't a moon, though.

Eventually, she felt Qian move her head around. The sudden change made Sunyoung look up. She saw Qian look around. Her head turned from left to right, almost as if she was looking for something.
"What's wrong?"
Qian only then seemed to notice that Sunyoung had looked up. She smiled reassuringly.
"My father has left, I suppose," she said. "I think it's time for me to go as well."
Sunyoung frowned her eyebrows and almost pouted with her lips. She re-thought it at the last second because she didn't want to come over as too whiny. But she would be lying if she said that she didn't want Qian to go. Sure, they'd see each other at school. But that was different.
Now that she thought of it, Qian would probably not recognize her there. They only had one class together, and even then the woman seemed to pay attention to class at the time. She would have no idea that Sunyoung would be only a few feet away from her. Sunyoung would know, though. She would never forget. But for Qian, she was just some sort of one night stand, only without the . She would only see Sunyoung tonight, for as far as she knows. Back at the university, they'd be complete strangers again, and this moment would be lost forever. Grifted into their memories, yes, but it'd never be repeated again. And Sunyoung couldn't bear the thought of that.
"Why?" she asked. Qian smiled, and placed her hand upon Sunyoung's face. Again, she leaned into her touch. Qian caressed her cheek for a moment, over her skin. Sunyoung sighed troubled.
"Don't you want to stay?" Sunyoung sighed. She closed her eyes again, enjoying the sweet carassing of Qian's thumb against her cheek.
"I do."
"Then why are you going to leave me?"
"My reputation won't allow me to stay somewhere too long."

Sunyoung opened her eyes again and frowned her eyebrows.
"What does your reputation have to do with anything?"
Qian quickly explained that there were probably still reporters waiting outside, waiting for people to come off the party. Whenever they'd make a bad impression - for example, tipsy - then the media would know immediately. All the other celebrities were praised for their excellent presence. The underdogs, which Qian was still part of, were interviewed. She had to go, if she wanted to prove herself grown up.
Sunyoung sighed and wrapped her arms around Qian's waist. She placed her head upon her shoulder again and squinted her eyes shut. Her lips were pressed upon each other into a thin line, so she wouldn't make a sound.
"I don't want you to."
"I don't want to either,"
 Qian answered, immediately. Sunyoung took a shaky breath. She felt Qian's hands upon hers, slowly grasping them, and leading them away from her hips. She looked up into the dark, sparkling eyes she had begun to like so much over the past hours.
"Let's go get my coat and say good-bye, okay?" Qian said. She smiled weakly and gave her a reassuring pinch in her hands. Sunyoung took a deep breath to assure herself, then nodded. Qian let one of her hands go, but kept holding the other. They walked hand-in-hand towards the garderobe. There was a bored employee guarding the coats, jackets and purses. She was leaning with her head upon her hand, probably falling almost asleep already. In the hall, they passed a big clock, which idicated the time 1 AM. Sunyoung couldn't believe they had danced for hours. She didn't feel tired at all, neither felt the blisters that formed on her heels because of her shoes. She couldn't blame the employee though. Qian never let Sunyoung's hand go, and she was glad for that. She didn't think she wanted to let it go.
The older woman touched the employee's shoulder to wake her up. The girl opened her eyes rapidly, as if she had just heard a gunshot. For a moment, she didn't seem to know where she was, but then saw Qian and Sunyoung stare at her, causing her to quickly assure her skirt and blouse with pink cheeks.
"Ticket please," she mumbled softly, ashamed. Qian smiled sweetly. Sunyoung looked at her, and admired the way she stayed nice. Weren't all celebrities s who yelled at their employees? Qian wasn't. She gave the girl her ticket, and the employee fixed her her coat. It turned out to be a slender black coat, that hugged her figure just like her dress does. Qian only let Sunyoung's hand go to butten up the buttons and close it, before taking it again.

Sunyoung was looking down when she felt Qian tug at her hand. She walked willingly with her, guessing Qian would take her to the entrance. In fact, when she looked up again, they were heading in the complete different direction. Qian lead them through hallways and corridors that Sunyoung hadn't seen before, probably because she had come in the back. They were all empty, since most people had left the party already. One time, they passed an employee, who nodded and smiled towards them. Sunyoung still held onto Qian's hand, letting the older woman lead the way. She didn't ask where they were going. In fact, she didn't care.
They ended up in a small room. It was dimly lit, causing Sunyoung's eyes to see nothing but darkness for a good five seconds. When her eyes were adjusted, she noticed the room was mainly stacked with boxes. Now that she came to think of it, it seemed like she was back in the room that lead to the back of the building.
Qian turned around to her. Even with little light, Sunyoung could still make out her face. A little spark had appeared in her dark eyes, almost as if she was excited. The shy smile had returned, which made Sunyoung wonder why. They still held hands, and she suddenly became aware again how soft they actually were.
Qian bowed in. Her face came closer and Sunyoung's heart seemed to stop. Qian's arms slipped around her waist. Her breath got caught in when she saw Qian's face come closer and closer to hers. At the moment Sunyoung wanted to close her eyes and lean in as well, she felt Qian's face brush past hers. Her arms tightened and pulled her closer, but not in the way Sunyoung had expected. She blinked confusedly, then clumsily laid her arms around Qian too, returning the hug.
How could she be so stupid? Of course she wasn't going to kiss her. That would be a crazy, right? It had looked like she had bend in to kiss her... Maybe Sunyoung was just losing her mind. Kissing her? Why would Qian want to kiss her? But more importantly, why had Sunyoung wanted to kiss her back? Why was her heart beating like crazy all out of a sudden and her palms sweaty.
"I really had a good time tonight," Qian said.
"Me too."
The hug lasted long. It still seemed way too short. Okay, no kiss, but the hug was amazing. Sunyoung buried her face in QIan's hair, letting it rest on her shoulder. It was comfertable, maybe even better than dancing. It was quiet, no one said anything, but it wasn't the kind of quiet that needed to be pierced with words. It was better not to talk.
But eventually, Qian pulled apart again. She took her hand again and smiled weakly. Sunyoung smiled back. Their eyes met again, and for a moment, both of them only stared. Qian's smile softly faltered from her face. She parted her red lips a littl ebit. Sunyoung's eyes fluttered down for a moment. Ashamed, she quickly looked back into Qian's eyes, only to see that they weren't fixed upon hers as well.
This time, Sunyoung didn't see Qian coming, even though she was watching her the whole time. It came to a sudden shock when the woman bowed in again. She wasn't able to move, or to think. Sunyoung just stood there, while Qian came closer and closer. With every inch, she became even more aware how much she wanted her to close the gap. She could already feel Qian's breath against her lips. It smelled of expensive wine and mint combined, giving it a rare smell that didn't help Sunyoung to clear her mind.
The last inch was nerve wrecking. Qian moved closer and closer, but so slow that Sunyoung's mind Sunyoung couldn't move, couldn't bring herself to move closer. She only let her eyes fall shut slowly. Why didn't she move closer already? It was taking so long. The pressure in her belly seemed to only build up and build up. It was a mix of nervousness and pure attraction towards the taller woman. She needed her to kiss her, right now. So when Qian's hand finally found her cheek, cupping it sweetly, Sunyoung placed her arms around her shoulders and pushed her that last inch in her direction. Her eyes fluttered shut immediately when their lips touched each other's. Maybe it wasn't as tender as it would have been if she would've just let Qian close the gap, but she was way too needy for that now. Her patience had ran too low to wait even more.
Their lips moved over each other's like they were created to do that. Whilst Sunyoung had gotten all kinds of kisses - sloppy ones, dry ones, wet ones, ones with tongue, lip biting - she could easily say that Qian's were the best. Her lips were damp, not too wet. Just enough for her lips to easily slide over Sunyoung's. She could feel the tip of Qian's nose upon her cheek. Qian didn't grip on her dress to push her closer to her, neither laid both of her hands upon her hips in the standard heteroual pose where she'd take up the pose of the guy. Qian had her hands in her neck, around her jawline, with her thumbs on her cheeks. Her hands were cold, but it was burning on her skin. Sunyoung couldn't think straight, and had no idea where to keep her hands, so she just gripped Qian's elbows, making sure she would never leave her again. They were belly-to-belly, but it still didn't feel close enough.Oh, what a cliché, Sunyoung thought, right before she felt Qian open more, and the tip of her tongue gently touched Sunyoung's lower lip. Her heart skipped a beat. She opened . The first encounter with Qian's tongue made a shiver run over her spine. She almost moaned, but managed to keep it in. Qian's tongue entered , finding hers immediately. It wasn't a battle of dominance, like Sunyoung had read so many times in so many different books. Qian didn't want to dominate, neither did she. They just twirled around each other, like equals.

When the need of air became too big to handle, Sunyoung eventually had to pull back. She gasped for air, taking in huge gulps while she stayed close to Qian's face. Even more than just a few minutes ago, she didn't want her to leave. Gosh, she wanted her to stay close forever. Her stomach had this tingling feeling. Qian made her heart race and cloud her heart. She could only remember one time where someone had made her feel like that, and that was quite a few years ago. To feel so suddenly, so sharply, that the feeling of being in love has returned, made her heart almost ache. She didn't know how this could have happened so quickly. Or maybe, it didn't happen quickly. Maybe she was destined to end up with Qian, and her body had felt it from the moment she first saw her on TV. Maybe that has why she had become fan of her in the first place - even though a politican leader shouldn't be the idol of an eigh-year-old girl. And maybe that was why she had hated Qian from the moment they started sharing classes together. There had always been this strange attraction that Sunyoung had always called admirance - or annoyance. But it was more than that.
When she had breathed long enough to make sure she would be able to keep in her breath for another while, Sunyoung started to peck Qian's lips again. It didn't became as passionate and deep anymore as the french kiss had been, but even these small kisses were enough. They were enough to feel loved.
Her lips were incredibly soft, she only noticed now, just like her hands. But maybe she only pictured them softer because she was kissing them. Qian's lips weren't too plump, but neither thin, which made them exactly right. Sunyoung didn't want to let go anymore.
Qian's hands folded themselves around her face. At first, she thought to make the kissing easier, but she felt that the older woman eventually slowly pulled away from her desperateness. Sunyoung opened her eyes, confused. They found Qian's dark ones immediately, asking for an answer.
The taller woman smiled, bowed down and pressed another kiss on her lips. Somehow, she felt that this was the last one. Qian kept holding her face, though.
"I have to go," she said. Sunyoung sighed.
"I don't want you to anymore."
Qian laughed softly. Sunyoung felt far from laughing. She let Sunyoung go and with her hands over her coat, to streak out the creases. She ran with her long fingers through her hair. Sunyoung knew they'd probably be amazing on a piano.. Qian stepped back and walked up towards the door that lead to the alley, openening it. A nasty wind entered the room, making goosebumps appear on her arms. Sunyoung wrapped them around her body.
"We can always meet up another time."
"How will I be able to reach you? We don't know each other,"
 Sunyoung said, almost desperate. Qian laughed again.
"I'll see you at school, Sunyoung," Qian said, with a broad smile. And with that, she walked out of the door.
For a moment, Sunyoung couldn't do anything but to stand still while it hit her that Qian had known who she was the entire time. When she finally got off her place, towards the door, she just saw the tips of Qian's hair dissapear around the corner of the street. Sunyoung stayed behind. Dazed. With the ghost of Qian's lips still on her lips.

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I just read through this entire thing again... WHILE I should have been working, sidenote...
It's such a piece of art, perhaps my favourite story on this website. So beautiful. Makes me so good and yet so bad at the same time XD DAMN SUNYOUNG WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY JUST BE WITH VICTORIA!!!! But at the same time bravo for realism honestly.
Aaaaah I don't know what to say. Story just leaves me speechless. I can imagine everything so vividly. The way you write is *chef's kiss*
Thank you so much for writing once again. You deserve 2000 upvotes from me alone.
Hope you are staying safe and healthy!
Chapter 3: I was ready to pull out my knife and kill myself (not you) when i saw that they had parted and had new partners because im a er for happy endings :') but at least it ended well! LunToria is my favorite ship from f(x) but has too less fics. I appreciate it a lot that you wrote a fic about them :) thank you soooooo much
Luv-Ra #3
Chapter 3: What th actual.... WHY does this have so little views and subscirbers?!?!?!?! You are an AMAZING writer and I enjoyed every second of this story!!! Seriously, I bow down to you. A+ 10/10, everything! I am selling you my soul.
Thank you for writing this <3
Chapter 3: Omg best luntoria fic ever. I loved how you described their emotions and actions and how you can see the characters grow from the first chapter to the last. Even though it wasn't the full on happy ending, it wasn't depressing either. It had a realistic touch to it and I think I enjoyed that the most. Sometimes it's hard to put everything away and go to something that makes you happy even if you already have a life built up. Even though they are fictional characters, I hope that they grow out their balls and get together lol even if they'll be quite old.
Chapter 3: Omg o.o luntoria <3